MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 989 In the Netherland, the gods of the living world are forbidden!

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For a moment, the stone is sucking in the mouth.

He found that the damage caused by the gray leaves was almost the same as that of his burning power, that is, the gods did not collapse, but there was almost no energy left in the gods!

This is a kind of injury similar to the original source, but it is quite different, very surprised!

But you can be sure that it is very difficult for Gray Leaf to restore its original strength. Even if you don't need to re-train, you can't go anywhere!

At this moment, he had a deeper understanding of the **** sword in Lin Yun's hand. Once again, the blood sword that had been seen by him was so small that he was once again underestimated.

"No wonder, the blood sword can pass me to upgrade the energy... This is where the power of the enemy is absorbed... This is the source of the enemy..." The stone body trembled and muttered.

What is absorbed is the origin of the enemy, and it is naturally transmitted to him. Therefore, it has such a magical effect.

Speaking of it, the gray leaf was said to be good. If he had obtained the blood sword before, he could definitely rely on the blood sword to break through the real world of the gods, and even break through to a higher godhood, it is not impossible.

Of course, the blood sword is the **** predecessor. Now the **** predecessor is his master. This thing, he naturally can't think again.

"What do you say? The blood sword can pass you the upgrade energy? Do you get the blood sword?" However, the other side of the gray leaf heard the words in the stone, his eyes could not help but brighten, very excited.

In these two days, he was also deeply aware of the powerful sword of the sword. It was far more powerful than he had imagined. Naturally, he also regretted that he had not obtained the blood sword before. He wanted to come, that person Although the strength of the **** holy king is powerful, but mainly rely on the blood sword, if not the sword, not even his opponent.

However, in the case of absolute power, the blood sword is too late to exert its power. If the stone is shot, it is absolutely easy to win the other side.

Unfortunately, there was no shot in the previous stone.

but now……

"Yes, the **** holy king has limited strength, that is, it is so powerful by the **** sword. If you see the **** holy king in the **** universe, you can easily get the blood sword of the other hand! Is it that the captain of the stone is the two descendants of the gods who defeated the **** sword?" Thinking this way, the gray leaves are very excited.

The blood sword can absorb his original power. Just now, he heard Shi Zhong said that the blood sword can pass him the upgrade energy. Although he does not know what the upgrade energy is, he thinks it should be very extraordinary. The energy, maybe, can quickly restore his previously damaged power?

Thinking this way, the gray leaves are even more excited, looking forward to seeing the stone.

As for the failure of the two acquired protoss, why is the gray leaf clear?

However, it is not difficult to judge. Shizhong is out of the **** universe and is not flustered. Obviously, the final result of this battle is the victory of Shizhong.

"The **** holy king has limited strength..." Seeing the gray leaf looked at himself with excitement, the stone was very speechless.

This gray leaf looks good at the baby's eyes. It is really unsightly to look at people's eyes. He has not heard the gray leaves before, otherwise he will not be killed by the gray leaves.

The **** holy king has limited strength?


The previous strength of the **** holy king may not be much stronger than him!

However, after the **** holy king broke into the realm of the gods and condensed the nine-grain godhead, the strength improvement was absolutely terrifying. Not to mention the present self, it has already fallen to the lower realm of the gods, that is, the previous self. I am afraid I can't resist the other party's tricks!

As for myself, I am afraid I can't resist the other side!

This is also called limited strength?

If this is called limited strength, I am afraid that the entire Protoss, including the congenital Protoss and the acquired Protoss, do not have a few masters!

That is the owner of the nine-grain godhead!

The stone shook his head slightly.

"What? Isn't this the case..." Seeing the reaction in the stone, the gray leaves are stunned and connected.

"If it is not the help of the **** holy king, I am afraid I will be killed by the two descendants of the gods. Even so, my strength falls to the next level of the gods, the strength of the **** holy king." Very strong, not you and I can make an idea. However, in order to prevent other practitioners from playing his ideas, this matter must be said to the outside world. The two descendants of the Protoss are killed by me. Can you understand?" A glance at the gray leaves, slowly said.

