MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 33 [Mermaid] Mermaid Attack 5

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Gu Juexi hurriedly glanced at the mermaid beside him, and when he saw the other side expressing surprise, he immediately turned cold on the brown-haired officer.

He actually said that the mermaid was "abducted" by him, which made Rosha think of him.

Gu Juexiu said coldly: "The news of the Pisces thieves' rebellion has been reported to the Federal Military Intelligence Service. As the commander of the seventh division of the Pisces star, why is Lieutenant Colonel Huo still staying in the capital star?"

Your homeland is caught in the flames of war, and you are still attending the mermaid blind date? Go back and be your old bachelor.

"Lying back! You, you..."

Kankan resisted the urge to greet each other's ancestors, Huo Ran also knew that what he said just now made the other party angry, lowered his voice and leaned beside Gu Juexiu and said, "This is a leave of absence from the official channel, and I am qualified to participate in the mermaid blind date banquet. It's all in exchange for military merit, you won't go to my book for this, will you?"

"Of course not," Gu Juexiu smiled and said in an equally low voice, "Why do you need to be so troublesome? There are only so many places for a blind date every year. As long as someone casually mentions them, they will try their best to squeeze you out. people who go."

Huo Ran was dumbfounded: "You are not being authentic, we are brothers from kindergarten..."

"Go away." The daughter-in-law was about to be frightened away. Is there such a thing as a brother?

Huo Ran immediately turned his face and smiled at Jun Ye: "Your Excellency the beautiful mermaid, my brother is a well-known golden bachelor in the circle. He was born in a professional mermaid breeding. You will definitely not lose if you follow him. Eat aquatic plants with the best nutrition and matching. , Sleep on a water bed with the most comfortable temperature, and do the best scale maintenance, that is, the water mermaid bath...hehe."

Gu Juexiu, who was stepped on a painful foot, really exploded. He grabbed Huo Ran's shoulder and pulled it back. He also smiled apologetically to Jun who looked over: "Luosha, I have something to talk about with this lieutenant colonel, do you want to eat? Whatever you want, I'll be back in two minutes."

Jun also looked at Gu Juexiu, who was obviously flustered and anxious, but tried to be kind to him, and nodded sympathetically.

Seeing that "Luo Sha" didn't ask any further questions, Gu Juexiu breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Huo Ran, who was clutching his shoulders and shouting in pain, and said, "Let's go, let's have a good chat."

"Really, isn't what I said true? Lieutenant Colonel Gu is such an excellent person." Huo Ran laughed and followed.

Jun also sucked the juice and watched the two leave.

He needs to think about what to do next. The owner who was blindly abducted for a while is actually a gentle scum, and looking at Lieutenant Colonel Huo's expression and his owner's reaction, the other party definitely has some little-known problems.

He likes to touch his pet's tail and can bear it, as long as he doesn't touch the top half of his fish tail, but what does "it's a mermaid bath" mean? It's impossible for a person who works in a mermaid house to have a pool at home, right?

Over the past half-day, Jun has also discovered that the mermaid's body has a great need for water. After coming out of the water, his body's strength is lost little by little.

At the beginning, the difference was not big, but after so many ten hours, he was afraid that he would be too weak to stand up.

No, the necessities of life like a pool must be there.

Take a step back and say...the bathtub has to have one, right?

MD, why does he want to touch such a fish in the water, so he can only pick up other merman and pick the rest of the owner, angry.

When Gu Juexiu came back, under his powerful love filter, what he saw was a charming mermaid sucking an empty cup with a sad face.

When the mermaid looked at him "pitifully", Gu Juexiu wanted to slap himself, how could he let his delicate mermaid partner wait for him alone for so long, and he didn't even order a seaweed snack for him.

Gu Juexiu hurriedly tried to remedy: "Do you want to eat something? The seaweed rolls and dried seaweed flakes here are very good, and seagrass silk and sea grapes are also very popular."

Jun also: "..."

I feel that I have become a green seaweed mermaid. Is this the horror of the owner?

"No, I'm very full." Jun also said the truth, as if he no longer felt hungry after coming out of the pool, after all, he touched the fish for several hours.

"it is good…"

The only remedy he could think of was denied. Gu Juexiu stood at a loss. For the first time, he felt that he knew too little about mermaids, and he didn't even know what topics to talk about when he was with his mermaid partner.

In the end, Jun also let him sit down first and started the topic: "Do you have a pool at home?"

"No..." Gu Juexiu was so ashamed that he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

Which of the officers who are eligible to participate in the blind date banquet every year has not built a large mermaid pond at home, and some even have an entire offshore area for mermaids to play daily, but due to personal reasons, he does not even have a deeper pond at home. .

Jun also caressed his forehead helplessly, but there is no pool: "What about the bathtub?"

Gu Juexiu was ashamed to death. Someone else's mermaid was playing in the safe shallow waters, while his partner was soaking in the bathtub. Gu Juexiu couldn't do this kind of thing.

"I have an exclusive room with a mermaid pond in the mermaid pavilion. I may aggrieve you to stay here for a while. I will arrange a home suitable for mermaids as soon as possible." Gu Juexiu looked at Jun Ye nervously, and the hands under the table were uneasy. grabbed his pants.

Can you continue to live in the Mermaid House?

Jun Ye's eyes lit up. He was very satisfied with the fish here... oh no, he was very satisfied with the pool here. It would be even better if he could go to the deep sea outside the glass wall to touch the fish.

Jun also smiled: "Don't be wronged, you can arrange it slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

As for how long it takes to buy a bathtub and install it, you don't want to think about it at all.

One person and one fish reached a consensus, so on the same day, Gu Juexiu cleaned up the balances in several of his accounts, and then used the master brain to call up all the information on the islands to be sold in the nearby waters.

For the time being, he selected a few favorite islands, and took out the unused room card that he stuffed into the inner layer of the card bag and entered the suite of the curator of the Mermaid Pavilion.

After a busy afternoon, I replaced all the things that should be replaced, and arranged the room from the door to the balcony according to the preferences on the winding information and the online strategy.

Asking the waiter to bring up a few more sets of mermaid quilts and water pillows, Gu Juexiu looked at the brand new double water bed and felt dizzy.

Tonight is his wedding night. He actually has a mermaid partner. The flash marriage that he met for less than a day makes him still a little dazed.

"Luosha" is really a very special mermaid. He didn't give any pearls and gems, did not introduce himself, or even danced the mermaid's underwater courtship dance for "Luosha", and the other party handed him over to him.

What "Rosha" likes is him, the purest of him, not his wealth and status, nor the underwater courtship dance that he may never learn in his life.

Gu Juexiu's cheeks were red and hot, he covered his heart that almost jumped out of his chest, and his eyes were shining.

He wants to give "Rosha" who loves him so much a perfect first night, and he will be very gentle and let "Rosha" accept him all.

Soon, they will have the crystallization of their love. Although he doesn't like children, if "Rosha" gave birth to him, he will definitely give that child the best fatherly love.