MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 543 【Run for nothing】

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  Chapter 543 [Run for nothing]

  Since receiving the secret order from Shangfeng again, Sun Wenxiu has responded mentally, because he knows very well that whether his future is bright or not depends on how well this matter is handled. As an eunuch, if he still has any demands on his "future", he can only do things better and more beautifully.

  Before Shangfeng sent many people to search everywhere, Sun Wenxiu stood out from many colleagues, relying on her keen sense of smell and quick action. Every time he can collect more and more effective information than others, which makes Shangfeng extremely satisfied, so he is promoted quickly.

  After the report from the same emperor, everyone involved will be rewarded, but the one who benefits the most is someone who is as outstanding as himself. For such capable subordinates, he will take a high look after all, so now for these new tasks, Shangfeng specially selected four people including himself to assign them as team leaders to investigate separately.

  Sun Wenxiu, as the most powerful person before, can be selected first, and no one else has any objection to this.

At that time, Shangfeng put forward four targets, namely the rumors of Jiangnan Peach Blossom Village, Yunzhongshan Immortal, Shudi Sword Immortal, and Donghai Dingbo Mansion. Sun Wenxiu thought for a moment, and immediately chose to investigate the matter of Yunzhongshan Immortal. .

  Because in his opinion, whether it is Jiangnan, Shudi or the East China Sea, they are all places that are too broad. Only Yunzhongshan, Ninghe Prefecture, is a relatively narrow and exact location, and the difficulty is obviously much lower. Of course, any option is essentially a gamble.

  Sun Wenxiu hurriedly finished the selection, and immediately went to look up the previous dossier, ignoring the item selected by the others. And after Shangfeng assigned the task, he hurriedly left the imperial city with many people, it is said that he was given the important task of choosing a concubine for the new emperor.

  Many of these files piled up in the room were contributed by Sun Wenxiu before, and he was going to make a breakthrough from the materials collected with great effort. It was boring, but other people seemed to think the same way, so the number of people who read the files together and took notes from time to time quickly became four.

   This gave Sun Wenxiu a strong sense of pressure and crisis.

   They are all people who are good at doing things. Now they are competing on a similar level, and they don’t know who luck will favor more. This feeling is very bad, so Sun Wenxiu decided to use stronger mobility to gain some advantages.

  So, when he inquired about this part of Cai Xiaocheng, he keenly felt that it seemed worth a visit here.

   After all, this was the only place he could find after looking through the dossiers, claiming that the Yunzhongshan Immortal was alive. Soldiers are precious and fast, he quickly gathered his hands, and rushed towards Cai Xiaocheng with full sincerity. Sun Wenxiu made double preparations, if he found a clue in Cai Xiaocheng, he would continue to pursue it; if he found nothing in Cai Xiaocheng, he would go to the vicinity of Yunzhong Mountain with his hands and the dossier in his heart.

   As a result, as soon as he arrived outside Cai Xiaocheng, he learned that the big households in the city jointly invited the "great immortal from Yunzhongshan" to a banquet to ask questions about spiritual practice.

   This made Sun Wenxiu feel cold in his heart—this pose sounds very wrong.

   But now that he has arrived, he is still planning to come to meet, not only to rule out the remaining possibility, but also to leave a better and more detailed investigation record. In this way, even if I am surpassed by several other people, I can still maintain the evaluation of "careful work" in Shangfeng's heart, and the hard work during this period can barely be worth it.

   After all, in order to get credit, you have to use wisdom besides being able to do things, right? He has always recorded his actions in detail. Even if his immediate superior is not interested, he has to submit it to his superior for review and then file it.

   "Hey, this building is quite impressive." He said to the people around him.

   "It is said that this is the first-class good place in this mansion, even in Fucheng, you can't find such a place." Suiren said with a smile, "If I can enter this kind of place, it seems that this time it will go well."

   "That's not necessarily true." Sun Wenxiu sighed slightly, shook her head with a smile, and then stepped into the door. Seeing their grandeur, the little guy at the door immediately knew that they were not waiting for someone, and immediately came up to them.

   "Take me to see the person in charge here." The attendant next to him said in a routine tone.

  The boys did not dare to neglect, and immediately brought the group to the counter.

  The shopkeeper of this high-rise building is a well-informed man. When he saw them coming in, he immediately walked out of the counter to greet them. When the shopkeeper saw the badges they showed, he softened on the spot, and he didn't dare to ask a word about the purpose of this passerby.

   "We're going to the top floor, looking for someone." Sun Wenxiu said lightly.

   "Okay, okay, please." The shopkeeper immediately smiled all over his face, stretched out his hands and bent down, and led several people to the top floor. Sun Wenxiu walked up the stairs, glanced around, and saw that the food was fragrant and the wine was staggering, and people like herself walked in, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

   Not only was he not afraid of this situation, but he enjoyed it.

  Sun Wenxiu stepped into the center, and said in his sharp voice: "I have important business to come down here, and I dare not disturb everyone's elegant mood. If you come in so abruptly, I'd like to say sorry in advance, everyone remember Haihan."

  After hearing this, several people at the banquet obviously showed angry looks on their faces, but because of the fear in their hearts, they all lowered their heads, not daring to show their eyes. Sun Wenxiu and his party were obviously aware of this situation, they could even be said to be familiar with it, but he didn't care at all.

   It was the linen worker on the main seat who got up and said, "I don't know what's important for you?"

Sun Wenxiu turned his head and glanced around the table, his eyes slid past Fang Chang without stopping, then he looked at the old man in white sitting at the head, bowed slightly and said: "I am here on orders to visit this place. A Fang Daxian from Yunzhong Mountain—don’t know what to call him?”

  The old man in white was very interested, and he stroked his beard much more frequently.

   As we all know, if a folk like him wants to get rich, going to the government is the fastest way. Although the risk is very high, the benefits that can be obtained if things are done are also rich enough.

As expected of a well-trained person, the white-clothed old man was able to get rid of his emotions faster than Sun Wenxiu, "The text chief below is a person who lives in seclusion in Yunzhong Mountain. Now that the scenery here suits my heart, I came here on purpose. Stay in the city for a few days. I don't know why your Excellency is looking for me."

"It's over, it really is a fake." Sun Wenxiu thought to himself, this name proves that he got it wrong. After all, although the name Fang Wenchang, although he doesn't know where it originated, this name has been spread all over the legends of Yunzhongshan immortals. to go.

  But this name does not match the dossier in the palace that records the events of that year.

   Thank you for the reward from the ignorant chef.



  (end of this chapter)