MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 507 【Officer】

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  Chapter 507 [Officials]

  This bamboo forest seems to be unaffected by the cold winter, and it always remains dark green. Whenever the mountain wind blows, the clusters of bamboo leaves rub against each other, making a "rustling—" sound.

  Bamboo grows very fast. Even in the past few years, Fang Chang had to cut a lot of bamboo from here every now and then, but this bamboo forest has not been significantly reduced or sparse.

   have come here, so naturally I want to go in and see old friends.

  Fang Chang turned his feet slightly, then deviated a little bit, and walked towards the bamboo forest.

  The bamboo spirit in it seems to have a rather special experience. Anyway, Fang Chang only met him a few times when he first came to Yunzhongshan, and then disappeared completely until not long ago. The bamboo spirit who returned to the bamboo forest became calm and quiet because of some experience.

In recent days, whenever Fang Chang walked into the bamboo forest with an iron axe, he patted everywhere to find a few suitable bamboos, and when he cut them and brought them back to the cliff, he would always see bamboos staying there in the depths of the bamboo forest. Refined. So Fang Chang was also very polite and would say hello every time.

   Not long ago, with two gusts of wind howling, the bamboo spirit suddenly became able to speak, but still didn't like to talk.

  Walking into the bamboo forest, Fang Chang looked around a few bamboos, and thought to himself that on the way back, he chose a few and chopped them up and took them back to the cliff. Walking a few steps to the front of the bamboo spirit, Fang Chang looked at this bamboo spirit which was taller than other ordinary bamboos, and said:

   "Brother Zhu, I'm about to go down the mountain. I happened to pass by here, so I came to have a look. I'm leaving."

   After talking nonsensically, Fang Chang turned around and was about to leave. After all, he walked into this bamboo forest just as he wanted. According to his experience every time he came here, he would not get any response, and Fang Chang didn't care about it at all.

   As a result, this time, the bamboo spirit spoke.

   "I wish you good luck." The bamboo spirit said in an urn-like voice.

"Haha, thank you." Fang Chang waved his hand and continued to walk out of the bamboo forest. Behind him, the bamboo spirit resumed its indifferent look, silently standing upright against the wind and sunlight with a taller body than other bamboos. with.

  Continue eastward from here, and pass by the temple of the mountain **** Zhang Chun.

  For a long time, Zhang Shanshen has been visiting me on the cliff to play chess with me, but I haven't come to the door for a long time, maybe a little rude.

  Since passing by today, why not go and have a look.

   Fang Chang walked around the stones and pine trees, and climbed up from the ravine leisurely and quickly. The small temple of Zhangshan God has already changed a lot. Due to its growing reputation, it has attracted a lot of incense, and many people have contributed money and effort to rebuild and expand the temple for Zhangshan God.

  So the original small temple, which was half the height of a person, has now become a small house with a gate and a yard, which is more than ten steps wide. The original mountain temple became like a shrine and was completely wrapped into the main hall. The names of the gods on it were also redrawn by educated people, and wood sculptures were also added.

  The only thing missing here is a temple wish.

   What is commensurate with the scale of the Johor Bahru Temple is the popularity here. Because the rumors that "you have to come to the mountain temple to worship on the official road" spread more and more widely, and there are always many pedestrians passing by the official road down the mountain, so there is an endless stream of incense here.

In addition to those who pray for safe travel, there are also those who seek wealth, children, marriage, and confusion... According to Fang Chang's understanding, the mountain **** Zhang Chun definitely does not have such a broad business scope, so he cannot satisfy the pilgrims. Ask more, but the rumors of Zhangshan God's efficacy are getting more and more popular, and I don't know what the reason is.

   Gathering mana to his fingertips, he knocked lightly on the door of Zhangshan Shendong Mansion, and Fang Chang walked in directly.

  He came in for the first time, and Fang Chang and Zhang Shanshen were very close, and Zhang Shanshen lived here alone, so it was normal for him to come in.

  Since the popularity of Zhangshan God's incense has skyrocketed, Zhang Chun has even made a lot of improvements to his own living conditions. At least in Fang Chang's view, Zhangshan God's cave is much wider and brighter than what he saw before. The various utensils inside are far from what they looked like when Zhang Shanshen was in distress.

   Then Fang Chang looked at the main hall, there were a few more people than expected.

   "Mr. Fang!"

   A familiar and kind voice sounded, but it turned out to be the little fox Hu Yun, who was bringing his wife and children to visit Zhang Shanshen. Since his grandfather passed away, for Hu Yun, Zhang Shanshen was the only relative, so he often came here to visit the mountain **** Zhang Chun, and after having a wife and children, he ran even more frequently.

   "Well, how long have you been back, and how long are you going to stay? Zhang Shanshen misses you." Fang Chang said to Hu Yun.

"Not long after arriving here, we are planning to stay in the mountains for a few more days when we come back this time." Hu Yun glanced at his wife and children, and Fang Chang said, "The complicated things outside make people very tired. The scenery in Yunzhong Mountain is beautiful and leisurely, so we came here to have a look.”

   "That's good." Fang Chang said with a smile, "If there is no accommodation here, you can go to Yunzhong Mountain to live for a while. Anyway, my guest room in the Unnamed Hall is not used by anyone, and the accommodation conditions there will be much better."

   Regarding Fang Chang’s statement, Hu Yun did not refuse, but responded generously: "Thank you, Mr. Fang, if our side is not going well, we will go to your place."

   Several people chatted for a while, Fang Chang pulled the silver hairpin off his head and gave it to Hu Yun's child. It was obvious that the little guy liked the silver hairpin very much, so he grabbed it hard and never let go.

   "How can this be done." Hu Yun shook his head and said.

  Fang Chang took out the previous wooden hairpin from the backpack, gently pulled the hair on his head, and fixed the hair with the wooden hairpin, making sure that no independent hair would flutter in the wind. Then he said: "Since the child likes it, it is fate. Keep it, but remember not to sell the silver hairpin as silver, it will be too bad."


  From the mountain temple to the south, there is neither a town nor a prefectural city.

  After getting out of Yunzhong Mountain, Fang Chang glanced back, looked at the steep mountain hidden in the clouds and mist, and then looked forward. People come and go on the official road, and there are several villages in the distance, scattered in the wilderness.

  Most of the crops in the field have been harvested, but a small official is leading some people to surround a field and is doing something there.

  Fang Chang has good eyesight and can see the identities of those people from a distance.

  Except for two small officials who were carrying hoes and were working in the fields while directing a few people to work at the same pace as themselves, all the onlookers were idlers from Siwai Village, and they chatted and chattered endlessly. The two petty officials didn't say anything about it, they just worked silently, letting the idlers around to watch keep on chattering.

  (end of this chapter)