MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 198 The curtain will open

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In the plan of the cheese, this war is composed of two parts. The first is to capture the unidentified Baron Grey at a very fast speed. The body seen in the fire field of Zhuoliu Town convinced the mage that the baron was definitely not himself. Regardless of what the baron was wearing, the plague seed from the Pharmacists Association pointed out that the other party was undoubtedly the accomplice of the plague spreader.

So the Master's plan was to run the elite team including himself into the pharmacy of the Royal Pharmacist Association, and get Baron Grey inside. If conditions permit, it is even more perfect to destroy the production devices that make the plague.

The current team in the cheese plan will include Jack, Losa, Coranti and Jason. Originally for the sake of insurance, the mage hoped that Emia, a more mature witch, could act together, but considering that if the squad was in a bitter fight, the kings who were not embarrassed by Emia would be dark and the residents would soon be in a mess, cheese. She had to let Coranti take the place of her mother.

As for why the mage named Jason to join this team, as Roland knew the shadow of the wizard is a kind of cheese. Knowing that bringing this guide can save you a lot of trouble. In the same way, as the only kingdom aristocracy known by the mage, Lothar ’s identity can guarantee the team ’s qualification to enter the pharmacist association station. After defeating the fake baron, such a spokesperson will also make the cheese ’s statement credible. More.

On the other hand, neither Cheese nor Emilia believe that the person who spreads the plague will only have the piece of Baron Gray. Therefore, while the mage's squad launched an attack, the opponent was likely to start the seed of the plague that had been sown in the capital. Moreover, the lich and the many evil **** sacrifices that had been encountered in the Iron Fort before also worried the mage. If he can be safe in that teleport accident, he will not lose much if he wants to come to the other side.

Therefore, with the witch Emia as the commander, all the dark residents in the king who are on the same line as the cheese are the main body, and the large troops composed of a small number of bear hunters under Lothar are responsible for handling the other kings. enemy. This will be an unprecedented force in Cangshi ’s history, and its composition is also very complicated. If you want to control and drive such a chaotic force, only Emia can do it among these people who are known by the cheese. To this point.

Somewhat unexpectedly from the mage, Emilia did not choose the most powerful leader of the dark forces in the king capital, the Edward family, as her deputy, and the witch gave her position as a lieutenant. Although I heard from Roland that the relationship between these two people may not be simple, but now the war is imminent, and the cheese has no energy to manage these things.

Although the mage told Roland that the war would start soon, it would still take a day or two to wait for the forces of the dark inhabitants to complete their run-in with the witch, and then complete the integration of this unit. During this time, the cheese took another time to return to the Grey Tower, to say how confident it was that the war he had provoked, the Master could not calculate it accurately. The enemy's intelligence is too little, and even the cheese already has a plan to bump into the other party's trap. In this case, he desperately needs some advice, and there are only two people in his heart who can give advice to the cheese, his own teacher, and his own school sister.

But should that be expected? Not only was the whereabouts of the Grey Tower Lord still fascinated, when the cheese returned to the Grey Tower, Afu told him that Alina had gone out a few days ago. The unknown hunch kept the mage frowning when returning from the Grey Tower. But things weren't all going to the bad side. When returning to the Grey Tower, the cheese got the news left by him.

Judging from this news, the mantra has arrived in the molten iron city, the capital of the hammer. And when he left the message, he had been successfully invited by the Duke of the Hammer, and soon, the Crow could see this noble, but mysterious anomaly noble.

This is undoubtedly good news. The Duke of the Hammer is definitely not just as simple as a Duke of the Kingdom. Judging from the various things he has done, this person is likely to exist outside the light. If the Crow and his negotiations are successful, then the cheese will receive the support of the two strongest military aristocrats in the Cangshi Kingdom, Montenegro and the Hammer, these two families control more than half of the army of the kingdom.

The kings at night are much warmer than the grey towers on the frozen ground in the north. But when the cheese opened the window, he did not feel the difference between this place and the wasteland full of snow. There is a smell of death everywhere, and there can be more than one corpse lying in each gutter. And when the war really begins, what is the difference between those who died under this confrontation launched by themselves and those who died from the plague?

"This is the price, Elsa. This is the price." The mage looked at the unmanned port area outside the window and whispered, "I can't save everyone, and I don't want to save. But I promise, those who use innocent people as testers Guys will pay the price they deserve. "

The eyes of the cheese flashed over the magic light. In places where he didn't notice, the body under the grey robe of the mage revealed some strange symbols. These symbols flashed away, but their shape made people feel ominous.

When the mage whispered alone, interesting things were happening in the Wangdu mansion.

"Why can't I go with you?" Networm asked Lothar in front of him. Since the meeting in the meeting room that day, the maid of mercy followed the Count of Montenegro back to the mansion. At the time, Lothar was weak and abnormal and could not drive away the girl. The bear hunters under his hands have seen his grandfather and Networm act together, so these soldiers take Miss Networm as some of Lothar's, of course, close guard.

"First of all, the list is set by cheese. You should n’t ask me." Lothar sat under the lamp and wiped his weapons carefully. The war is about to start. He must keep his tomahawk in the sharpest state. Also, why do you think you are qualified to follow us to each other ’s nest? "

The Earl of Montenegro's inattentive attitude instantly irritated the Net Worm. Although he was not wearing the usual mercenary equipment, the spider trainer still drew a dagger from his thigh.

"Don't talk to me with that kind of tone, I'm not a soldier under your hands." The maid said with a dagger against Lothar's back.

"If it is a soldier under my hands, they dare to enter my room casually and still use a knife against me. I have cut him up to feed the dog." Lothar put down the cloth to wipe the axe and sigh Said in a tone.

"Actually, the cheese doesn't care about one more spider tamer ~ ~ I proposed to kick you out of the team."

"Why?" Networm froze for a moment when he heard the count. She originally thought she was a mage because she wanted to reduce the number of members before she didn't agree with her colleagues.

Because of this stun, Lothar seized the opportunity, and the Earl of Montenegro quickly turned around and snatched the dagger from Net Worm.

"Because I don't believe you yet. Your performance is too abnormal. As a mercenary, your behavior is a little bit terrible." Lothar said, playing with a small dagger carved with spiders in her hands.

The anger on Networm's face disappeared quickly after hearing this sentence. The girl's indifferent expression when she looked at Lothar seemed to be looking at a stone.

"Did you know? You nobles are self-righteous bastards." She said this, and turned to walk out of Lothar's room, and at the same time fell **** the door.

But the earl of Montenegro didn't seem to care about all this. He gently stroked the pattern on the dagger with his hand.