Between words, it seems to be a hint.

This matter, when it was in the stone, Lin Yun deliberately confessed.

"What? The captain of the stone was the two gods of the gods who were taken with the help of the **** holy king? No, the two gods of the gods were killed by the stone captain and the **** holy king?" Ye’s face shook.

The vitality of the powerful **** is very powerful. He is also wearing Lin Yun who has a blood sword. Otherwise, even if he encounters a practitioner in the middle of the realm of the gods, he is not necessarily the victim of such a serious injury. .

Similarly, it is not that easy to kill a medium-minded world, let alone two.

Just now, he thought that Shizhong only played or retired the two descendants of the Protoss. He just thought about whether he should hurry to remind the stone. This space has a space array. They want to leave this space. It takes some time. They are better off, and it is inevitable that the two descendants of the Protoss will leave, and then invite the stronger and powerful Protoss powerhouses to block them.

Unexpectedly, Shizhong actually said that he and the **** holy king killed the two descendants of the middle gods, which made him not shocked?

"Yes, what I said, can you understand?" Stone nodded slightly, again.

“Well?” The gray leaf was a glimpse first, and then a flash of light flashed through his mind.

"Understand! Understand!" Gray leaves nodded and said quickly. During the speech, he turned his head and looked at the direction of the **** universe very nervously. Although the stone had released the shielding force around them, he still couldn’t bear it. Live nervous.

Unexpectedly, the power of the **** holy king is so powerful. He knows that the **** holy king and the stone and the Chinese team can kill the two descendants of the middle gods. The strength is absolutely no better than a medium god. The situation is poor.

Now, the realm of Shizhong falls to the realm of the lower gods. In all likelihood, it is not the opponent of the **** holy king. If the other party hears what he has just said, who knows if the other party will come and anger he?

From the words in the stone... He also heard the hidden meaning. Could it be that, just in World War I, Shizhong saw that the **** holy king blood sword is powerful, but also the heart, but now the strength is not as good as the other side, so let go Mind, but I am afraid that the news will come out, and the other gods will fight the **** sacred king's attention, and take the blood sword first, so that is the case?

Looking at the expression in the stone, there is a faint scent, the more the gray leaves feel.

Therefore, when he nodded, he also worried about taking a look at the **** universe, for fear that the **** holy king also sensed the idea in the stone.

"Well, let's leave now, wait for me to take you back to the stone department, and see if there is any way to restore your strength!" Stone nodded slightly, laughing.


When the voice fell, he released a power of the gods to wrap the gray leaves and go together in one direction.

As for the two space gods who are placed in this space space, he has not taken care of it, let this space array be arranged here! If there are other powers of the gods coming, you can stop it!


Nether world.

Lin Yun was suspended in a space, his eyes closed, and he carefully sensed the information that the Netherworld had sent him.

"It turns out that the gods of the living world can't enter the Netherland. No wonder, I have never heard that the spiritual practitioners in the spiritual world have entered the Netherland. If the original Netherland is low, let the gods The situation can not be raised, the current Netherland, absolutely can not be underestimated..." For a moment, Lin Yun thought.

"Fortunately, I have successively broken the nine-story new heaven in the Netherland. This nine-story new heaven is still a small whole. Therefore, I have gained a relatively complete law of the Netherland, so that I can enter the Netherland. Otherwise, my body may not be able to enter the Netherworld..." After a pause, Lin Yun felt in his heart that there was a trace of luck in the words.

It is true that it is only a matter of luck. His body can no longer enter the Netherland. It is estimated that it can be avatars. However, the avatar is essentially a creature. Once it breaks into the realm of the gods?

At that time, his body and avatar could not enter the Netherland, and his idea of ​​using the Netherland as a base camp was completely shattered, not to mention that he still had a series of plans, all of which needed to be realized by the Netherworld.

Fortunately, he is not even breaking the seven heavens, or even breaking the eight heavens, and then breaking through the realm of the gods, is not the first one or two days just happened to be broken by other ghosts, leading to staggered one or two heavens.

It is just right, he broke the thirty-seventh day of the Netherland to the forty-fifth day, a small whole is in the range.

