MTL - Cult of the Sacred Runes-Chapter 26 Master Yi accepts appraisal

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"It is not an easy task to become an apprentice of Yi Master. I can only help you introduce it. As for whether you can be seen by Master Yi, you must also look at your own performance." Lin Ziyan Xiu Mei slightly sneaked and saw Ye Wei’s expression immediately smiled and comforted. “But you don’t have to worry too much. With your talent, as long as you play normal, I feel that there is no problem. Your soul is very strong, not even weaker than the real god. Master, even if there is some deficiency in the knowledge of the gods, it doesn't matter. After all, you are too young. The knowledge of the gods is too complicated. There are only 72 books in the orthodox pattern, so even if it is temporarily impossible, Master, nothing, your talent, plus the guidance of Master Yi, will definitely become a master of the gods in the future!"

Lin Ziyan's face with a faint smile, gently patted Ye Wei's shoulder, encouraged to blink.

Although I don't know what Ye Wei is worried about, now the most important thing for Ye Wei is to see Master Yi, which is about the future of Ye Wei and his entire family!

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, the master of the gods is a very noble and transcendental existence, and no force is willing to provoke the master of the gods.

Who can guarantee that they will not ask for the master of the gods in the future? The master of the gods waved his arms and did not know how many strong people would be willing to sell their lives!

"I will work hard!" Thinking of the difficulties faced by Ye Family, Ye Wei said with a deep voice, I thought that I would like to see Master Yi’s performance soon, and I must get the approval of Yi Master!

As long as you can get the approval of Yi Master, you should be able to ask Master Yi to solve the crisis for Ye Jia!

The speed of the road rut was very fast, but after the tea, it passed through the small half of Qingyue City and stopped at Yuying Mountain on the edge of Qingyue City.

Yuying Mountain is not awkward, nor is it a famous mountain. It is ordinary, but because Yi master lived on this mountain, the significance of this hill in Qingyue City is somewhat different.

On the foothills full of Zizhu, there is a simple and simple small courtyard with a small purple bamboo building. The road car stops on an open space outside the courtyard.


Lin Ziyan took Ye Wei down the rut.

“Easy Master lives here?” Ye Wei looked around and looked at the very ordinary small courtyard and bamboo building, asking with a little surprise.

In Ye Wei's mind, Master Yi is a god-like figure. It is not always accessible to ordinary people. In his imagination, the place where Master Yi lives should be a magnificent palace, but the scene in front is completely subversive. His imagination.

The simple hills, the simple small courtyard, and the bamboo building, all of which are simple enough to be simple. Does the unbeatable Master Yi live in this place?

"Easy Master!" Lin Ziyan stood in front of the small courtyard, looking at the bamboo building, and screamed crisply.


Just as Lin Ziyi’s light and sweet voice just came out, the deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and then he only heard a scream, and a unkempt old man screamed out of the bamboo building. I saw that his clothes were broken into rags, and he was hanging on his body, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Failed! Failed again! I want to create a metaphysical intermediate power, how is it so difficult!" The old man climbed up from the ground with a frustrated look, grabbed the fluffy hair, muttered to himself.

"Easy Master!" Lin Ziyan looked at the embarrassing look of Master Yi, slightly helplessly helped the forehead, looked at Ye Wei, who had wide eyes, and smiled awkwardly.

"This person, this person is the master of Yi?" Ye Weishi is somewhat unbelievable. The unkempt and wolf-stricken person in front of him will be the legendary Yi master.

It’s too far from the image of Master Yi in my mind, it’s a world of difference!

This is clearly a bad old man!

"Zi Zitou, when did you come over?" Master Yi heard the words of Lin Ziyan, it seems that he finally came back to the gods, and smiled toward the two.

"Just arrived, I brought Ye Wei to see you!" Lin Zi said with a grin.

"I have seen Master Yi!" Ye Weike did not dare to neglect, and he respectfully bowed.

After all, Master Yi is a master of Yi, even though he is somewhat different from his own imagination, he is still a master of the gods, and is one of the highest rankings in the entire Qingyuecheng!

When I heard Lin Ziyan, Master Yi glanced at Ye Wei.

Ye Wei couldn't help but feel a glimpse of his heart. He felt that the elite gods in the eyes of Yi masters flashed past. It seems that there is a kind of power that is deeply rooted in the heart. It is like being completely seen by this eye.

Ye Weidun was awe-inspiring, and he dared not have any contempt for the heart. In his heart, he could become the master of the gods of the peak. Yi Master must have some extraordinary things!

"The soul is very good!" Master Yi is slightly stunned and very satisfied.

When he heard the words of Master Yi, Ye Wei was shocked by his heart. Master Yi just looked at him and knew his soul perception.

"Listen to the purple skull and said, you have perfected the three tides of the palms and the gods? So that the three tides have improved a level, reaching the level of the spiritual level?" Yi master looked at Ye Wei, and asked at the door.

"Well!" Ye Weigong replied respectfully, without modesty, this time does not need modesty, the more talent he shows, the more Master Yi will pay attention to himself.

"Only by the soul's perception, you can perfect the magical powers, and make the supernatural powers upgrade a level, your talent is really good!"

"But to become a master of the gods, the outstanding soul perception is only the foundation. I need to know how much you have mastered the knowledge of the gods, and know how well you fit with the gods!" Master Yi licked his chin. Rila's beard.

"The degree of conformity of the gods?" Ye Wei slightly glimpsed.

"Yes, if you want to be a master of the gods, you must not only have enough knowledge of the gods, but also have a good sense of soul, and you must have a high degree of fit with the gods!"

"The strongest skill of the master of the gods is to create magical power. If the fit with the gods is not high enough, it is almost impossible to create a magical power. Therefore, the fit with the gods is also a necessary assessment point for a master of the gods." !"

"But Master Yi, Ye Wei has not yet reached the seven-star apprenticeship, can not write a **** pattern!" Lin Ziyan said quickly.

"This is all right, I have my own way!" Yi master smiled, as a master of the gods, he has many special abilities that ordinary people can't imagine!

Ye Wei can't help but be nervous. He doesn't even know what the gods fit.

"This is the volume of the Master of the Gods Awards appraisal last year. I will give you three hours to see how much you can do. I will judge the extent of your knowledge of the gods based on the results of this paper. ""

Master Yi took out a thick book and handed it to Ye Wei.

"Well!" Ye Wei nodded and quickly took over the book. He remembered the family's affairs in his heart. He remembered the safety of Ye Zhongtang, Ye Qiutang, and Ye Xuantang, and couldn't wait to return to Ye Family.

Therefore, after getting the test paper, Ye Wei immediately fell on the table and looked at it seriously. However, when Ye Wei saw the first question, the whole person suddenly stopped.
