MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 138 One-eyed

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In short, after the cheese made another request for the transaction, the shadow did not resign. The shadow put down the wiped glass in his hand, and the bartender greeted a bartender who was sitting in the corner drinking.

"You, come and help me for a while. I will take this gentleman to see the boss." Shadow said.

The man walked silently to the bar and silently stood on the seat in front of the shadow. Obviously this was not the first time such a thing was done. And the shadow? He walked out of the bar and took the cheese to the depths of the tavern. Spyro naturally wanted to keep up with the scene, but he was stopped by the man who took over the shadow. For a child who does not even have the qualification to drink here, he is still far from being able to participate in this transaction.

"By the way, say hello to you first. Our boss has not been in a good mood recently, and I hope you will be a little more polite when you meet later. If you don't want to be hit into the wall and pulled out by others." Shadow It was an interesting thing to take the cheese to the second floor of the tavern. Because from the appearance point of view, this tavern should have no second floor, and the staircase leading to the second floor is also in a very obscure place. A room on the first floor.

Interesting, it seems that the person who built this building used a similar method as Roland mentioned. Through the stacked roof on the exterior, he skillfully created the illusion that this building has only one floor. The cheese thought so. But he also heard the shadow.

"Why? He has been drinking and flies recently?" The mage said casually.

"Hush! If he really drank the flies, would I still be dead?" Shadow put his index finger in front of his mouth and made a whispered gesture. He whispered to the cheese. At the same time with the latter climbed the space behind the stairs, the second floor is much narrower than the first floor. Obviously want to create a visual effect that is enough to deceive people, even the builder of this house has no way to make this hidden space so spacious. But here is originally for concealment, so narrowness does not constitute a problem.

"Here." The bartender took the mage to the only room on the second floor and said to the mage, "Listen, I think you are quite the right way to tell you that our boss is unhappy recently because it leads to the Hammer and Montenegro The road was blocked because of the plague. The plague developed too fast, and many of our materials and personnel were sealed in before they could evacuate. I can only say so much, if you want to drink again, you will go in later Always be careful. "

Although I do n’t quite understand the danger that the shadow has repeatedly emphasized there, after all, the cheese believes that it should not be a nuisance. But he still knew from the nervous look of the shadow that the other party's words were probably not false. Putting a few coins from the cuff into the shadow's hand, the cheese lightly knocked on the door of the room.

Is strange to say, obviously the cheese did not notice any magic fluctuations, but the door opened itself after the mage knocked. Looking through the door, the room itself is not big. Of course, this may be because the door is too small to allow people to see the whole picture of the house. But the cheese still saw that in the innermost part of the room, there was a wooden workbench, and a man in black clothes was lying on the workbench and writing something. His appearance and figure were obscured by indoor lighting.

The shadow compared to the mage's "good luck" gesture and turned and went downstairs. He will stay near the stairs before the cheese walks downstairs again or is lifted downstairs to prevent someone from disturbing the deal. As for the mage, he is a little curious about this person called "one-eyed". After all, in this era, most of the gangsters or other people who are on the street are just simple gangs, even those who control Most of the leaders of a city's underground transactions are also ugly indulging in power and succumbing to violence. But this man, who is called "one-eyed", felt the existence of an extremely self-disciplined order in his words and deeds. A group of killers and hooligans with a clear order and guidelines? Then maybe and can't call them simple street gangsters anymore.

"Why do you dare to drink shadow wine, but dare not approach my house?" As the mage thought, the man lying on the desk spoke. His voice is so strange that people can't hear any features. You can't judge from this voice whether the person speaking is male or female, old or young. Perhaps someone who has n’t seen the market will be surprised by the peculiar voice of this person, but the cheese is very clear that this voice is mostly disguised with some simple magic props. The fact that you can get the magically contaminated props is enough to make the cheese's evaluation of this "one-eyed" one level higher.

Tilted his head, and the mage walked into the room. After entering this room, the cheese found that his previous judgment was correct. Although the room does not seem to be large from the outside, when you actually enter it, you will find that it is actually larger than you expected. At least enough to hide a few deadly organs in your blind spot.

"For safety reasons, let me ask first, how did your other guests react when they saw the stringed crossbows next to the door." After walking to the workbench for about three steps, the cheese turned to look at the door Asked the crossbows drawn by the unidentified silk thread extending into the wall on the side wall.

"Well, there are a lot of reactions. The most interesting one should be the Minister of Intelligence. The old guy who dared to send people out to collect second-hand intelligence was scared when he saw the crossbows. He almost urinated on the spot. Ah, what a pity. There is no way to leave his expression at that time. Otherwise, he will be able to strike him hard. "" One-eyed "didn't look up, but he continued with the question of the cheese.

"That's a pity. But for safety reasons, I would like to ask one more question, how did he react when he saw these nail boards hanging from the ceiling? I'm talking about these now hanging on my head ~ ~ The mage raised his head and looked at the cold nails on the ceiling and asked again.

"He doesn't have such good eyesight as you, and he didn't find that he was standing in the trap when he left. Otherwise he would be scared of urine here, so I should be glad that he didn't find this. But in other words In other words, how did you perceive this institution? Your eyesight is very ordinary? "" One-eyed "finally raised his head. The cheese finally understood why he was called a one-eyed, not that he was really a one-eyed dragon. Instead, the man wore a black mask on his entire face and only had a round ruby ​​lens on the left eye.

"Uh, you know. Night vision is not a deep ability. There are many people who can do it without your lens." The cheese shrugged. Although standing in the other party's trap, it didn't do anything. The meaning of moving.

"Interesting, it seems that you know something about magic." "One Eye" said to the cheese with the red lens.

"I know a lot of things. But those have nothing to do with my reason for coming here." The mage knows that the other person's red gem lens is probably not only capable of night vision. However, he is not worried that an ordinary person who can only rely on outside tools to see the magic can see through his reality.

"So why did you appear here? What do you hope to get and what can you pay for?" "One Eye" sat back in a large chair and asked in a plain tone.

"No, no, do n’t talk to me in such a high position. You do n’t understand, I came here to help you, lest you fall into death without knowing it. Lest you, do it with the poor people downstairs I'm confused. "The cheese said with his hands on the workbench.