MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 282 Provocation from the garbage mountain

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"Is this what it feels like to be a symbol?"

Amidst the reverberation of the hymn of hell, Wei Wei stepped onto this stage and entered the level that countless researchers and superhumans dream of.

Now, regardless of power, he has also become a totem in essence.

The word totem itself has some kind of mystery, it belongs to a representative level that can be worshiped by people, and it symbolizes some kind of high-level logic.

assigned a special meaning.

And after he climbed the steps, he could clearly feel the feeling of being almost melted away. He only felt that his body seemed to no longer exist, or that he was about to be submerged by the vast ocean, and he saw countless sheets of despair. His face, every desperate face, had a fatal attraction with him, and with a thought, he would travel through time and space and arrive in front of him.

Similarly, I am also extremely eager to reach them, because I was born for them.

It's a feeling of losing control and forgetting who you are at any time, because the ocean is too big, and there is no shell worth keeping forever.

However, it was also at this time that the previous accumulation and search had played a role. Wei Wei felt as if he was in the boundless sea, and the waves of blood around him were hitting him, which could blow him to nothing. He could let himself melt into this boundless ocean at any time, but unexpectedly, under his feet, there appeared a blood-colored garbage mountain, with a hideous shape, like a throne in a nightmare.

With this garbage mountain, he stabilized his heart, maintained his individual rationality, and looked forward.

He saw those desperate slaves, the most desperate and filthiest group of people in the world, burst out with moving power and rushed towards the Holy Church.

Next to the holy church, the members of the priesthood with excellent armor and weapons were trembling in front of them.

He was moved by this, almost to tears.

"Could it be that the Holy Church is really going to be destroyed because of this?"

I don't know how many people looked in horror at the slaves coming like a tide, and the white shadow floating in the midair, who found **** singing.

These knights, who take it as their duty to guard the holy church, had a premonition that a crazy war was coming, and they were even prepared to die and return to the embrace of God, but they never expected that the confrontation would be like this, They don't know about the confrontation about the Spear of Truth, they just don't understand the process in the middle, so in their eyes, the war broke out suddenly.

It was as if, when scarlet came, the sacred domain suddenly became chaotic, and the head of the priesthood and the totems were all vulnerable.

For Scarlet, destroying the sacred domain is simply easier than setting off a **** firecracker.

They couldn't understand that this was a Holy Church that was strong enough to fight against the Foundation, stood in the wilderness for thirty years, and made even demons fearful.

Could it be that it is really facing destruction now?

"Yes, the Holy Church will indeed be destroyed today."

At the same time, standing on the **** mountain, Wei Wei looked at the hell-like holy leader with empty eyes, his expression seemed to have an inhuman indifference.

"Unless their gods are willing to reach out into reality."


He seemed to have seen everything clearly, and he was not nervous, and even looked forward to it.

Coldly watching the fires ignited in the cities in the sacred domain, watching the countless innocent souls howling in the air, watching the terrible gap between the earth and the city wall, but ignoring the priests struggling in the chaos The regiments, as well as the elders in the sacred hall who did not know what they were thinking, slowly raised their heads and cast their eyes on the cloudy sky, waiting for something quietly.

A mountain of garbage emerged from the sea of ​​blood. He stood on the top of the mountain of garbage, so close to the sky.

He could see the dazzling light, bursting behind the dark clouds, reflecting the dark clouds as thin as paper, and the fissures were as bright as spider webs.

Behind this bright cobweb-like gap, there are vaguely empty eyes looking down.

These gazes were originally invisible, but they seemed to have an irresistible force, instantly punching holes in the dark clouds, wanting to pierce through the world.

Bang bang bang!

There are more and more such gazes, until they shred the dark clouds and look towards the world at the same time.

Each of those gazes made people tremble, as if the spirit would be completely wiped blank by these gazes.

In the sacred hall, the elders who were already facing despair suddenly raised their heads at this moment, showing unbelievable but excited expressions:

"Are you coming?"

"Are they really willing to come down?"


"not good......"

At this moment, the human head pendant closed its eyes suddenly, and its hair exploded like a sea urchin: "No way, it's only the seventh person, shouldn't we meet them..."

Even the ghost lady, who is not afraid of the sky, but afraid of mess, suddenly felt the instinctive fear, and took the initiative to get into the can with a whoosh.

He even took the initiative to put the lid on.

In the depths of the sacred domain, the earth began to roar. If you want to describe it in one word, it seems to be the trembling of the world.

But above this roaring world, Wei Wei stood on the garbage mountain, met those gazes, and felt their anger at his provocation.

A smile suddenly filled his face.

He raised his hand proudly, holding the gun in his hand, and pointed at those gazes.

He never flinched, and even acted very friendly: "How are you guys..."


