MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 126

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The room that Fan Xintong finally chose was on the second floor. Xu Ge was next door. If you push the window, you can see the green grass below and the red maple cloud-like by the artificial lake. On the other side of the artificial lake, the two-story small building specially built for prominent members is in maple leaves. Looming in the middle.

Shen Shi'an picked out a set of blue furniture for Fan Xintong from the space according to Xu Ge's preferences, and shouted Xu Ge aside while Fan Xintong was familiar with the new room.

"She has been wandering outside for more than a month when I found her," he said in a low voice. "Although people have observed that there are no obvious wounds on her body, if you have the opportunity, ask her about her experience during this time. ask."

In order for Fan Xintong's psychological condition to return to normal, he must first understand what happened.

Xu Ge's eyes flickered, his eyes turned red immediately. "You mean"

"I'm not sure, but relative to her attitude towards you, she is obviously resistant to men." Shen Shi'an sighed silently and looked at Xu Ge. "In short, it takes a lot of trouble to get tired of you."

Xu Ge quickly shook his head and nodded, "Brother Shen, don't worry, I will take good care of her."

When Shen Shi'an turned and left, he called him again, with boundless anger and hatred hidden under his eyes, and his palms were stricken tightly. "Captain, if someone really bullies her, can you give me the full responsibility for handling it?"

Shen Shi'an looked at her for a moment and nodded.

He and his dog were a little sleepy when they came back all the way. After taking a bath and changing clothes, and resting on the dog for a while, Shen Shi'an remembered that he had forgotten someone.

Step out of the bedroom and find Liu Fangzhou, who is eating watermelon in the restaurant. "Where has Lu Xiuyuan gone?"

Liu Fangzhou shook his head with a cheek gangster. "I don't know. He hasn't seen him since he finished his hygiene every morning in the past few days. I guess it should have gone out to find someone. It was the ones who pushed him into the zombies at the beginning. It is expected to wait I ’ll be back for dinner. ”After saying that, he took the cut watermelon to the dog ’s mouth and said,“ Find your brother, too. ”

He has no birds.

Instead, walk to Shen Shi'an and put his head in his hand. "An'an feeds me."

Liu Fangzhou was right. Lu Xiuyuan came back at dinner. When I walked into the restaurant and saw Shen Shi'an, I was a little happy. "You are back"

After Shen Shi'an nodded and nodded at him, he turned his eyes to Fan Xintong sitting at the dinner table. "This is Mr. Fan Guoping's daughter."

Fan Xintong heard his father's name, glanced up at him, and dropped his head again.

Lu Xiuyuan looked at her thin arms, and there was something in her heart, so she walked carefully to her and sat down. "Hello, my name is Lu Xiuyuan. After the virus broke out, your father saved me, not only me, but also other things. Dozens of students, if it weren't for him, we would have been eaten by zombies. Your father is a hero, and I am sorry that he was sacrificed. "Fan Guoping was not injured by Shen Shian until he moved into the villa. Saying something else, only gratitude and regrets for him.

Fan Xintong still lowered his head and said nothing from beginning to end.

Shen Shi'an and Chen Nan brought the meals out. "It's time to eat, Tong Tong, can you wash your hands first?"

The dinner was made by Shen Shi'an and Xu Ge. Because of the arrival of Fan Xintong, he took out a part of the mutated goose and goose eggs in the space, and went to the animal husbandry center to buy some other meats. He bought them with the vegetables and fruits grown in the space or produced by Chen Nan. Full table.

One of the plates of Cola Chicken Wings, Shen Shi'an deliberately put them in front of Fan Xintong. "Your father told me that your favorite food is Cola Chicken Wings, right? This is how I made it according to the method he gave me. Taste "

Fan Xintong stared at the chicken wings for a while and said coldly, "You can't make his taste."

After that, Xu Ge ate whatever she clipped her, but did not touch the cola chicken wings close at hand.

