MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 721 ice and fire

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The good news that the    hunting team successfully captured the EMP giant spider was sent back to the Nandu Military Region Headquarters, causing a lot of jubilation. Although only one living body was brought back by the four teams, at least there was an experimental body available for research. Huaxia once again took the lead in the competition to research new EMP weapons.

   But good things always seem to take a long time. The twists and turns of the "third fold" suddenly appeared on the way back to the Jingwei.

  The three huge cracks that appeared in the Hongkou District before was a shocking movement at this time, cutting off the Jingwei's return route.

   Among the three cracks, only the highest one remained unresponsive, while a giant claw protruded from each of the other two cracks.

   Similar claws have also appeared in the sky above Nandu, but their colors and shapes are quite different.

   The monsters who visited the new world did not know that at the moment when they stretched out their front claws, hundreds of warheads locked all the directions in front of the crack.

   However, the anti-air missile just locked on the target and did not launch it. Launching a missile too early may not damage the dragon, and it will tear the rift apart again, potentially attracting more powerful enemies.

The    giant claws grabbed a handful in the air, and the giant dragon behind the crack did not notice the dangerous aura, and squeezed out from the crack.

   Using the verb "squeeze" to describe their movements is apt, because both dragons are longer and larger than the black dragon kept in the secret base.

   The first thing that came out of the crack was a silver-white dragon. It was still the evil dragon in Western legends, but it was significantly different from the black dragon.

  The silver dragon is shrouded in white mist, its torso is like a cougar that has been magnified countless times, its eyes are ice blue, and its head is like a horse, but it has ferocious horns and fangs and claws. There are huge bat wings on both sides of the spine, the dragon's tail is long and winding, with barbs at the end, the limbs are thick, and the giant claws are sharp, but it is obviously not its usual weapon.

It seems to celebrate that he came to the new world. After breaking away from the crack, the silver dragon soared freely in the sky. After turning two circles, it suddenly sank. gushing out.

  The pure white mist mixed with crushed ice particles is like a water column sprayed from an oversized fire water cannon, pouring down in a diffuse column.

The first thing the white steam column came into contact with was an office building. At the moment when the two touched, the area covered by the steam column and the fog began to freeze, and the surrounding tiny ice crystals spread with the fog. Everything was swallowed into the ice.

   In an instant, the office building turned into a crystal-clear big popsicle, emitting cold air.

Satisfied with his masterpiece,   Silver Dragon let out a melodious dragon cry, and then leaned over to continue spraying the frost dragon breath.

  This time, its target is the monsters that are still stuck in the area below and haven't escaped in time.

The dragon's breath hit the ground, and then moved forward at a very fast speed. Those monsters who had no time to escape, once caught up by this pure white, would quickly lose their body temperature and vitality in just half a second, maintaining their normal life. The last action solidified into ice sculptures of different shapes.

After the    destruction, the silver dragon soared into the sky, looking down at all beings with a arrogant attitude, as if it were the invincible overlord in this world.

   The cannon missiles that were ready to fire had not yet fired, and the silver dragon suddenly became cautious, because the owner of the other giant claw also showed his figure from the crack.

   The crimson dragon looks a little distorted, and it is always in a distorted state, because its body emits high temperature all the time, and even a magma-like liquid flows out of its teeth between its breaths. These liquids dripped from an altitude of thousands of meters, and drew a twisting trajectory of light and shadow in the air. After landing, they splashed and melted the asphalt road into large holes.

The red dragon did not announce its debut to the world like the silver dragon. When it stuck out its head, it stared at the silver dragon. The charred black teeth spewed out the hot and bright dragon breath like lava molten iron at the silver dragon.

The   Silver Dragon's wings are wide open, neither dodging nor dodging, and spewing out cone-shaped frost from its mouth, facing it **** for tat.

One red and one white, one up and one down, the two lines collided, and the terrifying heat of the former was conducted towards the latter at a speed that surpassed common sense but conformed to the laws of physics. At the point where the two lines meet, the extremely high temperature and The extremely low temperature collided with each other, and the disorder of the thermal motion of the air molecules on both sides continued to increase, forming a magnificent landscape rarely seen by ordinary people.

   This form of confrontation appeared in many film and television works ten years ago, but neither animation features nor film special effects can show the beauty of the details in the real situation.

After a half-minute stalemate, the area under the two giant dragons has become a Jedi of ice and fire. The two sides seem to realize that continuing to fight will only lead to a lose-lose outcome. At this time, there is still a 80-meter-high sky above the Hongkou District. Grey cracks.

  Although ice and fire are naturally antagonistic, they do not always have to live and die when they meet each other. After the two giant dragons looked at each other, they moved away in different directions very tacitly.

At the moment when they gave up the fight, the surface-to-air missile unit and the special air defense unit received the firing order, and the latest surface-to-air missiles of the Hongqi series were launched one after another. They have a longer range than anti-aircraft guns, a larger shooting height, and a higher It also has a faster reaction speed and more violent power than the interceptor. It does not need too many numbers, and it can also form a tight and dead-end air defense at high, medium and low altitudes and in the long, medium and short range. network.

   With the aid of all-solid-state laser cannons, the ice and fire dragon is doomed!



The military secret landline rang urgently, Yang Xiaoqian raised the microphone and put it to his ear, but his eyes never took off the big electronic screen, because not only the picture of the giant dragon being chased by missiles, but also four were forced to make an emergency landing on the large screen divided into several pieces. 's team.

   "President Yang." Liu Zhongqian's tender voice came from the microphone.

   "Hmm." Yang Xiaoqian answered with his eyes fixed, "Speak."

   "Please put away those two big lizards in the sky."

   "What?" Yang Xiaoqian was stunned, not only because of Liu Zhongqian's strange request, but also because the picture on the screen in front of him turned into Liu Zhongqian's little face, and the silhouette of Liu Yuanzhou was reflected beside him.

"If there is only one dragon in your zoo, isn't it too monotonous? These two in the sky can not only increase the variety, but also perform fire-breathing and freezing, which is very interesting." Liu Zhongqian said seriously, "Oh, by the way. By the way, we have already opened live broadcasts on the whole network.”

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