MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 113

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Mr. Gu was very anxious when he came out, because he was so anxious that he tripped over the stairs and nearly fell to the ground.

He rushed to the door in a panic, and he had repeatedly prepared himself for someone to come to the door and pretend to be, but when he saw the young man with a sword outside the door, he was completely fixed.

The young man wore a black T-shirt and a camouflage trousers and stepped on a pair of dark gray military boots. He looked taller and thinner, and had longer hair, but his face was okay. Obviously the eyes are still those eyes, and the nose is still that nose, but I don't know why it makes people feel completely different from before.

In the past, my temper was cold and proud again, and I also had a young childishness on my body. Occasionally when the emotions were exposed, I still looked like a child, but now I can teach people to fear even when standing still. .

It's like a peerless warrior, originally hidden in the scabbard, but now he opened his sharp blade, and no one dared to touch his edge.

What has happened to make a child look like this in just six months?

"An'an ..." Before the voice came out, the sight was completely blurred. The extreme sorrow and great joy were intertwined, making Mr. Gu's look even distorted, and rushing straight to the young man to force him into his arms: "You, you coming……"

Shen Shi'an was stiff, and the two of them had never been so close, and Mr. Gu was slightly taller than him, so that the posture of being completely held in his arms made him feel a little uncomfortable, and had no time to do What, the wet sensation from the neck dispelled all the thoughts of struggle.

The corners of his lips froze, and he raised his hand and hugged him, "I'm here."

He was far away, and only felt that Mr. Gu's face looked a little embarrassed. After embracing him, he found that the body under his palm was very thin, and even the chrome human bones could be clearly felt.

Anyway, he is also one of the base managers, how can he toss himself into this picture.

Shen Shi'an couldn't help raising his eyebrows. After a moment, he let out his voice and said, "I'm fine, I'm safe all the way, and I haven't encountered anything particularly dangerous."

The wet feel became more apparent.

Gu Jia's old house is in a good location. Even after the end of the world, there are many people living around it. It is really not a good place to stand at the door and exchange feelings.

Mr. Gu quickly controlled his emotions, and finally wiped the corner of his eyes to think of another child: "Hey, what are you looking for?"

Shen Shi'an pointed to the big three-meter-high dog around him: "This is it."

Mr. Gu stared at the dog.

The big dog sprayed a sigh of breath at him, squirting Mr. Gu backwards, with a shocked expression on his face, "How can ..."

After thinking about it, I stopped Shen Shi'an and walked to the door: "Go ahead and talk."

The old house is very elegant. Although it lasts a long time, it is renovated every few years. It still looks magnificent. The eaves of the living room are very high. Two carved sandalwood doors are wide open. It is no problem for five adult men to walk in side by side and still be hit by a dog.

"It's okay? Did you hurt?" Mr. Gu didn't care about those two hundred-year-old antique doors, and hurriedly greeted people to remove all the sundries in front of the sofa to make room for the dog.

The dog took two steps and lay next to Shen Shi'an on the carpet next to the sofa. He rubbed his teeth kindly towards Mr. Gu: the man gave him a room full of meat, and he remembered it.

Mr. Gu still couldn't return to himself: "How did seeking become like this? Is it power?"

Shen Shi'an nodded: "I have a friend analyzing his power that should belong to the ancestral system, degrading from human form to animal form, because he has just evolved this power not long before, and has limited control over the power. So it's not going to be human yet. "

"Can you change back later?"

"should be no problem."

Mr. Gu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. Several such bases for returning to ancestors also appeared in Beijing bases, but they were usually half-human and half-beasts, and only one body became a beast, such as growing It ’s the first time I have seen a complete animal form of minions or something. "

Speaking of this, look to Shen Shi'an: "You should have evolved abilities too?"

Shen Shian nodded.

"That's great, great, great." Mr. Gu laughed, his eyes were still red, and his eyes remained focused on Shen Shi'an for half a second and he didn't want to move away.

How long has he not seen An An?

The last time they met was on New Year's Eve, and the child worked hard to pack a large table of dumplings. The Communist Party did not say a few words. He stayed for less than twelve hours and left after eating early the next morning.

When An'an celebrated his 20th birthday, he didn't even get there to celebrate, and his voice promised to make up for the child, but what happened?

The virus broke out.

For almost half a year, he tried everything to find the other person, but An An had no audio since the vague phone call in the library.

So many people secretly persuaded him to give up, so many people said that it must have happened unexpectedly, and even he himself thought that he would never see him again in this life.

Fortunately, heaven is pitted, and heaven is pitted.

Mr. Gu suddenly lowered his head, feeling a little embarrassed. Shen Shi'an didn't speak, and handed him several tissues in silence.