Shen Shi'an didn't mind her attitude. In fact, it was an improvement to allow her to evaluate something. At least, she knew that she didn't have any reaction to the outside world.

Lin Ruan quietly cheered on him with a thumb, and continued.

Shen Shian made Cola Chicken Wings for seven days in a row. On the eighth day, Liu Fangzhou made a sorrow. "Tong Tong, brother Ark, please eat a chicken wing. We are about to eat and throw up, so please help me. "

Fan Xintong looked at him like a fool.

Xu Ge clipped a chicken wing into her bowl, this time she did not refuse.

On the tenth night of Fan Xintong's stay in the villa, everyone sat and watched a movie together on the sofa in the living room after eating.

The movie screen is projected on a white curtain by a projector. A cartoon from a long time ago, 101 dalmatians, have a happy ending after suffering and adventure, which is very suitable for a family to watch together.

Fan Xintong sat next to Xu Ge, although he still didn't speak, but his eyes never moved away from the curtain.

When the movie was over, Shen Shi'an asked her, "Do you like it, did your father say you adopted a stray dog?"

"Well, it's called a pudding. It's cute and loyal. It's my best friend." Fan Xintong unexpectedly replied, but the words that he said later made people nervous. "But it is dead."

She looked up at Shen Shi'an, with something scary under her eyes. "Do you know how it died? You must not guess. I killed it with my own hands."

"Mom became a zombie and wanted to eat me, and the pudding bit her mother in order to protect me," the girl's voice rang slowly in the living room. "Then the pudding also became a zombie, and it will eat me too. I don't want to Was eaten, so I killed it, I used the door to keep it out, leaving only a gap for it to stick his head in, and then hit the door on it over and over again, once, twice, three times, four times Finally, it lay on the ground. "

"Grass." Liu Fangzhou cursed secretly, rubbing his arms with Xiong Manshan and hiding into Chen Nan's arms.

Tang Song and Lin Ruan frowned at the same time, staring at each other.

Xu Ge choked softly, and the dog snorted.

Shen Shi'an didn't move, didn't speak, he quietly looked into Fan Xintong's eyes.

"Sorry?" He asked softly after a long time, but didn't wait for the other party to answer, but continued to say, "I saw the best friend's best friend leave me a little bit, but I can't do anything, crying is useless." It ’s no use shouting, asking them to say a word to you is useless, it must be sad. "

"But it's not your fault." Shen Shi'an sighed silently, holding Fan Xintong's shoulder to let her look at herself. "It's not your fault whether your mother becomes a zombie or pudding becomes a zombie. You did not kill the pudding. The pudding is a warrior. It sacrifices to protect its master. What you kill is only the monster that robs its body of parasites. If the pudding knows that you have defeated that monster, you know that you still Live well, it will be very happy, just like your mother and your father will be very happy. "

The skinny shoulders under the palm trembled, and Fan Xintong bit his lips tightly.

Shen Shian took out a transparent glass jar from the space, tied a bow at the mouth, and inside it was a small half of a jar of peanut candy covered with syrup.

Fan Xintong immediately recognized "This is, this is done by mother."

Shen Shian nodded and twisted the lid off. "Your father brought me gifts after the Spring Festival. I'm sorry that there are only so many. Do you want to try them? I guarantee that its taste has not changed." Peanut candy was taken into the second floor of Zhulou by Shen Shi'an together with other foods. For this jar, time stagnated from that moment until it continued to flow.

Fan Xintonghong held the glass jar in his arms with his eyes in his arms, reached for a piece, and took it to his mouth to take a careful bite.

Slap. Liquid dripped on the tank.

Flip-flop. The dripping liquid is getting more and more fast.

Fan Xintong whispered quietly, his body was shaking, crying became louder and more tears, and finally opened his mouth and cried, "I want mom, I want dad, I want pudding, I think our whole family still Together mom mom don't leave me alone i want my dad "

Xu Ge wept silently, and held Fan Xintong in his arms. "Cry, just cry, it will feel good when you cry. Tong Tong is good, not afraid."

