MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 648 Another Earth (bottom) (two in one)

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   When Qi Xinwu said "another time and space, another earth", Yu Qian's color changed, and he immediately opened his mouth to ask a question, but within a moment of brewing the words, he heard another sentence.

   "We will see the destruction of another Earth civilization."

   This sentence made Yu Qian shut his mouth, widened his eyes, and stared at the projection screen.

A picture began to appear on the projection screen. The first thing that appeared in the picture was a huge steel cross. In the center of the cross, an eagle with spread wings stood on a strange symbol, which looked like a **** in Buddhism. , but the direction is reversed.

  Yu Qian noticed that when the badge appeared on the screen, Yang Xiaoqian's pupils suddenly shrank, and his narrowed eyes showed shock and disbelief.

Just as he was about to ask a question, a mechanical and electronic sound came from the earphone, and answered Yu Qian's doubts at a very fast speed: "The Iron Cross can be traced back to 1813. Although Germany was defeated in the First World War, during the war, the The tradition of awarding the Iron Cross has been preserved. During World War II, the German Army (Harmony) completely awarded the Knight's Iron Cross to German soldiers who fought bravely. The Knight's Iron Cross in the picture and the 1939 version of the Iron Cross during World War II. Structurally consistent."

The image of the projection screen was frozen for five seconds, and then the camera gradually zoomed out. People in the conference room could see that the Iron Cross was worn on the chest of a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was wearing a straight military uniform without any wrinkles. A high-ranking general has a big cap, with a dark and shiny brim, a golden eagle on the top of the hat, and a strife under it.

  The camera zoomed out again, and the audience in the conference room could see that in front of the middle-aged man and behind him, a small, large, and two **** flags were standing. At this time, suppressed exclamations sounded everywhere.

Yu Qian didn't know why, and the mechanical and electronic sound in the earphone gave the answer again: "The German Nazi Party launched the **** in 1920, which was abbreviated from the German Schufzstaffel meaning Guards to SS and then converted into two lightning-shaped subtitles S merged. , This right-handed **** inclined at a forty-five-degree angle is widely used in the flags, badges and armbands of the Nazi Party. Hitler thought it symbolized the victory of the Aryans and used it as the emblem of the Nazi Party. In addition, modern Nazis Misidentifying blond Germans as Aryans has nothing to do with it."

  Yu Qian guessed where the sound came from, pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, and continued to stare at the projection screen.

When the camera is aimed at the handsome middle-aged general, he also faces the camera, his face is serious and unsmiling, his eyebrows are raised like two mountains, and his blue eyes are pressed. The pride of pure blood Germans.

   Then, the middle-aged general stood up, the right arm of the high platform pointed upwards at a forty-five-degree angle, his fingers moved forward, and he shouted loudly.

  Yu Qian didn't understand the meaning of the bird language, but he understood the gesture. Yang Xiaoqian used the Nazi military salute as an example when explaining the battle salute of the Yuanjiu Society. At this moment, Yu Qian finally understood why there were bursts of exclamations in the conference room. He not only read the history of China, but also the general history of the world. Thinking that this video came from another earth, and connecting with the various details visible in the video, Yu Qian's whole body The hairs up and down stand upright.

   There was more and more noise in the conference room, and the participants couldn’t help but ask questions. Qi Xinwu could only temporarily stop the screening and give an explanation. Of course, with his level of authority, he could only relay what was conveyed by higher-ups.

"At present, we still have too little information, but language experts have determined that the language spoken by the Germanic senior general in the video is German, which is similar to the language commonly used by the German people, with only slight differences. This difference is very likely It is formed by decades of changes in different historical backgrounds." Qi Xinwu said slowly.

"According to the existing information, it is speculated that the mecha summoned by Comrade Tang Tao and the video we are watching now come from another earth. We cannot be sure of the existence of parallel time and space in the multiverse, but perhaps this will become a strong evidence. In addition, a diary and some data are also recorded in the hard disk. After comparison, experts confirm that the basic physical constants of the universes where the two earths are located are consistent, at least in our cognition, and the historical processes of the two earths are also consistent. It should be consistent, the history of the other Earth didn't mutate until World War II and deviate from the historical trajectory we are familiar with."

