MTL - Cub Raising Association-Chapter 74 74th as a childcare worker

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Can't be a qualified parent.

Hearing this answer from Zarad, Xie Luan's left eyelid flickered.

Xie Luan can almost understand Morrison's mentality. The other party is not that he does not love this Riley cub, and is actually not unwilling to adopt, but he is not satisfied with himself and thinks that he is not suitable to be the cub's parent.

But if you look at it from Xie Luan's point of view, there is no doubt that the other party as a parent must be in the standard line in his eyes.

Just because the other side decided to rescue the cub from such a dangerous battlefield, and then took care of it, and took good care of the cub, the other side is already qualified.

If Morrison can adopt the Riley pup, Xie Luan believes it will help the pup overcome the psychological obstacles left by the war.

"Who is the baby writing on here?" Xie Luan squatted down to pick up the piece of white paper that was dribbled by Riley's cub with a colored pen, and asked in a gentle voice the cub standing next to the paper. .

Intentionally asking this, when the voice fell, Xie Luan saw the fluffy Riley cub slamming closer to him.

"Gum ~ Grum!"

Waving the fins up and down while making a crisp cry, from the bright eyes, the cub was obviously thinking of a very important person.

After hearing the cub's still tender voice, Xie Luan watched the Riley cub pick up a colored pen with a pointed bird's beak, and scribbled again on the white paper he put down.

These colored pens and papers were used by Xie Luan as a toy to play with these puppies today. If you really want the puppies to write and draw, you should use a prop called induction board in the world.

Usually, the nursery staff of the Rainbow Treasure Chapter will distribute the induction board to the cubs when they teach the babies interstellar common language, so that the cubs can write on it to deepen their memory.

What does the baby's graffiti look like? Xie Luan looked at it, similar to the kindergarten painting style of his old baby over the world.

But the lines are a bit crooked, after all, no induction board is used.

On the white paper, in addition to the letters "papa", there is now a tall stickman in the blank space next to it.

This stickman has no left hand, the two dot-like eyes are brown, and the head is brown hair. On the stickman's legs there was a small round ball that could not see the specific shape, with two black eyes. This round ball and the stickman next to it looked very close.

Although it was really a very rough graffiti painting, Xie Luan picked up the white paper again and looked down at the painting while he couldn't help but reach out and touch the head of this Riley cub.

This graffiti painting is not difficult to understand. Several characteristics of the Stickman correspond to Morrison. Xie Luan knew at a glance who this cub was painting.

"This is papa, this is the baby, isn't it?" Xie Luan pointed at the stickman and the ball on the white paper with his fingers, and stated in a statement to the Riley cub who was raising his head to look at him. Sentence.

"Goo ~"

In response, the Riley cub shook his tail shortly from side to side. As if lifting his body up a bit, the cub's soft, hairy abdomen became more prominent, and it looked like people wanted to reach out and touch two.

Compared to the small ball, the stick figures on the white paper are drawn very tall.

Xie Luan felt that this was the image of Morrison in the cub's heart.

After keeping this graffiti picture in the first place, Xie Luan had a vague idea in his mind. He thought of what to use to make Morrison change his mind.

Summer is the season when flame flowers are in full bloom. This kind of flower is only a few plants on the planet. Gaia star is just one of them.

In the garden of the Yunbao branch, there is a flowerbed with flame flowers. In the early morning of the new weekend, Xie Luan cut a flower branch in this small flowerbed and brought the flower branch to the living room.

The flame flower in this world is not the same as the one in Xie Luan's original world. The name is very vivid. The flower in Xie Luan's hands is indeed a warm flame.

But this is a kind of flame that makes people feel warm and not scorching. In some festivals, the flame flower is often used as a gift to close people.

Xie Luan placed this flowering branch and the previous graffiti picture in front of Riley's cub who was looking at the door from time to time. He squatted down and pointed the cub with a finger, saying, "Wait for papa. At that time, Riley gave him the flower first, and then showed him the paper. "

"Grumbling." With his head crooked to the right, the Riley cub responded obediently, lowering his head to link the flower branch first, and Wu Liu's eyes looked at the door again.

