MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 98 Chapter 98

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With the route planned, we can't start immediately. The supplies in the entire research center have not yet been cleaned up.

Probably because the zombies in the research center were solved by Tang Song. Xiong Manshan never intervened from the beginning to the end. Since he joined the team, everyone found food supplies for the first time, and the quantity was still quite large. In addition, the biscuits, bread, coffee, milk, etc. collected from various floors are scattered, and when stacked together, they are quite spectacular like a mountain.

The food Shen Shian collected half, and the remaining half was sealed and placed in the most conspicuous place on the first floor of the main building, so that other survivors could come in and search;

Pharmaceutical materials are definitely one of the most scarce materials after the end of the world. No matter where they are placed, they are of great value. Shen Shi'an and others because of the regeneration ability of Lingquan and Taoyuan have little demand for pharmaceuticals, but for insurance I took a third of it, and even if I do n’t use it, I can trade with others after I arrive in Beijing. Medical supplies such as syringes, infusion tubes, and gauze bandages also received a lot of income. Liu Fangzhou also obtained a brand new and complete set of dissection equipment.

Shen Shi'an replenished a batch of clean domestic water into the space, and took out the generators originally obtained from the library, and replaced them with more sophisticated and efficient power supply equipment in the research center.

Finally, at the suggestion of Tang Song, all the experimental equipment and high-end medical equipment that can be found in the three floors above and below the main building will be fully covered. Unless the manufacturing industry is fully restored, these things will be extremely long-term. Precious non-renewable resources.

In addition, Shen Shi'an found Tang Song. "In order to prevent any accidents, I hope to give me a blood sample and store it in the space."

Tang Song was hesitant not to worry that Shen Shi'an wanted to take the blood sample as his own. Under the current circumstances, he and Lin Ruan both had fish under his sword. Even if the other party wanted to kill them, it seemed easy. "Although the blood sample is in a refrigerated state, it is essentially Still living creatures, isn't the space psionicist's space unable to store living things? "

Shen Shi'an looked at him and said nothing.

Tang Song understood that it was unheard of to be shocked by the space in which abnormal living things could be stored. How could the dead space formed by abilities create the necessary environment for living organisms? Where can oxygen come from? How can the temperature be controlled?

Originally, he only lamented the huge storage space of the other party. As a result, the mystery of Mr. Shen's body may have just revealed the tip of the iceberg.

There was a rush of enthusiasm under his eyes, and he nodded to Shen Shian. "Since this is the case, it is safer to hand over the blood sample to Mr. Shen."

Lin Ruan immediately brought the low-temperature storage, "Mr. Shen rest assured that we will never reveal half a word about your space."

Shen Xun holding his cartoon little water bottle and sucked two strawberry milkshakes, and heard a cold hum, "try it if you have the courage, you ca n’t even spit it if you want to." You can kill you with just a click.

Lin Ruan felt only a tingling pain in his right arm, daring to anger but not to speak.

Huh, I hate it.

The area of ​​the research center is too large, and after all the floors have been cleaned up, the sky has darkened. After a discussion, they decided to go for an outdoor barbecue on the top terrace of the main building.

It is located in the suburbs, with few surrounding buildings, and the field of vision is very wide. Standing on the top of the building, you can clearly see the rolling clouds of dark gold, dark red, and dark yellow at the edge of the sky. Like the elves in the twilight, sprinkling a glorious glory.

Xiong Manshan stood by the railing, watching the magnificent beauty

"When a bunch of clouds light up the evening,

The red light shone on the stubble,

At this time, the little flying bugs under the river willow,

Buzzing in hordes,

Suddenly high and low, he was dizzy and turned by the small wind.

The oil gurgle under the fence sang,

The red-headed birds in the garden screamed in horror.

The sheep shouted in the mountain pen. "

Liu Fangzhou laughed "Brother Xiong, what are you talking about?"

"It's Keats' autumn chant," Lin Ruan replied, looking a little weird. "There are many versions of this poem, but it's the first time I've seen the Northeast dialect."

