MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 110 [Resurrection of Reiki] City Management Captain Attack 11

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"The secret realm has disappeared." The first group of people who came up from the sea reported.

The law enforcement team blocked the coast of the inland sea, except for some people with special escape ability, the rest of the people with foreign abilities were all arrested.

All the law enforcement team members present were questioned one by one about their experience in law enforcement that day, and they were not responsible for the next thing. The supernatural case team took over the follow-up investigation of the marine secret realm incident.

Jun Ye and his law enforcement team jumped back to City C through space to assist in the investigation remotely.

Along the way, Jun Ye held his hand around his waist. Pisius in the form of a gun seemed extraordinarily quiet.

Has the inheritance of the secret realm come to you? Is it harmful to you? why are you so quiet...

Jun also pressed his hand to the gun several times, but said nothing.

After returning to the apartment, Jun also quickly took off his jacket, took off his gun, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

After a while, Pisius' weak voice sounded in Jun Ye's mind: "I... I'm going to die."

"Did it?" The subject did not go into the water since he went to the coast with him, but would a full-system power user be thirsty?

Jun also put his gun on the sofa, turned around and went to the kitchen to pour water.

Glancing at the empty water dispenser, Jun also opened the refrigerator, reached for a bottle of mineral water, and heard a rustling sound behind him.

When he turned his head, the naked subject was writhing and dawdling on the sofa, and the expression was definitely not very pleasant.

so uncomfortable?

Jun Ye frowned slightly and walked back quickly with the mineral water.

Intuitively this is definitely about the system.

Is it the legacy of the lost secret realm...

Jun also stepped in front of the sofa, and only when he got closer did he realize that the subject's originally fair skin had turned an abnormal pink color at some point, like when he was moving.

Jun Ye had no time to appreciate it. As soon as he unscrewed the mineral water and squatted down, Pisius hurriedly reached out and grabbed the water bottle.

Cold water poured over pink skin.

"Ha..." Pytheus raised his head and breathed heavily, his chest heaving violently.

Jun also vaguely saw the transparent scales appearing on the chest of the other party that was drenched by the water, but it was fleeting because the water was dry.

A whole bottle of water was swallowed up in seconds.

"Dry...give me water..." Pytheus loosened the empty water bottle, put his legs together, and twisted and rubbed.

Jun also directly picked up Pixius and kicked the bathroom door open.

Since it is not the water to drink, it is time to change the water supply equipment.

Jun also adjusted the water temperature and leaned over to put Pisius in the bathtub.


Almost as soon as he touched the water, Pisius hugged Jun Ye's body tightly, sticking to Jun Ye's body, refusing to go down for half a minute.

Jun is also quite sure that what he is putting in is warm water suitable for human bathing, and when his hand is placed in the half bathtub, it is indeed a very comfortable water temperature.

Jun also thought of the transparent scales that flashed when the subject poured water on his chest. With a turn of his hand, he twisted the handle of the faucet to the other side.

When the water cup in the bathtub was turned into cold water, Jun also asked the person on him to probe his hand to test the temperature, and the other person slipped and jumped from him into the bathtub.


Water splashes everywhere.

Jun also glanced at his shirt that had been splashed, and his eyes returned to the subject lying in the bathtub, whose expression was struggling between pain and pleasure.

Jun also waited quietly, his eyes fell on the legs that were getting closer and closer to Pytheus, and the hands hanging by his side clenched and loosened.

According to the previous performance of the system, the other party's goal is to let him be targeted. If this inheritance is really related to the system, it will definitely not endanger life...

After a long time, Pisius blinked blankly and murmured, "My legs seem to be... stuck together?"

"Yeah." Jun Ye's mouth pursed tightly, looking a bit cold.

Pisius sensed something was wrong and looked up at Jun Ye.

The other party's expression was cold and hard, and when Pisius thought of the change in his thirst for water when he left the coast, his face turned pale.

"Did I take away the inheritance that belongs to you..." He didn't even think about the inheritance from the ocean, especially since it was an inheritance that should belong to his boyfriend.

The police officer has a cold face on him now, do you think he is deliberately following him and waiting for an opportunity to **** the inheritance?

Thinking of this, Pisius was about to cry. Why is he a creature favored by God? Any kind of supernatural inheritance likes to run towards him.

"The inheritance is indeed on you." Jun also raised his hand and rubbed Pisius' head.

It should not be the other party who should bear these.

"I...I, can I compensate you for myself?" Pisius carefully stretched out his hand to pull Junya's clothes, even though he felt the almost burning dryness from his arm, he resisted and did not take it back. hand.

