MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 155

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When Shen Shi'an and others ended the battle, Gu Changsheng was beading beads.

One hundred and eight top-grade beeswaxes are polished to the same size as oily and smooth, slightly larger than pearls. Every twenty-seven are separated by royal blue lapis lazuli, and the bottom main bead is a half-finger pinkie The long rosewood wood carvings are gentle, calm and solemnly restrained. They look good on the hands and around the neck. They are most suitable for Shen Shi'an.

Gu Changsheng knew that Ms. Shen believed in Buddhism, and Shen Shi'an did not know whether to believe it or not, but he always carried a string of beads on his wrist, so he wanted to give one to himself. One hundred and eight Buddha beads in Buddhism allege to prove one hundred and eighty-two ambiguous, to eliminate one hundred and eight kinds of troubles, he hoped that Shen Shi'an will be free from worries, illnesses and disasters from now on.


Suddenly strong heart palpitations made Gu Changsheng's palms shake, and the rope of the bead was broken at the same time.

Gu Changsheng froze, panic erupted in his heart, "Xiao Wen" he stood up and shouted "Xiao Wen come in"

The attendant flashed into "What's the matter, master?"

"Did the news come back from the Jedi death zone?"

"More than three hours ago, Level 4 zombies were said to have been encountered. Level 4 Zombies were successfully destroyed an hour ago. The battle is now probably over."

"Brother, is my brother hurt?"

"No such news was returned."

If no news comes back, it means that Brother must be safe, isn't it? But what about this frightening feeling?

The indescribable anxiety made Gu Changsheng sit still, glanced at the scattered beads on the ground, and his heart was more disturbed. "Here is the satellite phone. I want to contact Xie Yang."

Xie Yang was sitting by the broken city wall and resting. He heard the news from the correspondent and answered the phone. "Master Chang Sheng is me. Yes, the battle has ended and the fourth-level zombies have died. Thanks to two Mr. Shen. No, Mr. Shen was not injured, I'm sure. Do you want to talk to him? "

Xie Yang stood up and looked around for a week, and put the phone closer to his ear again. "He is not here now, it seems that he is taking Xun Xun to take a bath by the river. OK, I will send someone to find it immediately and give you a reply when I find it."

After more than 20 minutes, Gu Changsheng, who had accumulated anxiety almost to the top, finally received a call from Xie Yang, but the news got him struck by lightning.

"They are missing. Both Mr. Shen and Xunxun are missing."

At this time it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, the stars could not be seen in the sky, and the sickle-like lower part of the moon hovered in the air, mostly covered by a few thin black clouds, and there was no reason to reveal an unknown.

Gu Changsheng rushed to the Qin family at the fastest speed.

Most of the Qin family members have fallen asleep, and the piece of the house is sleeping in the quiet night. Only the courtyard where Qin Shu lived was still brightly lit.

Qin Shu dare not sleep. I do n’t know when to sleep has become the most terrible and unbearable torture for her. As soon as she closes her eyes, the rampant goblins will rush out from all corners, surround her, and pull her, Bite her, tie her up and down the knife to the pan, the unimaginable pain makes her dead and die, but after she wakes up, those painful experiences can't find any trace on her body, no one believes her, The doctor said that her psychological pressure was too great and she had hallucinations. Her parents felt that she was hurt by her feelings and she was a bit out of mind. Those low-minded minions who chewed behind her tongue laughed at her because she had done too many bad things and had bad news.

She didn't do bad things, all she did was to protect her family and happiness. What really hurts is the deserved **** and her son who should have been born. They are the most shameless, humblest and most powerless person in the world.

It's not so easy to hurt her and get revenge on her torture her. Since she can only see evil spirits when she is asleep, she won't have to sleep.

She doesn't sleep, and no one else can. All the servants serving her were required to sit cross-legged in the living room, not allowed to talk or disturb, as long as anyone accidentally dozed off, her body or face would be immediately drawn with a red mark with blood from a bamboo stick.

When the door was knocked open, she was reprimanding one of the servants for refusing to accept discipline, threatening to drive him and his family out of the Beijing base and never allowed to enter. She was frightened by the roar, and her backhand was beaten with a bamboo shoot. What daring slave would dare hit my door? "

Penny was raised by Xiao Wen and grabbed his hands. Qin Shu was furious. When he saw Gu Changsheng behind him, it was a joy again. "Chang Sheng, how come you come here so late, pour tea, master came Are you blind and invisible? Changsheng, you want to drink? "

"Go out." Gu Changsheng turned his back, his eyes faintly red, as if trying to suppress the anger and chill. "Everyone, now, immediately, please leave here first."

