MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 263 receive...

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  In winter, the teahouse seemed to be closed down, deserted, and occasionally heard a voice, "Ertong, it's stuck!"</p>

Apart from sitting in a teahouse with Xiaohong and his wives, this is the second time Longgen has entered a teahouse. Longgen has no interest in teahouses. Throw in the leaves and they can sit all day. Chatting hiccups and farting, everyone has it. </p>

   Often for fifty cents, the blush and the neck are thick. You **** my mother, and I **** your old lady again. Do you mean to have a ball? Really capable, took off his pants to compare goods, whose guy is the big deal, who is the uncle. </p>

  However, I have to come today! Because I was a scapegoat, I should come here out of emotion and reason, whether it is a trap, or someone really worships me, I have to ask indiscriminately, so I can feel at ease. </p>

  Long Gen glanced at the three people across from him, expressionless, expressionless, and took a deep drag on his cigarette. Slowly opened the mouth and said: </p>

   "I don't know what advice you three have? I really don't have much interest in drinking tea in winter. They are all men who pee standing up. Let's have a good time." </p>

  The three Huang brothers were a little nervous. Such an appointment was a bit presumptuous. Although a gift was given, who knows whether it will be appreciated or not? People don't even pay attention to Fangzheng, how can his three brothers count as a ball? </p>

"Long...Mr. Long, our brothers are actually here to join you. How about being your younger brother?" Among the three brothers, Huang Bao was the most impatient and scheming, and he couldn't hide anything in his stomach, so he gave it all to him. He came out, "That's why I beat up Cao Shu specially to make you happy and smooth." After speaking, Huang Bao smiled silly. </p>

   Sure enough, he took the blame for Sangou Ri! </p>

   "What does it have to do with me that you beat Cao Shu?" Long Gen's tone was not salty, and he couldn't tell whether he should be happy or depressed. </p>

This is not the case with the younger brother in the movie. They are all cutting people with knives. After they are done, they stab a knife in their hand, let some blood, and put it in a bowl for everyone to drink together. Also, how do these three people know that they are Conflict with Cao Shu? </p>

   Having said that, Cao Shu is not a bastard, so what does it have to do with him? Anyway, I have vented my anger a long time ago, and that old punch is not so easy to bear. The third grandson beat him up again, and he couldn't pass the year. Doesn't this wrong Dr. Cao? </p>

   "Eh...this...." Huang Bao was stunned on the spot, this, this clearly didn't buy it. </p>

  Huang Hu's face was a little ugly, he couldn't drink this tea. Why don't you know me well? Our three brothers committed crimes against the wind. In order to increase the impact, we deliberately rushed to the hospital to beat people. If we want to find out something, we may have to run away again! </p>

   "Mr. Long, we really want to recognize you as the boss, so..." Huang Hu slowed down, and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying. </p>

   "So you beat Cao Shu?" Long Gen couldn't help sneering, it's not worth the blame. The three of them are tiger-headed and tiger-headed, without any aura. </p>

   If you really want to accept them as younger brothers, don't you have to wipe their **** every day? </p>

   "Beating Cao Shu is your business, not mine. The grievances between Dr. Cao and I have long been settled. It's fine. I'll go first. There's still soup at home." Long Gen got up and prepared to leave. </p>

   There is really stewed soup at home. Xiaofang called when she was in the car and asked her to come over for lunch. The vermicelli stewed with pig's trotters was very delicious. </p>

   "Mr. Long, please wait a moment." Weasel, who had been silent for a while, spoke. He took off the backpack, put it on the coffee table, and tore a hole. Stacks of thick red Grandpa Mao are smiling at Long Gen. </p>

  Long Gen was slightly taken aback, this bag of money is quite a lot, it must have two or three hundred thousand. The three brothers are willing to spend money. </p>

   "What does this mean?" </p>

  Weasel smiled slightly, "It's not interesting, I just hope that Mr. Long accepts our three brothers, it's just a little wish." </p>

"I don't dare to accept your intentions." Long Gen waved his hands quickly and muttered, "There's an old saying, 'You don't get rewarded for nothing', and the old saying goes, 'If you don't do anything, you will be courteous, if you **** or steal'. I don't know you Where did you get this money?" </p>

   It seemed that Long Gen had already expected this to say, and the weasel still smiled faintly. Road: </p>

   "Mr. Long said yes, then let me ask you to explain the origin of the three hundred thousand." </p>

  Long Gen spread his hands and lit another cigarette. </p>

"Of the 300,000, only 100,000 was collected by our brothers. At present, our brothers can only do so much. As for the other 200,000, what Mr. Long said is not bad, it is no different from what was snatched. I want to know Steal it from someone?" The weasel made a fool of himself. </p>

   "Cao Shu's. Cao Shu asked our three brothers to deal with you, and gave you 200,000 yuan, and it will kill you." Huang Bao said outrightly, and brought out all the brains. </p>

  Long Gen was stunned suddenly, what else? </p>

  Originally, Cao Shu only paid a deposit of 100,000 yuan in advance, and another 100,000 yuan will be paid after the agreement is completed. The three brothers later learned that Long Gen was not easy to deal with, and had nothing to do with the police. After a calculation, I came to reciprocate, and found Cao Shu to raise the price, and asked for another 100,000. Including my own savings, I made up 300,000 yuan to show my heart. </p>

