MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 159 Gift

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Struggling to open his heavy eyelids, the cheese saw the roof that he knew was no longer familiar. This is my room in the Grey Tower. No other evidence is needed. The mage can be so sure just by the touch and familiar perspective brought by the mattress underneath. After all, this is where he grew up. So ... when is it now? The cheese recalled what happened recently, and his adult mission seemed to become a chaotic and heavy farce. If you can, the cheese really wants to have never left this tower, so that he no longer has to worry about the safety of his companions, no longer needs to be oppressed by the **** sense of his body, no need to ... Every time I saw the eyes of those ratmen. Those eyes that are painful and inextricable in chaos.

"Are you awake?" An Lina's voice came from the side. The cheese turned his head along the sound, he saw the figure of the true vampire sitting on the chair beside his bed, reading the book in his hand leisurely, it seemed that he was not very concerned about his awakening.

Such a scene has happened repeatedly in this room countless times. Every time there is an accident in a cheese experiment or an accident in an exam, he will see the school sister sitting by his bed when he wakes up. And whenever this time, the Master's heart will feel at ease, because he knows that he is not alone in this cold tower. This backed-up feeling is also a powerful driving force for the cheese to explore those taboo knowledge without fear.

"What happened? I remember that I opened the portal to the tower at King Cang, but I couldn't remember what happened after entering the door." Rubbing his forehead, the cheese sat up on the bed and said. He found that the clothes he wore didn't know when he changed back to the familiar gray robe, not the one that Wang Du wore to hide his eyes and ears.

"There was something wrong with the portal, maybe it was a turbulence in the space. When Afu found you, you fell naked in the teleport room. And you know, there are only such clothes in the tower." Shrug. Alina put down the book in her hand and said to the cheese.

"Really, like this." The cheese tried to recall what Alina said, but all she got was the pain in her brain. Some blurry pictures flashed through the mind of the mage. The dark blue forests existed more than the clouds ... but these contents were so vague and difficult to recognize that the cheese could not be captured in time. they. Moreover, it is normal to see incredible scenes due to accidents in the space between transmissions. Even if Cheese really recalls this information, he may have difficulty getting specific content.

"I heard Curse Crow saying that the teacher is back, isn't it?" The mage asked.

"Yeah, he came back and left again. Just like usual." An Lina wrinkled her nose, not knowing whether she was dissatisfied with her teacher's irresponsible behavior, or whether she was the first to wake up after the cheese. Time is about asking the person's things, no matter how long he is here to protect him and get angry.

"Have you left? I still have something to ask him." The cheese shook his head vigorously, trying to suppress the continuing pain from his mind.

"It's about the Cang Lion? Hasn't the Crow sent to help you? There is something else you two can't do together." An Lina asked with interest, holding her chin in one hand.

"I broke up with him. And I feel that even if we are still acting together, the current situation in that country is not optimistic." Now, the cheese told Alina what happened in Iron Fort, in his narrative. In, the mage focused on the "barrier" plan mentioned in the main mouth of Wolf City, and the lich and evil priest who made a warrior knight in the cemetery.

"Even the lunatics and the undead have joined? This is really tricky. With such strength, it can only be used as a team sent by the other party in the outer city. It can be seen that the things you are fighting have more terrible energy." An Li Na pondered for a while and seemed to be digesting what the cheese said, "As for the barrier plan you said, I think there is nothing to guess. You don't know what the teacher has done over the past few years. I Dare to say that at least half of the current mortal countries have legends about him. It ’s just that I do n’t know what he is doing. However, compared to these things, have you used that one recently? ”

Hearing that Alina mentioned "that", the face of the cheese suddenly became awkward. Nothing else, since the mage discovered that she possessed the ability to use that power, Alina had always opposed the use of that power by the cheese at a critical moment. The mage, who knows the danger of that kind of power, has always followed this principle, but after using this kind of power every time, he still inevitably babbled by his school sister.

"So how do you know ..." The cheese whispered, pinning his face to the other side. In order not to be nagging, he also deliberately omitted the content of this paragraph in the previous description, in order not to listen to Alina ’s old talk.

"Well, I naturally have a way to know it. But your kid dared to hide the facts from Sister Xue, it seems that you are also prepared to pay the price?" With your head down, let the shadow of your hair cover the upper half of the face, An Li Na said in a low tone.

"Don't! I can explain!" Seeing the school sister become like this, the cheese naturally knew what would happen next, he shouted in horror.

"It's late!" However, the other party didn't seem to let him explain.

After a variety of powerful and powerful beatings, Alina sat back on the chair refreshingly, leaving the cheese on the floor and feeling that there was no painless muscle on her body. As a blood family who has lived through countless years, Alina has enough time to master enough fighting skills. Every time she ravages the cheese, she can skillfully find the perfect boundary between pain and injury. Even Alina had her own plans to create a special fighting genre ~ ~ and as a wooden man in her experiment, the cheese has not been "punished" like this since childhood.

But in fact, in addition to understanding, Alina ’s beating has another important purpose. Close contact can make her understand the situation of the cheese more clearly, and her joint skills in more cases are to help the mage clean up the bruises on those bodies, preventing the cheese from leaving dark wounds when it is not known. . It's just that the cheese doesn't know about the good intentions of her sister.

"By the way, the old man left something for you before he left. He said that anyway, your mission was so procrastinating, so he would take care of things and make full use of time." An Lina pointed and pointed to the table in front of her. On a small flower pot. A small piece of wood is planted in the flower pot, and a dark blue plant sprout is on the wood chip.

"How can I have time to take care of the cultivation of plants? I have no idea what the identity of the person spreading the plague is." Struggling to get up from the ground, the cheese frowned.

"That's your problem, I just conveyed the teacher's order." An Lina shrugged, saying that the complaint of the cheese can't be an excuse for him to shirk. Then go to the 'Blue House' to find me. I'll help you contact the Crow to see what is happening on his side. "