Chen Nan joked, "Brother Xiong, you secretly recite poetry behind us. Isn't this just a matter of looking for things?" After the performance, the live performance was performed, and after the performance, Brother Shen made silky sweet potatoes for him.

"Where and where?" Xiong Manshan blushed. "This is my old profession. My undergraduate and graduate students are studying foreign poetry and literature. What is strange about the first poem?"

"What are you reading"

Several voices sounded at the same time, Liu Fangzhou's mouth was so wide that he could swallow a mutant tomato. "Brother Xiong, your specialty is foreign poetry and literature."

"Yeah, did I tell you?"

That's strange.

Liu Fangzhou closed his mouth very hard. "I always thought you were learning tanks at Lanxiang Driving School."

Xu Ge nodded subconsciously, and everyone laughed.

Xiong Manshan did not share his general knowledge, and raised his hand to wrap Lin Ruan's shoulders. "We still have the culture. What kind of secret office do you work for like Major Tang? You are a scientist at such a young age and can study the genetic code. What a zombie virus, what a terrible brain, you say. I wonder if you're not yet an adult yet. "

Lin Ruan stood beside Xiong Manshan, like a little deer next to a **** bear in the old forest in the deep mountains. He was weak, cute and innocent, and easily carried the bear's paw that could crush people down from himself. . "

Xiong Manshan looked at his size and looked at his face "how old"

"Twenty-four, the year of the fate of this year."

"Oh," Liu Fangzhou came over to make up the knife. "The same year as Brother Xiong"

Chen Nan "can't see it at all."

Goblin "like father and son."

Tao Yuan smiled at Lin Ruan "I'm two years older than you."

"Really, he looks so small."

Xiong Manshan did not believe in evil, "How old is Major Tang?"

Twenty-two will die, or commit suicide.


"Don't you guys who are doing scientific research bald and get old quickly?"

"We're studying genes. It's easy to make a glass of youth \ 'potion when we're idle."

Xiong Manshan's eyes lit up "really"


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Xiongmanshan ""

Jealousy makes me have a good appetite and is growing stronger and stronger.

Two rows of barbecue racks were set up, charcoal gave out orange-red warm light under Xu Ge's palm, and everyone worked separately to cut vegetables and string. The magnificent sunset on the horizon gradually disappeared, and the sky was completely dark.

The fluorescent lights at the entrance to the balcony have long been lit, and the railings are also full of small colored lights found from the storage room downstairs, which illuminate this space, especially in the night.

Tao Yuan glanced up at the mosquitoes humming in the crowd above the heads, sighing "Can the magic be used in this way?"

Thousands of mutated mosquitoes and various moths came through the light, but within five meters of the balcony, they seemed to have lost their way, and turned back and forth from side to side. They could not move forward for a long time, as if there was an invisible piece. The barriers kept them out.

Liu Fangzhou, who has always been the most popular among mosquitoes, lifted Bai Shengsheng's arms and swayed the mosquito mouthparts. He didn't get any response. "Hey, God, this is, this is better than any toilet water. Major Tang, You can release this illusion in a wide range. "

Tang Song nodded. "Such a large area is close to its limit. If it is expanded, it will be leaked because it cannot be replenished in time. However, mosquitoes are much more confused than humans."

Shen Shi'an asked, "If the role of illusion is to deceive the mind, your power should not be able to affect ordinary mutant zombies."

"Yes, ordinary zombies have no wisdom. They only act on the instinct of craving flesh and dna. Illusions can't affect them at all. At present, they only have an effect on power zombies."

"Isn't all the zombies in the body of ordinary zombies?" Xiong Manshan was puzzled. "The virus can be communicated as you said, and there must be thinking. Can't Illusion be used directly on the virus?"

Tang Song shook his head. "I tried. But the power is far from reaching the subtle level of the virus, otherwise the zombie virus can be cracked directly by healing the power."

Ah, that's true.

Chen Nan thought about it, "In fact, it's not much worse. Power zombies control ordinary zombies. You control power zombies, after all, the same effect."

