MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 680 Fight for power (rewards and updates for the protagonist Shao Yemeng

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Liu Zhongqian is still under ten years old, even if he has the authority to know all secrets, even if he has the ability to predict the future, but he is not a rebirth, and he has no experience in power struggle, so he will not use the concept and vision of adults to look at some things. Seemingly simple, but it has deep meaning.

When most people talk about the evacuation of the entire city of Shanghai, they pay attention to the suffering of the people and the industrial and economic losses suffered by the country, but they do not think that the awakened will only appear in the areas where disaster strikes— -There are not many people who knew this originally - and Shanghai became an empty city, which means that when the second magic tide comes, there will be no unmanageable and uncontrollable civilian awakeners in Shanghai City.

If only the troops of the military region remain in the red area of ​​the map, then the newly awakened ones who appear during the advent of the Shanghai Demonic Tide are all soldiers of the party and the country, loyal soldiers who can stand the test, and have the ability to dedicate everything to the party and the country. A lofty belief, even if a small number of soldiers have not condensed this belief in the army, it is at least more conscious and easier to manage than the vast majority of civilians.

If the situation is ideal, after the end of the second magic tide, the Nandu Military Region will be able to have a real army of military awakeners. In the branch campus of the Super Academy, there are already a group of military awakeners who are learning to control and use their abilities. , but the number was too small to be able to form a special team, which was far from the expectations of the Nandu Military Region.

   Under this premise, even the necessary maintenance personnel of urban facilities have to be simplified again and again. Why is there such a thing as a stay permit (also known as a stay permit)? This is a sensitive issue. Yang Xiaoqian didn't let the investigation team touch it. He should pretend to be confused about some things. It is best not to listen to those who shouldn't inquire.

   However, Yang Xiaoqian believes that as long as Liu Zhongqian asks Zero One who has been issued these stay permits, he will find an interesting pattern.

In fact, when Yang Xiaoqian checked the defense map, he found that between the nuclear bunkers and the fortifications, there were several heavily guarded security rooms, marked as temporary command centers and communication centers, which seemed to be the case, but the number did not match .

These bunkers and safe rooms were built by Zhanyuan Company, a subsidiary of the Yuan Rescue Association. The constructors were Shang Hai Construction Dana and Wang Ganming’s Lifan Group. Yang Xiaoqian could ask the truth casually: these safe rooms were provided to a certain Some special people, including Wang Ganming himself, as well as his cousin, others are also of similar identities, and they are only high.

   Coincidentally, according to Yang Xiaoqian's knowledge, although there are a lot of detention permits issued, not many are valid for two weeks, which is just above the maximum capacity of several security rooms.

  Everyone wants to be an awakened person, especially some beings who are born above others, and are even more unwilling to be subservient to others. Yang Xiaoqian can understand this feeling, but he wants to wake up after eating, drinking, playing and sleeping in a safe room? That's really thinking too much. Awakening is not gold-plated for studying abroad. It's not easy to get a "graduation certificate".

  Although there is a very small probability that there will be awakened ones among these powerful children, the probability can basically be ignored. Furthermore, if there are Awakened people among these people, it is not necessarily a bad thing. The Awakened Group has to deal with the main government, and it is impossible to do without lubricant. In the past, Liu Yuanzhou could kill all conflicts in advance. In the future, the two different circles will always A little overlapping area is required.

   As for the military awakened, Yang Xiaoqian did not expect them to obey his and Yu Qian's command. If there are more than 100 Awakeneds in the military, they should be lucky if they can recognize the Fire Passer Council and the Awakened Court in mutual affection. At that time, a special military court will be established within the military region on the basis of the existing military court. It is not easy for the court to maintain the judicial power and enforcement power of the awakened court over the military awakened, let alone the parliamentary command over the military awakened.

At this time, the importance of the super academy is really highlighted. Every freshman awakened must be trained in the super academy. The civilian awakened is in one campus, the military awakened in another campus, and The instructors and mentors of the Super Academy are all members of the Fire Passer Council. After graduating from the Super Academy, the Military Awakened not only has a war friendship with the Awakened from the Council, but also has a teacher-student relationship and a classmate relationship.

There is a relationship, and there are channels for mutual communication. Awakened people from the military can come to the parliament, and awakened people from the parliament can also go to the army. If you have me and I have you, you can avoid fighting to a great extent. Well, at least in the short term, as for the future, it is inevitable that small groups will be formed due to entanglement of interests, and new conflicts will be created, but by then, both the government and the parliament will have experience and should be able to find a way to resolve conflicts.

Because of this, Yang Xiaoqian strongly supported Wu Kun's establishment of the Super Academy and served as the honorary president of the Super Academy. It is for this reason that the State Council approved the establishment of the Super Academy, not only because Yuan Jiang's group of awakened people had experience, Also because this is a smooth path, no one wants to see infighting at a time like this.

  To tell the truth, it is such a critical moment, and he has to think about his own gains and losses on this issue. Yang Xiaoqian feels disgusted, not only psychologically, but even physically.

But no matter how uncomfortable he is, he still grit his teeth and continue, because Yang Xiaoqian is not representing his personal interests, but most of the Awakened Council, the entire Yuan Savior Association and Yuan Jiang's surviving compatriots, so Yang Xiaoqian can't have heroic loyalty in his heart, he can only There is a politician's tact, he not only strives for power for himself, but also for the interests of others.

Now, to stabilize the position of power, to make the relationship between the awakened people on both sides healthy and stable, and to ensure that the balance is not broken, the safest way is to maintain the ratio of civilian awakened people to military awakened people. Once the proportion of awakened people on the parliament side is too low , the council exists in name only, not to mention how Yu Qian felt, Yang Xiaoqian could not accept it at first.

The military Awakened is about to increase sharply. To maintain the ratio between the two sides, the number of civilian Awakened must be increased. However, it is unrealistic to bring civilians to the dangerous battlefield at this time, and pure civilian Awakened is not ideal. Candidates, ordinary people who have not seen the cruelty of war, have no faith and consciousness, suddenly gain extraordinary power, and may not be willing to accept the constraints of the rules, forcibly sent to the super school for further study, or they will leave hidden dangers.

Therefore, Yang Xiaoqian's idea is to transfer a group of Yuanjiang people with rich combat experience to Shanghai and incorporate them into the anti-magic tide force. If some of them are awakened, it will be easy to manage and have combat experience that can be put into use directly. , is not yet part of the military establishment, and the parliament has a natural affinity for them.