MTL - Cosmic Trading System-Chapter 992 Balance

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I saw that the strength of the two sources is opposite to each other in his body, and they are attracted to each other, surrounded by each other. One yin and one yang have a sense of balance. In fact, it is not really balanced. The origin of the Netherland is stronger. The power of the **** universe is weaker.

After all, the Netherland is a big world that connects the billions of living creatures, faintly comparable to the world of the living world, and the **** universe is just one of the countless little creatures of the universe, not even the higher living universe.

However, at some level, the power of the underworld is in balance with the power of the **** universe.

"Perhaps it is the power of the **** universe, which contains the power of the living world. The power of the underworld is also the source of a mysterious source." Lin Yun thought thoughtfully and faintly thought.

In short, this balance has caused Lin Yun to make an earth-shattering change. That is, he seems to have broken the difficulty of breaking the new heavens in the Netherland.

This means that he will break the new world of the Netherland, just like a new person, only need the basic conditions of strength, age, realm and so on, can break the new heaven of the Netherland.

What an amazing news?

This means that if this situation has been maintained, the remaining twenty-seven days of the Netherland, he is likely to be able to break alone!

One person broke the dozens of heavens in the Netherworld, and almost all the heavy days of the dozens of days behind the Netherland, what a horror?

"It should be the reason why the Netherland and the **** universe reach fifty-four heavens... Not right. Previously, I upgraded the **** universe to the forty-five heavenly universe. At that time, the Netherland was also forty-five heavens. There is no such change... There should be a reason for the nine-grained godhead..." Lin Yun said to himself, and in the end, his mind flashed a sigh of relief.

Yes, there are nine reasons for the gods!

The power of the two sources can work like this, and it is the reason why the nine-grain godhead is reconciled in it!

At the beginning, it was because of the power of the two sources that he was allowed to condense the nine-grain godhead!

Lin Yun’s heart gave birth to an inexplicable feeling. Does this affect each other?

In short, this is a good phenomenon, a very good phenomenon!

He broke the powerful difficulty of the new heavens in the Netherland. At this moment, Lin Yun even has the confidence to continue to break the new world of the Netherland!

"Although I only have the inferiority of the Divine Realm, my current strength, the practitioners of the medium-sized Divine Realm can't compare..." Lin Yun's eyes flashed through the depths of the road, secretly.

He has not broken into the realm of the lower gods, he can play against the practitioners of the middle gods, although he adds the power of the avatar, and the powerful auxiliary force of the **** universe, plus the **** universe. The upgrade is the only way to do it!

However, even if you add these, he can play against the practitioners in the middle of the realm of the gods, it is also a very bad thing!

Need to know, the difference between the environment of the ordinary sanctuary and the ordinary **** domain is ten times as much as 100 times?

Because of the power of time, it is easy for a common inferior **** domain to kill dozens of ordinary peaks and sages!

Of course, he has the strength of time, and has the experience of combat skills in past life. This gap has shrunk many times. However, he broke through to the inferior realm of the gods, especially after the nine-striped godhead, his power has undergone earth-shaking transformation. Still let his strength have been greatly improved!

Needless to say, he has now reached the peak of the inferior deities!

If not, he knows that there is a huge gap between the realm of the middle **** domain and the real world of the gods. He even has the confidence to confront the practitioners in the realm of the gods, and not to fall into the wind!

"However, my current strength is only in danger of being in danger with the general practitioners of the Divine Realm. Even if I am in the Netherland or the **** universe, I can compete with each other. ... Of course, the **** universe is OK, the Netherland, but also the other party can enter the Netherland..." Lin Yun gave birth to a strong confidence.


Lin Yun stood on the sky of the fifty-fourth heaven in the Netherland, and took a look at it. Under the powerful sword, he immediately pulled out a powerful space crack, and the other end of the space crack faintly exudes the highest breath.

"Sure enough, I will break the difficulty of the new heavens in the Netherland. In general, I can easily open the fifty-fifth day with ordinary practitioners..." Lin Yun’s eyes lit up, and then his face changed and he whispered.

Although he can immediately break through the boundaries of the fifty-fifth heaven in the Netherland, he did not do so.

Because, when he was afraid that he would break the fifty-fifth heaven wall, the balance of the two sources of power in his body disappeared, and then the difficulty of breaking the new heaven again increased again.

"This thing, we must think about it..." Lin Yun took a deep breath.