It was a bit of a hassle when encountering a zombie group that has not yet evolved, and there are thousands or tens of thousands.

Skewered skewers, vegetables, fruits, grilled sausages, etc. are placed on the grill, brushed with grease and seasonings, and sizzle on the hot charcoal fire. The seductive aroma quickly fills the whole layer. balcony.

The crowd sat around a long, low table. Lin Ruan took a string of goose wing tips from singer Xu. He ate too hot and hissed and sighed, and quickly picked up a cold beer and filled it with a cool liquid. A piece of Jiaoxiang flew into the filth, closed his eyes and sighed for a long time, life.

A day before, such a level of food would definitely make him suspect that Tang Song had given him magic.

Tang Song stared at the fat and tender wings that were bigger than his face, and looked at it with interest for a long time. "This is the same as lunch, but also a mutant goose."

Shen Shi'an took the two bunches of roasted broccoli on the plate of the child, carefully withdrew the bamboo stick to prevent him from poking himself, and nodded. "I met them on the road, and on average they weighed about two tons."

He and Shen Xun met a total of thirteen mutant geese at the beginning, and Shen Xun chopped one, and ate it for more than three months. He finally consumed it after Xiong Manshan joined in. Now what he ate was just slaughtered a week ago. Visual inspection of the capital is absolutely fine.

Lin Ruandao, "I met a group of mutant goats with my teacher. They look like dinosaurs. I can only eat for half a year, but unfortunately I did n’t catch them, but I could n’t take them even if I caught them. I remember if we were at noon Have you ever eaten goose eggs, Mr. Shen, do n’t you plan to keep the eggs and hatch the goose cubs later? "

"Can't hatch."

"Hey why"

Shen Shi'an directly took out a goose egg from the space and "knocked."

Tang Song tapped carefully, his look changed, and he knocked again with the long-handled knife that cut fruit, "high hardness."

"Very high," Shen Shi'an said. "I have to take a sword to split. With such a high hardness, the pup can't break through the shell at all."

"How the mutant goose's fighting power might be if the cub inherited the power of the mutant goose"

Shen Shi'an shook his head. "I am afraid that the mutated goose eggs will only be ordinary gooses."

Tang Song's eyes were so clear that he expressed great interest "how did Mr. Shen know?"

Shen Shi'an briefly described what she saw in Noah's Ark. "The captain wanted to give birth to more abilities through the combination of abilities. But the fetuses in the abdomen of those women were all ordinary. people."

"In this way, the DNA mutation caused by the virus cannot be inherited." Tang Song couldn't even care about eating, and fell into a deep thought.

Xu Ge is puzzled. "If there is sexual reproduction, don't both parents have half of each DNA. If the paternal gene and the maternal gene are mutated, why the child has changed back to ordinary people?" It makes no sense.

Tang Song's mind seemed to be undergoing a storm of thinking, and soon said, "There are two possibilities. The human DNA has evolved over millions of years to reach today's level. Its complexity and mystery are far beyond imagination. Almighty virus can temporarily mutate individual genes, but this abnormal mutation will be forcibly returned to its original position during reproduction, that is, DNA itself has rejection and error correction. Second, DNA determines species and infection. The survivors who have been rearranged and combined with the power virus and DNA may not belong to the same species from a genetic perspective, which means that there will be some reproductive isolation between different individuals, so there are errors and omissions in the genetic process. Which prevents them from giving birth to them. "

"So, when the power generation of our generation dies, there will be no power generation in this world."

Lin Ruan said, "It's not going to be that fast. In our current environment, the air and water are full of protoviruses. Although the mutated organisms can only breed ordinary organisms, but ordinary organisms come into contact with the original virus. Will generate a new round of mutation, and once again evolved mutant goose in animals or human abilities. However, these proviruses will always be less and less, and all the proviruses in the ecological cycle system will be consumed. This The world will one day be restored. "

Everyone thought for a while, and couldn't even tell what their feelings were.