Having said that, Qi Xinwu couldn't help but look at Yu Qian, and at the same time, several other eyes also focused on Yu Qian. There are not many people who can sit in the confidential conference room of the 19th Bureau, but they all have higher authority. , Aside from Director Wei of the Secrecy Bureau and Qi's uncle and nephew, even Director Zhong and Ou Yang have heard about the mysterious origin of the Speaker and know a thing or two.

   Yu Qian's heart froze, but his face was like water, and he nodded to Qi Xinwu: "What happened during World War II?"

"The owner of the diary should be the senior general we see now. He seems to have been born in the 1960s. He did not experience World War II and did not record it in detail. He only recalled and recorded some of his childhood. In the dialogue with the parents, the translators and intelligence analysis experts of the General Staff captured a few words and inferred that in the World War II, the German Nazi army successfully conquered Europe, and then the Axis Fascist Alliance defeated the weak Anti-Fascist Alliance. , uh, the anti-fascist alliance over there appeared earlier, but it was still powerless against the Axis powers."

"Our military history experts are working backwards. At present, the German army in another world only used blitzkrieg in the early stage of the war, and in the middle stage, it adopted a more mature and stable style of play. The Axis powers should have been occupied in the early stage of the war. Several important strategic points for material transportation, the air force was used to block the strait, and the clumsy air force was used to bomb warships with trans-era tactics. It was the ace pilot of the Air Force—then, the Pearl Harbor incident happened ahead of schedule, and the U.S. Commonwealth, which was unparalleled in combat power and disdainful of the heroes in World War II, participated in the war in advance... We all know that during World War II, the U.S. Commonwealth could not only self-supply energy materials, but also war capabilities, The scientific research ability and mobilization ability are well-deserved first in the world, but the result of the war was a fiasco for the United States."

"Yes, everyone should have guessed that it is a new weapon that we have never seen before to reverse this war: combat armor. Not only did the German army suddenly appear a large number of highly mobile and deterrent weapons of war, but they also used various means in advance. Assassinated Einstein and the key researcher of the Manhattan Project, on a planet where the atomic bomb was more than 30 years late."

"Well, let me go back and say that the German army developed heavy tanks and various mechas, as well as large transport aircraft in advance, and at the same time vigorously developed the navy with Japan. The densely industrial cities of the Confederation were in ruins, the Allies were defeated in every battle since then, the crusaders and swastikas were planted all over Eurasia, and Hitler the 'Great Führer' succeeded in bringing the Germanic nation to the top of the world -- still, of course. Stepping on the bones of the genocide."

   The audience was stunned by these remarks, like a wooden clay sculpture. Except for Yang Xiaoqian, who kept tapping on the table with his index finger, only two people moved.

   Director Wei poured tea into his mouth one by one, while Ouyang kept turning the pen between his fingers.

"It's not that the Allies can't fight, but Germany has Gundam." Ouyang seemed to think of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up, he put down the pen between his fingers and raised his hand to ask: "So, on that earth, the evil fascist alliance won the victory. , German **** of the world?"

"No." Qi Xinwu shook his head, "The long-term war consumes the country's potential and also drags down the economy of any country, and the Axis powers have already obtained huge benefits that take dozens to hundreds of years to digest, so the Axis powers China and the Allies signed an armistice agreement, and for this reason, the war has never stopped for decades, even in the German-occupied territories, there are inexhaustible rebels. And, in the following decades, the rebels successfully stole planes Armor technology, the war is intensifying."

"So the equipment that Tang Tao summoned all have self-destruction devices." Ou Yang was stunned, and then added, "I have a bold assumption, we often jokingly call Wang Mang the most famous transmigrator in history, then, is there a possibility of another A 'great head of state' of the earth, who is also a traveler? Look at Qi Ju, as you just said, Hitler suddenly had a sense of war far beyond the times, and biu clicked on the mecha technology tree , let the Axis powers, which can be said to be doomed to lose, win the victory, this is simply the template of the protagonist in online novels?"