The servant quickly withdrew, and Xiao Wen took the door at the end, leaving only Gu Changsheng and Qin Shu in the living room.

Qin Shu puzzled, "you"

"What did you do?" Gu Changsheng interrupted her sharply, her chest was violently undulating, and the blue muscles on the back of her clenched hands jumped straight. "Where is Shen Shi'an?"

Where is Shen Shian

Qin Shu was too late to question his attitude and first got an important message from his words "Shen Shi'an is gone"

Unconcealable joy emerged from her face. "When was it missing in the absolute death zone where it was missing? How long has it disappeared?"

Could it be said that the plan has been successfully implemented?

That's really pleasant

Qin Shuxi can't beat herself. This is really the most exciting good news she has heard in half a year.

Gu Changsheng got the answer from her expression. Anguish, anger, disappointment, and deep-seated hatred were entwined in the eyes of Mr. Gu, who looked like Mr. Gu.

"What and why," Qin Shu avoided his sight. "Mom doesn't know what you're talking about."

Gu Changsheng approached step by step, his eyes were surging, and it was unclear whether there was more pain and disappointment, or more anger and hatred.

"The Qin family is already one of the top five managers of the Beijing base," he said. "You are the only daughter of your grandfather and grandmother. Even if you do nothing, you do n’t have to kill zombies, you do n’t have to toil, as long as the Beijing base exists, you can be safe. Wealthy riches enjoy this life. Why on earth should we start with Shen Shi'an? "

Qin Shu raised his eyebrows. "What are you saying? That's how I taught you to talk to the elders. Even if Shen Shi'an disappears really has something to do with me, my mother is for your good. You are still young. I don't see how ugly people are." Do you know what Shen Shi'an has done to me? Do you know how he threatened me? He wants to kill all of us in the Qin family. Mother will never give him a chance to hurt you. Such a scourge, of course. Cut grass and roots as soon as possible "

"He won't hurt me, he is my brother."

"He's not your brother" Qin Shu was anxious, and his face was almost distorted. "How many times have I told you, he is not your brother's low-quality man who is not worthy. When you are your brother, you are the only eldest son and grandson of the Gu family. You are The orthodox heir of the Gu family, what kind of medicine did he give you to make you so obedient and so confused? Where is he good to make you willing to dwarf him? Do n’t you forget how much the mother has eaten in the Gu family over the years because of his existence? Wronged? "

"Chang Sheng, my mother knows that you are a good boy, knows that you have a good heart and a simple heart, but you must not be deceived by the appearance of Shen Shi'an. He is not innocent, not innocent at all. Everything he does at the base of Beijing is The purpose is to want to harm our Qin family and want to steal everything from the Gu family from you. "Qin Shu took Gu Changsheng's face, and his mother's care flashed in his eyes." You are a hard mother Born, mom is the person who loves you best to you in the world. Mom will never lie to you, right? Believe in mom. Only that cheap seed will disappear forever, and our family can live happily together forever. . "

Gu Changsheng took a deep breath and stared at Qin Shu with his apparently bleeding eyes. "Tell me where he is. As long as he is okay, I promise that I will do my best to protect you and the Qin family. "

When Qin Shu's eyes were cold, he turned away.

Gu Changsheng grabbed her hand and looked extremely distressed. "Mom, don't force me."

"Forcing you" Qin Shu was extremely angry, "What do you want to do, what do you want to do? For an outsider who hasn't known you for a few months, what do you want to do to your mother? Mommy has worked hard to nurture you and educate you for more than 20 years. Ca n’t you compare to a scum of a little three-life? I have more than one secretly dealt with. Why, you have become a guardian of the Skywalk, must you deal with your own mother for those people? ”

"I don't care who you want to kill, who you want to kill, only he can't, you can't move without him"

"What if I move you? I'm your mother. Everything I do is for you. I'm the one who loves you the most in the world. Gu Changsheng, you have to do it for Shen Shi'an."

Gu Changsheng let go of her hand and lowered her eyes.

Obviously, she has become extremely angry, hated the extreme, and pained the extreme, and she even had two smiles in her voice.

"Everything you do is for me, are you the one who loves me the most in the world,"

There seemed to be a sigh of relief in the silence in the room. Qin Shu didn't know why, and suddenly there was a little confusion in his heart.