The number of new heavy days in the **** universe is different from the number of new heavy days in the Netherland. The number of new heavy days in the Netherland can be broken layer by layer. It can be fifty-four heavens or fifty-five heavens. Fifty-six heavens.

The total number of heavy days in the **** universe is increased by ninety-nine. Now it is fifty-four heavens. If it is upgraded, it will rise directly to sixty-three heavens. Just as before, it is from thirty-six heavens. Upgrade directly to forty-five days, then upgrade directly to fifty-four heavens.

That is to say, if he breaks the secluded world of the Netherland, he really makes the two sources of power in his body unbalanced. He can only re-establish the world of the Nine and the Three Heavens together with the **** universe. This is the balance of power.

It is not difficult for him to upgrade the **** universe to the sixty-three heavenly universe, and then destroy the ordinary universe of some living worlds.

However, if the strength of the two sources is unbalanced, and he breaks the difficulty of restoring the new heavens in the Netherland, he wants to break the Netherworld to the 63rd Heaven? It’s a very difficult thing!

Even, he can only help others to open the Netherland to the 63rd heaven!

However, at that time, he did not get the corresponding power of the Netherland. Can the two sources of his body be able to achieve this balance? This is all unknown!

It can be said that this is a great situation and disappears instantly!

"Perhaps, the safest way is to break the nine-fold world of the new world in the Netherland and break through to the 63rd day?" Lin Yun said with a strange look.

The difficulty of adding him to break the new heights of the Netherland disappears. If his strength is sufficient, he will break the difficulty of the 63rd day and will not be much more difficult than this one.

In case, halfway through, or later, the balance of the two sources of power in his body disappears. As long as he breaks the Netherworld to the 63rd Heaven, he can raise the rank of the **** universe and let the two sources The power to restore balance.

If it is successful, he only needs to do this twice, and it is not too difficult to break the Netherworld to the 81st heaven.

However, it is not without risk. In case, he played off midway, and the result did not break the nine-day.

It’s just a matter of stopping at the fifty-fifth day to the sixty-third day. If there is a problem between the sixty-fourth day and the seventy-second day, there is no room for salvation.

If it is stopped on the 73rd day to the 81st day, it is a pit!

He really broke all the way to the 70th multi-day, in the midst of it, he broke the difficulty of the new heaven in the Netherland, to what extent will it increase? I can't imagine it!

In the event that he broke the 73rd day to the 81st day, he suddenly failed to break down. His two sources of power were out of balance, and he broke the difficulty of restoring the new heavens. He can hardly break the last three days of the entire Netherland!

The last three heavens of a world are very important!

If you miss it, on the one hand, whoever breaks one of the last three days of the Netherland in the future, may compete with him for the dominance of the entire Netherland. In the triple heaven, there may be three candidates!

In case, who broke two of the heavens, the advantage of the other party competing for the dominance of the entire Netherland is even greater!

On the other hand, according to the current development level of the Netherland, who can reach the level of the last three heavens that can break the Netherland? What time does it take him to wait?

This is a very complicated question!

However, now, he is thinking about this issue, and it is a bit too advanced!

Still waiting for him to break the fifty-fifth heaven to the sixty-third heaven again, if there is a problem in this paragraph, then there is no need to consider the next two paragraphs!

If this paragraph goes smoothly, it is not too late to consider this issue!

"The sixty-third heaven...the sixty-third heaven..." Lin Yunmou read several times.

If a general practitioner wants to break the 63rd heaven in the Netherworld, what kind of power should he need? Is he enough power now?

"My current strength is comparable to that of the top realm of the Middle Divine. Even if I have a short time to fight against the strongest in the realm of the gods, my age and realm are very small and may be broken. The standard of the 63rd heaven in the Netherland..." Lin Yun whispered.

As long as he has the standard to break the 63rd Heaven, and in the case of the same difficulty, he breaks the other heavy days ahead of the 63rd Heaven. Naturally, there is no problem.

However, he can't really calculate the standard threshold.

In the unlikely event that he broke the new heaven, the interaction between the two sources of his body suddenly disappeared. He broke the difficulty of the new heaven in the Netherland and suddenly recovered. He had better recovery before the difficulty recovered to a certain extent. Break into the 63rd day in one breath.

Therefore, he must have more power to operate like this.

The stronger the strength, the better, the stronger the insurance.

This matter is not urgent, his strength does not break through to the middle of the realm of the gods, there is still a lot of room for improvement, just as the use of some warfare techniques is not proficient, just like the sword of blood and the tower of heaven The level can also be improved.