   Qi Xinwu, Yang Xiaoqian, and Director Wei Qi looked at Ouyang and were all surprised by his adaptability and imagination, especially Yang Xiaoqian, who once again saw his own shadow in Ouyang.

"The experts have just started their research and haven't thought about it yet, but I personally don't think it's very likely. Let me ask, if Hitler was a traveler, why did he kill the person in charge of the atomic bomb project? Are you imprisoned to develop an atomic bomb? Atomic bombs are a killer that changes the world pattern, and their importance is far higher than flashy combat armor." Qi Xinwu immediately retorted.

"Oh, Qi Ju, I said that he might be a traveler, but I didn't say that he might have traveled from the earth, tsk, I may not be accurate... Maybe, he is from another historical trajectory with us. What about the different earths that have passed through the past? Let me make an irresponsible guess. Since there are one, two, and three earths, why can't there be four, five, six, or even countless? Maybe, in a vigorous development of mecha On Earth, which is used as a means of warfare, there is a witty and promising young man who crossed over to Hitler and opened the road to the rise of Germany?" Ou Yang laughed, "Don't be in a hurry to refute, please listen to me and say a few more words. , can you talk about Qiju?"

   Qi Xinwu nodded: "Yes, brainstorm."

"Okay, suppose there is an outsider who understands mecha technology and travels to Hitler on another earth. The travel time is almost the beginning of World War II. At this time, Hitler is wearing a yellow robe, and it is difficult to ride a tiger. He succeeded by inciting hatred. The Nazis are a target to vent their hatred, and he will die very ugly. Then, when the war broke out, in the early days, the traveler fought a blitzkrieg according to the original plan, which was a great success, but he also secretly developed mecha, and thus slowed down the offensive. , digesting resources. If this traveler really exists, then he must be a very powerful person. He can clearly see the intention of the US Federation to harvest the cake in the early stage of war and fortune, change the style of play, and use the vision and technological lead to defeat the US The Federation and the Allies, and during this period, he found out that a group of physicists were working on a terrorist killer that he had never heard of, what would he think?"

Ou Yang paused for a moment and smiled: "Will he allow the atomic bomb to appear? No, that is something he is not familiar with, and this strange thing may completely change the global pattern and subvert his dominance on the battlefield. To put it simply, What if the rebels stole the Gundam? He may have more than ten years or even decades of knowledge ahead, but what if the rebels got the atomic bomb? Atomic bombs would be allowed, then it would make sense for him to send assassins to assassinate scientists, who would take the risk with a sure win?"

Qi Xinwu's eyes flickered, frowning silently, Yang Xiaoqian said, "If the mecha can be upgraded quickly, it means that this may be a mature weapon system. It is very difficult to plant a technology tree by one person. Furthermore, even if you know how to manufacture it. The method is limited by the difference in craftsmanship and technology, and it is impossible to build a mecha in just two years. Even if it is built, where will the driver come from? Ou Yang, your idea is very interesting, but there are still There are a lot of details. Besides, what Director Qi just said is only the speculation of experts, and it is not yet certain whether it is correct or not."

   said, Yang Xiaoqian showed the rune bracelet on his wrist.

"The sudden appearance of mechas in that world is likely to be similar to the emergence of rune technology, but these are not the point now. I just heard Director Qi mentioned that next, we will see the destruction of another human civilization on Earth. ?"

   Qi Xinwu nodded slowly, his face heavy.

"Then how the other Earth was destroyed is the key point. I think we should put aside other issues for the time being and focus only on this issue." Yang Xiaoqian rubbed his eyebrows and made a gesture of invitation, "Ju Qi, Please keep playing the video."

   The still picture moved again, and the general of Germanic blood began to speak to the camera, using High German, and there was a translation machine simultaneously interpreting for the audience.

   "I am Adrian von Bismarck, Reich Leader of the SS Reich."

   "The last surviving Earthling."