"Before I learned of the existence of Ms. Shen and Shi An, I didn't understand why my father didn't like me, why he hated me so much. I was never naughty, never got into trouble, studied hard, and never studied at any time. He turned against him on the matter. But why, he didn't even want to look at me? "

Gu Changsheng said slowly, his voice was very light, as if he had exhausted all his strength just by saying these words. "I have been sad for a long time, I have been distressed for a long time, I tried my best to find a reasonable explanation ... I think, think, and have a speculation that I will not be my father's son at all "

"As soon as this speculation breeds, it starts to grow wildly, because there seems to be no other explanation for this reason. Throughout my teenage years, I was in the puppet of my family who was not Gu at all. So when I was an adult, I did For one thing, I tried to secretly get a dad's DNA sample, and together with my own sample, let Xiao Wen send it to a biological research institution for testing. "

Qin Shu seemed to have heard a certain kind of bad news, his face suddenly pale, and his face was full of the biggest secret panic that was revealed by people "No, no, you won't"

Gu Changsheng smiled, "Mom guessed the test result, right?"

"The test results show that the two DNAs are exactly the same, which means that I agree with my father's DNA100."

"Imagine how shocked I was when I learned this result. It is 100% consistent. How could it be that even if I am a father's son, half of the genes are from my mother and I have also experienced the recombination of the gene sequence. How can it be completely identical to the father? Is it consistent that my father and I are identical twins? This is ridiculous. "

"I firmly believe that the test result is wrong, so I asked Xiao Wen to take another sample to another biological research institution for testing. However, the test result this time is still 100. I think, think, and finally got it One of the simplest explanations is that these two samples belong to the same person at all. I have never been the father's son. I am his clone. "

"Whether it is Shen Shi'an or Mr. Gu, it is estimated that even Ms. Shen thinks that you got dad's essence \ 039 son by some special means, and then you got me. \ 039 子 is much easier, isn't it a hair, a drop of blood, a little saliva, and even skin debris can extract somatic cells. You have extracted the nucleus of the somatic cell and put it into the egg cell where you removed the nucleus. Created a me. I am afraid that such a large project is not simple. How long did it take to prepare for it? How much manpower and material resources did you have? Apart from your Qin family, does anyone else know the team responsible for this experiment at the moment?

Qin Shu covered her chest, leaned back, and sat down on the chair with tears in her eyes. She shook her head. "No, it's not like this, Chang Sheng, listen to me explain"

"Hear you explain what explains how much you love me? Explain how everything you do is for me. Mr. Gu was supposed to be my father, but you made me a copy of him, and Shen Shi'an was supposed to be mine. Brother, but you artificially made me premature and made me a deformed and distorted family relationship with him on the level of genetic construction. Wasn't it exactly what you created for me in the name of loving me? Who am I? Who is Gu Changsheng? He is afraid that from beginning to end, you are just the puppet you use to fight for power. "

Gu Changsheng stood in the center of the living room, and a cold white gallery lamp sprinkled on him from behind, dragging a slender, almost empty shadow.

"Mr. Gu hates me because I am your son. You love me because I am a copy of Mr. Gu and the name of my Gu's parents and grandchildren. Your feelings towards me are limited by conditions. Only Shen Shi'anbu In the same way, he will not alienate me because I am your son, nor will he reject me because of his attitude toward me. He is good to me, only because I am Gu Changsheng. "

So I will guard him, at all costs.

Mom is not the most important person to me, nor is Mr. Gu, Shen Shi'an is.

"Tell me exactly where he is."

"I don't know. I never let him be kidnapped. I just wanted to make him infected with the zombie virus." Qin Shu himself didn't know why he told the truth, maybe Gu Changsheng's expression and For the first time, her tone truly felt the panic about losing this child. She stood up and took Gu Changsheng's hand. "Chang Sheng, Mom loves you, Mom loves you most, no matter who you are, Even if there is no genetic relationship, you were born to your mother for several months. You are the blood of your mother's bones. The mother's flesh is so much more than twenty years of hard work and nourishment. Is it more than one Shen Shi'an? "

Gu Changsheng was silent, then nodded. "You are right. My mother has the gift of education for me, so no matter what you do, I will take care of you, protect you, and protect you."

"But if something happens to Shen Shi'an," he stared at Qin Shu with a very light voice, his eyes red with blood. "I want everyone in the Qin family except you to be buried with him."