The world seemed to freeze at this moment, and the panic and shock of countless people were preserved on their faces.

The gods were lost in thought.

Facing the invitation, they didn't know whether to cross the easy line in front of them to crush the screaming ant.

But it seems that, deep in their hearts, there is also some kind of doubt that keeps them from crossing this line.

In this world, people have been asking whether there are real demons.

Or rather, God!

It's just that few people have thought that there is another innate condition for this problem.

Everyone will ignore it subconsciously, asking this condition, there is an innate condition that has not been explained clearly.

That is, reality.

What everyone wants to ask is whether there are real gods or demons in reality.

So this question is hard to prove.

But what if this condition is removed? God or the real devil, who knows whether it exists or not?

"How come you have to challenge these things?"

The head pendant was obviously trembling with fear, but still closed his eyes and pretended to be dead: "You have been losing to them before..."

"Really, every time someone is happy for you, you have to make people lift their hearts into their throats..."


It suddenly reacted again, and quietly put away its thoughts:

"From now on, you can't joke with him anymore, he has entered a new level..."

Also, Wei Wei raised his gun and pointed his eyes at the sky, with a provocative smile, waiting for these things to be unbearable and take the initiative to step over.

The whole world began to tremble.

The crazy believers in the sacred realm also felt something. They were tortured by the hymn of hell, and finally they were overwhelmed, fell to the ground, and gasped like dead fish.

It's ridiculous, they have believed all their lives, but they can't even recognize each other's eyes.

However, in the frozen time that stretched the instant into endless, and in the fearful and expectant eyes of countless holy courts, the faint smile on Wei Wei's face suddenly changed.

He tilted his head slightly, as if listening to something.

Soon, his face suddenly changed, his smile disappeared quickly, and he crawled

It was a bit cold.

As if angry.



A person always makes people feel relaxed when he smiles, and puts pressure on others when he is angry.

But now, just the opposite.

When the smile on Wei Wei's face faded away, and cold anger crept onto his face, everyone in this world breathed a sigh of relief.

The gazes in the sky seemed to be looking forward to this moment, and they were almost in a hurry. When Wei Wei felt angry and his attention was not on them, he withdrew his gaze instantly, as if two people were staring at each other, and neither of them would look away. , Seeing that a big battle was about to be brewed, one of them suddenly received a call and went to the side to talk angrily. This side also hurriedly looked away, feeling very grateful.

The eyes in the air disappeared, and the elders in the sacred hall also breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered:

"We're defeated, it's time to retreat to the kingdom of heaven..."

"What's this called?"

"Nothing, it's just that we're going to start our real wandering and..."

"What changed your mind?"

The head pendant, who was the closest to Wei Wei and the most feared, felt the changes around him with some joy, feeling dizzy as if he had narrowly escaped death.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to celebrate, it stopped quickly.

Because, he felt that Wei Wei at this moment was really angry, as if he was very angry.

For a moment, it didn't know whether to be grateful for this moment, someone brought back the anger that belonged to people to Wei Wei, or to be terrified at what Wei Wei, who had just set off a firework in the holy church, would do again.


It heard that Wei Wei was looking to the west at this time, where the spiritual barrier was, and whispered to himself: "You are so courageous..."



"Clan... Grandpa Clan..."

In that dark study room, Ye Feifei felt an uncomfortable fear, so he could only ask in a low voice, "What are you talking about?"

"You don't know yet."

The pile of fleshy skin lying on the bed dragged a strange tone, as if every time he uttered a word, he had to use all his strength, but every word seemed very powerful:

"It's also because you don't know, it means that the first half of our plan is still going well..."

He didn't care that Ye Feifei couldn't understand at all at this time, but the eyes under the skin, looked at Ye Feifei in front of him with some appreciation, and sighed softly: "I live so hard..."

"Feifei, I have used too many life injections to keep myself alive..."

"But living, for me, is no longer an enjoyment..."

Ye Feifei was a little surprised. The answer of the old man in front of him explained his current appearance and why he looked so weird.

However, Ye Feifei didn't know why he said this to himself.

It is even harder to say: it is illegal to use life injection...

"But I lived in such pain, but I still persisted, just to wait for this day..."

The flesh-skinned monster on the bed spoke with great effort, as if almost relieved: "Finally, I have waited for it."

Ye Feifei couldn't bear to remind such an old man who looked like he was about to die that he broke the law. Feeling the deep meaning in his words, he felt more cautious:

"You... what are you waiting for?"


"Waiting to send you to the altar."

The old man's voice suddenly had some cold power: "I'm waiting to see you complete that seemingly impossible task."


Ye Feifei was taken aback. From the very beginning when he entered the study, he felt

She was already a little uneasy, and subconsciously wanted to refuse: "I can't..."

"I... I'm so unlucky, I can't do anything well..."



