MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 191 True purpose

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Roland's words conveyed to all the dark residents present two meanings.

One is about the time of the outbreak of this plague war. In the eyes of most people, the impact of the plague so far has been extremely bad, but it has not reached the point of serious illness. As long as the Kingdom dispatches all military forces to block the epidemic area, and then strangles a large number of living ratmen, controlling the epidemic situation is still achievable. So in the eyes of the dark inhabitants, they still have plenty of time to consider the gains and losses of joining the war.

The second is the purpose of spreading the plague. At this point, no one has long believed that this was a purely natural plague. Even if these people do not understand the plague, they can be sure that there is indeed a gray robe wizard in the birthplace of the plague, the Earl of Salon led the treatment. Now that the possibility of natural disasters has been ruled out, the next thing to think about is, people who spread the plague, what exactly do they want?

This is the problem that even the cheese and others have not been able to reach a conclusion so far, but Roland's words use the storm to point out the other side of the problem. No matter what the person spreading the plague wants to get through the plague, he or they never care how much will be destroyed by the plague. For these people, the lives of these dark residents of the king are no better than death Where are the ordinary people under the plague?

"This is a bit alarmist, isn't it? Although the current situation is really not good, but I think at least Wangdu is still safe." The speaker was not a representative of any forces, but Jason standing beside Roland. The group of black figures said with a careful tone. Although it sounds like Jason was very careful when saying this, he dared to take the lead in questioning Roland at this time, showing that the courage of this guide was actually much greater than he showed.

The problem of the guide was quickly recognized by others, and a voice of echoes began to appear in the audience. In the eyes of these representatives, there is nothing wrong with the old man ’s words even if they are called threats. And such threats obviously make them unhappy.

"Doesn't everyone seem to know yet?" Roland heard the questioning around him and didn't show any retreat. The old man just supported his cap and then took out a small crystal bottle from the cuff.

"Everyone present, although I don't want to tell you the news at this time. But in order to dispel your misunderstandings, I still have to explain it. Unfortunately, the city we are in is no longer safe. "

With that said, the old man raised the crystal bottle in his hand high, and the liquid in the bottle showed a light green under the lights.

"The potion in my hand is the seed of the plague. As long as a mortal like me takes a sip, the plague will be planted in the body. With a simple external catalysis, the plague can immediately strike. The plague induced by this medicament can also be transmitted. With such a bottle of medicament, a village can be completely destroyed in a few days. "

Roland's words and the crystal bottle in his hand calmed the noisy audience. Countless pairs of eyes in the darkness are looking at the crystal bottle. In these eyes, there is fear, anger, and silence, and some of them have a more complicated look.

"Is this ... a masterpiece by Ms. Emia or Lord Grey Robe?" Jason hesitated and asked. In his impression, those who can make such a terrible potion, in this king capital, I am afraid there are only these two.

"Unfortunately, although I also hope that this kind of potion that neither the demons will use is from these two hands we know. But I can guarantee it with my real name and soul. It is not the work of a witch or a wizard. It, From the hands of mortals. "

The old man paused and waited for the listeners to recover from the surprise and continued.

"Mr. One-Eyed's Chamber of Commerce accidentally came into contact with this agent, which was lied to be a good medicine for the treatment and prevention of the plague! And we speculate that this agent directly caused the spread of the plague of the hammer hammer collar and the black mountain collar! Next, we ask Mr. One-eyed to tell you more about this medicine. "

Roland handed the potion in her hand to her one-eyed eye, instructing her to succeed herself and continue to explain the current situation to these dark residents. I believe that delegates who are shocked by this huge message should have no time to discuss whether one-eyed is qualified to be their leader. Next depends on whether the one-eyed can seize this opportunity.

Fortunately, Cyclops still has a capable leader, although she made some mistakes at the beginning because of her ignorance of the dark residents. But after the content of the conversation was transferred to what she understood, the momentum of the underground leader also became stronger. At the moment, she told the representatives about the spread of this plague agent.

Those delegates who for the first time realized that they were really sitting in the hinterland of the plague are now just like a bunch of children.

Seeing Roland retreating to the side, Lothar and Networm hurried up, and they all had many questions to ask the old man.

"Why haven't these bad-sounding representatives heard of this potion?" Asked the Earl of Montenegro. In Losa's impression, these guys living on the dark side of Wangdu should know these things better than one eye.

"Hehe. My Count, don't be intimidated by the race of these guys. Apart from the special talents of individual dark residents, these people will not get more information than we know. They are also busy with life. So, unless they are needed for life, many areas are also unfamiliar blind spots for them. Even, many of them may not be immune to the plague. "

Roland's words let Lothar and Net Worth really know what the wisdom of the elders is. Based on his knowledge of these aliens, the bearded old man dispelled the suspicion of both parties in just a few words, making the conversation content of this rally critical. This undoubtedly saved a lot of time for everyone. You should know that in the timetable of the cheese, there is no time for them to slowly persuade these representatives one by one.

"I knew it was so simple, why didn't you take out the potion from the beginning?" Miss Mercenary asked. In Networm's view, if Roland knew that Wangdu's security issues were these heterogeneous concerns early in the morning, it would be better to tell Cyclops on the road.

"That won't work. If we don't show them our position and sincerity, they will give them such a heavy topic as soon as they come up. These guys may not consider whether to join us or not. They will leave the venue immediately and run home to pack things and run Road. "Roland subconsciously wanted to touch his beard, only to remember that the big beard had just been burned for more than half of the previous two days.

"You are right, if you tell them the current situation as soon as you come up. They will really escape on the spot. As far as I know, not all forces have plans to defend their homes." When the three people spoke, Jason didn't know when he touched it. It's just that because other representatives are now attracted attention by the one-eyed words, they didn't notice the abnormality of the guide.

"Haha, thank you for bringing me the topic here. You should have known about the potions early in the morning? Mr. Jason." The magician looked at the shadow meaningfully and said.

"You are right. I really noticed the so-called antidote sold on the market. It's just that I don't have the skills of a wizard and a witch, I just use it as a means of cheating money by the Alchemist Association. , Those people actually made such terrible things. "The guide said, his tone was still gentle.

"Why? He and we are on one side?" Lothar tilted his head, and the conversation between the old man and the human figure made him dizzy.

"Dear Lord Earl of Montenegro. In fact, not only me, but many of the representatives present were sure to stand with Ms. Emia from the beginning. It ’s just that we let ordinary people like you to negotiate with us for Lord Witch I felt a little uneasy. Now seeing this old gentleman, I think the arrangement of Lord Witch should still be reliable. "Jason gave a little salute to Lothar and said.

"What do you guys think about? Why do you still listen to us say so much? It makes me nervous to die ~ ~ I think I will talk about it at any time." Identity was pierced and Lothar shrugged awkwardly. Shrugged and complained.

"Of course, this rally still makes sense. The people who have decided to stand beside me are not the majority after all. So it is still necessary to fight for allies as much as possible. And, in addition to fighting for neutrals, we have to Through this rally, I found some people who were on the wrong team. "Jason's voice was getting lower and lower. When he said the last, the gentle voice gave a very dangerous feeling.

"Really, it's not just that we will find allies. I said why the cheese asked the witches to find this hammer for you. It seems that he should have estimated this situation too." Roland looked at Lothar Said the hammer in his hand.

"Before the full-scale war, it is necessary to remove the nails on the ground from the other party. But don't worry, we are actually prepared for this. The cleaning activities will begin when the rally is over. As of now, Let ’s listen to Mr. One-eyed finish. "

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