After a long time, Mr. Gu raised his head again and slowly recalled: "After talking to you on the night of April 5th, I knew you were in the H City Library. I immediately thought of a way to arrange a rescue. The team flew over and wanted to pick you up with Xunxun, but did not expect that the rescue team ran into a group of mutant birds on the way, almost annihilated. When I got the news, I hurriedly formed the second rescue team. When I arrived at the library, it was already the end of April. There should be a fire-powered person named Dong in the library that you should know? She told the rescue team that you had been searching and two other people more than a week ago. The survivors left together, so the rescue team flew back and forth along the route from City H to Beijing, but found no trace of you and the search. "

Shen Shian knew for sure: At that time, he also sought to collect oil materials and zombies in the suburbs of H City, and he had not yet officially set off. The rescue team could not find them.

However, Mr. Gu mentioned that Ms. Dong reminded Shen Shian of another person: "There is a man named Zhang Ze in the library who is the leader of the survivors. Did he react when the rescue team arrived?"

Zhang Ze's plan was to establish his own political organization in a closed venue such as a library. The emergence of a rescue team was probably the last thing he expected and did not want to see.

"Zhang Ze?" Gu was very strange to the name. "The rescue team did not mention such a person, but the head of the library was the lady Dong."

This is unexpected by Shen Shian. "What about Ms. Dong's son? Has he evolved a power?"

Mr. Gu shook his head: "When the rescue team arrived, there were 47 survivors in the library without children."

Shen Shian sighed: It seems that the child has not survived the high fever before the evolution. Lin Ruan and Tang Song did say that fever is only a precursor, and that the rate of succeeding in developing abilities through fever is not 100%.

"At that time, the Qin family reached cooperation with the military by relying on a large number of materials and dozens of complete production lines, which attracted nearly half of the military forces," Gu continued. "At that time, the situation in the Beijing city was complicated. I will definitely find a way to find you first, and I am worried that you may not have heard what I told you on the phone and accidentally stepped into the trap set by them. So on the one hand, I want to use the military to issue a reward task. Outside forces found you, on the other hand, cooperated with several other forces in the base of the capital, and captured some of the forces of the military. They issued tracing rewards in various security bases between the city of H and the capital, but they have not received any relevant information. You and the search. "

No wonder Tang Song said that several forces in the bases they were passing were looking for "Shen Shi'an", and now it seems that there is indeed Mr. Gu's men.

Unfortunately, after Mr. Gu released the reward task, the team or organization that received the task must follow the main road to find it based on normal speculation. After all, there are many materials on the main road. It is convenient whether you want to refuel or to find food. No one I expected that he would have space to rely on. He would take the child to pick the path, where he walked remotely; even if someone thought of how many various side paths between these thousands of kilometers, I wanted to find two people in the vast land. It is undoubtedly a dream.

When Mr. Gu regained his strength and wanted to find him through major security bases, he did not approach the base at all because he had seen the wanted order of the Qin family. He was committed to staying away from the security base as far as possible, and he would change his name even if he occasionally entered. Last name, it is even more impossible to find him.

I don't know how many times I missed it, but fortunately, he still got here.

Shen Shi'an was silent for a moment, and asked Mr. Gu a question: "Qin's looking for me, do you want to kill me or take me hostage?"

"The Qin family's foundation is too shallow, and even if they are in a position, they don't dare to tear their faces directly with the Gu family, so I'm looking for you more as a bargaining chip." Mr. Gu didn't understand Shen Shian's intention of asking this question at first, but soon Reacted: "Someone in the Qin family killed you ?!"

Shen Shi'an briefly explained Lu Xiuyuan's encounter.

Mr. Gu was furious and shivered with hate, and the green tendons on the back of his tightly clasped hands jumped up: "Qin Shu, Qin Shu, Qin Shu! Qin Shu's viper woman !!"

At the expense of the Gu family, he spent a lot of manpower and material resources to kill Shen Shi'an. He didn't even have to think about and know which Qin family could do.

"She doesn't seem to be in the house." Shen Shi'an lowered his head and took a sip of tea.

Before he entered the door, he gave out five senses and sensed the distribution of people in the old house. If Qin Shu was in an old house, he should have rushed out at this time.

Mr. Gu was still angry, his chest was violently undulating, and his face was undisguised with disgust: "In March, I found a lawyer to officially start the divorce process. She dragged the agreement and refused to sign it. She moved back before the end of the end. The Qin family. I am definitely going to end this marriage. The original plan was to be widowed if I could n’t divorce, but I later found that it was too cheap for her to disappear directly. It took me a while to see her torture to dissolve my heart. Hate, so I kept it unattended. I didn't expect it to be so low today that she dare to use tricks to hide the killer. "

"To this point?"

Which one?

