MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 100 [Resurrection of Reiki] City Management Captain Attack 1

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[The task object cannot be *! ! 】

【You are No. 0! 】

[Counter-attack does not exist! 】

[The counterattack was struck by lightning! 】


Drop drop —

Jun also opened his eyes, and the "system"'s jump-like threat echoed in his mind.

The purpose of entry is a pure white ceiling, a room with white walls, and the smell of disinfectant is mixed in the air.

Looking down, two nurses strolled by outside the window on the inner wall, and a man in a police uniform looked down at his watch.

Further down, the white quilt sheets, and his dripping hands.

On the map in the upper left corner of the field of vision, there are yellow dots and seven or eight green dots coming and going. This is the first time that there are so many friendly camps just after entering the new world.

Something hard was placed under the pillow, and my head was numb...


With the sound of the door opening, Jun also glanced at the system map.

Green dot, one's own camp.

The man who entered was a man in his early twenties, wearing a military uniform, but his temperament did not look like a soldier, and his white hair was extremely eye-catching.

"Captain, how are you feeling now? Are you dizzy? Are you dizzy? Can you see what age I am?" The visitor extended his thumb and forefinger to compare.

Jun also inexplicably didn't want to pay attention to him, closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, thinking about how to fool around.

This person feels familiar to him, and the other party is obviously familiar with the original body.

Captain... Was he also a soldier? However, it seems that the person's hair is obviously dyed, and presumably this army is not going anywhere.

Bai Maogan, who was ignored, smiled and retracted his fingers, and reported seriously: "Cough, captain, this is the first hospital, you have been in a coma for two hours. The thunderbolt power user who was involved has been sent to the school for ideological education. The psychic power user who attacked you has not yet been found, and the data group is sifting and searching..."

Jun also opened his eyes suddenly.

Thunderbolt? !

At first, he was struck by lightning while dealing with the attack of a lightning power user, and then he somehow got that "system".

Could it be... this is his original world?

He once suspected that the "system" killed him. How could a fourth-level power user hack him to death?

No, listen to what this person means, he was attacked by a spiritual power user? how come…

Jun also forcibly calmed himself down, he was not just mentally attacked and had a few dreams.

The system map is still there, and the system is still there. He has experienced five completely different worlds, and the bits and pieces of his life for hundreds of years. If this can be faked, then the "people" who operate behind the scenes can no longer be called people.

"Captain?" Bai Mao was a little worried: "Are you really not dizzy or dizzy? The data team speculates that the psychic power user is level 4 or quasi-level 5. Don't force it. If you have any questions, just say, Let's find a way together."

Jun Ye: "Bai Mao."


Jun Ye: "..." I really called him that before...

"You go out first."

"Oh, yes." Bai Mao turned around and took two steps, then turned around and asked, "Captain, do you want to drink water? The patients on TV have to drink water when they wake up."

"…Need not."

"Ah? Then take a good rest and call me after you want to drink water." Bai Mao walked out and gently closed the door.

Jun also closed his eyes, processing the known information with a dull head.

He entered the new world, his first world.

In his memory hundreds of years ago, he was struck by lightning from the sky, but Bai Mao said that he was attacked by a psychic.

He may have been attacked, but Jun also doesn't think the worlds he experienced are fake. He may even be in a world where characters experience similar experiences, or a parallel world.

Another point is that after the last world left, he did not return to the system space. The memory came to an abrupt end when the subject closed his eyes in his arms, and he was teleported directly.

The last two times he was teleported in a hurry...

And the words that the "system" knocked in his mind, no matter how he looked at it, it didn't look right.

From not telling the mission at the beginning, giving him a very low level after the end of each world, to the previous world emphasizing that "the target of the mission cannot be *", and finally to the current "counter-attack is struck by lightning".

It feels like... see you with a poor dagger.

The "system" doesn't care if he soaks up the target of the task, but emphasizes that he can't target the target and can't attack it.


knock knock --

The door was knocked, Jun also opened his eyes, glanced at the system map, and couldn't help but pause.

For the person outside the door, the icon on the system map is a reddish black dot.

Jun also reached out under the pillow.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open.

"Sister Angel, do you need my help?" It was Bai Mao's voice.

"Stay away from me, or I'll sue you for harassment." With a neutral female voice, Jun also felt his right eyelid jump.

There was silence outside the door. A medical cart appeared first, and then came in a... woman with blonde hair and black eyes wearing a pink nurse uniform.

Jun also felt that his eyelids twitched even more, and he remembered a very classic line - I know you even if you turn into ashes.

Perhaps, when you have very strong feelings for a person, that person is naturally different from other people in your eyes.

So, even if you wear lipstick, wear a skirt, have a 36D chest, and turn black on the system map, I still…

"..." Jun also covered his eyes.

Why do objects in this world become girls? !

"Officer, why don't you look at me? Do you have wicked thoughts about me?"

Jun also felt that there were two groups pressing up on him.

Well, two groups.

Jun also moved his hand away, glanced at the suspected sex-turning object lying on his back, and then looked at the window on the inner wall.

Bai Mao was swaying in the aisle, and occasionally cast his eyes a few times, all with an expression of "everything is normal inside, nothing to see".

The "nurse"'s gaze lingered on Jun Ye's face, and she smiled softly: "Don't worry, police officer, the windows of our hospital ward are made of one-way glass, and no one can see what we do inside. "

Jun also grabbed the hand that the subject touched his face.

Knead the soft hands, as if it will break when you squeeze.

Jun also frowned: "Before you came in, there were two nurses who passed by and greeted me."

The "nurse" tilted her head for a while pretending to be serious, then quietly stretched out her hand, and said, "Perhaps your subordinates changed a glass with knowledge?"

- It's so beautiful, the captain of the Huaxia ability user actually has such a handsome face, raising his eyes and frowning makes his blood flow.

Jun also grabbed another hand that wanted to touch his face and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Officer, you are holding my hand now. I haven't asked you what you want to do to me, who is so beautiful." The "nurse" also blinked at Jun.

Jun Ye: "I want to leave you behind."

"You're so cruel," the "nurse" smiled. "Where is your gun? Under the pillow?"

"Here?" The "nurse" tapped Jun Ye's side with her knee, and knew by touch that she was right, but the knee didn't stop, she moved it, and tapped Jun Ye again.

He leaned closer and said ambiguous: ""

"..." Jun also angrily threw the person on him.


- You were the one who bent me back then, do you think you can still straighten me?

-36D is also ugly!

"Well, the police officer's abstinence is also very attractive, and it makes me look hard..."

"Nurse" smiled and lowered her eyes and rubbed her wrist. It didn't hurt, but when she was restrained, she couldn't break free. Roses with thorns were the most attractive.

Jun Ye just sat up and pulled out the needle in his hand. Hearing this, he turned to look at the subject who was holding the 36D. After a pause, he asked blankly, "Where is it?"