MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 132 underground city

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The latest website: The image of the Ratman is easily associated with negative words such as dirty, wretched, and awkward, but this is actually a misunderstanding for the Ratmen in Xigu City. Creatures living in groups must and must pay attention to their own hygiene conditions. Dirty will breed diseases and cause harm to the entire group.

So the Ratman in front of him was not sloppy, the hair on his body had been combed carefully, and his thin bones didn't look so fragile under the cover of fur, on the contrary, he had a strange kind of wisdom.

Long beards, hanging down to the chest, six tentacles spread out from both sides of the nose, with the ends hanging down. It was a rat at the end of its life, missing one of its ears and a scar indented in the hair on its buttocks.

The rat man was wearing a taupe robe, holding an oil lamp in his hand, which looked quite similar to the emblem of Cheese.

"Sorry, the old man's body is relatively weak, and he can't stand too much cold wind. If the adults want to talk, can they come in and talk? It's warmer in the tunnel."

As the gatekeeper of the passage connecting the ground and the underground, the rat man obviously knows the group of people in front of him, at least most of them.

But he did not respond too humbly. This is the freedom of the old man. In his dying years, there is nothing to worry about, so there is no need to be too hypocritical. Of course, this does not mean that relying on the old to sell the old and being arrogant, the difference is indistinguishable.

"It's us who should say sorry, Uni, Mr. Pingwei, let me introduce to you, the gatekeeper Grey, whether it's a witch or a wolfwalker, only with his consent can he visit the city of the Ratmen."

The cheese informed the two newcomers to the Northland of the identity of the rat man, mainly for Youni. As a gray-robed apprentice, he must spend a long time in Cangshi activities, and he will inevitably deal with ratmen.

Even if you don't know all the Ratman Youni, he must be familiar with the gatekeeper who is in charge of entering and exiting.

"You are serious, sir. The old man is just a dying gatekeeper. He has neither ability nor power. But the old man has remembered this gentleman and the young master, and will open the door for them next time. "

The Rat Man stepped aside with the oil lamp in his hand, letting the group of people into the tunnel. The heavy partition was raised again, blocking the ground and the ground. The sound of footsteps appeared on the ground this time, presumably the ratmen who were specially in charge of camouflage were making the entrance disappear into the ruins again.

"Don't underestimate him, and don't think he won't live long. When I first saw him, Gray Man was already like this." Elsa whispered in Yuni's ear. She seems to take extra care of cheese's apprentices, and this concern is not just out of sympathy.

The Rat Man's ears twitched, but he didn't say anything. In fact, it can be seen from the title that the reason why Gray Old Man can serve as a gatekeeper and enjoy an important and special position in the ratman society is related to his position.

Unlike most of the allegiance to the blood of Earl Saron, the orthodox heir here, the Ratman Countess Gloria, the object of the gray man's allegiance is the cheese himself. Although the cheese didn't accept the allegiance positively, he didn't refuse either. Represented by Gray Weng, there is a group of ratmen in taupe robes playing a unique role in the dungeon.

"Snoring." The wildebeest purred happily. They felt very comfortable in the ratman's tunnel. No wonder these beasts of burden were like this, everyone in the team felt as if they were in another world.

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Zhang scroll, and handed it to Cheese, the scroll opened, and inside was a well-drawn and clearly punctuated map of the underground structure of Valley City. Generally speaking, there are some trade-offs when expressing a three-dimensional city image on a plane, but the Ratmen adopted a schematic diagram combining the two drawing angles of the transverse section and the longitudinal section, and explained it in layers and regions.

The craftsmanship required for this map is enough to make the court cartographers of many countries ashamed, but judging from Gray Man's attitude, the map does not seem to be very rare.

"The craftsmanship of cartography has improved again. The craftsmen of the Cartography Association are really amazing." Cheese can understand, and can see through the content and value of this drawing, because he is the one who imparts relevant knowledge and advocates the establishment of the Cartography Association.

"If you, the chief cartographer, say so, it will be suspected of boasting to others." Gray Weng smiled and responded to the mage's admiration. Just like other organizations led by Cheese, the Cartographic Association set aside a place for Cheese himself. a top title.

"I only taught them the basics, and the rest is due to books and experience. But they are really good. It can be seen that cartographers have been added to the city's development plan, right? The recently added roads have taken into account the purpose Sex and stability, it can’t be compared with the state of random excavation in the early days.” While looking at the map, the mage replied indifferently I don’t know. Who will plan the city is a decision for Ms. Gloria and the council. The old man is just a gatekeeper. The duty is only to send people here. "

Gray Man stopped in his tracks. The tunnel in front of him suddenly opened up. Although it is not as grand as the buildings of the City of Ten Thousand Laws, the underground streets have a delicate style.

Looking around, stables, shops and other facilities are all available, all concentrated in a pear-shaped underground space. The pear shape is divided into thin slices, and the central part of each thin slice has a large number of hollowed-out floors to see the upper and lower floors, and the center is a giant staircase for people to go up and down.

And this is just a core of the city. The pear-shaped edge can see the wide corridor leading to other directions, and the light coming from it is no less than the eyes.

From the map in Cheese's hand, we can see that the entire Ratman Dungeon is a complex city composed of such large cores. In addition to the one in front of us, there are five cores that have been put into use at present.

"Ahem, since there are two first-time guests, the old man still has to say his lines as usual. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the real Valley City."

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