"Do you remember when I told you that she had a serious illness during the Spring Festival? All day, the ghost cried, and the wolf howled that evil spirits would harm her. She went to Thailand to pray to the Buddha to buy a large number of amulets. The curse method turned out to be useless, still crying every day and saying that he was disturbed by a ghost and a ghost. After several months of continuous stimulation, he became almost half crazy because of the stimulus. Even the words are unclear. "Mr. Gu sneered:" It's really retribution, it turns out that there are times when God opens his eyes. "

Shen Shi'an glanced at the dog: I'm afraid it has nothing to do with God.

The dog raised his head like a merits, and licked it on his wrist.

Mr. Gu sighed deeply and looked at Shen Shi'an: "You can rest assured that I will never give up on this matter. I will definitely come back with all the benefits she has done to Qing Ran."

Shen Shi'an did not speak.

After a while he asked him: "What about the rest of the family? It seems that they haven't seen it."

"All are dead," Mr. Gu faintly smirked on his face: "Before the virus broke out, they were all infected with the flu. After the virus broke out, they all became zombies, and none of them ran away."

Shen Shi'an's look remained unchanged.

But only the dog knows that his strong hatred that has been irritating since he came to the door of the old house has not subsided until then.

Can't help but hook his feet with his paws: An An, you and me. Whoever dares to bully you will kill anyone.

Shen Shi'an turned his lips and rubbed two on his head.

Then asked Mr. Gu another important question that has always been on his mind: "How is Mr. Fan Guoping's daughter now?"

As early as during the brief call in the library, Mr. Gu said that he had received Fan Xintong properly and placed beside him, but he did not expect that after listening to Shen Shi'an's words, an embarrassing guilt emerged: "She disappeared."

Shen Shi'an frowned: "Missing?"

Mr. Gu nodded: "Two weeks ago, the child suddenly said goodbye and left his old house with his belongings. I sent someone to search the entire Beijing base again and issued a reward task in the task center. But so far, I haven't heard anything. I suspect she left the capital herself. "

Fan Xintong is twelve years old. A twelve-year-old child can leave his old Gu family house that is safe and hassle-free. Where else can he go?

Shen Shi'an could only think of one possibility: she was probably looking for her father in H City.

But how could she possibly reach her destination safely by herself? Not to mention, Fan Guoping died as early as the beginning of the last days.

Shen Shian was in a heavy mood: He promised Fan Guoping that he would do his best to take care of his wife and daughter. Mrs. Fan was infected with the flu long before the end of the world, and there was no reason to mutate into a zombie after the end of the world. It was his sole and only commitment.

But if the child has been away for two weeks, how can she find her now? Shen Shi'an could not confirm whether the other party was still alive.

The dog felt his anxiety and quietly said, "Ann An, don't worry, I may have a way."


"What did I say to An An."

Shen Shi'an felt sure, and exhaled gently.

Mr. Gu blame himself very much: "I blame me for not paying too much attention to her, and I haven't carefully considered her psychological condition and what she wants to do. The child suddenly left, and I cannot blame it."

Shen Shi'an shook his head: "You are already busy. Besides, if she insists on finding her father, no one can stop her."

Mr. Gu seemed to feel something, and looked at him with hot eyes.

Shen Shian lowered his head by drinking tea and did not respond.

After the excitement and joy of the reunion gradually receded, the rustiness and rigidity that had ravaged between Shen Shi'an and Mr. Gu for many years have revived.

There were only two of them sitting in the living room, and after the conversation was over, the atmosphere became awkward.

Thanks to the dogs who have to deal with it, every few minutes there is a movement:

The tail fluttered and swept away the antique blue and white porcelain bottles on the wooden shelf. I did n’t know which year. The claws stretched out and scratched the carved solid wood floor from a few cracks. I felt uncomfortable when I was lying on the floor for a long time. "Wa La La", the entire rack full of various furnishings fell to the ground.

Shen Shi'an couldn't sit still, pinching his ears and twisting it half a circle: "Why?"

Mr. Gu smiled openly: "Don't blame him. He is inconvenient because of his large size. It is normal to accidentally touch something."

I glanced over the porcelain and jade shards in that place, holding the tea leisurely: "These things were treasures treasured by my grandfather and my father. No one was allowed to touch them. Alas, at this time I hope they have not become The zombies are so good, and they must have witnessed the expression of this scene, it must be wonderful. "

Shen Shi'an glanced at him: this was also driven half crazy by the family.

After taking a sip of tea, Mr. Gu put the tea cup down. "Did you just arrived at the base of Beijing, you must be tired now? The room has already been prepared for you, and you can take a bath and rest, although you didn't expect to find It will look like this, but fortunately the place is big enough, there should be no problem when entering the house. Let me take you there first to see if there are any dissatisfaction.

Finally, he was able to move the place, and the dog was so excited that he sprang up from the ground, and he slammed down a string of crystal chandeliers. Shen Shi'an was about to take Mr. Gu back to avoid him. Wrapped it tightly before landing, turned to look at him hurriedly: "An'an, are you okay?"

