MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-Chapter 89 Misttengu's words

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"That person seems to be the abbot Tianyong in the temple? Was he hanged by Wutiangou?"

After being amazed by the living foggy tengu, Guan Dounan and Kudo Shinichi were the first to regain their senses and noticed the man who was hanged. The appearance is old and ugly, but it is somewhat similar to the foggy dog ​​next to him.

"Over there, there is also monk Xiunen. Kudo, go and see his condition, Hattori, you and me... Hattori!"

On the ground of the training room, there is also monk Xiunian who seems to be in a coma at this time. I don't know why he appeared here, whether it was brought by Wutiangou, or whether it was Wutiangou who was summoned by him.

Guan Dounan quickly analyzed the situation in the training room. Wutiangou was at a high place at this time, and ordinary attack methods could not hit it at all. Judging from its size, it would undoubtedly be very difficult for him to fight tight when he lowered his height. Smart move.

In addition, among the three here, it seems that only Xiao Hei has a little long-range attack power. Therefore, Guan Dounan made a quick decision, preparing to use air bullets to harass the fog tengu, and then use Hattori, who seems to have a special attack on the mysterious, as the key killing move. It's just that Hattori seemed to be still shocked by the real existence of the foggy dog ​​at this time, and was called by Guan Dounan several times without responding.

"Humans, don't be impatient."

When Guan Dounan was extremely anxious and wanted to directly control Xiao Hei to shoot at the foggy tengu in the air, the huge monster actually opened its mouth and spit out human words, still speaking ancient Japanese with an ancient flavor.

"How can you actually talk?" The three were taken aback again, but if Wutiangu was able to have a conversation and was in a state of being conscious and able to communicate, then maybe he wouldn't have to fight.

Misttengu glanced down at the three of them, his red eyes seeming to stay on Hattori Heiji for a little longer. Immediately afterwards, it waved the long sword in its hand, which should be called a naginata, condensed the mist generated by its own wings, and gathered at the feet of the suspended abbot Tianyong, barely giving him a little support, allowing him to get a moment's breath. .

"I know that you are all warm-blooded. In order to avoid rashly going to war and accidentally injuring the righteous due to discord in your words, the execution is suspended." , quite powerful.

"That... Wutiangou, Your Excellency, can you tell me what's going on here?" Guan Dounan tried to communicate with Wutiangou in half-hearted old Japanese. Since the big guy didn't seem to have any intention of attacking them, he deliberately slowed down Tian Yongzhu. Chi's death, maybe unexpectedly a good guy... uh, a good monster.

It's just, what does it mean by "execution" just now?

"That's what it means, please avoid it." Wu Tiangou nodded, suddenly folded its wings, and flew straight down, despite its huge body, the speed of flight was not slow at all, it just came in the blink of an eye When he reached the ground, he fell in front of everyone.

It was not until it fell that everyone could see its hugeness more intuitively - the height of the fog tengu is probably close to four meters, standing in front of the three people like a giant. That long knife was even more frightening. A single blade was as long as an adult's torso, with a cold light, so it shouldn't be a decoration.

"The Hattori people, why are you so frightened?"

After falling down, Wutengu looked at the three of them, and took the lead in speaking to Heiji Hattori, who was still a little dazed, with a hint of closeness and familiarity in his tone.

"Ah? Ah? You, are you talking about me? Haha... After all, this is the first time I've encountered a real monster... My world view is being refreshed too fast today, so I can't react a bit..."

Hattori Heiji touched his face embarrassedly, perhaps because he didn't expect such a powerful monster to talk to him from the very beginning, and he seemed very close.

"Oh? So..." Wutengu's demon-like face showed a hint of surprise. He reversed the long sword in his hand and handed the hilt to Hattori Heiji, "Please punch it."

"This... is it for me to hit this hilt with my fist?" Hattori Heiji asked what he meant by Misttengu, and when he saw it nodded, swallowed, clenched his right hand, and hit the hilt with a light or heavy blow. .


However, even though it was not too heavy a punch, the hilt, which was thicker than Hattori's arm, shattered directly, which startled him. On the contrary, Wutengu himself didn't mind, but nodded thoughtfully.

"It turns out that I can't see ghosts, but I can kill ghosts, so that's why..." After Wu Tiangou said this, he looked at Guan Dounan again, "I think you seem to have doubts, things are quite complicated here, let me take it slow. come."

"Uh...please speak."

"My name is Wutiangu. I am a jackdaw in the mountains. I feel the creation of heaven and earth. Fortunately, I was able to practice this version of the leader. I vowed to protect the mountains, forests, vegetation, living people, and punish evil and traitors. There are often rumors about me in the world. Wu Tiangou said slowly, "It's just that, in recent years, the spiritual energy of the world has gradually declined, and it is difficult for us to maintain our own existence and dissipate one after another, leaving only a little obsession in the world. Although we can't move, we know what's going on in the mountains."

"This Shanni Temple was built two hundred and eighty-seven years ago, and it has never been a problem. I only came here to serve as the abbot of Tianyong, but its appearance has changed." The hanging old monk said, "As a monk, it's not right for you to not practice Buddhism. He has a granddaughter, who is in love with a monk in the temple, but is fascinated by Tian Yongli's forcibly betrothed to another temple abbot the son of."

"The cultivator tried so hard to persuade him, but he was strangled by Tianyong. Under the guise of my name, he used the water in the waterfall and the floating boat as the law to forge visions." Wu Tiangou suddenly swung his long sword and snorted coldly, "As for later, the foolish Generations are competing to come next, and they are the next best thing."

"So, the case two years ago was actually a murder case, and the murderer was the abbot Amana..." Kudo Shinichi Kimono nodded thoughtfully, "Using the water of the waterfall and the floating boat... is to introduce water into this place. A practice room, and then use the buoyancy of the boat to hang the body on the beam? What a terrible method..."

"So, Wutiangou is revenge for humiliation?" Guan Dounan asked. Now it seems that Wutiangou wants to kill Abbot Tianyong because of his reputation.

"Yes, no." Wutengu nodded, but shook his head again, his eyes turned to Kudo Shinichi, "I can show up this time, but it has something to do with you."

"Me?" Kudo Shinichi pointed at his face, he never thought that this matter would have something to do with him, even if the group of them went to the Shanni Temple to cause changes, it should be Hattori, never...

"Wait, could it be..." Kudo Shinichi suddenly realized something.

"Your physique is very human." Wu Tiangou looked at Guan Dounan again, "The spirit of a substitute is very miraculous. There are people who are born with it, and some who get it through strange things. But you..."

"Your stand-in, standing here, will stir up emotions in the surrounding people. Among them, those with extraordinary talents can temporarily obtain a stand-in."

Wu Tiangou pointed with a long knife in his hand, pointing to the monk Xiunian next to him.

"This monk Xiunian is the younger brother of the monk who practiced in the past. When I got a substitute, I took the opportunity to merge with him, so I was able to show up and walk. But I have to temporarily recognize him as the master and avenge him."