No one spoke. Chen Nan and others turned their heads to wipe their eyes, and the dog licked Shen Shi'an's hand. "An'an, don't you be sad."

Shen Shi'an smiled and rubbed twice on the dog's head.

The emotional release lasted for more than half an hour. In the end, Fan Xintong was almost out of power, but he was still holding the glass jar tightly with both hands and was unwilling to release it.

Xu Ge wiped her face and hugged the thin and tired twelve-year-old girl. "I'll take her back to the room first."

Shen Shian took out a bottle of mineral water mixed with Lingquan from the space and handed it to Xu singer, "feed her more."

Xu Ge nodded, and whispered the child to the second floor.

After the two entered the room, Xiong Manshan sighed a long time. "His mother, this is 039, the poorest is the child."

Xu Ge took a bath for Fan Xintong, then sat on the bed and wiped her hair "Did you cut this hair yourself?"

After a long cry, Fan Xintong resumed silence again. But it was probably just after taking a shower and drinking the Lingquan water that his face looked much better than before.

Holding the glass jar in her arms and nodding.

"My hair was also cut by myself," Xu Gerou said. "The previous hair was too long, so it was inconvenient to do anything. Do you like long hair or short hair?"

"Not long or short." Fan Xintong spoke after a short while, looking up at Xu Ge, "just like you are now."

"Is it my favorite length now?" Xu Ge put the towel aside and touched Fan Xintong's uneven hair stubble. "Children ’s hair grows fast, and there are at most two or three months. Your hair The length will be the same as I am now. I will help you to repair it a little bit. Believe me, my craft is great. "

Fan Xintong nodded.

Xu Ge wrapped a towel around her neck, letting her sit on the clothes that she was going to discard, and holding a comb and small scissors to help her carefully trim until no obvious clutter could be seen.

"Oh," she held a mirror and held it in front of Fan Xintong. "Which little fairy is this? How could it look so good?"

Fan Xintong glanced, and clenched his lips to reveal a vague and short smile.

Xu Ge cleaned up her broken hair, dried her hair, and led her to the bay window sill.

"I have a younger sister," she whispered. "His name is Xu Yao. He is as old as you. He is twelve years old this year."

"Did she also become a zombie?"

Xu Ge shook his head. "A worse thing happened to her. After the virus broke out, our parents died, leaving me and Yaoyao. Later, some bad guys broke into our place and they caught I left Yaoyao and threatened me to listen to them, otherwise Yaoyao would be in danger of life. At that time I was too weak and I could n’t protect her. I could n’t do anything but listen to the bad guys. They let me do it. I'll do whatever I want. But Yaoyao is still dead. "

Fan Xintong raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face. "Crying will make you feel better, not afraid."

Xu Ge smiled with tears in her eyes, took her hand, and picked off the sachet hanging around her neck with the other hand. "Do you know what this is? This is the seed of a daisy. After Yao Yao passed away, he was buried This kind of flower blooms in her place. Brother Shen once told me that as long as I remember Yao Yao, she would stay with me. I think he was right. "

She looked at Fan Xintong's eyes. "As long as you remember your father, your mother, and the pudding, they will always be there for you, and they won't go anywhere."

Fan Xintong held the glass jar tightly, and two tears fell down.

Xu Ge wiped her tears and put the sachet containing the daisy seeds into her hand "wait until next spring, let's plant these seeds together, OK?"

Fan Xintong nodded hard.

Shen Shi'an was lying on the bed, with his head resting on the dog's stomach, staring at the curved string outside the window for a long time and unable to sleep.

"I should save Fan Guoping." He whispered a long time later.

"You can't save it, Fan Guoping told you he was dead when he was injured." Shen Xun's voice sounded in his mind.

"But I should give it a try. I should put him on the second floor of the space just as I did in Lowe, so at least he can meet with Tongtong."

