MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 792

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I knelt down beside Sheng on one knee and put my arms around her shoulders.

"You are sincere....

"Very good, Saint,...

The warm picture could not continue. Before I could say the love words, Ke Ling made a trumpet shape with both hands, took a deep breath, and then shouted with the loudest voice.

The message spread to the whole city in an instant.

Then I was caught by the shoulders of the maids who arrived in an instant.

Lan and the main force of the harem also came to me.

"I want too!" xN

Just like when the holy berserk ran away just now, the dangerous girls who were unwilling to give in, showed me their 'hill and fangs'

However, I suddenly felt that it didn't matter. I could use my body as they wished, and my spirit had drifted to another place.

I have become a father.

Ha ha ha ha.

I am a father!

Her brain was congested, she was overexcited, and she uttered wild words.

"Let the horses come over, Xiaobichidori!"

Paid the price of pain

-Nian failed to get out of bed.


Extra ③There is a girl named Ai next door

In the morning, after buying the carrot seeds to be planted, I stopped by [Sea Bird].

Seabird is the only coffee shop on the island. The shop is opened by a loving old couple. I heard that this coffee shop seems to have been open for 49 years.

As I pushed open the door, the wind chimes in front of the door jingled, and the old man who was wiping the plate said to me.

"Spit, Ann, Xiao Ai,

Now, to be precise, before the store opened, there were no customers. I took a seat in front of the stage, and my kind mother-in-law served me a honey cake and squeezed orange juice.

"Thank you mother-in-law~\".

"How is it, are you used to the island life?"

"Well, at first I thought it was completely unimaginable to have a life without the Internet, but I didn't expect to get used to it soon."

To be honest, - at first, when my mother said that she was tired of the hustle and bustle of the city, she wanted to live a self-sufficient farming rural life, and when she decided to move to a remote island that she had never heard of, I even thought her mother was crazy.

It's 9012 now, and there are still places where there is no internet connection. It's unimaginable.

I even thought that maybe I would live a primitive life in the future.

But after I really moved in, I found that it was not as bad as I imagined.

Although it is not so convenient, it also has many advantages. The environment and air are very good, and every place on the island is a beautiful scenery line, which is completely unimaginable in my original living environment.

There is no trace of artificial

t Xanadu.

I kind of understand my mother's thoughts.

"Haha, I really hope to have a child like Xiaoai at home."

"What about the children of grandpa and mother-in-law?"

"Leave a few years earlier.

"Is that so.-"

Did you leave the island?

There are not many young people on the island, probably all of them have gone to the big cities.

It's not bad to live on this island. - Maybe this is the nature of human beings. If you don't cherish what you have, you will catch up when you lose it.

My mother-in-law handed me a packed cake box and said.

"Then, I'll have to trouble Xiao Ai this time."


Naturally, I have no reason to refuse. I have already eaten honey cake, how can I not help at all.

In fact, it's not that complicated, just acting as a courier to help deliver things.

"Hehe, Xiao Ai, don't you like that lord very much? You always run to see that lord."

"No way!"

"Hoho, I understand, I understand, the girl's love is just budding."

"So! So! Say! There's no such thing!"

Just taking care of the neighbor--yes! Just because he's the only neighbor, that's all!

"Alright, alright, gradually that lord doesn't come to our store anymore, so Xiao Ai can go and see that lord for us, I'm grateful to you.


My mother and I were able to settle down on this island so quickly, thanks to the help of my grandfather and mother-in-law, who sold our former house to us at a very cheap price.

And the grandfather and mother-in-law take care of us, mothers and daughters from other places, probably because of 'him'.

Grandpa who washed the dishes,

Wen Ping's kind smile, and solemnly entrusted with a slightly serious expression.

"By the way, help us with a word, it's enough, thank you for your care, and see you by fate"

The grandfather held his mother-in-law's hand and said with a smile.

"It's almost there, isn't it?

The mother-in-law also smiled back.

".Ah...that's enough.

The two old men said to me together.

"Then please, Xiao Ai, it's really nice to have you by our side at the end of this time.

"Hey? Don't say such unlucky words, it's like you're leaving soon...

The mother-in-law didn't say much, just said.

"In the future, I will trouble you to take care of that lord. The lord is very afraid of loneliness. I hope you can accompany him more, Xiao Ai.

The old grandfather and the old woman looked at each other and smiled together.

"The owner of this island? Then why doesn't anyone on the island seem to know him?

If I hadn't lived near our house, I wouldn't even have met him.

That somewhat mysterious man.

The old grandpa said earnestly as if staring into the distance.

"Except for us. Except for the old people, few people have seen the lord, because the lord doesn't like it.

"Don't like parting?"

"Yeah.-So, the fact that the adult is willing to see you means that you must be special, Xiao Ai."

"Is that so.

I don't think I'm anything special..

"Well, it's almost time, I'm going back.

"Well, be careful on the road.


I walked to the door and waved back, the two of them smiled back, and for some reason they felt that the distance had become so far away.

At this time, I didn't realize that my mother-in-law, who always used \'goodbye' as her goodbye words, was saying 'bye bye' today.

Anyway, after I came out of the Seabird Cafe, I went home along the uphill road.

When I got home, I put the seed bag on the table. Before my mother got up, I always felt that my mother became more and more lazy after moving to the island.

After thinking about it, I took out the homemade ice fruit tea from the refrigerator and poured it into the portable teapot. I took the cake box and continued on.

The house that my mother bought is far from the village, but it is strange that there are 'neighbors' nearby

- A young man who looks to be in his twenties, but judging from the words of the old man, he seems to be a middle-aged uncle.

And he's the owner of the island... Probably the kind passed down from his ancestors, probably no one recognizes him.

Living alone on the edge of a cliff, I have never seen him go out. He sleeps every day... Anyway, he must be there today.

Huh? You're not sleeping?

The uncle seemed to be talking to someone, a woman, he couldn't see clearly, what were they talking about?

".-. It's been a long time, rare guest, I didn't expect to see you again, I thought you had left this world.

"I left, just to go back to the 'hometown' to see." E Ben

. novel

"Well, that journey of self-discovery, have you found the answer?"

"not yet.

"I just wanted to come and see you. You are not as lively as before."

"I'm already alone...

\"What round is this?"

"Six weeks.

"It's been so long...

"Haha, originally I wanted to accompany you, but it seems that I don't need to do this."

"Are you leaving again?"

"Just like the name you gave me, to exist in a circle, that is my survival value.

"Oh, aren't you, you've already found it..

"I'm gone, goodbye by chance."

"...Goodbye by fate."

In just a moment of effort, people disappear.

Uncle is not awake, but is sleeping as usual. What's going on?

An illusion?

I wiped my eyes and looked around carefully. There was indeed no one else, and the uncle was lying on the rocking chair, soundly asleep.

Could it be that I saw something like a ghost on the seashore just now?

There was a chill around me, and I hurried to the uncle's side.

Then when I saw the lazy look of the uncle, I couldn't get angry. It was just like my mother, how could I be so lazy!

Even if you have nothing to do on the island, you can't be so idle!

I came to the rocking chair, put the cake and fruit tea on the corridor, and pinched the uncle's nose.

"Get up, lazy man, how long do you have to sleep from morning to night?