MTL - Counter Attack-Chapter 9 Give you a burnt root in the past!

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The rain outside is getting bigger and bigger. Jiang Xiaoshuai is also embarrassed to blast Wu Qichen away. He simply let him sleep here. Tian Yiliang goes directly to work, and the province is tossing back and forth.

The two men huddled on a single bed, sewed together, lying on their backs and only put their arms on their stomachs. Jiang Xiaoshuai looked at Wu Qizhen with a side view. This is exactly the same as when he first met. A face that is infiltrated in the night, the outline is clearer, the ceiling reflected in the wet eyes is so clean and clear. through.

"What time is it?"

The voice of Da Lala came out and instantly interrupted Jiang Xiaoshuai’s beautiful dreams.


Wu Qichen suddenly got up and took out the mobile phone in his pocket and dialed Yue Yue’s number. After a while, Yue Yue’s distressed voice passed from inside.

"Hey? Why?"

Wu Qichen said: "This is the 30th, and the lover's family package is 877 minutes. It's useless to open the phone. You should sleep and sleep, you can't cheaper China Mobile."

There was an anger and annoyance and a curse that was silent and hysterical.

"Stupid B!"

Waking up the girlfriend who was sleeping next to me, "What's wrong?"

Yue Yue's lazy voice is a bit impatient. "My ex-boyfriend is a superb. I have told him three times to break up. He will return to suicide to kill me."

My girlfriend asked, "Is that platinum necklace that he sent you?"

"Grass! Not to mention this is okay. I am even more angry with this! He bought me a necklace and gave it to me. I ended up with two sentences. He gave it back, you said Is there such a person?"

"No?? Is he still a man?"

"I didn't have any politeness with him. He took the time to smash the bricks and took the necklace away."

"Yes, if you don't take it, you have to take this trick to cure him!"

"I have to find a store to sell, and I have to look at it."


Can't listen anymore, Jiang Xiaoshuai hangs up the phone for Wu Qichen.

Wu Qichen muttered in his own words, "In fact, the family package has already let her cancel, and I just want to hear her gasping."

Jiang Xiaoshuai is cold and cold. "Is it enough now?"

"Enough." Wu Qichen looked dull. "Can I agree to break up?"

"You must have agreed to fucking!!!" Jiang Xiaoshuai violently jumped up, his fists slammed on the bed. "What did I say? She just took you seriously! You have to ruin those few bricks!! "

"Come back and forth."

Jiang Xiaoshuai's chest violently ups and downs, his brain is sweating, and his heart is not hurt by a few words, people still haven't been? What are you worried about?

"Little handsome, now think about it. What you said is really quite reasonable. I was not as good at learning as I was at the beginning. I have to learn the text and jump directly to the unnamed lake. It is estimated that there are now five issues."

Jiang Xiaoshuai sneered. "Yes, I must go to your grave and give you a burnt root."


"You don't know if you have a root cause?"

Wu Qichen did not speak, and the whole body was cool and cold, as if the rain outside had poured directly on him.

The phone rang again, and Wu Qichen took it like a life-saving straw, squinting his eyes to the screen of the phone. It is a pity that it is not Yue Yue’s explanation, but the leadership of their department.

"I just called you, you...have you been busy all the time?" The voice was full of drunkenness.

Wu Qichen said, "The phone is broken and the signal is not good."

"Hurry up and the machine is broken. I will wait for it in the morning."

Putting down the phone, Wu Qichen mechanically got up and put on shoes.

Jiang Xiaoshuai also sat up and looked at him. "Is it too late to go out? It’s raining outside. Your leadership is also true. How can you not find an electrician if the machine is broken? Then again, you have a wound in your head. Just call it?"

Wu Qichen had long been used to it. He almost became an all-round repairman in the department, repairing lights, repairing computers, repairing machines... I found him when it was broken. There are four people in their office, and he works as one, and the other three are waiting, but which one has more wages than him, he still feels glorious.

"Hey, are you really going?" Jiang Xiaoshuai chased the door.

"You are a little cold, I am warm and warm."