"In this case, I wonder if I can continue to break the new heavens in the Netherland..." Lin Yun raised his eyes, and his eyes passed through the layers of space, seeing the highest heavens in the Netherland, whispering.


When he spoke, he stepped out and began to move toward the high heavens.

Wherever passed, one space channel opens automatically in front of him.

Just a moment, Lin Yun went to the forty-fifth heaven in the Netherland.

"Li Wei has seen the Emperor of the Blood!"

"We have seen the Emperor of the Blood!"

Li Weidi, a group of people, felt that practitioners had entered the forty-fifth heaven, and they opened their eyes. When they saw Lin Yun, they quickly moved over and cautiously bowed their way.

"No need to be polite."

Lin Yun nodded slightly to them.

At the same time, his power of the gods covered the entire forty-fifth heaven, all kinds of arrays, various arrangements, without any hindrance, and soon sensed where the people around him were practicing.

Although he only stayed in the world of life for two or three days, it has been nearly a thousand years.

At this time, Xia Qingqing, Lin Mengmeng and others have made great progress, all of them have entered the sanctuary, and even the talented Lin Mengmeng and Xia Qingqing have reached the unweak state of the Holy King.

Lin Yun did not care about them.

"Three eyes have seen the blood emperor!"

At this moment, the boundary between the forty-fourth and the forty-fifth heavens was opened by a space passage, and a ray of light flashed over. A young man with extraordinary temperament was present, and he bowed his hand and bowed his respect.

It is the three-eyed emperor who is looking for Guan Xiangsi in the reincarnation, just recruited by Lin Yun.

The three-eyed emperor is too slow to find people in the reincarnation. For so long, there is not more than a fraction of Lin Yun’s search for the scope. Naturally, he did not find Guan Xiangsi. Otherwise, he has already returned.

However, if you haven't found it for a long time, you are not in a hurry.

In particular, the three-eyed emperor is not looking for speed.

When your own strength is stronger, you can find it faster. As the saying goes, it is so true that the knife is not mistakenly cut.

"I will wait to break the new heavens, how much energy can you absorb, and absorb as much as you can!" Lin Yun looked at the ghosts and said slowly.


When I heard Lin Yun’s words, the ghosts were shocked.

How long does it take to break the new heavy days from the blood emperor? So fast, the blood emperor can continue to break the new heaven?

"It’s a **** adult!"

A ghost repairer secretly sighed.

The blood emperor's past life, breaking the new world of the underworld ~ ~ easy, after the return of rebirth, it is easier, as easy to eat and drink, really unprecedented, it is estimated that there is no one.

“Congratulations to the great strength of the blood emperor!”

A clever ghost repairer once again bowed to Lin Yun.

Obviously, the strength of the blood emperor has once again made great progress, otherwise, it will not be ready to break the new world of the underworld.

“Congratulations to the great strength of the blood emperor!”

Other ghost repairs also reacted, and even once again greeted Lin Yun.

At the same time, they are very excited, and the blood emperors have to break new heights and allow them to absorb energy as much as possible. This means that another opportunity for them comes.

Their strength can be greatly improved once again.

Moreover, they are followers of the blood emperor, the stronger the strength of the blood emperor, the higher their future.

Maybe, under the leadership of the Emperor of the Blood Emperor, the Netherland can really be compared with the big world of life, they have become the top powers of the Netherland, and are comparable to the top powers of the big world, just like... The legend of the big world!

"The realm of the blood emperor... is it..."

Among the ghosts, the three-eyed emperor’s body was shocked. He looked very shocked at Lin Yun’s eyes.

Previously, Lin Yun had been in the forty-fifth day of the Netherland for many years. Because of his reasons for Lin Yun’s ability to constantly display his eyes, he was also indirectly intimate with Lin Yun many times.

Therefore, he is very clear about Lin Yun's strength realm.

At that time, the realm of Lin Yun was a weak level that reached the peak of the Holy King.

It is not a simple matter to think about improving strength.

He could not help but doubt whether the realm of the blood emperor reached another level.

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