MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 198 taboo sequence

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  Chapter 198 Forbidden Sequence

  The Third Prince invited Zhang Feng over for no other reason.

   It was just a reward after the war ended.

  Even if his special status is excluded, the third prince is also the third prince of the Tianhan Empire.

   This is his world and his hometown.

   If occupied by the dark lord, he is also a person without a home.

  Although he can live in other worlds, he is still a rootless person.

  Thus, the third prince still has a good impression of Zhang Feng who ended the current darkness of the world, so this time he came to reward him.

   "I can answer three questions for you."

  The third prince smiled and said, "After all, you don't lack what I can reward you, and I have no right to give you the equipment you need."

  Zhang Feng nodded his head slightly, what he said was not wrong.

  If there is no suitable task, the third prince can give certain rewards as an NPC.

   But this kind of reward is basically a piece of golden equipment at most.

   To Zhang Feng, it's tasteless, basically it can't bring any improvement.

  The third prince must have something better in his hands, but because of the rules of the game, he couldn't give it to himself.

  Therefore, there is no need to worry about this kind of reward in kind. Zhang Feng is looking forward to the answers to the three questions given to him by the other party.

   Zhang Feng seemed calm and didn't care much about what the Dark Lord said before.

  That's just because he is still in a fighting state, and it is impossible for him to interfere with his fighting emotions because of this inexplicable dialogue.

   But after the battle is over, these things can be thought about, asked, and answered from the third prince.

   "The dark lord said that he is also a player?"

  Zhang Feng raised this sensitive issue directly.

  The third prince narrowed his eyes, and after being silent for a while, he seemed to have received some permission, and then nodded slightly: "Since you know it from the Dark Lord, it doesn't matter if I tell you these things."

   "But you'd better only know these words, and don't tell others."

   Seeing Zhang Feng nodding, the Third Prince nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right, the so-called dark lords are indeed from players."

  The dark lords are indeed all from the players.

  It comes from those lord-level players whose civilization has been destroyed.

  Knowing this information from the mouth of the third prince, Zhang Feng's brows could pinch a mosquito to death.

  He took a deep breath, and then exhaled gently: "Why? Didn't you say that as long as there are players who don't die, the civilization behind them will not be destroyed?"

   "What does this lord-level player whose civilization has been destroyed mean exactly?"

  The third prince said in a deep voice: "There is indeed such a rule in the dark game, but the real lord-level players have their own [territory], so from the perspective of the dark game, they have already been separated from the previous civilization."

   "No, it cannot be said that the civilization is completely destroyed. In the territory of the lord player, there are still some people brought out by the player from the civilization. They can inherit everything that was once a civilization."

  The words of the third prince made Zhang Feng silent. Such a naked future made him feel a little hard to breathe.

   It was once a human player's dream to push a four-turn player, in order to keep human civilization from being destroyed.

   Now it seems that at most, only a small part of the population can be kept.

   But the [Territory] of the Lord player? What does it mean, and why do you fall into darkness and become a dark lord?

   Zhang Feng wanted to ask, but the Third Prince shook his head at him, obviously not wanting to go deeper into this question.

  But then it seemed that in order to compensate him, the third prince said again: "The lord player who can become the dark lord is surprisingly powerful."

   "They themselves are the arrogance leaders in their respective civilizations. After being strengthened by darkness, they become the nightmares of countless worlds, the dark lords."

  The third prince was silent for a while after finishing speaking, "It's like the sea monster we killed before."

  The third prince didn't want to tell the story of this dark lord, but from the missions and experiences he had received, combined with the information he had just received, Zhang Feng had already roughly guessed some of the situation.

   "So the dark lord's surname is actually Wang?"

  Zhang Feng spoke suddenly.

  The third prince was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly: "Yes, he used to be the hero of the Wang family, bringing them out of the destroyed world."

  Zhang Feng sighed and shook his head.

  The former hero of the Wang family became the dark lord, and let the Wang family perform the duty of guarding the seal for generations. In the end, the dark lord escaped. Was it also the Wang family's own hands and feet?

  Zhang Feng didn't want to know too much about this, otherwise he might feel extremely desolate in his heart.

  The third prince finally changed the subject and did not continue to chat with Zhang Feng about the Lord of Darkness.

  So he took the initiative to say: "Then for the second question, I will tell you something about the lord class."

  Zhang Feng nodded slightly to express his agreement.

   "When the third rank is promoted to the fourth rank, there are actually two choices."

  The third prince stretched out two fingers, and then bent down one: "One is a false lord, and the other is a real lord. I told you this before."

   "So what is a real lord? That needs to have multiple qualified indicators."

   "One is 【Law】, which is the unique ability of the lord."

   "For example, the dark lord we saw this time, he possesses [law] called piercing, which can reduce the enemy's armor by 90%."

   "[Law] has a high priority, only [Law] can fight against [Law]. If you have any equipment or skills, it seems that it can restrain the reduction of armor, but in fact it has no effect."

   What the third prince said made Zhang Feng squint his eyes and firmly memorize it.

   "Secondly, if you want to become a lord, you need to master [True Power]."

  The third prince said in a deep voice, "But I can't tell you this. You can experience it yourself when you turn four."

  Zhang Feng nodded slightly.

   "In addition to these things, what the lord player lacks is [territory] and [soldiers]."

   "These are also hard to say, but I think you should already have everything."

  The third prince looked at Zhang Feng, shrugged his shoulders, "It seems that your luck is very good."

   Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked at his arm, the armguard of the ancient? Looks like luck is pretty good.

   After some exchanges, Zhang Feng got the signal from the third prince that he could ask the third question.

  Zhang Feng thought for a while, he didn't seem to have any urgent questions to ask, and a thing An Yunfeng said before suddenly flashed in his mind.

  So he asked, "I want to know where the passive skill [Power of Domination] is easier to obtain?"


  The third prince glanced at Zhang Feng, and said in a deep voice, "If it's this passive skill, I advise you not to get it."

   "You are currently performing an extremely dangerous [Forbidden Sequence], and you are easily subject to acts of hostility from the gods!"

  (end of this chapter)