MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 780 Iteration (5)

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Is reproduction a joyful thing full of vitality and hope?

Or is it a frustration that is full of tragedy, tragic and has no choice but to continue?

This actually doesn't matter anymore, after all, no matter what ‘it’ is? All are biological instincts that there is no way to escape.

The first generation, after hiding the origin star that gave birth to itself, finally perished in a long, but short time for the universe.

No matter how impossible this is something Tang Ling thinks, the fact has been fixed in the long stream of time and cannot be changed.

But it also makes sense.

It is conceivable that if human beings are ultimately unable to get out of the Origin Star, it will be sooner or later to be trapped in it.

Just like an isolated island hanging in the sea, if you cross the distance of the sea to reach the other continent, the island is bigger or smaller, and the end is doomed.

In summary according to Kun's words, the first generation is far from ‘cross-sea’, and all they have done is to build the island a little bigger.

All right.

To tell something from a historical point of view is always an understatement. But perhaps it was an indelible blood connection. Tang Ling watched the annihilation of the first generation, and the sadness in his heart could not be erased.

But how can a little sadness move time forward? The hidden source star, the gene fragments buried in the depths of the source star, finally sprouted new buds in the long river of time.

Life appeared.

The whole process is not much different from the history of planetary life recorded by pre-civilizations. From the simplest life, through evolution to complex life forms, to intelligent creatures...

It's just that the timeline in the whole process has been stretched a lot.

But no matter how it stretches, the intelligent creature destined to be the only king will eventually stand out.

They look very close to the first generation, except that the first generation has horns on their heads. When they reach them, they become insect tentacles-like tentacles, hanging on their ears.

Undoubtedly, this appearance is also close to humans, and even more similar to humans in details. At least Tang Ling, at first glance, thinks that this has evolved from humans.

But it's not the same. Evolution is full of too many uncertainties. It's like a tree doesn't grow two identical leaves, and it's like a random combination of countless fragments. If it's not deliberate, the result will be different.

The various creatures that Yuanxing evolved again are not only different from the first generation, but also different from the modern one.

"Did you see it? This time, the newly formed intelligent race is the second generation." Kun was spinning the second generation image of the two genders back and forth in front of Tang Ling, as if he wanted Tang Ling to observe more carefully.

The sorrow of the annihilation of the first generation has not yet dissipated in Tang Ling's heart. Watching Kun lightly talking about the second generation, Tang Ling's throat rolled. The tragedy is already predictable. Does the second generation still matter?

"What then?" Tang Ling was always close to the truth, and after a few seconds of silence, Tang Ling spoke a little heavy.

"Then? Can't you guess it?" Kun asked deliberately.

"It's not the same tragedy, right?" Tang Ling wasn't sure, after all, the kindness of the universe must be accompanied by cruelty, and the philosophy of the duality of things is always applicable.

"No." Kun directly denied it.

Then, another historical picture scroll unfolded in front of Tang Ling.

Under Kun's intention, the whole process was faster than the first generation's rise. The bloodline of the same origin is destined to have many of the same thinking. Therefore, these rising processes look different, but they are familiar everywhere.

However, after arriving at a certain node...

Tang Ling saw the space war in person.

"Here, it's different." As if afraid that Tang Ling wouldn't understand, Kun gave a special reminder here.

And Tang Ling seemed to have guessed something, but these guesses were quickly swallowed by shocked emotions in front of the scenes, power, and cruelty shown in the universe war.

But this shocking emotion did not last long, and Tang Ling suddenly felt resisted and boring. Yes, perhaps the function of the spiritual eye is not limited to the material, it will directly affect something on the spiritual level.

After putting aside the means of disturbing the so-called ‘gorgeous’, I suddenly discovered that war is still war, and the essence is no different.

If it still exists, it is essentially a game on a certain site, using strength to fight for various purposes.

Space war is nothing more than a larger field and greater power.

"Second generation, died in the war?" Tang Ling turned his head and suddenly didn't want to look anymore.

"You can't say that." Kun shook his head: "So I said that the first generation is lucky. They have enough expansion range to not cause war. But in the era of the rise of the second generation, the universe is also rising, as long as the small If you stretch out your tentacles, you are bound to collide."

"They didn't die in the war, but they rose in the flames of war."

A helpless but sarcasm smile appeared on Tang Ling's face: "So what? I should be grateful for the powerful genes of the first generation."