"Then," the young man's voice was calm and sensible. "After seeing him, do you want Fan Xintong to experience life and death again and again, and watch the beloved person become a zombie again? He has lost his breath and heartbeat, and his body cells have been lost. With vitality, even if Tang Song and Lin Ruan develop the vaccine, it is useless to him. Instead of losing it, it is better not to get it from the beginning. "

Shen Shi'an turned his head and looked at him. "How many chicken soups have you seen recently?

The dog flicked his tail and swept at him, without speaking.

Shen Shi'an looked back at the moon and sighed softly. "I'm sorry for him anyway. If it wasn't for the purpose of being a bodyguard for me, Fan Guoping wouldn't show up at school or be injured by zombies."

"If it weren't for you as a bodyguard, he wouldn't have been able to drink the tomato juice of the Lingquan water in the space, and he might have died of the flu." Seeing Shen Shi'an, "An'an, it is not your fault that Fan Guoping will die. He was your bodyguard because Mr. Gu paid him. Even without him, you have a space and a spirit fountain after the virus outbreak, and I protect you. You, too, will be fine. You don't owe him anything. Promise that he will take care of Fan Xintong. Now he has done it. I really want to say who owes him, he owes you a little bit more. "

Shen Shi'an was silent for a while, raised his hand and rubbed on the dog's head. "We are really grown up."

Gozi giggled twice, "The longer I grow, the stronger I will get. An An, I will always protect you."

Shen Shian laughed and was about to say something. Suddenly, a very slight movement was caught in her ears, and she immediately got up from the bed. "Who"

The breeze stroked the curtains without any response.

The dog snorted and smelled, "Ann, no one else."

The five senses of rapid expansion were also nothing, the tight body gradually relaxed, and Shen Shian lay back on the dog. "I should have heard it wrong, sleep."

After a long time, until the crescent moon was tilted west, a small figure stood up from the window and walked away silently.

The author has something to say. Do you remember the jar of peanut candy?

I ’m done with the past, and I ’m going out to do group tasks in the next chapter.

The corpse squad set off again

Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher is Mu Yan, not Mu Mu, Kiko, Yun Chang Yimo;

Thanks for the little angel who threw a grenade. Oh, did you close yourself today? 3 osmanthus osmanthus fragrances; dandan, oseven, sunny 891;

Thank you for the angels who cast mines. Are you autistic today? U5; Gu Gu 2; 隽, I am Shi Shi Ai, Hua Xian Zi Er, Tian An, herence, 31135732, Qi Zui have you done today, maybe, Yan璆, Jingxing, Xiaoyu wanted to eat sugar, Shemu ovo, was forced to rename his heart, a crown, sunny89, core socialist values, confusion, Qi Changye 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

The wind floats 128 clouds; Taipa 100 bottles; I want to eat delicious 89 bottles; a happy wild pointer, Yan Qingping 60 bottles; dandan 54 bottles; oseven44 bottles; I am a certified 28 bottles; Alsatian, sier-like, are Mu Yan, not Mu title, 20 bottles of Herence; 2642521013 bottles; 12 bottles of Yan Yan; 19: 3, mushrooms do not grow grass, a cricket, two fat people, tea, 22641158, orange soda bubbling , Smoky, flashy, raccoon, Huanhuan, want to sleep, can you compare you to one, the author has finished updating, I like Luffy, flying wounded, lazy lazy, huangyuzhi199110 bottles; some unknown Little fairy, 330509939 bottles; 8 bottles of planting; 7 bottles of young joy; 6 bottles of Li Xi but not Hei Hei Hei; 5 bottles of Qing Qing so, sur, bacheor, 31014976, oak; I love to watch them in one breath, 266454133 bottles; Winter frost and autumn ice cream, like this, 134690132 bottles; Qianqian, the setting sun, catching the rain's tail, Yu, August laurel, flowers and painting, purple, purple, Yuyu and Yuyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard