MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 124

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Shen Shi'an touched the dog's head, and then poured a bottle of mouthwash into his mouth: "Don't bite your butt, just bite it."

The dog shook his hair and darted affectionately on him: "Yes."

Xiao Lang, who was bitten by two blood holes in his buttocks and thighs, got up from the ground with the help of Li Chengyi. His face looked like a freshly blooming green daisy.

A few of them were frustrated, and they turned around and rushed towards the dog, and he shouted at him flatly: "Why! I don't think I'm embarrassing enough! If I can't do it, I will siege and crowd more people. That ’s how I usually teach you? I ca n’t even **** it, and you rushed over to have a fart! A group of shameful things, grass. "

After scolding and grunting, he pulled his arm out of Li Cheng's arms and said, "I'm so angry, why are you still taking him? Take him to find someone!"

"Head of your injury ..."

"Hurt a fart, can't die, hiss ..." Cao, the dog's mouth was too hard. A virtue with its master.

Li Cheng came up and touched his nose. "Mr. Shen, don't mind, although our head looks a little ... not in touch, in fact, he is very good and his ability is particularly strong."

Shen Shian nodded, affirming the "strong ability". He and Xiao Lang did not play this game on both sides, and it was more a matter of learning from each other. Otherwise, the geometry of the casualties is really hard to say.

In his heart, Xiao Lang's fighting power is definitely the strongest among the abilities he has met.

"Xun Xuan has a sense of importance, without biting bones and vital points."

Li Cheng laughed: "I know, the head also knows, otherwise I won't let me take Mr. Shen to find someone."

He originally planned to take Shen Shi'an to find a tent next to each other. After learning that Shen Xun had a way to locate it directly, the two followed him behind the dog and walked inside the awning area. He finally stopped in front of a gray-green tent that was not noticeable.

A total of four people, three adults, and one child lived in the tent.

But after seeing what the child looked like, not only Li Chengyi, but even Shen Shi'an was also on the spot.

Before Fan Guoping completely mutated into a zombie, he once gave Shen Shian a picture of his wife and daughter, which should have been taken during a picnic. The wife sat on the tablecloth kneeling, with a beautiful face and a smile, and Fan Xintong, ponytailed, was hugging a dog by the tablecloth and rolling, the sun was shining brightly, and the eyes were full of happiness.

This photo of Shen Shi'an has always been on her body, and the characteristics of Fan Xintong's appearance have long been borne in mind.

But the child in front of him couldn't make anyone connect him with Fan Xintong.

The child is extremely thin, with a layer of black and gray on her face, and her bare wrists and ankles are as thin as dry wood, and her eyes are indifferent and numb completely incompatible with her age. What is even more unexpected is that she puts her hair All of them have been cut, and the stubble is rambling, and the scalp can be clearly seen even in the shortest place.

Li Cheng hesitated a bit: "Mr. Shen, are you sure this is the person you are looking for?" From the appearance, no one can see that this is a little girl.

Gozi said: "It's her, you can't go wrong."

Shen Shi'an's throat rolled, his heart burst into sadness, squatting in front of Fan Xintong on one knee, afraid to scare her, so he softened his voice: "Do you know me, my surname is Shen, called Shen Shi'an."

Fan Xintong stared at him for a while and nodded: "I know, my dad is responsible for protecting people."

Before Shen Shi'an figured out how to tell her about Fan Guoping, Fan Xintong said, "Is my father dead?"

Shen Shi was silent, then whispered, "Yes."

"How did you die."

"I was in school at the time of the virus outbreak. Your father was standing on the stairs outside the classroom. A student who had mutated into a zombie came downstairs. Your father was accidentally scratched while trying to help him."

Shen Shi'an looked into her eyes: "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Fan Xintong shot a sharp light in his eyes: "Is my dad's scratch related to you?"

Shen Shi'an shook his head for a moment.

"Then you didn't save him when you could save him?"

Shen Shi'an was silent for a moment, and then shook his head again: "I know it was too late when he was scratched. His mutation was already ... deep, there was no way to save him."

On the first day of Fusion Gongfa, he knew that Lingquan could not save the dead. Fan Guoping had lost his heartbeat and breathing at that time, and even the spiritual spring water was lacking. If Fan Guoping was told immediately after being injured, there might still be some vitality. But even so, he wasn't sure if he would be saved.

The sharp light in the girl's eyes went silent, and returned to indifference and numbness: "So, what are you sorry for?"

Shen Shi'an hadn't dealt with the child much, and the only one who had been in close contact had to look for it, but the set that communicated with the dog essence could not be used on Fan Xintong.

"Before your father was dying, I promised that he would do his best to take care of you," he whispered, "Would you like to come back to the base of Beijing with me?"

Fan Xintong glanced at him and lowered his eyes again: "anywhere."

Li Cheng brought in a female member of the Tiger and Wolf Regiment and asked her to take Fan Xintong to clean it before changing clothes. After the two left, she said to Shen Shi'an, "The child's psychological condition seems to be something wrong."

Shen Shi'an stood up and watched Fan Xintong's back go, "Where did you find her?"

"Waining Base in Province D, where these survivors were transferred from. As for how long she stayed in the base and when she arrived at the base, I do n’t know, but I can find someone. Inquire, all the survivors in the base are in this camp, and someone will definitely know. "

"Trouble." Shen Shi settled again and said, "... In addition, please, please let the lady see if there is a wound on her."

Li Cheng nodded: "I understand."

Li Cheng was right. It was not difficult to inquire about Fan Xintong. According to the information provided by survivors at the same base, Fan Xintong was brought back by a gold rushing team that went out to collect materials more than half a month ago. In the base of Huaining, she rarely communicates with people during the short life in the base. The only thing that can be sure is that she insists on going south and has been inquiring whether there are any southbound teams.

Just before she left Huaining Base and headed south, she was brought back by the troops who went to perform the migration task.

She cut off her hair and deliberately smeared her face with plaster. No wonder none of the search teams who took the task could find her.

In addition, what made Shen Shian secretly relieved was that she didn't have any obvious wounds on her body.

Shen Shi'an had planned to take her back immediately, but it was too late, and she rushed back overnight to fear that her body could not stand it. Besides, she had just learned that her father had died. Even if she did not show it on the surface, she should need time to buffer her heart.

After much consideration, they decided to stay in the camp tonight, and set off with the big troops tomorrow morning.

Li Cheng specially prepared a big tent for him and the dog, while Fan Xintong was accompanied by the female member to sleep on the other. At dinner, the garrison set up a simple banquet, inviting him and the dog to join, Xiao Lang, head of the Tiger and Wolf regiment, was also at the table, and the operation was quite comfortable. It seemed that he had been cured by the healing abilities. But I still remember the pain, it was a lot of honesty, and I didn't say anything to make him violent.

Early the next morning, troops were deployed to the road.

Xiao Lang stood and raised his hand in front of the wide and deep ditch, and the sharp metal thorns at the bottom of the ditch emptied into a pile in front of him.

Turning his head to see Shen Shi'an's eyes, he flaunted the pile of metal thorns and danced a few times in the air: "How is it?"

Shen Shi'an ignored him. I had patronized the fight yesterday, and I didn't have time to observe some details. At this time, I was close to Xiao Lang, only to find that there was a large piece of metal shavings hanging behind him: extremely fragmented and very fine, it would be almost difficult to detect if you did n’t look carefully, like A tight net guarded him firmly.

No wonder he could make those thirty steel pills out of thin air. The weapon was always there, but it moved instantly.

Xiao Lang noticed his sight and raised his eyebrows: "The eyes are quite sharp. Do you think I am very impressed? I am telling you the truth. I did n’t use my best effort yesterday. Did you know? You know, if I move, I do n’t know who loses and who wins. "

Shen Shi'an clenched his fist, "Would you like to stop it?"

Shen Xun dug out two Senhan teeth at the right time.

Xiao Lang's legs trembled, and he clasped his hands with his chest and "hum!" He turned over and put the metal spines into a metal plate on the truck roof, pretending not to hear.

Shen Shi'an was about to bring Fanzi to find Fan Xintong, but he did not expect to meet another acquaintance.

"Mr. Shen!" The man ran along with the child, his face full of excitement and excitement: "I just couldn't recognize the back view, I didn't expect it to be you, Mr. Shen!"

Shen Shi'an recognized it immediately: "Tian Yi."

"Yes, yes, it's me. I didn't expect Mr. Shen to remember me," Tian Yi laughed. "Thanks to Mr. Shen for taking us to the door of the security base, we thought we couldn't follow Shen anymore. The gentleman thanked him and did not expect to meet again and again. "

After touching the little girl's head, "Yao Yao, remember Brother Shen, who gave you instant noodles and lollipops."

The little girl named Yaoyao looks the same as half a year ago, and still timid, but after she recognized Shen Shi'an, she smiled on her face: "Shen brother is good ..."

"Hello there."

The dog remembers her. At first she laughed that she would not recite poems, and now she took a breath and took a breath.

The little girl was frightened and immediately hid behind Tian Yi.

Shen Shi'an raised his hand and touched the dog's head, and said to Tian Yi: "I remember that you went to the security base of Dongming County in Province A, how did you come to the survivors of Huaining base?"

