MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 269 Shangkang...

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"Satisfied with food and thinking of lust", coming out of "Roasted Chicken", Long Gen is full of wine and food, his belly is hugged like he is pregnant, and the three Huang brothers are present, so it is naturally not good to go with He Jingwen and the other, Save yourself gossip. Get in the car and light the fire, then rush to the three Huang brothers and say:

   "I drank too much at night, the three of you don't send the car to Shanghe Village tonight, let's talk about it when you wake up tomorrow. Call me if you have anything to do."

  Huang Bao nodded gratefully, his head was dizzy, he was the one who drank the most among the three brothers tonight, but he was the worst at drinking, his face was flushed like a monkey's butt.

   "Boss is so kind, considerate of subordinates, boss, you are too great..."

   Huang Bao’s answer was a string of exhaust fumes, and they went away in a blink of an eye. The three brothers supported each other and found a hotel. They had a good night’s sleep. They no longer had to be afraid of Fang Zheng, and their chest felt much more comfortable.

   Push down on the accelerator and drive into the Orchid and Bamboo Garden.

  He Jingwen and Liu Yuxin came one step ahead. They sat on the sofa, chatting and talking, but they were smiling happily anyway. He didn't lift his head when he entered the door, so Long Gen was speechless.

   "Grandpa Long, grandpa Long will make you want to die in a short while, and stab your **** until you can't **** out of your eyes!" He said viciously in his heart, and began to calculate.

  The two wives ignored me, can't the big stick be offered up? Play stupid, who wouldn't. Dama Jindao, sit on the sofa, pick up the remote control panel and tune to the animal world, which issue of the animal world does not talk about some deep-seated things, such as continuation of offspring and attraction of the opposite sex. Long Gen lit a cigarette and took a sip. Unzip the zipper and release the boa constrictor.

The **** boa constrictor, coiled among the grass, pitch-black with fierce aura, stretched out his hand and poked the big guy twice, without being stimulated, it continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting thicker, harder, and harder. It's getting longer! Finally, the blackest flagpole in history appeared.

   "Stinky boy, what are you doing? Let you breathe, what are you doing with your head up, are you going to fight? Believe it or not, I locked you up?" Long Gen pointed at his younger brother and cursed angrily.

  Nodding the head of the big stick with his finger, it bounced back as soon as he let go, as tenacious and unyielding as ever!

   "Grandma. Damn, I'm still fighting with you, I'm grabbing you." Long Gen held the big stick and swung it around, revealing his round head in its entirety.

   "Ah? Little bastard, what are you doing?" He Jingwen exclaimed, blushing with shame, and said angrily, "Why did you take that thing out in the living room?"

   Liu Yuxin looked back, oh my god, a **** stick was dangling and shaking in the middle of the crotch, surrounded by lush and lush weeds.

  The two of them really didn't mean it, they chatted really vigorously, and didn't care about the little **** for a while, who would have known that this bastard, it's okay to play with his **** by himself, and he was still cursing.

"Oh, it's nothing. You talk about you, I'll teach you a lesson." Long Gen said lightly, and slapped the big guy back. , For the continuation of the bloodline, for the inheritance of the race, what are you doing hard? You miss the Japanese, don’t you see people ignoring you? Give me peace of mind, I can’t afford to lose that person!”

  He Jingwen smiled wryly and shook her head, now she understands, the little **** is protesting!

"Small, what are you doing with your head on your head? I'll tell you what to do with you. Crack!" With a sharp and crisp slap, the **** snake was stronger when it encountered a strong force. It stood at attention and took a rest. The two wives salute.

   Liu Yuxin's pretty face was flushed, her head was buried deep, and her little heart was beating "thumping". She only looked at it twice, and her heart felt itchy and numb, as if ants had crawled over it.

Last time when the little **** returned to the village, Ha Chi Ha Chi worked for most of the night, all night and all night, the house was screaming and screaming, making people toss and turn and couldn't sleep, what can I do, who let my aunt come , the coincidence is outrageous, there is no room for it, it is uncomfortably itchy, let alone eating big guys, it is difficult to pick it with your hands!

   Counting the days, it has been almost a month away from the big guys, can you not think that they are all women?

"Little bastard, what are you doing?" He Jingwen blushed, glared at Long Gen, and said angrily, "I have grown a donkey thing, but I just say that I am small, so I have no shame? Can I make people live?"

  Long Gen twitched his mouth, "Then why are you just staring blankly, you are not as good as a beast?"

   "Didn't you see the beast on TV? Seeing the strong donkey rushing around, what are you two pretending to be? Why don't you come and serve the big guy?" Long Gen said seriously with a serious face.

  He Jingwen and Liu Yuxin looked at each other.

   Is it not as good as a beast? Not as good as animals! The two sisters are a graduate student and a doctoral student. He Jingwen is already the head of a village at a young age. Liuhe Township is a dignified local emperor. He has been in office for less than a year.

   However, in the eyes of the little bastard, it seems to be something inferior to a beast? What kind of logic is this?

"Since you don't follow, then the young master can only take the initiative, and I can only be a beast once!" Long Gen stood up slowly, with a burly figure, and a huge human root stood upright in the dark grass. , straight into the cloud!