Lin Yun thought of a move, the next moment, his body has disappeared in the fifty-fourth heaven.

On the fifty-third heaven, where everyone practiced, Lin Yun appeared in front of everyone.

"I have seen adults!"

"We have seen the Emperor of the Blood!"

The ghosts who are practicing are not weak, and they have all touched the appearance of Lin Yun. They opened their eyes and saw Lin Yun not far away. They quickly got up and quickly bowed to Lin Yun, very respectful.

Lin Yun once again broke the nine-story new heaven in the Netherland, letting them feel that Lin Yun’s transcendental supremacy is unmatched, and their respect for Lin Yun is deeper.

"You don't have to be polite, you can continue to practice here!" Lin Yun looked at them and nodded slightly.

Although the opening of the nine-story new heaven in the Netherland is over, the overall environment of the Netherland is still in a good state. Moreover, these ghost corrections are consolidating the progress of this period of time. Naturally, it is better to practice for a while.

After that, Lin Yun turned his head and looked at the other side. Xia Qingqing, Lin Mengmeng, Li Er, Zi Yan and other people were practicing there.

Previously, he was concentrating on the practice of the 54th Heaven, and he did not have time to pay attention to everyone. Plus, the 53rd Heaven has just opened up, and the space of the whole heaven is not big, so everyone can be directly repaired with the ghosts. Practice in this space.

"Lin Yun!"


On the other hand, Xia Qingqing and others also sensed the movements of the ghosts. They opened their eyes and saw Lin Yun not far away. They also flew toward Lin Yun, very excited.

Since Lin Yun took them to the Netherland, they hurried away. They have been in the Netherland for nearly a thousand years and have been very worried about the safety of Lin Yun.

After Lin Yun came back, he began to break the new heavens in the Netherland. They did not communicate with Lin Yun. At this moment, all kinds of emotions could not be raised.

Seeing that Xia Qingqing, Lin Mengmeng, Ziyan and others flashed over, Zhao Gang, Li Er and others were also very interesting. They did not follow the flash, but slowly walked behind, and then looked at places not far away.

Lin Yun is a little embarrassed.

As soon as he returned to the Netherland and did not say hello to everyone, he began to break the new heavens of the Netherland. After successively breaking the nine-story new days of the Netherland, and then practicing for several months, he still had no connection with Xia Qingqing. People contact, really do not have time to contact? In fact, it is also his subconscious fear to see this scene!

Xia Qingqing, Lin Mengmeng, and Ziyun ran to Lin Yun, but they were very excited to see Lin Yun, but none of them came forward.

It’s just that Xia Qingqing and Lin Mengmeng are here, but it’s still good, but here there is also a purple sacred king, a woman who waited for Lin Yun for hundreds of millions of years and waited for Lin Yun’s countless reincarnations.

The purple cicada is also very scruples of Xia Qingqing and Lin Mengmeng. After all, the man she knows is already a past life. In this world, these two girls are his wife.

Therefore, the three of them stopped at the same time.

"Are you okay?" In the end, Xia Qingqing first spoke and asked with a smile.

"I am fine, you don't have to worry." Lin Yun also laughed and said.

However, the next moment, Xia Qingqing couldn't help it anymore. He flashed to Lin Yun and rushed to Lin Yunhuai. Without a word, the tears fell and even sobbed.

At that time, the **** universe was in great difficulty, and Lin Yun sent them to the Netherland and hurried away.

No one knows how worried she was in the Netherland for nearly a thousand years.

In the first one or two hundred years, she could not even put into practice. She waited for Lin Yun to come back, but she always hoped to be disappointed.

During this time, she thought a lot of things.

Later, she finally wanted to understand, and at this moment, she finally made a decision in her heart. Compared with Lin Yun’s safety, everything is not important. As long as Lin Yun is still alive, as long as she can still be around Lin Yun, she Just satisfied.

On the other hand, Lin Mengmeng and Zijing saw this scene, and the mood was very complicated. Xia Qingqing’s mood swings were very strong, and they were not deliberately hidden. How could they not feel it?

In fact, why are they not like Xia Qingqing?

Therefore, seeing Xia Qingqing, they have a very strong resonance in their hearts. The two women looked at Lin Yun, who was gently patted the shoulders of Xia Qingqing, and they had a trace of moisture in their eyes.

As long as Jun is good.

They silently said in their hearts.

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