MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 524 【Busy and Leisure】

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  Chapter 524 [Busy and leisurely]

   "Well, it's really good."

  As soon as he took the large piece of meat out of the pot, Fang Chang took the knife next to him, sliced ​​a large piece off, sprinkled a pinch of salt, and put it in his mouth.

  Compared with wild boar, the meat of domestic pig is more tender, richer in fat, and has a more neutral and mild taste, which can be used in a wider range of cooking. In this respect, it was superior to cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks, or the wild boar and venison that Fang Chang often ate on the cliff.

   What's more, the pig that Fang Chang caught was bought from the bottom of the mountain and raised in the forest on the cliff. Whether it is plants, soil, or air here, they are all infiltrated with thick aura, so these rammed things grow stronger and more delicious.

  After picking up a few large pieces of good meat, Fang Chang marinated the head, ears, mouth strips and various offal, and stewed the stick bones and so on. As for these meats, he only took a few catties, and prepared the rest to make bacon and sausages, so that these inexhaustible meats could be preserved for a long time.

  He chose two pieces of the best meat. They were not fried or braised, but **** and stewed in water.

  The top-quality ingredients do not need to use too complicated methods, simple processing is delicious.

  The cooked white meat is cut into thin slices with a blade, formed into a cone on the plate, and then poured a little garlic and sauce on the tip of the cone, like an erupting volcano. Then he chopped two pieces of lean meat into fillings, and after mixing them, he boiled the oil pan to fry the meatballs. The fried meatballs are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It is even more delicious if they are steamed in a pan and poured with some bone broth.

  There should not only be meat on the table, but also some vegetables for decoration. Fang Chang took some eggs from the chicken coop and saw that the pumpkin flowers in the vegetable bed were flourishing, so he picked a lot of pumpkin flowers, wrapped them in egg liquid and fried them until cooked. So the fresh taste of pumpkin blossoms is all stuffed in the egg skin, and the fragrance is pleasant after biting.

  It's a pity that this month, the Sophora japonica flowers next to it have fallen and disappeared, otherwise they are also natural and good ingredients.

  Fang Chang arranged the meals on the table in the courtyard, took the wine gourd from the wall of the house, and was alone, slowly drinking and eating, from noon to night.

  The mountain wind is blowing on Xianqi Cliff, and this season is not dry. The wind brings a moist atmosphere, which is very refreshing. The clouds and mists under the mountains are lingering, gathering and dispersing from time to time, obscuring the distant land. On the contrary, the bright sun streaked across the blue sky and clouds, silently completed the activities of the day, and hid behind the distant mountains.

  A little boar climbed up from the edge of the cliff with an envelope in its mouth.

  Looking at its clever eyes, it is obviously a monster with enlightened wisdom. Don't think about it, the one who can drive spirits in Yunzhong Mountain must be Zhang Chunzhang Mountain God.

  Little Boar looked at the unfinished leftovers in front of Fang Chang, and felt a burst of fear for no reason.

  Although it didn't understand why it felt this way, it still persisted in its mission. It gently placed the letter in its mouth on the ground in front of Fang Chang, then slowly backed away for a certain distance, then turned around and ran down the mountain from the cliff path.

  Fang Chang smiled, picked up the envelope with his body, reached out and pulled out the letter paper, and spread it on the table.

   But on the letter paper, Zhang Shanshen said that he had contacted many acquaintances and friends, but in order to increase credibility, he specifically said that this was Fang Chang's proposal. After all, after the deeds of the previous catastrophe, and Fang Chang's extensive travels around the world, Fang Chang is now a well-known person among all the gods.

  Fang Chang doesn't care about this, as long as the result is good.

  Folding the letter paper and putting it in the envelope, Fang Chang began to pack the dishes, rinsed them at the bamboo water outlet in the kitchen, and put them in the dish rack. The bamboo canal we made at the beginning was very convenient, the drain directly leads to Jasper Lake, and it can also provide additional meals for the fish in the lake.

  Wiping the stone table clean, Fang Chang returned to the house with Zhang Shanshen's letter.

  Refilling water and rubbing ink in front of the desk, he wrote the reply letter with a swipe of a pen. In the letter, Fang Chang told Zhang Shanshen that he did not want to get involved in advancing this matter, but if the matter is successful, he hoped to inform himself in advance so that he could witness it at that time. Then he folded the letter paper, opened the window and threw it out towards the last ray of twilight.

   Then Fang Chang put this matter behind him.

  There are many things in the world, Fang Chang has seen a lot after visiting the world, and he plans to make the following days more fulfilling.

  The crops in the field are growing well, including various beans among them.

  He has harvested many times, and has accumulated a lot of grains and beans, which are very useful. Fang Chang is preparing for these days, trying to develop a new way of eating beans. There is a lot of gypsum in the salt cave in the mountain, which is very suitable for making tofu. He plans to make a small stone mill, grind soy milk and make tofu by himself, and make tofu curd.

  In the early stage, manual work is fine, and I am not afraid of fatigue. Later, I can switch to using electricity. After all, the shed is not used every day. Most of the time, the power of the generator at the waterfall is idle.

   Read a book for a while and take a rest, then go to work tomorrow.

  He turned back and took a book from the shelf, and lit the bronze oil lamp on the table.


  Zhang Shanshen is busy in his mansion, this busyness far exceeds his own work of the mountain god.

  As the mountain **** of Yunzhongshan, Zhang Chun lives a leisurely life. Most of the time, he only needs to patrol the mountains, and occasionally adjust the distribution of animals and plants in the mountains, or slightly change the terrain. These don't take much effort, so Zhang Shanshen still has time to look at his chestnuts.

  After taking this task, he spent almost the whole day writing, sending, receiving, and replying letters, contacting colleagues from all sides, telling and explaining the matter, and slowly adjusting and discussing the subsequent plans. Since there is no clear organization and everyone thinks differently, it is a big project.

   Moreover, Zhang Shanshen doesn’t know many colleagues, so he can only rely on the relationship network between them to communicate with each other. So in addition to discussing matters, he also needs to understand the progress of liaison in various places. Due to too loose and no affiliation, and events in various places make many Chenghuang lands busy, this communication process is very slow.

   Fortunately, everyone is a god, with a long and abundant life span. Even if there are occasional replacements in the middle, there will be no loss of contact.

   This practice lasted for many years.

  Finally, the mountain gods and lands all over the world decided to pick a good day and find a place to hold a meeting. But this is still not a simple procedure. It takes a lot of time just to discuss the year and month of the meeting.

  Besides, it is not easy for gods from all over the world to leave their posts. Everyone needs to open an altar and ask for leave from heaven and earth before they can leave for a few days. How to arrange various things during the time of leaving must be established in advance to avoid major disturbances during the meeting.

  In order not to be exhausted, Zhang Shanshen spends one or two days every month to go to Xianqi Cliff to find Fang Chang to play chess, have the right to rest, and enjoy the other party's entertainment by the way. In Zhang Chun's view, Fang Shangxian's cooking skills are getting better and better, and the wine on Yashang has become more mellow due to the increase in cellar age.

  (end of this chapter)