Pisius felt that among all he had, he was probably the only one who could rival an inheritance, but he also sent himself out long ago when the police officer was willing to be with him.

He already belongs to the other party, is this compensation also equivalent to nothing?

Jun Ye's gaze stopped straight on Pixius's arm, watching the water on the subject's hand disappear as quickly as it was absorbed by the skin, he remembered the gender differentiation of him as a merman in the previous world.

Scales, fever, thirst...

The subject's current performance is only a little "fever", and it is completely different from his reaction when he differentiated.

"Are you hot?" Jun ignored the object's silly words and shoved the other party's powdery hand back into the water. He understood the feeling of being hot and dry.

Pytheus blinked suspiciously, then shook his head.

He just dries and then the legs are weird. Besides, he had been soaked in cold water, except that he had just been scalded, how could he feel hot?

Jun also looked at the subject's legs that were covered with transparent scales, frowning slightly, isn't it gender differentiation?

That's right, if it was the inheritance that the system intervened to give him, how could it make him differentiate into a male merman again.

"Ah! My legs!" Pisius suddenly exclaimed, staring at the transparent fish tail on the other side of the bathtub with a look of horror.

He didn't cast his metamorphosis ability, did he? Could it be that he hinted that the power user turned into a fish, and then was attacked?

impossible! How could a third-level psychic power user attack him? !

The unease of taking away what belonged to her boyfriend's heritage was intertwined with the panic of her legs becoming fishtails, making Pisius nervous.

Jun also looked at the fish tail, the transparent scales, there was an illusion that he could see the blood vessels underneath.

Pytheus tried to use the shape-shifting ability to change the leg back, but it felt like the ability was stuck with something, and it couldn't be used.

Pisius gritted his teeth and tried to reverse his ability.


In the blink of an eye, Jun Ye saw a large, slender, transparent fish that was longer than the bathtub was stuffed into the bathtub.

The big fish was struggling in the bathtub, trying to stick his head out of the water.

Jun also: "..."

This inheritance is so terrifying, the system has determined that the object can still be turned into a fish?

"Do you need me to prepare a water tank for you?" Jun also asked.

Need not!

Thank you!

Pisius held a breath of air that could not enter the water tank, and with a probe, he forcibly changed himself back to a human body... a fish tail.

"Haha..." Pytheus was lying on the edge of the bathtub, gasping for breath, almost becoming the first drowned fish in history.

"Don't you feel like you're done?" Jun also looked at the two arms of Pixius on the wall of the bathtub.

Pisius was stunned for a while, then he felt it carefully, and said, "Don't do it."

"Can you show me your tail?" Jun asked again.

"Um..." Pytheus nodded hesitantly.

What's so good about a fish tail? Pisius was puzzled.

Until he glanced at the mirror on the wall, he suddenly remembered that the police officer once hid in the bathroom and whispered that he was pure 0 and just wanted to be…

Pisius froze suddenly, if he has always been like this and can't change back to human legs, how can he let the police officer experience the happiness of 0?

Jun also groped for a while on the fish tail, and found the slightly convex scale with ease.

It's a male... Then what is the purpose of this inheritance?

"Um..." Pytheus couldn't help but raised his tail, his expression seemed eager and panic.

Why? Why is his lower body turned into a fish tail, and why is he so attached to the police officer's touch?

The feeling is already rising in the body, obviously the other party just put his hand on it...

Pytheus closed his eyes, reluctant to see the officer's expression.

The other party will look down on him.

Even a human figure is shameless enough to show such a reaction on the tail of a fish, how unbearable...

Jun also felt a little surprised, but he didn't move his hand away, his eyes calmly watching the reaction of the subject.

Weird isn't it? In the past, it was the object that rubbed and gnawed at his fish tail, but now the other party can also taste how he was being tossed.

Suddenly, Jun also stared.

On the fish's tail about two inches below the slightly convex scales... What is the place where the scales are densely covered and slightly concave?

Jun also moved his hand over and touched the scales with the pulp of his fingers.

The scales here are extraordinarily soft, and he pressed it down lightly, and… pressed it in.

It seemed that a star exploded in Jun Ye's mind, causing his mind to go blank.

"Ah!" Pisius raised his head high, his body strength was taken away in an instant, and the expression on his face was psychedelic and stunned.

It is not known that this is the first time that Pisius has shown such an expression of such completely different emotions today.

He had no time to think, and all his perceptions were concentrated in one point, that strange place.

Jun Ye's body is stiff, his fingers are stiff, all words are not enough to describe his heart that is rolling with thunder at this time.

Bi... bisexual? !