Feeling a slight tingling in the palm of his hand, Shen Shi'an gathered a vigorous backhand to beat people away.

The sound of bone fracture sounded crisply, and the young man's chest immediately sunk in a large area, and a red fingernail slipped from his fingers. The body has not yet landed, and the blood mixed with broken internal organs has been sprayed from his mouth. He smashed twice on the bank of the river, his face muscles twitched, and Shen Shi'an, the soldier who knew and remembered that he had indeed rescued, even exfoliated It gradually disappeared, replaced by a face of a middle-aged man who had never seen it before and was full of beards.

Is the power one.

Shen Shi'an was dizzy.

There was a deafening roar below the river embankment, and then a black giant shadow flew towards the river bank like lightning.

The middle-aged man struggled to get up from the ground and turned to run. After two steps, the body crooked, rolled down the river bank, and fell into the rushing Hongsha River.

Shen Xun's anger was irresistible, and he was about to chase after the man who had been removed from the river to smash 10,000 corpses, and beside him came Shen Shi'an's extremely weak call "Find, don't chase"

He hugged the big dog and he disappeared with his mind.

Shen Shi'an lost consciousness immediately after entering the space.

Shen Xun was horrified "An An An An An, what's wrong with you, An An An An, you wake up soon"

He shrunk his body to a minimum of two meters high, and soon found a wound in the right palm of Shen Shi'an. The wound was dark black and purple, with dark black blood exuding from it. The blood vessels around the wound were swollen in black and black. Spreading fast.

Zombie virus, An An infected with zombie virus

That red nail really was a level 4 zombie.

Huge panic swells wildly in the chest

After the end of the last days, the survivor's body has been modified by the original virus and the power virus, and the resistance to the zombie virus has become stronger and stronger. It takes at least two to three hours for a power person to be bitten by a zombie at the same level.

But Shen Shi'an is different. His body has never been exposed to the original virus, which means that his resistance to the zombie virus is still at the level when the virus broke out. As long as he is bitten by a zombie, he will complete the transformation in just a few seconds.

Not to mention he was infected with a Level 4 zombie virus.

The mutation speed is so fast that it is unimaginable, but in the blink of an eye, the alienation part climbed from the right palm to the right wrist, and was finally stopped by a cyan light in the right elbow.

The glaring normal flesh and the mutated black purple flesh formed a clear dividing line at the elbow. This is why Shen Shi'an lost consciousness. The virus of the fourth-level zombies was too overbearing. The survival instincts reacted before the body. Forced all their hearts into this fierce tug of war.

He is protecting himself, he is trying to save himself.

The rich aura in the space gathered into a funnel-like cyclone, which was continuously poured into his body from Dan Tian.

But the purple and black alienation still climbed up slowly at a slow rate.

Not enough. The aura in space alone is not enough.

Shen Xun was so anxious that he immediately set his sights on the Lingquan pool surrounded by mist.

There is enough spiritual power in the Lingquan Pool

He rolled up Shen Shi'an carefully with his tail, and rushed towards Lingquan Pool at the fastest speed. When it was five meters away from the pool, a golden barrier suddenly rose, and all the forces bounced off, knocking him with a bang Out.

Shen Xun hurriedly guarded Shen Shi'an into his arms before landing. The strong impact caused him to break a row of apple trees before he finally stopped.

Grass, forget the protective cover that comes with the space.

The space recognizes the master, and the protective cover only allows Shen Shi'an to enter and exit freely. Others can't step in halfway unless they get the voluntary permission of Shen Shi'an.

But now Shi'an sinks into a coma completely. How can he send An'an into the Lingquan pool?

Time is alive, Shen Xun didn't dare to delay, quickly got up and rolled Shen Shi'an back to the barrier.

The protective cover has no protective loopholes, and will be stopped in any direction. He has already checked it numerous times when he was young.

Ca n’t crash, if you rush from a distance, all impact forces will bounce back, and if you stand in front of the protective cover to force forward

A thunder with a thick forearm suddenly exploded, and a deep black fracture of bone was seen on the claws of Shen Xun forcibly penetrating into the protective cover. The blood had all been evaporated by the high temperature before it could flow out.


Shen Xun trembled with pain, gritted his teeth and retracted his paw.

He turned his head and glanced at Shen Shi'an. At this moment, the alienation part had climbed up a few millimeters.

