MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 110

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The escape plan envisaged by Shen Shian was actually inspired by Chen Nan and Jia Mu.

There is a hierarchy in zombies. High-level zombies can control low-level zombies, and the higher the level, the more zombies can be controlled. If they can capture a high-level zombie for their use, making tens or even hundreds of thousands of low-level zombies surround them to form a natural barrier, it means that they can walk freely in this horrific death zone. Human realm.

This plan is tantamount to foolish dreaming for other abilities, but it is tailor-made for Shen Shi'an and others—they have chants.

Tang Song's illusion ability can easily control a self-conscious power zombie, make the other party treat them as a kind, and treat other zombies as enemies, escorting them away from here.

The most important part of this plan is to catch the power zombies, and it must be the highest level power zombies in this area. According to the induction results obtained by Liu Fangzhou from the helicopter, the highest level of zombies in the death zone is level three zombies, and the number is not less than two. Between ten thousand, it is precisely because they can control an extremely large number of zombies, so the two third-level zombies are far apart from the south to the north. It is estimated that Wang does not see Wang and usually does not deal with each other. It is positive for everyone. It couldn't be better.

But it is not easy to deal with only a third-level zombie.

"The most terrible and difficult place for power zombies is two points. One is that it can perform corpse sea tactics to crush the quantity. The other is that it has wisdom and knows how to hide its body in the corpse sea. So, Our battle plan is mainly divided into four parts, "Shen Shi'an first looked at Liu Fangzhou and Tao Yuan:" You two stay on the top of the building. Ark is responsible for determining the specific location and whereabouts of the power zombie. Tao Yuan, your hand is not good yet. "If you can snip, you can snip, you can't snip and don't force it, mainly to ensure your own safety."

They nodded. "I understand."

Shen Shi'an looked at Chen Nan again: "If you transfer all the abilities to Jiamu, can he at least compete with the second-level zombies for control?"

"Yes, but the third level is not enough, the gap is too big." Different levels of power zombies have a geometrical increase in control ability. The second power zombies can control 50,000 to 100,000, and the third level surges to two. From 100,000 to 500,000, each level is absolutely crushed, not at a level. Jiamu has just evolved into an ability zombie. The reason why he can compete with the second-level zombie is because his ability is the same as that of Chen Nan. He is born in the same sense in a certain sense, so he can fight against the ranks with the addition effect, but It is extremely rare to go one level higher, and it is simply impossible to go two levels higher.

"It is not necessary for him to confront the third-level zombies," Shen Shian said. "It is only necessary that he steal control of a small number of them, and after Ark has determined the location of the target, help us clear the road near the target. , And disrupt our control as much as possible while we are fighting the target. "

"This should be fine." It is equivalent to controlling a circle of zombies around your own personnel.

Shen Shi'an took the entire two packs of zombies from the space and gave them to him, and continued: "After approaching the target, Xu Ge and Manshan both of you are responsible for solving the low-level zombies around the target, with the goal of emptying as many low-level zombies as possible As for the target, give it to me and seek; Tang Song and Lin Ruan wait for the opportunity, once the target enters your illusion range, immediately control it. If there is any uncontrollable unexpected situation in the middle, such as The second third-level zombies also appeared, so Manshan immediately gathered everyone together. I have a way to hide everyone's traces. Do you have any questions? "

Directly expose the space and put everyone in it. It is not impossible for him and the dog to break into the death zone, but this is the next best thing. What's more, all came, just as everyone did a big vote together.

The whole plan is quite feasible, but there is still another problem. Lin Ruan raised his hand: "How can we guarantee that the third-level zombies will definitely come over? The fresh DNA can attract the zombies to be true, but in the case of the first-level zombies and second-level zombies?"

Shen Shi'an touched the dog's head: "Rest assured, I have a way."

Today, the southeast wind was blowing. Shen Shi'an stood on the top of the building and took out a basin of spiritual spring from the space against the wind direction. A refreshing flavor immediately flew with the wind.

"How long do you think the level 3 zombie can be detected?" He asked the big dog around him.

The dog shook his tail in the wind. "Up to an hour or two."

Forty-eighth minutes after Shen Shi'an lowered the Lingquan water, Liu Fangzhou jumped up from the ground: "Here! Here comes the third-level zombies!"

Shen Shian asked, "How many low-level zombies followed?"

"About 250,000." After being repeatedly "stunned" because of too many zombies, Liu Fangzhou has gradually figured out a more precise way to control his powers, so as not to release too much at one time. I can't bear it anymore.

Shen Shi'an tightened the sword bag on his back, and said to everyone: "All staff are on alert and ready to fight."

There was little difference between the combat process and the plan, and it was unexpectedly smooth from the beginning. Liu Fangzhou quickly found the third-level zombies from the vast group of zombies-compared to other zombies, this zombies is too prominent, and it is not known whether the changes were caused by the mutation of the virus or it was alive This is how it is. It is nearly two meters tall, looks stronger than Xiong Manshan, wears a black suit and trousers, and even wears a bowler hat. It is particularly conspicuous among the zombies. It was soon observed by the telescope. Caught it.

Shen Shi'an took the Lingquan back into space and rode on the back of a big dog to jump straight down from the third floor. Except for Liu Fangzhou and Tao Yuan, others quickly followed.

Xiong Manshan armed himself from head to toe with a protective suit, and flew back and forth in the tide of zombies in a blink of an eye. The zombies where he passed were just like being hit by a locomotive.

Chen Nan absorbed the crystal nucleus while inputting power into Jiamu's head. The tunnels from Xiong Manshan did not have time to close up. The zombies on both sides of the tunnel suddenly turned around as if they had hit the evil, and tore up the other zombies. Expand to a size sufficient for three people in parallel.

Shen Shi'an rode in front of Dahei, followed by others, and wherever the crowd went, the channel at which location suddenly expanded twice, like a python that swallowed its prey, and the prey moved into shape. Variety.

In order to prevent the third-level zombies from controlling Jiamu in the reverse direction, Chen Nan planned to follow the crowd and walked halfway through the passageway to find a commanding height and stop. This gave birth to the devil vine to keep himself and Jiamu firmly in the center, watching other people. Continue to approach the target.

"Brother Shen," Liu Fangzhou's voice came from the communicator. The communicator was modified by Lin Ruan, and now the farthest transmission range has been expanded to 1,500 meters. "The light mass of the third-level zombies is light. The blue one is a bit like Yang Xueqiu, the first officer we met in Noah's Ark. I think it might be a water system power. "

Water power?

Shen Shi'an recalled the scene where Yang Xueqiu sucked a man into a mummy instantly, and his face was a little dignified, immediately reminding others: "Be careful, if this zombie is a water power, it is likely to have blood ..."

The words didn't end, Xiong Manshan, who was heavily armed and lethal and was running rampant in the tide of zombies, suddenly screamed and appeared next to everyone: "That zombie can **** blood! I didn't even approach it, I felt my arm The skin on my upper body suddenly fell down, or my whole arm would have been ruined now if I ran fast! "

Sure enough, it is a water power.

Shen Shi'an raised an eyebrow: "It's not just the blood, all the water in the human body will be controlled by it. Everyone should be careful not to be too close to it. Manshan, how far are you from the body to notice that the body is not right?"

"Several meters, I didn't calculate it carefully," Xiong Manshan understood what he meant: "Boss, do you want to determine its attack range, wait a moment, I will try a few more times."

"be careful."


The sound of the word "嘞" remained, and Xiong Manshan returned, "It's about 50 meters away, and it won't respond when it's over 50 meters."

Tang Song realized the trouble: "My illusion can only control the target within 20 meters, and it can hardly be effective beyond 20 meters."

If he wants to control this third-level power zombie, he must reduce the distance between himself and the target to within 20 meters, but once he enters the range of 50 meters of the target, he estimates that he will immediately be deprived of all the water in his body. This is fundamental It is an unsolved paradox.

Shen Shi'an thought for a while, took a long halberd from the second floor of the bamboo building and threw it to Lin Ruan, and threw a backpack full of ammunition and guns for him and Tang Song: "You two find a vantage point to avoid, Lin Ruan is responsible for protecting Tang Song ’s safety, let me and Xunxun see if I can chop off the head of the zombie and give it to you. ”Zombies can survive as long as their heads are intact, and they can still use abilities, but at the speed of Xiong Manshan, It is perfectly feasible to hand it over to Tang Song before responding.

Tang Song then left the team, leaving only Shen Shi'an, Shen Xun, Xu Ge, and Xiong Manshan to move forward.

The four quickly faced the target, but the situation was more difficult than expected.

The ability to absorb all the water in the human body instantly is difficult to prevent and difficult to deal with. The best way is to attack long-range without entering the opponent's ability at all, just like Noah's Ark could solve the first officer. Thanks to Tao Yuan for sniping from a distance.

However, right now Tao Yuan is damaged by his right hand, and it is difficult to carry out this ultra-long-range sniper attack. Among the four people, Xu Ge, who has the longest effective attack distance, can hardly cause significant lethality when the flame is 50 meters away. The ability to zombies is just enough to restrain her, the effect is even less obvious.

Shen Shi'an tried to win with speed, but the sword's energy was blocked by a wall of water several meters thick before he approached the opponent. When he tried to attack with force, the blood in his body was already boiled. After several attempts, all four suffered a small loss.

Xiong Manshan quickly drank a bottle of water to replenish moisture and wiped the sweat on his head. "Grass, why is this ghost so sensitive to water? As soon as it enters the range of 50 meters, it will be sucked by it immediately. use."

Just a lot of water was removed from the tail of the dog sperm, and the fluffy and shiny hair was immediately pulled down. It was so annoying now that he was going to fight with each other.

Shen Shi'an stopped him: "Don't be impulsive, once the fluid loss of the body is more than a quarter, we will be in danger immediately." Raised his hand and fed the big dog two bottles of water.

There was a tide of zombies soon after being cleared by Xu Ge, and the zombie horrified a few hundred meters away.

While Shen Shi'an was considering whether to retreat first and change the battle plan, a familiar voice came from the side Youyou:

"Well, in the end I still need my help."

Shen Shi'an turned his head and saw that Lu Xiuyuan walked in the empty court like a walk, slowly walking out of the zombies. Whether the surrounding zombies were controlled by the power zombies or controlled by Chen Jiamu, they all ignored him and did not respond.

Shen Shi'an stared at him for a while and didn't speak.

"I can really help," Lu Xiuyuan waited for a while and didn't get a response. He couldn't help but said, "My ability is absolutely shielded. As long as I add a 'wall' around you, the zombie with a water Don't try to **** molecules out of your body. "

Shen Shi'an was expressionless: "What do you have?"

"Nothing is wrong, just ask me."

"Woo ---" The big dog arched his back and pulled out two more than a foot of Senhan teeth.

Lu Xiuyuan shook his head and stepped back in two steps, while Shen Shi'an turned to look at him and stopped looking at him: "I advise you to leave early."

"Ah, just a joke, why are you so unbearable?" Seeing Shen Shi'an really had to go, Lu Xiuyuan stomped and hurry up to catch up again: "It's unconditional, I can help you unconditionally."

Xiong Manshan asked him, "Really?"

"You love it or not."

"I don't believe it." Shen Shi'an didn't hesitate, then opened the communicator, ready to inform the team members to temporarily evacuate this place for a long time.

"It's really true!" Lu Xiuyuan saw that he just couldn't get hooked, and anxiously clenched his fist: "I promise you it! No tricks or any other purpose, I definitely just want to help you. I I really hate you, but you also know that my goal is to join your team. It does n’t do me any good to die here, not to mention that we are classmates, and we do n’t even trust each other. ?"

"Not really."

After Shen Shi'an said it, before he got angry, he said, "But let's try it once. If you dare to play tricks, he will immediately cut your neck."

The big dog gave a more horrible growl in time.

"Everything was said and done ..." Lu Xiuyuan tried to control what he wanted to run away. "Can we start now?"

"How to do it."

Lu Xiuyuan glanced at the long sword in his hand, "Is your attack mainly output through the long sword? My ability can absolutely shield the outside world, but this shielding is two-way, that is, once the wall 'Put up, the outside can't come in, and the inside can't go out either. So I'll prop up a' wall 'around you first, and give me a signal when you want to launch an attack, then I will remove the' wall ', Is n’t that zombie able to **** up the body ’s liquid, that is to say, the wall must not be pulled down too early or too late. If it is too early, you will become a mummy. Playing on the 'wall' has no effect on zombies, it is always a test of tacit understanding. "

Tacit understanding.

They really don't have such a thing.

Shen Shi'an took a communicator from the space and gave it to him, and patted him on the dog's head to show comfort, and then said, "Let's go."

The feeling of the "wall" rising around is very obvious. Shen Shi'an immediately noticed that he had lost his super perception of almost everything twenty meters away, as if he was back to the moment when he did not get the portable space. Time for people.

"The radius of the wall is 20 meters, which should be enough for you to show it," Lu Xiuyuan put his hands in his chest, trying not to look at the monster staring at him: "The ability of the zombie power has no effect on you, I think I can go at any time. "

Shen Shi'an spent a few seconds adapting to the current situation, then clenched the hilt of the sword, leaned forward slightly, and galloped towards the target.

After entering the power zombies within 50 meters, the blood in the body was calm and normal, without any impact. The power zombies seemed a little surprised. When Shen Shi'an was less than twenty meters away from it, he finally realized that the situation was not good. He panicked and propped up a wall of water and turned to run.

Shen Shi'an speeded up again, leaving a trail of shadows in the air, rising up like an eagle spreading his wings, and yelling loudly at the communicator: "Withdraw!"

The five senses returned instantly, and the long sword with a sharp sword energy swept across the sky, and the screaming sound caused by friction with the air rose into the sky:

Blades such as the emergency electricity with Thunder, a sword light cold shock Jiuzhou.

The author has something to say: 抵达 Arrive in Beijing next chapter!

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [Rocket]: 氿 丶 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: 3 in Dongli; Baishanshan, Junlingyu, 34771153, indifferent and congenial Conner sauce,? Maybe ?, waiting in the wind, you can write more quickly, Bai shallows, 1 Shuangxuan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

80 bottles of squeak; 50 bottles of Qingxi; 49 bottles of lucky; 30 bottles of little monsters, sherryxyy and Dongli; 25 bottles of tide; 20 bottles of perseverance, flowers and flowers, 18 bottles of flowers; 14 bottles of July flowers ; Tang, You, You, I like you ~, headaches, feet and feet, 10 bottles of cat hair for sleeping and sleeping; 8 bottles of planting; 6 bottles of Fanyinxue; Mo, Jun Ling 陌, Spring Scent of Rose, and Big Dare, you will update 5 bottles; 4 bottles with slightly cool eyes; 254904253 bottles; 327503172 bottles; Ne Ho Ho, lxah, Qi yiyi, warm and smooth, 286793771 bottles

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!