MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 20

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The meat of the two-legged dragon is quite strong and full of strength, but it is not tough and difficult to crunch. It is really a good one. With the dwarf wrought iron proud of the seasonings and spirits, roasting and just waiting for the heat, let everyone eat full of mouth oil, after eating, only feel that the scent of the strong road is still lingering in the corner of the mouth, really endless aftertaste.

Such a barbecue, if in the bustling big city, may sell dozens of gold coins. It not only tastes good, but also has a certain nourishing effect on the body. If you can eat this kind of food regularly, your body can become extremely strong without special exercise.

Almost all of the children of the great aristocracy were cultivated in this way.

"It's delicious! It's so delicious!" A mouthful of barbecue, Gerrard couldn't help but sigh.

"The wrought iron craft is indeed getting better and better!" Old Sos nodded and praised, "In the future, when you are old, this cooking is the best heirloom!"

The wrought iron is nearly fifty years old, and it is young and promising for the dwarf. His life is probably over a hundred years. I heard the praise of Soth, the dwarf who had been adventuring with Soss 30 years ago could not help but laugh: "Remember that when we first met, I hunted a wolf at the barbecue, you sneaked over, I still I thought you were going to steal something. As a result, you came up with a sentence, 'I will get the spirits for your barbecue'..."

"Yeah, it’s been thirty years since I turned my eyes. At that time, I just debuted, always thinking about doing a big business, making big money, and making a name for myself." Old Soss stroked the beard and said with a smile, "Now My son has grown up, and he complained to me not long ago, saying that Parker would not study business at home, but would like to learn grandfather in the world..."

"Thirty years, we are all old."

"The word '都都' is not used correctly. The old one is only Sos and I. You are still young with wrought iron." The half-elf with a beard has smiled and shook his head. "Soth's energy is not as good as before. In the past few years, I haven't had the energy to walk with the caravan. When the young people take over, they need your uncle to help them."

The wrought iron suddenly frowned: "I can't do business! You let me take them to risk it is no problem, take them to do business? That is not waiting for a loss!"

"Reassure, we are not saying that we will retreat. We must take them for a while." Sosman’s wrinkled face smiled very harmoniously. "And... I want to go before I die." The ancient elf temple that we have been to before, have a good chat with the elder who is immortal."

"This is my approval! The wine of the temple is very good, and the frog elders are very kind." The wrought iron suddenly came to the spirit. "Let's go drink together!"

As he spoke, Yuxiong suddenly felt a strong malicious spread in the distance. He hurriedly reminded Gerard that Gerald had got up and saw that a group of orcs were riding on the wolf.

"The orc wolf rides! Everyone defends!"

The Orc Wolf Ride is a notorious robber gang in the four northwestern regions. This group of robbers came from the northern plains, with a large number of people, and they were stigmatized. The dogs and cats did not stay wherever they went, and the fierceness went to the extreme. The task of annihilating them has been hanging on the reward bars of the four towns, but no one can finish them. More than once, the adventurers wanted to find them trouble, but the result was gone.

For various reasons, the four towns in the northwest did not form an army. This may be to prevent wars from happening, but it also makes them unable to clamp down on the large-scale, savage gangs such as the Orc Wolf Group.

One to two, the Orc Wolf Ride Group has grown stronger and even developed into a business group that dares to attack the open space on the edge of the town, and has often succeeded.

This time, they apparently came to attack the business group.

Seeing dozens of green beasts roaring on the gray wolf, the merchants were all flustered. The astute and decisive words are not to be said. When you drop the goods, you will run towards the village, look for a safe place to escape, and hope that the bandits will take their lives and return to their lives. If they are brave, they will take out their weapons and take the carriage. Dumping as a fence, determined to fight for a battle, even if you die, you must die with dignity; as for those who are the smartest, run straight toward the "lucky gold coin" side, and hope to cooperate with them to grasp the possible lifeline.

The heads of the lucky gold coins are all veteran adventurers. As soon as they discovered the bandits, they immediately prepared for the battle. Old Sos rushed to the distance with amazing agility in three or two steps and began to lay traps. His speed is extremely fast, and he can complete a trap in about three or two breaths, fully demonstrating the skill of a senior thief. The bodyguards wore the whole set of equipment neatly and tidyly, relying on the carriage to pose a battle. The dwarf who was still busy with the barbecue got into the carriage. After a moment, he had already put on a heavy body that was as thick as a turtle shell, and turned into a powerful heavy warrior. The half-elf was filled with arrows in the air around it to facilitate a quick shot. Even the guys took out the leather armor and weapons from the carriage and prepared for the battle.

