MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 265 tease...

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  I don’t know what mountain Longgen is, but there are few people and mountains are big, that’s enough. This is the best and wonderful place to sneak into the jungle. As Long Gen, who has a special interest in fighting in the field, he naturally came prepared. Open the trunk, blankets and everything are available, like a small vault.

   Fly in the ointment, the field battle in winter is a bit cold, but fortunately, it is a fitness exercise, a few push-ups, squatting, and a few bumps, and it will warm up. There is a heater in the car, but after all, the car is a bit small, and Ding Xiang is a long woman, so she can't turn in the car.

   "Sister Dingxiang, come here, lie down." Lilac was hugged from the car, and her whole body was scalding like a high fever. In fact, to put it bluntly, it was sao.

  I touched my whole body all the way, especially the **** and the bottom. The **** were all red after being milked, but nothing came out.

Sitting on the blanket, leaning against the tree pole, when the cold wind blows, Ding Xiang wakes up a little bit, and looks down, it looks like she is not wearing any clothes, both **** slipped out, pinching her legs, her crotch is wet , like a child peeing his pants.

   "Sister Lilac, let's not rush to do things, let's communicate first." Long Gen sat down on his buttocks, wrapped his arms around Yingying's waist, slowly slid in, and squeezed gently. Then he said: "Don't call me handsome, I'm Long Gen, you can just call me Xiaolong."

  If you want to be Japanese, you have to get close first. But the big hand slowly slid down, pinched the side buttocks and squatted down, the hand was soft and smooth, warm, and when squeezed lightly, it was so tender that water could flow out.

   "Yeah, little... little dragon...."

  Long Gen nodded, and said again: "Why do you want to kill me? Are you looking for a big stick?"

Ding Xiang blushed when she heard this, her head drooped deeply, almost touching her tits, she nodded lightly, and said in her heart: "Isn't this nonsense? If you don't like your bastard, I will Why are you looking for me? Of course, it would be even better if you can take care of me in the future..."

  I can see the scene that day. He was too old. When the police came, they couldn’t do anything about him. How capable this man is!

   Besides, this car is much better than Liu Hehua.

"Yeah...then do you like me? People, people just fancy a big stick, you can use it for me... okay..." Ding Xiang suddenly became coquettish, The small hands, as tender as scallions, actively grabbed Long Gen's crotch, rubbing and rubbing their palms, and their faces were full of spring.

  Reluctant that the child can't catch the wolf, don't you just like sao? That old lady will show you.

  Long Gen smiled wickedly, at this time he is not afraid of people doing fairy dances, no one is following along the way, and his mobile phone is left in the car, what are you afraid of? Anyway, it was you who sent it to your door to beg for Japan, so you can't blame me.

   Seeing that Long Gen didn't object, Ding Xiang became more courageous, got up, and touched a large bunch of things in her crotch, her little heart was tickled, and her desire became even more aroused.

   Fingertips gently stroking Longgen's belly, getting closer, the hot air penetrated the fabric and blew onto Xiaolonggen's head, he couldn't help pushing against it, intending to break the cage.

   "Hehehe, Xiaolong, it is resisting, I let it out, hehehe." As he said, he pressed his finger against the thing, and it was as hard as iron. The little hand grabbed the waist of the trousers and pulled it down suddenly!


  A black shadow flashed by, and an extremely fiery big stick was like a spring, whipping the small mouth of Lilac Cherry.

   "Ah! Who hit me?" Ding Xiang screamed, from the bridge of the nose to the mouth, chin, burning pain, as if a big mouth.

  Long Gen lit a cigarette, spread his legs apart, took a sip and laughed.

   "Huh? Why is it so big?" I took a closer look and was startled.

  The **** stick, long and thick, like a donkey's stuff, has caught up with his little arm. It's so big, can you bear it by yourself?

   "Sister, don't you like the big stick? Come on, I didn't see it saluting you, how upright it is standing." Long Gen urged. I sneered in my heart: "Aren't you going to post sao? Come on, you should go on, don't you dare?"

Ding Xiang is really dumbfounded, she is not a good wife, please listen more, prostitute, Gao Gaoyuan. What kind of sex, to put it bluntly, is similar to a lady, as long as the money is in place, I will give you the same leg, and you can't take it off. , in the final analysis, it depends on the money!

  Living in such a way, Ding Xiang has naturally seen many men, both long and short, thick and thin, but she has never seen such a sharp weapon in the world.

  It's too big, just this one is definitely worth five or six!

   "Gulu!" Came back to his senses, Ding Xiang swallowed his saliva, his two watery eyeballs never left the big stick, and the frenzy was undisguised, as if he wanted to swallow the big stick in one gulp!

  The small hand gently grabbed it, it was black and shiny, thick and loaded, and the tentacles were hot!

   "Hiss, it's so hot...." Ding Xiang was amazed, grabbed the big guy and gently rolled it up, unable to hold it with one hand at all, holding the big iron rod as hard as a big steel pipe. Pushing down, there was a "Zi Liu", and the huge python's head was exposed.

Long Gen didn't rush, he held a cigarette in one hand, and dug into Lilac's crotch with the other, and then did a "one-finger Zen". The stockings and underwear were all sunk into the seams of the meat, and the two dumpling skins were well-proportioned and plump on the outside. Guard at the entrance of the cave, slide your fingers over, gently rub the small valley, and pick it.

  Accompanied by the sound of water, the sound of "squeaks and squeaks", the deeper the digging, the more confused and fascinated Ding Xiang's eyes are, and the fiery mess is in a mess.

  As if in order to numb the stimulation brought by the seam of the legs, the small hand suddenly moved, "Ba Ba Ba", the skin of the **** stick moved up and down, pulling the two atomic bombs below.

   "Zi Zi Zi" Long Gen took a puff of cigarette, and his fingers became more vigorous.

  I thought to myself, if you fuck, I will just fuck, who is afraid of it? You have the guts to get the water out for me, anyway, it's very easy for me to get out the water!

One yang finger is useless, **** are holding the dumpling wrapper, the black stockings are pressed inch by inch into the small slit, the thin stockings are frosted on the wall of the hole, sometimes the fingers are stuffed into the hole, poking and picking, After a while, the hot water came, as sticky as ever, and the sao smelled extremely bad.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Xiaolong, don't, don't pick, don't pick...Itchy...It's so ticklish..." Ding Xiang opened her throat and howled, As soon as his body softened, he sat down again, holding the big guy reluctantly.

   But that hand was like brown candy, stuck to it, and couldn't even shake it off. The more I struggled, the harder it got.

Long Gen took a deep breath, raised his hand to throw away the cigarette butt, and said slowly: "Sister Lilac, it's okay, don't be afraid. Is it itchy? I'll pick it for you. My fingers are very good. I can lift my **** to stop itching." , the curative effect is very good...."

"If you really need a yang finger, don't be afraid. Don't we still have a big stick? Just poke it in, it will work very well. Keep a stick to solve the problem, so that you won't itch for the rest of your life. Do you want to try it?" , Long Gen blinked his eyes, his fingers were like a loach in the mud, and he thrust them in together.

   "Ah... ah... ah...don't...uh...Xiaolong, don't pick...with your hands...ah..."

   There was a tingling sensation like an electric shock coming from the small crack, and it rushed into the brain one after another, itching, tingling, numb, making people dizzy.

   "Okay, then I won't pick." Long Gen withdrew his hand, stuffed his wet fingers into Ding Xiang's mouth, and licked the tip of his little tongue clean twice. "Sao tastes strong, isn't it delicious?"

   "Hmm..." Ding Xiang gently smacked her lips with the big stick, hmm, haha, she didn't know what it meant.

  Anyway, Long Gen didn't care so much, he took out an electric boyfriend from his pocket, and if you don't need to pick it up, you don't need to pick it up, this thing seems to be not bad.

   "Ah...Xiaolong, don't, don't touch your fingers, itch, itch, umm..." Ding Xiang masturbated vigorously, opened her small cherry mouth, and prepared to take two sips to get her mouth full. The small slit suddenly bulged, as if something had been stuffed in, and I couldn't help feeling flustered.

That kind of feeling is too uncomfortable and uncomfortable at all, the inside of the pick is like swollen, burning pain, there is a little irritation in the pain, the water tide hits me, the **** are wet, The whole thigh seam was soaked. It's so greasy, it's so uncomfortable.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I didn't pick it." Long Gen patted Ding Xiang's head lightly, and pressed down gently, "Come on, don't you miss the big stick? Give it a kiss and see.... "

  Blowing Xiao Lilac was speechless. It felt like eating a lollipop. She opened her small mouth and swallowed it in one gulp towards her brain. Nodding his head and licking the stick, the red lips smacked "Baji Baji".


   As soon as the big stick was pulled out, the tongue licked it up again, with the tip of the tongue touching the snake's head.

   "Hiss..." Long Gen exhaled, and secretly said, this woman is skilled, she is definitely not a good woman, well, I don't have any psychological burden when I am old. Press the switch.

  buzz buzz... woo woo woo

   "Ah! Ah! Ahhh..." Ding Xiang immediately softened, holding her buttocks tightly, discarding the big stick, and twisting her waist.

Suddenly there was a high-frequency vibration in the small gap, the trembling small hole was flooded, the whole body was numb, the head and soul followed the "buzzing" sound, and fell into chaos, only screaming, moan.


Lilac rolled on the blanket, her buttocks pouted, Xiaoman's waist swayed crazily, her two **** trembled crazily, lumps of white liquid flowed out from the slit of her buttocks, her delicate body twitched and convulsed .

", don''s so uncomfortable, it's so uncomfortable...ah!" Ding Xiang bit her lip, still sitting on the last Fighting, but his hands were clamped by the dragon root, unable to pull out the thing.

  Long Gen smirked and said: "Sister, brother is treating your itching, you should bear it..."

  PS: Ask for a monthly pass...