It is probably the style of a soldier. Morrison visits the Yunbao Chapter every week very regularly. Xie Luan looks at the time. The other party will come in a few minutes.

It was not bad that Xie Luan expected. The other party arrived on time today. When Morrison appeared in the room, Xie Luan watched the Riley cub with a flowering branch lift his fins and flipped towards him. The other ran into it.

This bump hit the opponent's leg, but this Riley cub did not hold the adult's trouser legs this time, but took a step back and raised his head toward the latter.

Fearing that the clinging flower branch would fall, the Riley cub didn't make a sound at this time, but stared at the adult in front of him with its slick black eyes, and waved the fins on both sides of the body. .

At one glance, seeing the flowering branch on the cub's pointed bird's beak, Morrison stooped uncommonly, and then saw the cub waving at the pair of small fins that he was waving, and he bent over to take over This flowering branch.

"Guru ~"

After receiving the flower branch, I heard the cry of this Riley cub. Morrison originally wanted to pick up the cub, but unexpectedly, the cub turned his head and ran back after making a clear call. Leaving, and after a while ran towards him with a piece of paper.

This white paper was folded two layers, and Morrison took it like the flower branch he had just taken. Morrison unfolded the folded paper, facing the lit eyes of the pup.

The first thing that came to Morrison's eyes was the two syllables that occupied almost half of the position on this paper.


Gaze stopped for a moment, and it took Morrison a few seconds to look away from him.

But when he shifted his eyes to the right and saw a stickman with a graffiti on the right, Morrison's hand holding the paper unconsciously pinched a wrinkle on the paper.

Stickman with only right arm, brown eyes and hair, a small round ball next to his leg ...

"Guru, gurgle-- ''

When Morrison was looking at the graffiti painting, Riley's cub in front of him came over and wrapped his trouser legs with his fins. This is exactly the same picture as the graffiti.

Looking away from the graffiti to the pup standing next to his leg, Morrison suddenly felt a little dry throat.

"When you see this picture, you should know that you are just like a hero in this cub's heart." Xie Luan said this in Duding's tone, looking at the Riley cub being held in his arms by the other party. Continued, "Riley is afraid that the thunder is a stress reaction after the war. This psychological obstacle can be overcome. If the hero in his mind can become its parent, I believe it will be of great help to overcome the obstacle."

He couldn't understand the complicated conversation of the adult's words. The Riley cub held in his arms by Morrison only made a slight scream at this time, and arched his fluffy body into the adult's arms.

Feeling the arch in his arms, Morrison took another look at the scribbled graffiti on his hand. When the sourness in his throat was depressed, he looked up at the young man ahead, and finally nodded his head.

After completing the relevant procedures, Xie Luan submitted two documents to Gaiaxing's adoption registration agency. One was required by Morrison to adopt the Riley cub, and the other was Xie Luan's adoption of Nick.

Xie Luan was planning to find time to register, and just submitted it together this time. Recently, some parents have also consulted on the Star Network about the pups to be adopted in their clubs. If they intend to adopt, they also said that they would find time to come to Gaia Star in person.

After completing the registration, Morrison officially became the parent of this Riley cub.

Considering that the pup's stress response needs to be assisted by the other side to overcome it, and the other side has retired from the Star Alliance Army Department, Xie Luan thought about it, and simply put forward the idea of ​​letting the other party serve as a combat instructor in the Yunbao Branch.

This proposal was quickly accepted by the other party. On the day of Xie Luan's proposal, Morrison moved directly to the staff dormitory, and began working as a combat instructor the next day.

"In terms of military rank, Morrison's rank seems to be second only to Lieutenant General ...?" Xia Qi said tremblingly. This matter was still mentioned by Zarad in gossip, and what special forces was the other party in? Elite.

Xie Luan nodded, even from the most basic combat teaching, he can already feel the opponent's rich combat experience, let alone control gravity is indeed a very rare mutation ability.

It is a joy to have the other party come to serve as a combat instructor in their branch.

Seeing Xie Luan nodded, the expression on Xia Qi's face changed slightly again, she still had a kind of unrealism.

At this level, there are two powerful members in their club. Xia Qi thinks that they may not have to worry about any security issues after the club.