MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 35 running girl

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   Zhang Xinyi was running, running desperately towards the light of hope. For the first time, she hated that she had matured so early, and her huge **** greatly hindered her running speed and endurance.

The ladylike demeanor and the burden of idols have all been thrown off. The waist-length hair is tied at the back of the head with a rubber band, the long dress has been cut into a miniskirt, the high heels have been replaced with air-cushioned sneakers, and there is food and drinking in the backpack on the shoulders. Water, it's all about escaping the terrible clutches.

  Two days ago, she cheered when her father took her to the banquet of the casino owner of Paradise Island, which is the largest casino in the province, and a paradise for gamblers built with huge sums of money, which is definitely not worse than the Grand Casino in Macau.

  The restless heart of adolescence has been under pressure for three years under the mountain of the college entrance examination, and now it has finally been liberated. Even a good **** weekdays can't help but try some exciting things she has never experienced before.

   Poison is impossible to touch. Sex is also impossible. Zhang Xinyi is a conservative girl. Although she may not keep Luohong until her wedding night for the first time, she will never spoil herself. She always believes that women's self-respect is the most important thing.

   So what's left? bet!

   But when Zhang Xinyi happily followed her father to Paradise Island, she found that things seemed to be different from what she imagined.

   I met a classmate first, which is not surprising in itself. Yuanjiang is not a big city like Shangjing, but meeting a classmate like Yang Xiaoqian in an underground casino is a bit strange.

   What's even more strange is that Yang Xiaoqian and a guy who looked familiar took out the gun and robbed the boss of Paradise Island, Wang Li. Only later did Zhang Xinyi remember that the familiar guy was Yu Qian who died unexpectedly in the school a while ago.

   Then a man named He Yu who came with them held a gun and imprisoned everyone in the casino.

   Originally, everyone was extremely dissatisfied, but they dared not protest under the shock of the gun, but it was not long before another group of people landed on Paradise Island, and everyone knew how gentle, kind, and warm He Yu was.

   A day ago, a group of strange people landed on Paradise Island and broke into the casino.

   Some of them were carrying heavy Pu Dao, some were carrying blood-stained watermelon knives, some were holding imitation guns with steel balls, and some were even carrying military automatic rifles.

No matter how old they are, they all have one thing in common: the smell of blood is strong, and the greasy smell of blood can be smelled by Zhang Xinyi from a distance. The excrement-like smell that comes out makes people want to vomit.

The    leader made everyone scream as soon as he appeared, and then silenced everyone.

   screamed because he had one head after another tied to his waist, and lost his voice because he unscrewed the head of the loudest lady and tied it to his waist.

  Zhang Xinyi recalled that cruel scene, is that something that people can do? That demon must not be a human being. How can humans make their bodies into indestructible metal and cut off their muscles and spine with a wave of their hands?

"I believe many of you have heard of me, my name is Xiao Guang." The demon after the murder said to himself as if nothing had happened, "Maybe you don't know that the outside world has gone to hell, hahahaha, everywhere. They are zombies, and the dome in the sky also prevents the army from entering the city. They all say that the Yuanjiang River is already hell. But I feel that the Yuanjiang River is now heaven. I will kill whoever I want, and do whatever I want. The police, the government, no one can control me, just obey me, and when I lead you to conquer other places, you can do whatever you want. As for now, you fat-headed idiots, hurry up and make up your mind, kneel on the ground and act obediently My slave, let's make Paradise Island a paradise!"

Xiao Guang raised his arms and shouted out inexplicable words, with a neurotic attitude that reminded people that this Xiao Guang was the criminal who committed a catastrophic murder a while ago. Life in prison, should be jailbreaking now.

   In order to convince everyone to believe his words, Xiao Guang also captured a few disobedient hapless people to inject zombie blood, let everyone watch them turn into zombies bit by bit, and then shot them one by one.

   After completely breaking everyone down, the nightmare really begins.

   The group of people brought by Xiao Guang committed all kinds of crimes in the casino. Only by obeying them can they survive. Zhang Xinyi's father was shot to death in order to protect her. Zhang Xinyi escaped while crying in the chaos.

After    escaped, she found out in despair that she was able to escape from the casino only because Xiao Guang and others were enjoying the hunt.

   Now the hunting net is gradually surrounded, and the prey has nowhere to escape.

   Just when she was completely ready to find a way to end herself in a dignified manner, Zhang Xinyi saw a strong light on the river bank, someone was coming!

