MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 360 soul barrier

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  Chapter 360 Soul Barrier

   It should be a strength-type professional in the reinforcement system.

  The anchor tattoo on his arm is not just a simple pattern, but a miniature ritual that allows him to exert greater strength.

  The changes brought about by the solidification of the spiritual organs allowed Art to see many details that he could not see before.

   "A member of the Dire Wolf Pirates?" Art asked.

   "Well, I want to lurk here and wait for you to come back." Gregoria Kate has already tortured this person.

   "Here?" Art pointed to the church with a look of astonishment.

   Shouldn’t it be your own home?

   "Yes." Gregoria Kate responded lightly.

  Art was speechless.

   Isn't this guy looking for death?

  As a professional, shouldn’t you be more in awe?

  How dare you rush into an unknown church, or a church of souls known for its weirdness!

  Although the Church of Soul is not a super church, even the Church of Storms is unwilling to provoke it.

   It has been 50 years, no one from the Church of Souls has been sent over, and the site has been taken over by the Church of Storms, but this abandoned Church of Souls has always existed, and it is not normal to think about it with your heels.

   It would be great if all the members of the Dire Wolf Pirates were this type of mindless.

   "Is there any information?" Art didn't bother to torture this guy any more, and asked Gregoria Kate directly.

   "His spirit is shackled, and once he is invaded, his brain will be destroyed." Gregoria Kate said.

   "Okay, give me the body?" Art said.

  The reputation of the Dire Wolf Pirates is very bad. The real burning, killing and looting are all evil, and every member dies without regret.

   "Yeah." Gregoria Kate would have been reserved for him.

  Yat didn't ask anything, and killed him directly, without delay.

  Unknowingly, I have adapted to the rules of this world.

   "By the way, do you know about Psychic Warlocks?" Art took off the magic equipment on the opponent and put it in a box.

  Let Moore Lane deal with it next time.

  The black market has disappeared, and now there is only a trading market controlled by the official power of Pudera City. It is becoming more and more convenient for Moore Lane to handle such goods. With his and Smith Marles' sources of supply, Moore Lane has become a major supplier of low-level magic equipment.

  No matter what the price is, the two of them will not lose money, so the price is not high.

  Gregia Kate doesn’t need money now, and she doesn’t like these magical equipments. It’s a waste to keep them. Let them be used by Art first. When you need it in the future, you can just get it from Art.

   "Spiritual Warlock?" Gregoria Kate seemed very surprised and confirmed it.

   "That's right." Arthur replied.

"How do you know about this profession?" Gregoria Kate's voice fluctuated obviously, and she was no longer as indifferent as before. "This is a profession similar to the master of the soul, but it is rarer than the master of the soul. It is good at various Spiritual skills, especially illusions, are said to be able to parasitize in the depths of the target's mind and revive them."

  She can only use "supposedly" to describe it. Obviously, she has never seen it, which shows that this profession is indeed rare.

   "I have one here..." Art pointed to his head and said.

   Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Gregoria Kate appearing in front of him.

   "I'm fine!" Arthur said hastily, startled.

   He was just joking.

   "I know." Gregoria Kate's voice came from the air.

  Yate looked back and saw that she was clearly still floating in the air!

   Got tricked!

   It was just an illusion.

  The main reason is that I didn't expect that she, who has always been indifferent, would actually make jokes!

  Shaking his head dumbfoundingly, without her asking, Art took the initiative to tell her the deal between himself and Xenia Eugen.

   Also ask her to help refer to whether there is any negligence.

   Does not involve secrets in the ruins.

   "How long will it take for her to be born?" Gregoria Kate asked.

   "I don't know. But, can the word 'birth' be used?" Art looked awkward.

   Sounds weird.

   "Birth?" The corners of Gregoria Kate's lips curled up slightly, and she changed the word.

A meaning.

   "It's up to you." Art said helplessly.

   Sure enough, once the relationship becomes mature, people will often show an unexpected side.

  Gregia Kate is no exception.

"I can't find a flaw in the contract you drew up." Gregoria Kate had seen the contract he drew up a long time ago, and her emotions at that time can only be described as "eye-opening". So many eyes!

  The most important thing is that the soul contract basically locks in the possibility of Xenia Eugen's betrayal.

  However, Gregoria Kate also helped him add a soul barrier.

   Avoid someone directly affecting his soul.

  This kind of buff can only be used by bishop-level characters of the Soul Church, and it consumes the power of one's own soul. Generally, if it is not a close relative, it will not be used.

   Moreover, it is not permanent, even with Gregoria Kate's strength, it can only last for a month at most.

  Tell Art these after casting.

  Yate can only keep it in his heart.

   It is no longer a matter of favors, or in other words, the favors owed are beyond count!

  Gregia Kate already existed like a teacher in his heart.

  After releasing the soul barrier, Gregoria Kate's spirit was obviously a little sluggish.

  Yat didn't bother her anymore, left the scarf behind, and went home with the sailor's body.

  The long-lost sacrifice.

   Unexpectedly, this guy is actually Tier 5!

  Give him a full 3 free skill points.

  With his current strength, the average Tier 4 professional can only give one skill point.

   Skill points are not used urgently, but reserved for emergencies.

   Summon Raum and Isodi.

  Laum is still that talkative.

  Isodi and he haven't seen each other for a long time. His skin has completely turned into a dark purple color similar to violets with dark elements added.

   If it wasn't for the contractual relationship, it would be difficult for Art to perceive her breath!

   It was only during the chat that she found out that she was no longer in the cold plain, but followed a caravan to a desert.

   Some daring human caravans will hire dark wanderers like her who have turned into demons but retain their sanity as guards.

   No wonder she has such obvious traces of wind and sand on her body!

   Despite this, she didn't ask for water or food, but answered Art's question first.

   Obedience is very strong!

   Such a subordinate, no one would dislike him.

  Art asked her to drink water and take a bath, and at the same time helped her prepare a table of meat.

   When you're done, take out the Horadric Cube.

   "What is this thing?" Raum asked, looking sideways at the Horadric Cube in his hand.

  Speaking habits are greatly influenced by him.

   "Good stuff." Art said while slowly injecting spirituality.

  As more and more spirituality is injected, the patterns on the Horadric Cube begin to brighten.

   Raum's eyes brightened accordingly.


  (end of this chapter)