MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 186 Awakening

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There is no way to know whether the mage has a new life Jack and Coranti. However, the facial expression and the state of the cheese at this time are not the same as what he usually feels. How to say, like a person who usually carries a basket of bricks suddenly put down the burden on his shoulder. This is indeed the state of the cheese at this time.

Since childhood, the magic that the cheese is studying has been constantly squeezing his thinking ability. This pressure increases as the magic of the mage increases. Although the cheese was not crushed by this pressure, it even had a soul that was several times stronger than ordinary people under this pressure. But this squeezing never stopped. It was like a small hole in the bottom of a wooden barrel. Although the barrel was continuously enlarged and reinforced, the water poured into the barrel never stopped being supplied, but that small The hole always exists, and the water flowing from it will only gradually destroy the wooden board near the hole over time.

And now, the cheese that drank the liquid in the crystal bottle felt that the hole in his spirit was finally blocked. This feeling is something he has never experienced since he was exposed to magic. After being away for more than ten years, the mage once again truly felt the joy of dominating himself. But the cheese did not know at this time, he was able to get rid of the pain that had plagued him for a long time at this time, not only by the drop of rain. The Lord of the Grey Tower seals some extremely dangerous things on the cheese, which makes it possible for raindrops to repair the mage's body and spirit.

"Why did the other party send such a valuable thing? And what did you say before, Heather had what they wanted, what was that thing?" After accepting the cheese, the blonde witch thought about the problem.

As for the name Heather, even Coranti, who lived for a long time in the capital, is very familiar. The witch knew about the existence of a knight as long as the cheese told her the number and appearance of her companions.

"What is specific to Heather, I do n’t really know. However, I think your mother may understand this matter, and you will know it later. Why do those who believe in wet souls give it to us? In the raindrops of the first rain, this thing is naturally a gratuity. "Having said that, the cheese had walked between rows of bookshelves. For the mage, there was nothing more attractive than a book that I had never read. Something.

"Remuneration? Are they going to ask us?" The man who said this was Jack, the wolf walker's face was incredible. In his opinion, these guys who took Elsa and sent monsters to attack should be the opposite of their own side, how could they suddenly become employers in the mage's mouth.

"It's no surprise. We've all seen the power of the Rat Plague. If it's small, it's okay, but now the trend of the plague is too fast, and many people can't sit still." This book, said.

"But if that's the case, why don't these guys negotiate with us in person? Now that they have captured our people on the one hand and want to hire us to work for them, aren't they afraid of our revenge?" The wolfwalker's question is very acute . Indeed, as long as the believers of the Wet Soul are not asking for Heather ’s life, I ’m afraid that the cheese and the knighthood will be willing to deal with them. Their actions, which are no different from threats, will only increase the variables.

"What do you think?" Instead of answering Jack's question directly, the mage took the book he had just found and walked back to the table to read it.

"I think?" The Wolfwalker frowned. He didn't quite understand the meaning of cheese. Although the emotions of being a human are gone, the memory tells him that it is not wrong to ask the mage's opinion when encountering problems.

"You are not the" monkey "in the former Frost Legion now. Jack, should you realize it yourself? No matter how much you want to change back, but you are not the same person as before. You are now a wolf walker, Your clan is Alexander, and you are the head wolf of the clan. "The cheese looked up from the book, and he looked at Jack's eyes in a very serious tone.

"I never regarded you as my followers. Elsa, Mona, Hahn, and the former you. Although I do speak to you with command tone sometimes, but that is because of the explanation. It ’s too time consuming. Now, I do n’t have the guts to arbitrarily support the head wolf of a werewolf clan. So Jack, most of the time you have to find the answer yourself. Louise has no time to tell you this, because she has too much Things have to be taught to you, but you must be like a wolf. "

The expression on the wolf walker's face froze. Indeed, in the time after the transformation, Louise, who was his transformant, had too much knowledge to impart, and the Iron Fort's accident made this inheritance from the clan incomplete. Coupled with their relationship with Elsa for many days, Jack subconsciously studied the person in his memory, he played the previous self. This is the instinct of the werewolf, used to mix into the instinct of the crowd, but in the current situation, the cheese does not want to see a werewolf with human personality, the mage wants to see, is the head wolf of the Alexander clan.

Jack, who decided to show his true self, quickly turned into an indifferent look. For him as a wolf walker, Elsa they are just people who have known each other for a few days. Although I was just worried about the disappearance of the three people, the werewolf was not very concerned about it. Even, in fact, for the survival of the plague, and even the entire Cangshi Kingdom, this new wolf walker can not care.

"Do you want to see what I really look like? This look is so cold that I hate myself."

"It depends on how you think about the problem. Things have happened and the transformation is irreversible. I am also reluctant to say goodbye to an old friend. But, you know, only by breaking the old body, can new life spread its wings. You are not a person who can be wolfed. It is better to say that the so-called wolf walker is a wolf with a human skin. "

Jack smiled when he heard the cheese. It's just that the wolfwalker's smile at this time looks like a lion before eating people, which is frightening.

"Then as you wish, Mr. Cheese. I will continue to work with you as the wolf of the Alexander Clan. And the questions we discussed before, I think I already have an answer."

"Ha, then I want to hear your opinion, Mr. Head Wolf." The cheese closed the book and said.

"The reason why the believers of the Wet Soul choose to take Heather before meeting you is not willing to provoke you, which will make cooperation difficult." Jack said.

"Why?" This time it was the mage's turn to ask ~ ~ It's very simple. The reason why Heather was taken in advance, even the reason why you said those words to me here and now, all point to one answer. Wet soul believers are afraid that we cannot protect Heather ’s security. And you, are you disguising my disguise at this time, aren't you also preparing for the upcoming battle? "

This time, the cheese smiled.

"Yes, you are right. Mr. Alexander, you are right! Hahahaha!"

After the Master laughed a few times, he suddenly stopped laughing and said.

"So, what is your choice? Knowing that our believers who face the wet souls that can be forced to take out the raindrops of the first rain must be taken out as the enemy of the chip, what is your choice?"

The wolf walker looked at his hands, which were changing towards the claws uncontrollably because of the excited mood of the owner.

"Before this plague disappeared from this land, my claws and teeth followed your assignment."