   With a "whoosh", he rushed towards the two women.

  Liu Yuxin and He Jingwen were taken aback and ran away in a hurry.


  But how can you escape the claws of the milk-grabbing dragon? Hugging left and right, climbing up Yufeng, kneading, pinching, and commenting.

"Yeah, Jingwen's **** are fair and plump; Yu Xin is a little smaller by two sizes, but she can still be called, the tips of her **** are full and firm, like red raisins." Long Gen smacked his lips, and reached out to touch her , "Come on, Grandpa Long touches the bottom of you, oh, it's all watery..."

  He Jingwen crossed her legs, her tender body became hot, and her whole body was numb, "Uh huh, Xiaolong,'s so itchy." Her little hand grabbed the big snake.

"Itchy? That's easy, Yuxin, wait a minute, I'll pick and pick for Jingwen." Letting go of Liu Yuxin, Long Gen held He Jingwen tightly, rubbing milk on top, and scratching on the bottom .

   Fingers sank deep into it, scratching against the wall of the cave with a sizzling sound, watery as if flooding, and it couldn't be stopped.

"Yeah, Xiaolong, big stick, huh, I want a big stick, others want a big stick, huh..." With a twist of her delicate body, He Jingwen's delicate face flushed like a big red apple, Coquettish and lovely, pink and tender, how can she look like a strong man?

  Half tender white and crisp. Breasts slide out quietly, delicate and supple like suet jade, coin-sized dark red **** halo, inlaid with a little pink.

  ", yes, yes...does anyone want...ah..."

   "Ten glasses, nine sao" has been verified once again. At this time, He Jingwen doesn't have the dignity of a superior, with her **** exposed, and the joy between her legs. Waves. Call more than.

   "Hmph, adulterer. Husband and wife!" Liu Yuxin quit immediately.

  The more He Jingwen yelled, the more upset she felt, and she wished she could cut her down with a knife. My good sister, it’s still worth it once or twice. I know that I haven’t solved my physical problems for a few days, but I still follow me to grab it!

   "Oh, Jingwen, is Yu Xin angry? Why don't you bear with it first, and I'll help Yu Xin make trouble later?" Long Gen made up his mind to stay with the two wives tonight!

   It's outrageous!

  He didn’t give himself face outside, and stole Grandpa Long’s limelight; when he returned home, he turned a blind eye to himself, which was tolerable, but the big stick couldn’t be tolerated, he pulled it out in anger, pulled it out and stuffed it violently!

"Xiaolong, come on, I want it first, ah... ah... You, look, water, water everywhere... ah..." He Jingwen held the big stick and did not let go, swinging her waist, scratching her head and making gestures , blinking peach blossom eyes, showing the meaning of seductiveness.

   Liu Yuxin is also popular, and she is going all out for the big stick. All doctoral students are bullshit, and they have no sex. What is the fun of living a doctoral student?

   "No, I have to come first. It's almost a month. No way!" Liu Yuxin grabbed the big guy, fought against each other, and swung her small **** to stick it up. Looking at the big guy with a red face, he suddenly felt his mouth dry, and he wanted to swallow it in one gulp!

  Long Gen spread out his hands, expressing that he was very embarrassed, and the bowl of water was not fair!

   "Hey, you guys are embarrassing me, what can I do? Or, let's all stop here, and let's have a couple of licks, and I'll get a cucumber for each of you?"

"Well, hum, no, no, Xiaolong, let's...come on, poke me first, son is bigger than the way, my **** are bigger than Yuxin What?" He Jingwen became anxious when he heard that no one could eat a big stick.

   Bring out his biggest advantage, although the two of them look similar, but he is protruding and backwards, and he is still an official. What do you compare me to?

   ", why are you doing this?" Liu Yuxin blushed anxiously, holding the big hard guy, but she had to wait in the back left to eat, how could she feel at ease?

   But I just can’t think of any good way, yes, how can I compare with myself? How can I compare it?

   "Well, it seems to make sense." Long Gen pondered: "Then let's meet you first, Yuxin, wait a little bit, soon, soon...."

  The **** stick was put against the small gap, some lubricating oil was applied, and it went in with a "chuck".


  He Jingwen rolled her eyes and screamed.


  The little **** is very upset, bitch, let you ignore me and stab you to death. The big stick was driven into the hole vigorously, flicking frantically for a while, hitting He Jingwen's flower branches trembling and screaming again and again. After only a short while, he dropped his helmet and armor, begging for mercy again and again.

"Ah, no, no, little dragon, no, don't go in...ah...don't go hurts, it hurts, it hurts...ah..."

  The high-pitched and loud singing sounded, accompanied by a monstrous heat wave, rushed out of the legs, and blew thousands of miles!

   "Hey, are you obedient?" Long Gen smiled wickedly.

  He Jingwen nodded quickly, "Listen, listen, am I still obedient? Ah...don't, don't stuff it in, it's over, it's over...ah..."

  Long Gen stopped his waist, and said with a sinister smile: "Then, let me be an official?"

"Cheng, Cheng, Cheng, I asked my dad to help me, I will definitely let you become an official, and the last time I will be a deputy township chief... Oh God, please, don't stab me... .”