"The original Dongming County base was attacked by a zombie tide, and now it is gone. Later, a new one was built, and later it was merged with other bases several times. Catch up with the Beijing base to migrate. "

That turned out to be the case. Shen Shi'an looked at him and the little girl, hesitantly, "Your lady?"

Tian Yi laughed: "She's okay, well, now I'm packing my luggage in the tent. If you see Mr. Shen, I will be very happy."

Shen Shi'an nodded. "It's okay."

I have to say that the luck of this family is really outstanding. Not only is no one infected with the flu, but the family can survive to this day safely. After arriving at the base in Beijing, the chance of survival will undoubtedly increase again.

It seems that luck is also crucial in the last days.

After saying hello to Tian Yi, the big troops will officially start. Because the dog was unwilling to carry other people, Fan Xintong and other people Shen Shi'an were uneasy, so he took the off-road vehicle out of the space. He drove the child in the car, and Shen Xun ran outside with the car.

I cleaned it up and changed my clothes. Fan Xintong looked better than yesterday. Although he was still reluctant to communicate, when Shen Shian handed her a pot of strawberries, he said thank you.

Two days later, Shen Shi'an and the migrating troops arrived at the Beijing base at the same time.

After passing through the city gate, he found Tian Yi's family.

"I set up an organization in the base. It's small and just started. You can join if you want." He remembers Tian Yi as a chef and his wife as a teacher, who can all play a role in the base. The young girl Yao Yao is about the same age as Fan Xintong, and will be accompanied by her peers in the future, which may play a role in her psychological condition.

Tian Yixi couldn't help himself: "Really? Thank you very much, Mr. Shen. Mr. Shen is willing to keep us, and of course we are willing to join!"

What is the beginning of the organization? Shen Shi'an defeated the leader of the tiger and wolf group who was said to be particularly powerful. These two days have been spread among the survivors. There is no such thing as a strong person who will not develop badly after the organization. He remembers that Shen Shi'an's identity is not ordinary.

"Then we follow Mr. Shen?"

"I still have some things to deal with," Fan Xintong needs to re-apply for an identity bracelet, and in addition, she still has some things left at Gu's house and not brought them out. Shen Shi'an wrote his contact information and sharp edge address on paper and gave it to Tian Yi, "You go first. When you get to the place, it's just that I let you go."

Tian Yi thanked again and again: "Thanks to Mr. Shen's help several times, otherwise our family of three will not even have a place to stay. This kind of kindness connects to the original, I Tian Yi is firmly engraved in my heart, and this life is unforgettable. "

When the three of Tian Yi got on the bus, Shen Shi'an returned to the driver's seat of the off-road vehicle and said to Gouzi and Fan Xintong: "Go, go to the identity management office first."

The author has something to say: Although it is still early, but I want to say in advance, if there is a crazy suggestion in the future, then waist waist old Bath bass umbrella wine.

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angels who have [Rocket Launcher]: Kiko, Tehran 19431;

Thanks to the little angel who throws [grenade]: there are 1 idlers;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: Haiyan Heqing, Good Night, and Siji; Huaming, Mushroom Su, Yiyixinxin, Yan Yan,? Maybe ?, Sunny89, Xiong Bao, issing, Mrs. Lu, feel at ease, Jingxing, Ruochu. , CleVim, Fat Da Da 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

CleVim 318 bottles; 169 bottles are still missing; 165 bottles in Xiaolongbao; M. , Summer, meow meow_ have 50 bottles of Mi; 44 bottles; Yan 36 bottles; 3788615032 bottles; 30 bottles of Avenue of Love; 25 bottles of Moon Cangshan; water ice according to 1967, Cher. Mao Tuan, Feng Xiaoxiaoxiang 20 bottles of Coco; 19 bottles of vegetarian; 15 bottles of Siang and pigs to lose weight; 14 bottles of Yixun; 13 bottles of ising; Liangliang Liangliang Liangliang; wait for you to love me, jasmine, pampered with water, take my clothes at night, Coisini_, waiting tree, arrogant, I suspect you are driving, but SL, 10 bottles of winter frost and autumn ice cream; 9 bottles of snow like snow; 31014976, cold, half-day, spicy road, deer, lazy Fatty 5 bottles; Haha 3 bottles; Ruochu. , Dai Yule, 29343419, 2 bottles of snail demon sauce; braised chicken wings, purple purple, ⊙ ▽ ⊙, A Feng, Yuexia Lake, summer, Yu, sunset afterglow, 14168601, 1 moon invitation star;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard! Please keep in mind: rose, wrong chapter, begging for books, please add qq group: 277600208 (group number)

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