MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 354 strike

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  Chapter 354 Impact

  He has never seen a creature like the eagle turtle, but the shape of the eagle turtle is placed here.

  It is not big, and it is very vague, like a layer of faint mist, only one outline can be seen, let alone others.

   But luck orders this skill to be "weaker", and such a weak target cannot be plundered.

  However, it allows him to "see" the other party.

   Didn't dare to observe for too long, and immediately removed the skills.

   Afraid of being discovered by others, and the skill consumption is too high, in just 3 seconds, his spirituality has dropped by half, which is a full 100 points!

   It doesn't seem like a professional of his level should be exposed to it.

  Ordinary Tier 3 professionals simply don't have so much spirituality to squander.

   Finally, it is the unknown bloodline.

   You don't need to think about it, you know, it must be the fault of the Linggong officer again.

   It’s just that this bloodline appeared inexplicably. I also asked Angelo Nell that solidifying the spiritual organs would not produce bloodlines.

   Another change unique to him.

   It doesn't mean that the more blood, the stronger the strength. On the contrary, the blood is too mixed, and the strength and potential will be hindered.

  He has been thinking about how to erase the 0.03% of the abyssal blood, keeping it is a hidden danger after all. And even if he is not obsessive-compulsive disorder, every time he sees the figure of 0.03%, he finds it very annoying.

   As a result, this has not been erased, and another 1% unknown bloodline popped up!

  And the owner of his body doesn't even know the name and ability of this bloodline.


   Don’t you want to name it yourself again?

   But you must know the characteristics of this bloodline before you can name it.

  The problem is that he only knows that there is such an unknown power in his body, but he cannot call it.

  It was about blood, and he didn't dare to try it.

   When something goes wrong, it's a big problem!

   I really can't find a clue, so let's put it on hold for now.

   "Huh—" After sorting out the changes in his body, he let out a long breath and meditated again.

  This time there is no burden, focus and immersion.

  There was a faint moonlight on his body.

  Compared with before, not only the efficiency of condensing moonlight has been improved, but also the quality and quantity have also been significantly improved, and it is more lively than before, and it is closer to him, like dancing elves around him.

   He didn't even hear the return notice sounded on the Eagle Yuan.

  The affairs of their group of people have ended, and they don't need to participate in the rest of the matter.

  No one called him alone for questioning.

It's not because he doesn't care, but because he has checked his information clearly in the past 2 days, and knows that he has a teacher of level 7 and is very powerful, and he has a relationship with Monroe Cromwell and Dieter of the Wizarding Association. Samantha Lilly from Rick's Lab is all very close, and possibly even with Settra Clark!

  Ghost knows how his small tier 3 got into the eyes of these big shots, but the investigation information is such that these people can't help but not believe it.

  So, no one made things difficult for him.

  Al Hearst took the initiative to take care of them for this reason.

  The reality is like this, with background and without background are two completely different treatments.

  Although there was an accident in this trial, the final result was good.

   2 people have awakened special abilities.

   Not one of Sandra, Zachary Cumberland, Yam Lloyd, etc., but 2 unknown members.

   In addition, the blood of 2 people has been improved.

   Patricia Lambert of the Church of the Shadows and Donna Morton of the Church of the Dawn.

   This ratio is considered high.

  Sandra and the others don’t have much influence. It’s good to be able to acquire abilities. If you don’t have them, you don’t have to force them. Their main purpose is to accumulate spirituality and prepare for promotion to the fourth level.

  This confidence is still there.

   As for the ranking, because Shahem was killed by Yate, it can only be cancelled.

   It's not that the 4 churches are stingy, they have told in advance that the rewards are for their own family members, and outsiders are not counted.

   It is good to be able to enter for free, no one is greedy.

  Yate gave up the drop of Shahem to Angelo Nell and Shaohui. It is not that the two churches did not express it. No one made things difficult for him, and the two churches also contributed.

   Otherwise, how could he come out so easily?

  No search, no questioning... You don't think that the 4 churches really believe in Shahem and drop those 2 items, right?

   It is impossible for any force to trust an outsider so easily.

   Just let him go.

  Whether he has secrets or not.

  No, it means that he has a good character; if he hides it, it should be regarded as a reward for him.

  He provided very important information.

  The 4 churches focus on the third party and their own family in the relic.

  Although there are no rewards on the surface, each church rewards its members who perform well.

  This time it was Sandra, Angelo Nell and others.

  During the period of Yate's meditation, Shaohui also went out.

  It took a long time to come back.


   These bits and pieces have nothing to do with Art, he is completely immersed in meditation.

   Another deep meditation.

  According to past experience, the duration will be very long.

  Unfortunately, before he could wake up on his own, he was awakened by a violent shaking.

   Only then did I realize that I was already on the way back.

  However, what kind of creature can cause this level of impact on the Eagle Turtle?

   Is that dragon loach?

   The shaking just now was very large, and I heard the sound of impact, almost throwing him off the bed!

  Yat quit meditation, stabilized his figure, and looked across.

  Shaohui who was in meditation was also awakened.

  Looking at the expression, I don't know what's going on.

   "Bang!" There was another violent shaking, bigger than last time.

  The two of them could hear clearly this time, and there was indeed something hitting the Eagle.

   2 people hurried out of the room.

  The person next door also came out.

  Perhaps he had seen Yate's strength before, the guy who targeted Yate before entering the ruins actually took the initiative to apologize and greeted: "Come out and check?"

   is nonsense used for greeting.

   "Yeah." After all, there was some affection for fighting together before, and Yate didn't go too far, so he responded.

   Some people or things have little influence on oneself, and will not have any influence in the future, so they can be exposed.

   In this way, I can live a relaxed life and have fewer enemies.

   "Creatures that dare to attack the Eagle Tortoise must be of a high rank." The man's eyes lit up, as if intending to repair the relationship with him, he reminded immediately.


   Before the words fell, the third impact came.

  This time they went from bottom to top, as if they wanted to overturn the Eagle Turtle, and they were also pushed into the air for a short time by the impact.

   "Has this happened before?" Art asked casually.

   Unexpectedly, this guy actually knew!

   "It happened 2 times."

   "One time was stimulated by the dragon loach, and the other time was a crazy sixth-order sailfish."

  He knows a lot.

  Yate's slightly indifferent expression relaxed slightly.

  (end of this chapter)