Shen Shi'an shook his head and stared at the water dragon for a while: "This is your power?"

Mr. Gu was a little embarrassed: "It didn't take long to reach the second level, and it was a bit rusty to use. Go out with Xunxun first. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the room to settle after the water dragons have dispersed."

When Shen Shi'an walked with his dog's tail into the yard, two people suddenly came from the end of the left promenade. One was in a wheelchair and the other was responsible for pushing the wheelchair. They walked very fast as if they were very urgent, but when they saw Shen Shi'an For a moment, the young man in the wheelchair waved and stopped.

"You are, Shi'an?" The young man opened his eyes slightly, seeming a little excited and shy, and greeted him.

Even if no one was introduced, Shen Shi'an recognized who the young man was at a glance.

If 70% of Shen Shi'an's appearance follows his mother, then 90% of the young people's appearance follows his father. Ru Yajun Lang looks exactly like Mr. Gu standing next to her in the old photos of Shen Qingran, but his face is extremely pale, and he is more morbid than the beautiful young girl Lin Ruan. She is thin and weak in a wheelchair, and her legs are covered in such a hot weather. With a thick blanket, it seemed like a cool breeze would kill him.

This is the son of Mr. Gu and Qin Shu.

If Shen Shi'an remembers correctly, the name should be Gu Changsheng.

The dog was aware of Shen Shi'an's emotions, and immediately lowered his front body and sent a loud roar to the other side. Gu Changsheng was coughing and was shaking like a sieve when he was shocked, and a sickly flush soon appeared on his pale face.

Mr. Gu heard the movement come out of the living room: "What's wrong, An'an, are you okay?"

Gaze swept coldly when Gu Changsheng turned cold and didn't talk to him, walked straight to Shen Shi'an: "Go, I'll take you to see where you live."

Shen Shi'an took a deep look at Gu Changsheng and asked Shen Xun to follow Mr. Gu and walk towards the back of the house.

It was a long time after the two men and one dog left, and Gu Changsheng finally stopped coughing. The handkerchief covering the mouth was taken off, and there was a bright trace on the pure white cotton cloth.

Gu Changsheng was obviously accustomed to this. After wiping his lips, he carefully folded the handkerchief into small squares, and said to the people behind him, "Remove the rewards from the bases everywhere. He has returned."

The thick eyelashes fell down to cover the eyes, and it was sad or joy to see.

The author has something to say: Mr. Gu Gu is online again!

I saw several readers in the comments who felt that I was cleaning the road, so today I want to discuss the issue of "whitewashing" with everyone in peace.

Personally, I think that the behavior or personality of the character in the later stage is obviously inconsistent with the previous setting, or that without any reasonable foundation, some five-speaking and four-beauty plots are imposed on the villain's character. This is called "whitewashing" .

Lu Xiuyuan is still that Lu Xiuyuan, or he has a small amount of energy, is still jealous of An An, or has a low emotional quotient and cannot speak, or after he has caused trouble, he consciously puts out his own responsibilities first. How can this be whitewashed?

It just said that some detailed descriptions were added to this character to show everyone the personality characteristics that were not shown in the previous period, making this character more three-dimensional and vivid.

There can be no merit in a person. Let's recall that after Lu Xiuyuan went online in the early stage, did he not have "the sudden discovery that this person does not seem to be so bad"? For example, when all the students fled from the dissection room to the small auditorium?

I don't deliberately whitewash a character, but people always grow and change, right? Or many, maybe less, let's find out together _ (: з''∠) _

PS: On June 20th, there will be a lottery on Weibo at 8pm on Thursday evening. Don't forget it ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Zhong Wu, the little prince's senbei, Xiong Bao,? Perhaps ?, safe and easy, tomorrow will be richer, Bai Qianyuzhi, 25870282, 氿, Sunny89, Shuangxuan 1 A

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

100 bottles; 60 bottles of tata and European school; 39 bottles of Haiyan Heqing and whole sugar; 30 bottles of neon white; 20 bottles of moo, dumplings, Enron, 15 bottles; 15 bottles of **** soil, and porcelain of onion; onlooker 14 Bottles; July 13 bottles; July trees, waiting trees, Bao Zheng, good night, OOB, Adam, LM, Naimiao, Jinyu, 22916, No Taboo, Ayu, Maple, Miao 10 bottles; bread bags 6 bottles without drunk; 5 bottles of drunk milk sweet fruit, nibasan, Xuehua, Mo Fei, Xiao Yi, Mint Candy, Ha ha, steamed bun, Mo Shang Qin Yin, shadow, citron, ikun 5 bottles; wheat ears are 4 bottles; 282333083 Bottle; Mary 2 bottles; 1 bottle of floating dog, picturesque rain, small Cola bottle Jun, Xiao Tang, Mr. Yichuan, Wen Yan licking dog;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!