"Huai... Big Brother, your martial arts...weapons?" About the first time I encountered this kind of scene, Palin looked a bit wary. He took his magic wand with crystals in his arms and was nervously preparing for the spell, but he couldn't calm down. Perhaps to increase confidence in himself, he leaned over to the big man Gerrard and whispered.

Since becoming a giant after being born again, Gerrard has never used weapons. He buried the used tomahawk in the ruins of the White Leaf Village and buried it with that memory. At this moment, there is no one who is a slap in the face.

Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer, he frowned, looking around and suddenly, his eyes lit up. Take three steps and make two steps to a tree about one foot wide.

" are doing this...what?" There was a businessman next to the tree, wearing a leather armor, and seeing him suddenly come over, startled and stuttered.

Gerrard ignored him and looked up and down the tree.

The trunk is straight, the wood is fine, and the foliage is lush. It is very suitable.

So he bent down, his left hand slightly, his right hand clinging to the trunk, and the nearby merchants were stunned and screamed and pulled it up. The splashed soil fell like raindrops, and some even fell to the side of the guy who was stupid and grew up.

After licking the weight of the big tree and looking at the messy roots, Gerard shook his head and was somewhat dissatisfied.

This must be a bit confusing. When fighting, it is easy to accidentally hurt the companion.

So I leaned the tree root on the ground, stepped on a few feet, picked it up and smashed it with a thick palm, and cleaned up the roots of the inconvenience, and it was a bit decent. Next, sighed.

"It's a bit light, and the center of gravity is not so good. Let's make it."

However, this scene has already seen everyone stunned. These merchants who have been to the north and the north have not seen the Hercules, but whoever has seen it is so exaggerated! Although folklore does have a rumor that "the giant uses the big tree as a stick", when this scene really appears in front of the eyes, even if the giant is known as his comrade-in-arms, the instinct of the weak makes them feel suffocated and soft. .

However, seeing the strength of their comrades has greatly enhanced their confidence in victory. For a time, those flustered merchants were calmed down, and even those who wanted to hide, ran out and took out their weapons to fight side by side.

The Orc Wolf Ride is indeed very powerful and dangerous, but can it be more powerful and dangerous than a giant who pulls a big tree out as a stick?

Obviously impossible!

In this case, what is terrible!

Gerard took his "big stick" and returned to the lucky gold coin team. He stood at the forefront of the team and shook the ground against the robbers who roared.

In his past adventures, he has also fought against the bandits more than once. But he has never been as confident and fearless as he is today.

He even turned his head and turned his back to the big tree that was stacked higher than four or five people. He smiled at the uneasy Palin and said, "Hey, look, this is my weapon."

"Really reliable weapon!" The dwarf wrought iron admired, "Sure enough, it is convenient!"

"In fact, I would rather use a normal one, such as a hammer or an axe." Gerard said, "However, I can't find a fit for my body!"

"The next town to go is Taojin Town, where the ore is rich. I will help you build a weapon by then." The dwarf said, "Although the craftsmanship of my weapons can only be considered average, but to build a big axe, it should be Still can't beat me."

"That's it!" Gerard smiled. "Remuneration... Hey, the reward is coming."

During the talk, the beasts riding the wolves are close. They obviously also noticed Gerrard, who had to hold back the reins at one time and hesitated to move forward.

It should be noted that in the face of a giant who is as tall as a wall in a town, holding a big tree as a weapon with one hand, there will not be many people who have the courage to risk the obvious being smashed into a meat sauce, rushing to death. .

Even the bandits are the same.

The leader of the bandit, "Blood Hand" Ruhr, an orc wearing a flashing magical light armor and a scimitar in his hand, is also in a contradiction.

He knows how terrible the power of this giant is. If it is normal, he will definitely take the detours with his men and never provoke this opponent - not to mention the possible risks, just to kill the giant. The price to be paid is irreparable.

To kill such an opponent, I am afraid to be prepared to fight off half a thief.

Without the thief group, what did he count in this wild land?

However, the news obtained from reliable sources has strengthened his confidence.

His gaze fell on Gerard's right wrist and stared at the bone bracelet that slightly reflected the magical light.

Just get this treasure, even if you fight the entire thief group!

A legendary treasure is enough to make him traversing the four towns. Even if he returns to those prosperous areas, he will be able to settle down and enjoy the life of the winery.

In this case, the historical mission of this "orc wolf riding group" can be over!

Thinking of this, he finally made up his mind, with a knife and a command to attack.