MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 403 Bone Dagger

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  Chapter 403 Bone Dagger

"…that's it."

  In the bedroom, Art was flipping through the book while listening to Isodi's narration.

   After Geraldine Casa left, he asked Isodi to follow.

  Isodi's strength has grown rapidly, reaching level 35, and his professional skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

   Mainly "benefited from" the Diablo environment.

  Among the Endless Planes, it would be difficult to find a world more hopeless than the Dark Plane. As long as you go out, you will face countless monsters and endless killings.

   As a low-level mixed-blood demon, Isodi also had no luck. In order to survive, he had to kill non-stop.

   Every day is actual combat, and you have to sleep with one eye open. Can you not improve your strength quickly?

   Along the way, Geraldine Casa was completely unaware that he was being followed.

  Those monitoring Yate also didn't notice it, and even the monitoring equipment arranged in the room didn't respond.

  The profession of Nightborn is born for the night.

  Followed Geraldine Casa all the way back to the fishing village before she returned to report to Art.

   "Official people?"

  Although Yate didn't go out during this time, he had caused a lot of troubles, so it's not surprising that he was being watched.

   Judging from Isodi's description, it looks like an official person.

  However, it may also be a certain nobleman!

  He did not forget that he had rejected the Countess's invitation several times. Especially after the other party was rejected, he didn't respond at all, which made him feel stuck in his throat.

   "Boss, do you want me to get rid of them?" Seeing him hesitating, Yisuodi said proactively.

   "No need." Art waved his hand.

no need.

   Seeing that the integration period is about to pass, it is even more inappropriate to get involved in right and wrong.

   Besides, these people staying on the periphery can also act as a layer of vigilance.

   "Yes." Isodi stood aside obediently and stopped talking.

  Just standing there quietly, but it seems to be integrated with the darkness. If you don't pay attention, you may not know that there is someone here!

   This is the case when she hasn't used any abilities!

  The passive ability of the Nightborne class also has the effect of "shadow lines" on the face.

It was when she took office as Son of the Night, the two tattoos that appeared under the eyes and on both sides of the nose were similar to the enlarged version of butterfly tentacles. The scientific name is "shadow pattern". "Night", "Rage", "Invisibility", "Potential", "Mystery" etc.

  Currently, the only things she inspires are "night" and "invisibility". After all, in the dark world, life-saving is the first criterion.

  Yat also discovered that her strength had grown so rapidly after summoning her.

  The equipment can no longer keep up with her improvement speed.

  The flow rate of time on the two sides is different, but Yate has not brushed equipment during this time.

   "The equipment on your body?" Just when Yate was considering taking out some of his own equipment for her to use first, he suddenly found that she had no other equipment on her body except weapons!

   Even if it is broken, it is impossible to leave nothing, unless she does not use it herself.

   "No need." Isodi replied.

  As Yate guessed, in order to hone her combat skills and speed up her fit with the Nightborne profession, she took off all equipment except weapons.

   There is no belt left to store medicine!

   This is one of the reasons why she improves so quickly.

   "Remember to tell me if you have any needs." Since she had her own plan, Art did not interfere indiscriminately, and canceled the summoning when she saw that she had no needs for the time being.

   By the way, she left some rune stones, ranging from 1 to 9.

  Although they are all low-level rune stones, she is not Yate. In a real world, it must take a lot of effort to collect these runes.

   What's even rarer is her kindness.

   This servant is the right one!


   Day 2.

   As soon as it was daylight, Geraldine Casa pulled a cartload of stones.

  It is said that it is a car, but in fact it is only enough to cover 2 square meters.

  According to Gregoria Kate, there will be a huge loss in re-smelting, and it is estimated that there will be 1 square meter left.

   Not many.

   That's all Geraldine Casa found.

  After the transaction between the two parties, he left directly without talking to Art.

   I don't want to get involved in right and wrong.

  Yat didn't care, and put these second-hand Umberites into the space bag.

   I don’t know how to use it yet, just keep it for now.

  10:30 am.

   While he was thinking about what to have for lunch, he suddenly received his first courier since he came to this world.

  Letters do not count.

   Someone sent him something!

  The "courier" is an ordinary person, not a professional, nor a special occupation. He asked three questions and left after handing over the things to him.

   There is no such thing as "sign for receipt".

  Yat first mentally scanned the side, not sensing any danger, and then let Raum open it.

   Raum has long been used to it.

  With such a doggy owner, what can it do?

  After opening the package, there was a letter and a white bone dagger wrapped in layers.

  The letter is on the dagger, and the cover says to read the letter before taking the dagger.

  After opening the letter, the font is very familiar.

  Monica Crane!

  Her fonts are delicate and beautiful, and seem to have obsessive-compulsive disorder, very neat, almost like printed, easy to recognize.

  The stationery this time is just plain paper.

  The content mainly introduces the efficacy of this bone dagger, and the rest is greetings and encouragement to him.

  The name of this dagger is the White Bone Dagger, obviously the caster didn't pay much attention to it.

  However, it is a good magic equipment for newcomers, which can be used to transfer some negative states, such as poisoning, curse, etc.

   The usage is more complicated, and a simple ritual needs to be arranged to feed the bone dagger with your own blood every day.

  When you are attacked by a negative state, you can transfer the negative state to the bone dagger by inserting the bone dagger on yourself.

   This white bone dagger can only transfer negative states below level 4 at most, and it can't be too extreme or too ruthless.

   Even so, it is very practical for newcomers. After all, most professionals are most afraid of such methods, but it is a pity that they are useless to him.

  Yuchan, double horns, plus the characteristics of the demon warlock profession, have eliminated most of the negative states below level 4.

   Coupled with the skills of the paladin, it is definitely easier to use than the bone dagger!

  However, everything was delivered, not to mention that he was not easy to refuse, even if he wanted to refuse, there was no place to return it.

   Accept it.

   Big deal, make it clear to Monica Crane next time we meet.

   When I left last time, I already noticed that Monica Crane looked at him wrongly, and now she is giving gifts and encouraging him to advance to the 4th rank as soon as possible.

  This was the first time he had experienced such a thing, and he should have been secretly happy, but when he thought of Monica Crane's identity, it was difficult to feel happy.

   Moreover, this change came inexplicably.

  Obviously, the two of them were still planning each other before, so it is impossible to fall in love with him just because they signed a contract that cannot hurt each other.

   No less medicine, no better.

   Let’s take it easy this month, and regroup after the new year.



  (end of this chapter)