MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 156 Jungle

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After telling Fergen about Roland, the cheese went to the second floor of the building. Unlike the simple and clear layout on the first floor, the second floor of this house has too many rooms compared to the area. Although there are also doors that can be connected between these rooms, the mage knows from Fergen that only by opening the doors in the order preset by the witches can you go to the most central room on this floor, which is the witch. Our safe room.

The cheese intends to open the portal connected to the gray tower in the safe room. This airtight room protected by various defensive circles is the most ideal place to expand the passage. Taking out the red chalk again from his arms, the cheese began to write on the walls and door frames of the safe room the various symbols he once wrote in the guest room at the top of the Dragon's Back. Soon, the preparation for opening the portal was completed.

"... open the way!" With the mantra sung by the cheese in obscure language, the space in front of him showed an ugly gap like a torn canvas. And as the mage supplied his magic power to this gap, the originally inconspicuous crack slowly expanded and eventually stabilized after becoming a one-person wide passage.

Without any hesitation, the cheese walked into the portal leading to the Grey Tower. What the mage did not notice was that when he opened the portal, the red runes that were originally drawn around, their color changed to gray at a certain moment, and then returned to normal at the next moment.

Wet ... This is not a good sign. The air in the Grey Tower has never been so humid. The cheese opened his eyes, as expected, what appeared before him was not the familiar gray tower, but a forest with extremely dense vegetation. A piece of dark blue forest. Whether it is shrubs, trees, vines, or even unnamed flowers that bloom in the grass, it is a color, a dull blue that has lost its vitality. In addition to water vapor, there are other smells in the air, which is a sweet smell, but not the smell of blood. This smell is more intense than the **** smell, and sweet.

A few seconds before the mage saw this weird scenery, the thought of being too shocked even made him forget his breath. The cheese instinctively looked back at the portal through which he passed. His brain was spinning fast. The portal opened by his magic power would never go wrong for no reason. It is something that exists intentionally. And after turning his head, the mage found that the original portal should be the place, and at this time it was empty!

what happened! ?

The body of the cheese seemed to be struck by lightning. The disappearance of the portal meant that he could not leave here quickly. The mage quickly recalled his operation just before the spell was cast. With his excellent psychological quality and memory, the cheese can ensure that his operation was absolutely correct. What is going on?

The sound of "Sasha" being touched by the leaves caught the attention of the cheese. The mage turned his eyes to the place where the sound came, but apart from the swaying leaves, it was no different from the surrounding environment. If it is an ordinary person, this anomaly may be regarded as the sound of a breeze in the forest. But the cheese knows that there is absolutely no such thing as wind in this forest. So, what caused the leaves?

"Hoo ..." After the sound just passed, the forest returned to a strange quietness. After confirming that the smell in the air was indeed non-toxic, the cheese exhaled carefully. He found that the plants within four or five steps of the place where he stood showed signs of being cut by some invisible force. It seems that the portal was causing damage to the vegetation that had grown here when it was opened. So, should we go out of this range? The mage asked himself in his heart, these strange plants are very likely to be offensive. Perhaps they have not been attacked by the five-step safety distance. Now do they have to venture out of this area?

"Damn." He whispered in a low voice, and the cheese felt deeply that he might have been put together again, regardless of whether the person who disturbed and closed the portal was a witch or something else, and they obviously didn't like themselves. of. Anxiety once again appeared in the Master's heart, which is not a good sign. After shaking his head, he temporarily put the thoughts in his mind down, and the cheese knew that his current priority was to figure out where he was and how to return to Cangshiwang.

Try to spread your magic power as tentacles. This is a relatively safe method. In the past, this method allowed the mage to perceive the magical atmosphere nearby. And even if you encounter something with a dangerous ability, the cheese can guarantee to cut off the connection between yourself and the magic tentacles for the first time to protect yourself. It ’s just that this time the mage is destined to be disappointed. The cheese found that its magic power will disappear once it leaves the five-step range. It seems that the dark blue plants around it have some power to cut off the magic power between themselves and the magic. Perception. And this also means that once the cheese step into this forest, he will lose all the ability to release magic.

The sound of "Sasha" appeared before the mage again, and it sounded that the things under the vegetation were closer than before. Moreover, there is more than one place to make a sound this time!

Interesting, is this forcing me to leave the safe area? The mage thought so. These sounds are too coincidental, as if to convey the signal "If you continue to be in place, you will be attacked." Really experienced hunters will not intimidate their prey in such a pressing way. It is never a wise choice to kill a dead net.

Then, the next question is whether to act according to the other party's will. There is no doubt that in this dark blue forest, something is watching the cheese, and the mage thinks that thing should also know why he came here. Thinking of this, the cheese took a step and walked to a place that was different from the three voices just now.

When the mage stepped on the land covered by vegetation, he could clearly feel the power of his body quickly disappearing. As guessed, this forest has the effect of disabling most casters. It's just ... On the low face of the cheese, the mage sneered slightly. You know, although most spellcasters need to get help from the outside world like other spellcasters, as an apprentice to the Grey Tower, everyone has some means of suppressing the bottom of the box. The cheese method can be used here.

Away from the thick foliage, the mage felt as if he was walking deep into the forest. In his impression, the already dense forest has become almost difficult to pass, and the sound of "salsa" behind him from time to time is urging the cheese to continue to move forward ~ ~ But this should not blame the mage Lack of experience in forest operations is really that the Grey Tower is located at the northernmost tip of the world, which has caused the cheese to hardly ever see the dense forest in the south. In the impression of the mage, the concept of woods refers more to the more sparse tall woodland in the north.

After dismantling a shrub, the cheese saw two huge trees that were too thick and unreasonable. The two trees were so thick that the experienced lumberjack could sigh that his axe was not durable enough. And unlike the free-form trees, these two trees are so straight, like two huge pillars that extend all the way up. The mage's eyes could not help but lifted up, he wanted to see how tall the two trees were.

Then he saw the height of the crown of ordinary trees, the two big trees gradually close together, and there seemed to be something huge on it. The cheese quickly realized what this was, and what he saw was previously recorded in the library of the Grey Tower.

The name "Shadow in the Deep Forest" is so obscure that people can only use it to refer to it.

"Go kill it." A voice that was familiar to the cheese and could no longer be familiar came coldly from the woods behind. In the mage's memory, the master of this voice is called by the cheese-the teacher.