Turn your head and look forward from here to Lingquan Pond, with a total of five meters left. Every meter is thunderous.

He licked on Shen Shi'an's face. The emerald beast's huge beast eyes were extremely gentle. Don't be afraid, An's here, I won't let you go.

Shen Shi'an did not know how long he had been unconscious. In a coma, it was as if he had been engaged in a difficult and protracted battle.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he was leaning on the edge of the Lingquan pool. The warm spring water just passed his chest, and his right palm was smooth and smooth, and his skin was fused with blood. .

Successful, he did not become a zombie.

The joy of the rest of the life after the disaster just rose from my heart, even when I noticed that I was searching

He remembered that he had brought the big dog together before coma, and Shen Xun didn't accompany him.

How did he enter the Lingquan Pool?

There was a weird, burnt smell in the air that was too deep to think deeply.

The intense panic caused Shen Shi'an to climb up from the Lingquan pond immediately, but the mess on the grass beside the pool set him completely in place

The thunderous raging land was full of black hair, black meat, black bones, and sporadic blood stains.

"Xun Xun" Shen Shi'an shivered in panic "Xun Xun Xun Xing where are you"

His total control over the space made him quickly target the second floor of the Bamboo Tower, and Shen Shi'an clenched his fists and hurled towards the Bamboo Tower.

Blood stains and scorched footprints spread along the steps in front of the Bamboo Building to the entrance of the second floor. Everything on the second floor is familiar to Shen Shi'an.

On the right is neatly stacked perishable food, and on the left is a weapon wall. On the bamboo bed next to the weapon wall lies Lowe, who has been infected with zombie virus and has been lethargic.

In the center of the second floor, not far from the staircase, a small black figure curled up.


Shen Shi'an's voice trembled, his vision quickly blurred, and his heart seemed to have been stabbed a few times in a hurry and fiercely, rushing to the figure and kneeling down before him.

The search situation that turned into a small black form in front of him was very bad. The whole body was cut by thunder and lightning, and almost no complete fur was found. The right forepaw was half missing, and the internal organs could be seen faintly across the worst wound on the chest.

"Xun Xun" tears fell on the floor, Shen Shi'an's palms shook constantly, even he didn't dare to touch him. "Xun Xun, Xun Xun, can you hear me, can you open your eyes and look at me?" it is good"

He gritted his teeth and pushed his fingers to the tip of the little black nose.

There is life to save

He directly controlled the plastic basin to scoop half the basin of Lingquan water from the Lingquan pool, carefully put Xiaohe into the basin, and then took the basin to the Lingquan pool as smoothly and as quickly as possible, and sat in with Xiaohe .

Shen Xun should go to the second floor of Zhulou immediately after being injured. The second floor is static, as long as he stays there, his injury will not worsen.

But he could obviously enter the Lingquan pool with himself, why didn't he come in?

Shen Shi'an didn't need to guess to know the answer because he was worried that the water in the Lingquan pool was not enough to purify the zombie virus, so he left all vitality to Shen Shi'an, and climbed up to the second floor of the bamboo building with a last breath.

"Shh, it's okay," Shen Shi'an touched the little black head very gently, and then kissed him on the forehead. "I'm here, I won't let you go."

The spiritual spring water is essentially an aura that is pure to the extreme and therefore liquefied. At this time, these auras are continuously poured into Shen Xun's body, helping him repair and heal the brutal wounds inside and outside the body.

But after the wound was all healed, Shen Xun did not wake up, and the trend of crazy absorption of Aura did not stop.

Shen Shi'an relaxed his tight heartstrings in half after all his physical characteristics returned to normal. Since then he has been standing by the edge of Lingquan, carefully observing no changes.

Five days later, Quan Yan did it for the first time. Shen Shi'an quickly recovered with crystal nuclei.

Three days later, Quanyan dried up again, and then recovered again after absorbing a large number of crystal nuclei.

From then on, Spring Eye would dry up almost every other day, and Shen Shi'an's focus would be another Spring Eye besides Xiao Hei. He had never been so glad that the crystal nucleus he had stored in space was enough for Spring Eye to dry 24 times a day.

After Spring Eye dried up for the seventh time, Shen Shi'an squatted beside Spring Eye as usual to fill it with crystal nuclei, and suddenly a strange sound came from the Lingquan Pool behind him.

The mist was full by the pool, and it was hard to see through the heavy white mist.

Shen Shi'an yelled "searching" tentatively

No one answered.