   Zhang Xinyi ran out of the woods where she was hiding. This was the first time in her life that she ran for her life, and the first time she felt the wind whistling in her ears.

   Xiao Guang's subordinates heard the sound and rushed over, while Zhang Xinyi was already approaching the shore.

   Several people jumped off the ferry, and they couldn't see their faces with their backs to the light, but the few walking in front were all armed with firearms.

   Zhang Xinyi's heart was cold and slipped into the abyss. Could it be that she just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den?

   "Zhang Xinyi?" A clear and familiar voice came from the opposite side.

  Yang Xiaoqian, it's Yang Xiaoqian! Only then did Zhang Xinyi's heart beat enthusiastically, and she continued to run forward.

  Suddenly, a gunshot rang out behind him, and Zhang Xinyi fell to the ground. Yang Xiaoqian quickly stepped forward to help her feel her breath and measure her pulse. After checking it carefully to make sure there was no wound, she breathed a sigh of relief. "It should have been frightened by the gunfire and fell down and fainted."

   "What's the situation, what about He Yu?" Yu Qian was furious. He didn't care whether the petite and lovely creature in front of him was injured or not, he was just annoyed that things went beyond his expectations. Paradise Island, as a long-planned temporary base, should not be missed.

"He Yu wouldn't be so stupid that he didn't see us coming back for a day or two and thought we were all dead outside. There should be outsiders." Yang Xiaoqian wanted to use the princess' hug to hold Zhang Xinyi around the waist, but he didn't expect that even though he had awakened his ability, he The body that lacks exercise still does not have enough strength to hold Zhang Xinyi up.

   Looking at Zhang Xinyi's bumpy figure with slender legs and a waist, Yang Xiaoqian sighed inwardly, she couldn't conscientiously say that she was too heavy.

  A chain appeared in front of his forehead, and a huge pitch-black shadow appeared. The black ghost squatted down, gently picked up the fainted Zhang Xinyi with both hands, and put it into the cabin.

   When the black ghost jumped back from the deck, the ferry shook obviously, but it was dark, and the few people who hurriedly chased Zhang Xinyi could not see it clearly.

   "Where's the person? A woman came running over before, did you see it?" The leader of the group had a scarred face, he raised his finger and asked Yang Xiaoqian's nose.

   "Well, in the cabin." Yang Xiaoqian looked indifferent, "Why are you looking for her?"

   "Nima, what's your business!" A young man with bright red short hair jumped out and swore.

   Before Yang Xiaoqian could speak, the scarred face slapped the red-haired youth with a slap in the face, "I didn't let you speak."

Cautiously and vigilantly, he looked at the firearms loaded in Yang Xiaoqian and the others' hands, the scar on Scar's face twitched, trying his best to show a smile that was even uglier than crying, and said, "Several brothers, my younger brother is not sensible. Please bear with me and don't take offense, we chased that girl because she stole from us."

After a pause, Scarface continued: "A few brothers are from the city, right? You must be aware of this situation now, stealing food and drinking is not a trivial matter. But, haha, it is fate to meet, since a few Brother knows her, of course we have to give face, let's forget it, why don't you guys go to the camp with me and have a good rest first?"

While    was talking, Scarface squinted his eyes and kept looking at the gun in Yang Xiaoqian's hand, thinking that it would be a great achievement to bring them to Boss Xiao. Boss Xiao should reward him with that beautiful girl, right? Thinking of Zhang Xinyi's moving posture, Scar's face warmed and her crotch swelled.

   "You guys smell very bloody." Yang Xiaoqian's answer was confusing.

   "What?" Scar's face froze.

  Yang Xiaoqian shook his head slightly: "You said, she stole your things?"

  Scarface nodded.

   "You're wrong, she didn't steal your things." Yang Xiaoqian mentioned the backpack that Zhang Xinyi had dropped on the ground when she fell, and poured out the food and water inside.

  Scarface sneered, pointing to the jars all over the floor and asking, "Are you blind? What are these?"

   "Well, these are our things." Yang Xiaoqian's voice was cold, like the frost outside the window in December.

Scarface wanted to say something, but his body twisted weirdly, his entire face turned a hundred and eighty degrees with a "Kara" sound, and he glanced down to see his back, and looked up behind him. Several companions have all fallen to the ground silently.

  Damn, Scarface only had time to flash this thought, and then plunged into complete darkness.

Before    fell, he vaguely heard a word.

   "As long as it's on Paradise Island, it's ours, including your life."