MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 101 Fighting

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"Kid, Kidd has become two! The guy who said he was going to catch Kidd seems to have used a flashbang, and then turned into Kaito Kidd at that moment!"

The police officers on the helicopter and the media reporters who were reporting on the scene couldn't help shouting that this change was a bit sudden. Not only them, but even Kidd himself didn't think of this change... Well, this refers to the real Kidd .

"Bastard! That guy is not the guy who wants to catch Kidd at all, he must be Kidd's accomplice, and he is just acting in partnership with Kidd. Otherwise, how can he prepare the same clothes and dresses so coincidentally?! Catch them all !"

Nakamori Yinsan roared in the command car, no matter what, he was going to arrest people first.

"This is really... I can't underestimate you."

Phantom Thief Kidd, who did not know which of them, heard the words of the opposite man, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he did not panic or get angry because of this change, and even became a little more excited.


"Phantom Thief Kidd" snapped his fingers, and everyone suddenly seemed to be dazzled at that moment, but when they refocused their eyes, they found that the Kidd present... turned into four.

Three Kidds on one side, another Kidd on the other, 1v3 version of me hitting myself.

"What, what's going on? How come there are more Kaitou Kidds?! This time it's four!"

"Four?! How many partners does Kidd have..." Nakamori Yinsan Police Department's voice was a little hoarse, and his people were a little dumbfounded. Obviously eight years ago, no matter what tricks Kidd played, he was just one person, what? At that time, four phantom thieves Kidd can come out?

"Do you want to engage in crowd tactics? Although Kaitou Kidd never wins by numbers, but..." Another Kaitou Kidd smiled and snapped his fingers.


As he snapped his fingers, he actually "split" two identical Kidds from his body, with his hands in his pockets and his cloak fluttering in the wind, looking just like him.

"Six, six? Kidd became six? What the **** is going on?!"

The media reporters were already yelling like crazy, and Nakamori Yinsan was already numb.

"Catch, catch them all, whether it's two, four, six or one hundred and eighty, catch them all for me."

He raised his arm mechanically, gave an order to the communicator, and then turned off the communication directly, staring at the six phantom thieves Kidd on the screen.

"Hahaha, as expected of my old enemy. Gamma Future? The name is good... So how about this?"

Kidd, who was the first to make two clones, laughed, and the three Kidds suddenly made different movements. The one on the far left raised his cloak and took off in situ, generally flying from the air towards the three Kidds on the opposite side; the one on the far right grabbed the playing card pistol from the air and aimed at the other three. Kidd shot three times in a row; Kidd in the middle pulled out a handkerchief from his cuff, and with a flick of it, the handkerchief became as straight and strong as a knife, and he rushed out holding the handkerchief and the knife.

"Come directly."

The three Kidds on the opposite side were also not to be outdone. Kidds on the left and right took out a five-dollar coin respectively, and made an aiming gesture towards the opposite side, as if to eject the coin as a bullet. Kidd in the middle rolled up his cloak and wrapped himself in it, as if preparing some hidden tricks.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One of the two coins hit a playing card first, knocking the playing card crooked, while the speed of the other coin seemed to be much slower. At this time, it just hit the previous coin, Accelerate it again, so that it is not slowed down by the castration of the card, but continues to fly forward, hitting the second card.

But at this time, the castration of the coin has already declined, and the third poker card is the first to come, and it is about to hit the Kid who is also wrapping himself in the cloak. At the same time, Kidd who was flying in the air and Kidd who was holding a handkerchief knife had also come to him.


The two coins and the playing card that had been knocked out at the beginning suddenly burst into flames, burning white flames like Kidd's cloak.

In this flame, the Kid who had wrapped himself in the cloak and the two Kidd who fired the coins also ignited flames at the same time. In the burning traces, they disappeared directly in place and "jumped" to another In the three o'clock flame.

After "jumping" themselves to a safe position, the three Kidds didn't stop for much, just picked up the coins and playing cards that were still burning with their hands, and launched them towards the other three Kidds in the opposite direction. .


The two phantom thieves Kidd and Kidd, who was still standing in the same place, said at the same time, and each responded differently: Kidd, who shot, played a poker again, deflected the fireball thrown at him, and the flying Kidd rolled over in the air like a bird, and lifted himself up abruptly by half a meter; Kidd, who was holding the handkerchief knife, shook the handkerchief again, turning it back into a soft handkerchief, moving towards him. The fireball that flew by himself was wrapped in it, and then he covered it with his hands and completely extinguished it.

In this round of confrontation, no one had an advantage, but both the audience and the police fell into silence.

"This, is this magic?"

"People fly directly in the sky, they can teleport instantly, and they can suddenly ignite..."

" This must be magic, right? I don't think it is a magician under the moonlight at all, this is directly magic."

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes and whispered. Although in modern society, people should not believe in ghosts, ghosts, superhuman magic, etc., but a somewhat awkward society like neon itself is a strange soil, and this topic still has a large audience .

"It looks like we can't easily decide the outcome..." Kidd, who wrapped the fireball in a handkerchief, opened his hands, turned into a white rose, and threw it at the audience below the Rice Flower Art Museum. Looted by fans.

After that, he waved it casually and directly dissipated his other two clones. And the Kidd who was confronting him also snapped his fingers, making the extra two Kidds disappear.

"Ah, it seems that we have a new way to compete." Kidd pointed to the back of another Kidd. At this time, the helicopters of the police had surrounded the entire roof, and armed police officers with explosion-proof shields and anesthesia rifles had also climbed up the stairs, ready to capture them all.

"It's better for us to compare, who can last longer in their encirclement." Kidd opened his arms and invited another Kidd.