MTL - Cultivating From Obtaining Experience-Chapter 17 Entering the room with eyes like jackals

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  Chapter 17 Entering the house with eyes like jackals

  Wang An felt the strength coming from the opponent's arm, but unconsciously, pictures emerged in his mind, which was the official ancient boxing score.

  He looks at these pictures every day, and they have been firmly imprinted in his mind.

   It's just that he hasn't successfully practiced even one of the pictures from the beginning to the end.

   Between the pushing hands, the red lines in a picture suddenly connected together, like a gurgling stream flowing through a mountain river.

   Originally not connected in series, the forces that were not twisted into one strand were suddenly connected together, and instantly became unobstructed.

  The body trembled, and at that moment, I felt a sense of enlightenment.

   "After you have practiced for a period of time, you have made great progress in Taijiquan, and the Taijiquan you have practiced has entered the room.

  Tai Chi (entering the room), rewards, Tai Chi unloading. "

  At this moment, Wang An felt his eyes light up, and his mind buzzed. In an instant, there were a lot of Taijiquan experience skills in his mind, all of which were Taijiquan's force-relieving techniques.

  Tai Chi unloading force is the technique of using Tai Chi's energy, which can remove the opponent's strength and dissolve its attack invisible.

  Yang Wudi's unique skill of "birds can't fly" in the past is to practice unloading force to a very brilliant level.

   This moment is like enlightenment, like a Buddhist epiphany,

  It was only a moment of effort, Wang An seemed to have gained several years, or even ten years of experience in Taijiquan unloading.

  Seeing that Wang An lost his mind, Yang Xianhua suddenly changed his moves, shaking his feet and exerting force,

   press hands,

   Welcome to the door!

   When he was surprised, just as he pressed Wang An's arm with both hands, his strength was suddenly emptied.

  Yang Xianhua hurriedly changed his moves, one-handed hook, Tai Chi strength, and single whip.

  Wang An drew a circle with both hands, like flowing clouds, and immediately removed Yang Xianhua's spiral energy.

  The two are no longer practicing push hands, but Sanshou, which is equivalent to sparring.

  Yang Xianhua didn't care about bullying the small, and used all the Tai Chi martial arts methods he had learned,

  Wang An sees the move and dismantles the move, and relays the force.

  No matter what direction the opponent is attacking with, he will use Tai Chi to remove all force.

  Yang Xianhua became more and more impatient, and couldn't even handle a single student, so how could he have the face to teach others here in the future.

  Suddenly he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet violently, the floor shook, and the person shot out, and suddenly he was beside Wang An, like a tiger descending a mountain, going forward indomitably.

   A punch went straight to the middle door.

   There was a hint of ferocity in his eyes, and he punched Wang Anzhong's vitals. If it was true, he would have to lie on the bed for a few days.

  Wang An walked around to dodge, but the opponent punched him again, and the people came like galloping horses.

  He raised his hand to receive the punch, and wrapped his hands around it, as if holding a ball. One ring, one throw, the strength was removed.

   At this moment, Yang Xianhua suddenly paused, his body was weak, and his waist and legs were a little sore.

"not good!"

  At this time, Wang An did not advance but retreated, raised his hand to support Yang Xianhua's arm, and slapped Yang Xianghua's ribs with a palm, so much energy surged from his feet that he reached his palm in an instant.

   spiral strength,

  Yang Xianhua let out a muffled snort, and his body was lifted off the ground. After landing, he turned around with Tai Chi steps, and then put on a pose of Tai Chi Cloud Hands again.

   "That's right, you practice Taijiquan really well." Yang Xianhua stopped and praised with a smile.

   "President Yang is too much." Seeing that the other party stopped, Wang An also stopped.

  He saw that Yang Xianhua's sudden change of technique just now was definitely not Taijiquan.

   That fierce momentum is somewhat similar to the Bengquan in Xingyiquan, and that posture seems to be a ruthless hand.

   "Could it be that Yang Xianhua also sent his disciples to learn Xingyi Quan secretly in the martial arts gym?"

  No matter what, this time the competition was fruitful.

  His Tai Chi has finally been upgraded, and he has learned new abilities and skills by accident.

   "That is to say, as long as the skills are upgraded, it is possible to obtain abilities related to the upgraded skills."

   "Okay!" A student below suddenly shouted, and then took the lead in applauding.

  The competition between the two just now was very exciting, much more exciting than the soft Tai Chi pushing hands they usually saw, it looked like an action movie.

   "You guys continue to practice, I'll go out and answer the phone." Yang Xianhua smiled and opened the door with the phone.

  Out of the door, his smile disappeared immediately, his face was gloomy and the sky covered with dark clouds, and his eyes were frighteningly cold.

   "Hiss!" He held his ribs and took a deep breath.

  The place where Wang An slapped her just now hurts badly.

  Think about it, with the strength of the world weightlifting champion, a single palm is enough, not to mention the spiral force of Tai Chi.

   This meant that Wang An stopped, using less than half of his strength, otherwise Yang Xianghua would have to call an ambulance at this time.

  Tai Chi looks gentle, but it used to be real kung fu, capable of killing people.

  How did Yang Wudi get the name of Tai Chi in the former dynasty? He didn't earn it by teaching others to practice Yangshengquan, but he earned it by fighting in martial arts.

   "Bastard!" He turned his head and glanced at the room behind him, his eyes like jackals.

  In the room, two students took the initiative to chat with Wang An.

   "Young man, your skill is pretty good. How many years have you practiced Tai Chi?"

   "I haven't practiced for long."

   "You should have won just now, right? That's amazing, that person is the vice president of the Tai Chi Association!"

   "It's a tie, President Yang let me do it on purpose." Wang An said modestly.

   "Well, it's rare to be capable without being arrogant." A middle-aged man with a round face and a slightly fat body smiled.

  In a separate private room in the villa, Yang Xianhua was naked from the upper body, showing his strong muscles.

  Holding a bottle of medicinal wine in his hand, he slowly wiped his ribs, where there was a clear palm print, purple in color.

   It was Wang An's slap just now, and he could have broken his ribs with a little more force.

  After treating the palm injury, he put on his clothes, went out of the room, and came outside the boxing room. He took a few deep breaths, and a smile appeared on his face again.

   Push the door and enter,

   "Everyone has almost rested, shall we continue?"

  Wang An always felt that Yang Xianhua was looking at him.

   "Could it be that President Yang is jealous of himself because of what happened just now?"

   In the following class, Yang Xianhua explained Tai Chi Yunshou.

   After talking for less than ten minutes, the phone on vibration mode rang. Yang Xianhua picked up the phone to check the number, frowned slightly, and continued to give lectures after hanging up.

   What he said this time was not very meaningful, but Wang An learned something when he demonstrated Tai Chi Cloud Hands.

   While teaching, the door opened with a creak, and there was a woman standing outside the door. It seemed that she was in her early thirties, wearing light makeup, with a pretty face and a round figure, very feminine.

  Yang Xianhua was taken aback when he saw her.

   "Sorry, you guys practice first, I'll go out for a while." After speaking, he left the door.

   "Why are you here?"

   "Yang Xianhua, where did you go last night?" the woman asked angrily.

   "I told you that I went to a party."

   "Participating, which little vixen did you go to socialize with, right? Lantai Hotel, right? You still find two of them a night, they are quite good at playing!"

  (end of this chapter)