   "Cao Shu, please come and clean me up?" Long Gen suddenly smiled, this scapegoat is not wronged. "It seems that you three brothers don't have any morals in the world. You took people's money and beat them up instead!" </p>

  As soon as these words came out, Huang Hu and Huang Bao all blushed and remained silent. The weasel has a thick skin, and said slowly: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in." </p>

  Long Gen smiled, looked more at the weasel, and secretly said: "This kid is not bad, he has a deep mind, he is well guided, he has a bright future!" </p>

   "Tell me, what did you do to Cao Shu?" Long Gen had no sympathy for Cao Shu at the moment. </p>

   To put it bluntly, isn’t it just the one in the white coat? He was willing to spend hundreds of thousands to buy his own life, where did he get so much money? This is a problem! </p>

   "I didn't do much, the kid couldn't help hitting, and he fell down with two fists." Huang Bao replied. </p>

  Huang Hu also said: "Well, yes, if you don't touch the guy, our brothers are also afraid of killing people. According to the three-way attack, the naked eye can't see the injury."</p>

   "No, big brother." Huang Bao hurriedly said: "Before you leave, don't you step on the balls? With such a strong force, the yolk must burst." </p>

  Long Gen turned green when he heard the words, isn't that cruel? I could hear my crotch tightening. </p>

   "Well, Brother Long, look..." The weasel gave the two brothers a blank look, what are you talking about? No priority! </p>

   Really accepted us as younger brothers, Mr. Long is not satisfied, so just beat him up again? Chattering, chattering about nothing. </p>

  The weasel is much smarter, he doesn't say anything, just say "big brother" first, he's familiar with it the second time. </p>

   "Don't tell me." Long Gen waved his hand quickly, "The youngest of you three is probably several years older than me, so don't call me old."</p>

   "Then what are we calling?" Huang Bao asked with a bitter face. "You are the boss." </p>

  Long Gen's face turned green, "I haven't said to accept you yet, what's the rush? I still have to investigate. Besides, you still have a question that you haven't explained to me!" </p>

"I don't know the rules of the road. You beat Cao Shu, and you have more than 300,000 yuan. What's wrong with so much money? You have to come and join me? Is there any plan?" Long Gen is not stupid. I never thought about the pie falling. </p>

  Even if you go to the kang with your mother-in-law, it won't be a good thing. Originally, when it comes to the matter between men and women, it seems that men are taking advantage of it at first glance, but it is not the case! </p>

  The so-called "happy fish and water" is concise and to the point, that is, when men are happy, women are also happy. Only when everyone is happy can it be called "the joy of fish and water, the joy of cloud and rain". But who wouldn't be happy with any woman who has slept with him? </p>

  Since this is the case, why do you think you have taken advantage of it? Why don't you say that you did push-ups and sent out thousands of "children"? What a loss! </p>

   Reasonable reasoning, the three brothers tried their best to give money, and beat the donor at the risk of immorality. Is it just worshiping yourself? The big stick is powerful, but it's far from being able to attract men, right? </p>

   "Boss has sharp eyes, we brothers do have unavoidable difficulties." It was Weasel who spoke. </p>

"Three years ago, our brothers had a good reputation in Liuhe Township. Later, because we offended Fang Zheng, the director of the police station, he became furious. When he saw us, he hugged us and wanted to shoot us. No, I saw Fang Zheng the other day. Afraid of you, Boss? I think we will not be afraid of Fangzheng in the future, and we don’t have to live in hiding. Just...hehe..."</p>

  Long Gen nodded, and finally understood, it turned out to be such a thing. </p>

   "You don't want me to beat up Fangzheng, do you?" </p>

  The three Huang brothers shook their heads quickly, "No, no, no... as long as he doesn't trouble us." </p>

   "Well, let's wait for the 'roasted chicken' tonight, and when I see Fangzheng, I tell you to come, don't worry, someone will invite you to dinner tonight!" After thinking about it, it would be good to have a few younger brothers. </p>

  There are many friends with **** in the countryside and in the city, but they are all women after all, so how capable can they be? Furthermore, there are so many inconvenient days every month. Accept it first, and adjust it slowly. </p>

   "Boss, take the money." Seeing that Long Gen was about to leave, Huang Hu quickly pulled up the bag and stuffed it to Long Gen. </p>

  Long Gen shook his head and said: "You keep this money, you will need it in the future. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, buy some property and enjoy the New Year." </p>

   "This...boss, this is our intention, you look down on the brothers?" Huang Hu was impatient. The things were confiscated, and I felt dissatisfied, and my heart was always uncertain. </p>

  Long Gen still shook his head, "You keep the money for business, as for the business, we will talk about it later." </p>

   "Oh, by the way, which of you three can drive?" Long Gen asked again. </p>

  In the evening, there are three golfs to be sent over there. With the one that Fang Zheng sent, isn’t it four cars? The three brothers are not bad, they seem to value love and righteousness, so they will reward a car and go out, so they can run faster if they do a favor or something in the future. </p>

   "Driving? We all know how to do it." Huang Hu answered happily, "It's just that I don't have the skills..." </p>

   "Hey!" Long Gen sighed, "Forget it, I'll get this book, you guys wait for it at night..."</p>