"Although the direction of gratitude is wrong, the truth is the same. Look at these methods of warfare. Ultimately, it is the collision of laws. After all, science and technology are also based on laws. So, what gene can be stronger than innately controlled by all laws. What about the gene of'favor'?" Kun has obvious pride.

Tang Ling bowed his head. In fact, compared with the first generation, the entire ethnicity of the second generation has changed a lot, and the war has injected too many negative spiritual factors into the ethnic group.

Kun looked at Tang Ling and got a very accurate insight into Tang Ling's mind this time: "Don't judge what is right or wrong from the perspective of God. The environment facing the second generation is such that you can't escape it."

"And you, I mean you humans, because of this period of history, the genes of the second generation have inevitably been branded, you know."

Tang Ling looked up: "I understand, do you mean our human beings are warlike?"

"Yes, but it's not a bad thing." Kun said that, he paused slightly, watching Tang Lingruo say meaningfully: "At least facing the survival of the race, the wolves fighting in blood and fire are far better than A sea of ​​tender greenhouse flowers can bring a sense of security."

"In the final analysis, all the arrangements seem random, but the grass snake gray line can always find some inexplicable deep meaning. Does the higher law exist or not?" Quinto's cheek, elegantly moved, fell into contemplation. appearance.

At this time, Tang Ling didn't want to hear these specious words. He looked at Kun and asked the same words again: "What then?"

"What do you want to tell me?"

"A little patience." Kun stretched out: "I just want to explain that the second generation has risen in the flames of war. They built an empire! A huge cosmic empire that spans galaxies that humans can't imagine."

In Tang Ling’s astonishment, Kun arbitrarily fiddled with the background map beside them, and the maps of the galaxies were called up one after another: "Look, here, here, and there...what you see belongs to This empire."

Tang Ling pressed the corner of his mouth, judging from the background map, it was really insignificant, just like spreading out a map on the table and looking at the world map.

But in fact, it is actually impossible to imagine! Can't think deeply!

"What's next?" Compared to the first generation, the second generation seems to have achieved greater success, so where did they lose?

"Next? Haven't you read the history books left by the pre-civilization?" Kun squinted at Tang Ling, and then said with a sigh, "I really don't want to show you these cruelties, but that's the truth."

Having said that, what else can Tang Ling don't understand?

Many huge empires have also been born in human history, but now, what are the traces of these empires? Only Huaxia can say that civilization is unbroken, but as magical as Huaxia, those glorious empires have also been annihilated.

The universe empire, no matter how huge it is, the original essence is the same.

Tang Ling seemed to read some invisible shackles, but at this moment, as time has flowed every moment, these shackles can’t be shaken out even if you see them clearly. There is no way to be as smart as Tang Ling. This also belongs to the great filter of the universe. One layer?

Tang Linglue was thinking a little pessimistically, and the history of the destruction of the second generation of the empire had already begun in front of Tang Ling.

It seems to be full of conspiracies, dangers, and complex intersections. In fact, it is nothing more than the unwillingness, collusion, and agreement of the other races, and then create one after another contradiction in the huge and bloated empire that could not be cared about.

It's like cutting through a beast with small openings that seem harmless to the overall situation, waiting until these small openings bleed the beast to the point of weakness, and then gather in groups to attack...

Very boring, but surprisingly realistic, and there is no way to stop it.

The sadness ignited by the first generation in Tang Ling's heart deepened again. In fact, he couldn't see all this from the perspective of God that Kun said. It is homologous to human beings and is passed down by blood.

Therefore, in the conspiracy of the destruction of the empire Tang Ling's hatred was also ignited.

He even understood where the hatred for the Yu clan originated from? This time the empire was destroyed, and the protagonist in the middle was the Yu clan. They were not only ambitious to destroy the empire established by the second generation, but also wanted to steal the best genes in this universe.

What resources can be stronger than genetic resources?

The empire, under such calculations that do not consider the cost of time, finally collapsed.

At this time, the guardians left by the first generation, including Kun, did not completely awaken. Tang Ling only saw that the tower of Nirvana left by the first generation recorded the feather clan in it, and annotated a symbol that Tang Ling did not understand. , Then disappeared in a mysterious place again, nothing more.

"What are you doing? Isn't it a guardian?" This is history, and it has already happened. It is an unchangeable thing. Watching the second generation's decline, it will be completely annihilated. Tang Ling originally didn't want to be angry. But unexpectedly began to question Kun unexpectedly.

Kun didn't care, but instead said with a faint smile: "Don't forget what I said, we need to trigger all the conditions to wake up, and the second generation is not enough."