Didn't wake up? Is something wrong with Lingquan Pond?

As soon as my heart was tight, I stood up and walked to the pool.

However, the squatting time was too long, and the legs and feet became numb, and the water vapor around the Lingquan pool shrouded the grass and slipped. As long as I didn't notice a few steps, I would fall into the Lingquan pool.

A strong arm pierced out of the mist, holding Shen Shian's waist and turning half a circle, stable on the shore.

The dense fog spread for a few minutes, and Shen Shi'an looked up, facing a handsome face and a pair of dark green eyes.

"An'an," the man smiled, and his magnetic voice was low and sweet. "I'm grown up."

Does the author have something to say? Has the dog grown up today?

Grown up

With regard to Gu Changsheng's identity, it was completely solved at this point, and also solved the previous questions about ECG induction, special feelings about An An, and almost the same appearance as Mr. Gu. Don't worry about him, he is a good baby.

In the previous chapter, I saw that some readers stated in the comments that they felt that An An was not vigilant enough. They wanted to explain it a little bit.

The need for the plot is of course also one aspect, but An An is alert enough, and immediately notices when there is movement, but you think, he just experienced a battle between humans and zombies. It ’s people who are not zombies This is a little less vigilant and wearing Gu Jiajun's clothes, who happened to be the one he saved. The soldier was supposed to have no power, and he took on the attitude of seeing idols. All the tricks are to weaken An'an's defense. He didn't realize that the trap is true and forgivable. Who could think that the power actor secretly changed?

Harmful, blame Qin Shu for being too cunning.

Make her die a bit worse.

Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou who threw the grenade, the whole sugar candy, it is better to see it as one;

Thanks to the little angel Rong Chen, Lu Xiaoyou, maybe Qiu Shuiyu who cast the mine, you seem to have one, aozaki, and meow sauce;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

Sister Xi 仟 110 bottles; snowy border 103 bottles; 渱 pregnancy 90 bottles; 69715087 bottles; Asan ne and Amu 哆 more than 80 bottles; Weiyang 70 bottles; hera, good night, Gu Qingyun, Meow, and Kemi linen 50 bottles; 49 bottles of cream in the dream; 47 bottles of doate; 45 bottles of Yan Yan and Yan Yan; 40 bottles of Miao and Qi Nian; siga, three-eared girl paper, 1913176432 bottles; mermaids, cormorants, white sugar cakes, hr7, h. s. , Bookworm, Mobei, Kiki, Peppermint, Ai Lingling 30 bottles; xxxxxx29 bottles; 26 bottles of love; Sally Yeh, 25575983, the few ghosts, 615965, Xinyue Pavilion, Nanlian Mengling, ohh, Fishtail bar, An Xun, always love my family Man Man, Zi Bu, Hu Feng Xiao Xiang 20 bottles; Ke Ke Hu 19 bottles; Ga, Yue Xia, salted fish without turning over 15 bottles; egg tarts, IX 12 bottles; tooth teeth 11 bottles 22865530, fat paper, domestic bird, rotten to stay deep in nature, Li Zijun, a cup of sake, Qiuqiu, fairy three years old, black ink stain, Banyue Yin, Jiuli, Dafa rice, 玖 玖, warm Meng, bnni, Mu Mu, Si Shao, huh, evil, my destiny, Wen Xingzhi, end of the day and endure all ages, first astronomical waste, Yu Yu, Mo Mo, Dai Yueer, Luo Rou, Xu Yi ,, maple meaning , Elk, orange apple, sorrel sauce, orange emperor, Xiaojiujiu, key10 bottles; Aso, Moshang Qinyin, Musheng 7 bottles; shallow singing, Muge, Qingqing 6 bottles; gg, aia Xiaoan, Yang Yangyang, 28787880 , Xi Xitang, Maomao, 37673096, Black-tailed Phoenix, Youtian, Laoshan, Yiye Zhiqiu, July Fence, Huang Huang who eats soil, Erhe sauce, Hehehehe, Mr. Meow 5 bottles of fish, pinellia, and light as swallows and blue orchids; 3 bottles of la la la, yao, soy sauce, up to duck; Wei Wei ri, purple purple, specious, y76002 bottles; Xixi compound interest, July Half, Shaohua, ra, cloud drunk moon slightly 醺, 35491624, sunset afterglow, Xuetangtang, 蒾 fog, dignified 诶, syuke Wennai, Qi Changye, icyivy, cxy1 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

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