The flesh-skinned monster on the collapsed bed suddenly laughed: "How could you be unlucky?"

"You are obviously the luckiest person in the world."


He looked at Ye Feifei with emotion, and said softly, "You are the one chosen by Qiangwei..."

Ye Feifei fell into deep astonishment, but before she could ask the innumerable questions in her heart, the flesh-skinned monster on the bed suddenly sat up, just such a sitting up action made the reinforced bed He collapsed, making an overwhelmed sound, and a layer of sweat oozed out of his body in an instant, but with an excited expression on his face, he suddenly pressed a button on the bedside.


A wall on the left suddenly receded to both sides, revealing a dark red altar with a strange shape.

Or rather, the execution stand.



Outside the room, Father Ye listened hard to the movements in the study. But the effect of the partition in the study was so good that he couldn't hear anything, but there were waves of despair in his heart, and suddenly, tears couldn't help but fall down.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Mother Ye, who had felt something was wrong for a long time, suddenly turned to look at him.

She knew what was wrong, after all, this is the patriarch, although he is the ancestor of Ye's chaebol and also Ye Feifei's patriarch, but after all, it has been five generations, and after three generations, they are no longer so close. What's more, the fifth generation, even if this old ancestor finally realized his conscience and was willing to see his daughter, how could he keep the two of them out and only let such a small family granddaughter into the study?

The Ye family had a lot of rules, so she didn't dare to ask, but when she saw Father Ye crying, she finally couldn't help it.

"Didn't you say you brought Feifei back to celebrate your birthday?"

She suddenly grabbed Father Ye's sleeve and asked anxiously, "Why are you crying? What happened?"


Father Ye's tears flowed more and more, with deep despair in his voice: "I can't decide."

"This is Momo's life..."

"Feifei, her fate has been decided since she was born..."

"It's not fate, I don't believe it..."

Mother Ye further confirmed the conjecture in her heart, stood up suddenly, pushed Father Ye hard, and walked towards the study:

"Where is my daughter, I want to take her home!"


At the door of the study, the housekeeper, who was hunched over and dressed in a decent tuxedo, suddenly turned his head indifferently, and gave Ye Mu a hard look.

Mother Ye was a little scared subconsciously, but she still braved up and rushed to the study: "I want to take my daughter home, what's the matter, mothers can't bring their own daughter..."

She took out the unreasonable posture she had when she was young, and was about to rush into the study.

But before her fingers touched the doorknob of the study room, or even before her voice actually sounded here, the housekeeper's expression was already gloomy, and his pupils constricted suddenly.


Mother Ye's body was stiff, feeling that her body was out of control, as if Leng Youyou's muzzle was pressed against her forehead.

Father Ye suddenly raised his head: "Don't..."

As if his pleading had played a role, and as if he just didn't want to cause trouble, the housekeeper who could get rid of this woman in an instant snorted coldly, and Mother Ye suddenly fell backwards as if hit hard. Withdrew four or five meters away, and his bones were almost cracked. Father Ye rushed over to hug him, but fell down together with her. Ye Tongtong was frightened and cried, and the cry rang out in this small space stand up.

Ye Qin was willing to stand up and wanted to help, but was deeply frightened by the butler's gaze.

At this moment, calm footsteps sounded suddenly, making the movement in the room a little quieter, and a row of people in black robes walked over in the long corridor.

They were all very quiet, with solemn expressions, and they had the astonishing demeanor cultivated by living in the nobility for a long time.

Even Mother Ye, who had just recovered from her breath, and Father Ye, who was struggling in pain, couldn't help but gasped when they saw the faces of these people under the hood, and couldn't make a sound.

Chen's Consortium, Yingjing Consortium, Yuanshan Caiguan...

They are people in business, so they naturally have knowledge and know some of the people in power of the major consortiums.

And they never imagined in their dreams that now, all these faces actually appeared in the manor of the Ye family of the third-level consortium, wearing the same black robes, and walked quietly through the corridor.

They didn't even look at Ye's father and Ye's mother, but walked towards the deepest study with a unique solemnity.

"Have you started yet?"

Only when the person at the front walked to the side of the study, did he stop for a while and ask the housekeeper.

"Everything is ready."

The butler replied respectfully and then gently opened the door of the study.

"Ding Lingling..."

Just when these people were about to file into the deepest study room, the phone suddenly rang piercingly in the corridor, and soon, a secretary who looked like a young man hurried over.

Holding the phone in his hand, he walked up to the group of people and said in a low voice, "Mister, it's a call from the Foundation."

"They want us to... wait."



Among the crowd, laughter suddenly sounded, and soon, the old man in front of the line sneered: "Tell the foundation, don't meddle in your own business."

Then, he was the first to push the door and go in, and everyone in the team followed.

As if already can't wait.

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