Xiong Manshan filled his belly with half of the effort while others discussed. At this time, he was honestly standing by the barbecue grill to serve everyone. I groaned twice in the mouth. "You said that this virus is also very interesting, either, it will make people zombies, or it will evolve various abilities, and it will make the animals bigger and smaller. This is all. "

Tang Song looked up to see him "make animals smaller"

"Yeah, what's wrong, you haven't seen smaller animals yet." Xiong Manshan's tone was full of enthusiasm to show off his children. It just happened that the little things weren't eating yet. "

Shen Shian was moved by heart, and two furry, adult slap-sized lions immediately appeared beside the long table. At first sight, the unfamiliar environment depressed the body vigilantly, and after a while they began to familiarize themselves with Chen Nan and others. .

Lin Ruan was stunned "Do you still have pets?"

Xu Ge smiled and handed him a piece of raw goose. "Cute, tear it into small pieces with big fingernails and feed them a little bit. They don't bite or hurt."

Lin Ruan coaxed one with his flesh and couldn't stop holding it in his arms; Tang Song originally observed carefully with a scientific and rigorous attitude. Before long, he couldn't help but secretly rub the little lion's tail.

Shen Shi'an also wanted to rub, but in the eyes of the dog's strict guard against death, he stiffened his thoughts. He looked calm and undisturbed. He raised his hand and put a bunch of broccoli on his plate, and motioned his eyes to change my ears at night.

Goblin nodded again and again. My heart is full of joy, the little lion is a fart, I am super cute, and An An likes me the most in the world.

The darker the night and the stronger the aroma, the bamboo sticks and empty beer cans were quickly scattered on the balcony.

The two little lions were full and started chasing around. When they looked up and saw the mutant mosquitoes flying up and down, they eagerly tried to scratch one.

Xiong Manshan leaned on the railing, holding a string of goose **** in his left hand, and holding a bottle of cold beer in his right hand, while looking at it cheerfully. Looking at it, I thought of a question, "Hey, mutant geese can grow as high as several floors. Why do you say that mutant mosquitoes don't grow much? If they are as big as a car, wouldn't it be a bite? Swallow one at a time. "

"It's a big deal." Lin Ruan reclined on Tang Song, probably drinking a little too much, her pale complexion finally appeared with a touch of ruddy blood. "Female mosquitoes use blood as food, and their mouthpiece diameter can just be inserted \\\ 'Into human blood vessels will not break the blood vessels. How big to **** the blood, mosquitoes cannot digest anything other than blood.'

The twenty-four-year-old young man who looked like a fragile and cute little boy took a nap, and said in a serious academic tone, "So Everbright is useless, we have to match the calibre and get in and out of the hole. The skills are important."

Xiong Manshan slammed the beer out of his mouth, wiped his mouth and sat upright. "Brother, I won't be sleepy if you slap this."

Xu Ge blushed after knowing it, pretending that he didn't hear him and turned to tease the little lion; Chen Nan, Liu Fangzhou, look at me, look at you, and laughed meaningfully.

Tang Song nodded and thought deeply, "Lin Ruan is right, the technique of mosquitoes inserting mouthparts into the blood vessels is really exquisite."

Several **** men laughed even harder.

Goblin lifted his head to watch Shen Shi'an "what are they laughing at?"

Shen Shian put his face in his mouth and put a potato in his mouth. "Eat yours."

At midday on the moon, this dinner was finally finished.

Tang Song stood up. "Let me and Lin Ruan clean up here, let's go to rest first."

Xiong Manshan, who was about to start packing, immediately dropped the dishes. "I'm welcome."

The last person to do the dishes is a tradition in the team. These two are pretty visionary.

Tao Yuan and Shen Shi'an looked at each other and fell to the back of several teammates. They reached out to Lin Ruan "I hope everything goes well and arrive in Beijing as soon as possible."

Lin Ruan held it in her hand, suddenly her eyes brightened, she hung her neck, her right arm tied with a splint and a bandage, and squeezed her fist flexibly, with a smile on her face. Beijing. "

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Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction