MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 203 Dim truth

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"If anything is more dangerous than confronting an existence higher than ours, then it is involved in the conflict of the existence of plurals."

This is what the Lord of the Grey Tower said in the last class that every apprentice is about to take on his adult journey. As the most powerful caster in the world, Clark, the earliest gray robe mage, knew that even if he exhausted all his talents and spent all his time studying the mysteries of the world, individual limits exist. This is true for both humans and dragons.

This is why there are some existences, which by themselves are beyond the scope of what mortals can record, that is not something that should appear in this world. They have far exceeded the upper limit.

To illustrate, if you quantify the abilities of every individual in the world, the range is from one to one hundred, maybe an ordinary human grows into adulthood, and its ability is only single digits, and a young dragon or a devil in the abyss There are nearly 20 to 30 ability points at birth. However, these numbers can be caught up with acquired training and learning and even the development of their own blood.

The Lord of the Grey Tower is a good example. He ranks among the most powerful casters in the world with human power. His power value is at least ninety, which is enough to exist with the most powerful abyss demon or from ancient times. Compared to the dragon.

So how much power do these so-called high-level beings have? The cheese remembered that he had asked his teacher this question. Because of the professional issues he studied, cheese was exposed to existences outside these worlds earlier than his colleagues, so his curiosity about these existences was even more vigorous. At the time, Clark's expression was like looking at a poor little animal. The Lord of the Grey Tower answered his apprentice in this way.

"My poor disciple, why do you think ... those guys who do not follow the rules of the game can be described by numbers? Listen, boy, if we are water droplets in the sea, then those guys are the world itself; if we are A number, then they are the concept of knowledge! Do you understand? Forever, do n’t use any of your knowledge to guess those guys. "

Once the cheese did not fully understand his teacher's words, he simply understood the existence outside these worlds as a creature with a power that is too powerful to describe power. But now, the mage finally knows how ridiculous he is wrong ...

Just standing on this street made of flesh and blood, the cheese has exhausted all his energy to ensure his sobriety, all the clear thoughts in the mind of the mage are blurred in the blood mist, he ca n’t even mention one Clear ideas. The spell used to disperse the dense fog was invalidated when the cheese couldn't concentrate, and the blood fog swallowed the mage and his companions silently. And the cheese can be sure that if there is no cool rain dripping on his body, his situation will only be worse.

The huge presence in the blood mist naturally also noticed this untimely rain. It temporarily gave up continuing to approach the cheese and others, and tried to figure out the source of the rain. Anyway, for him, what has been engulfed by blood mist is what he has in his pocket.

At this time, a second figure appeared in the blood mist. Judging from the shadow he showed on the blood mist, the owner of this figure had a humanoid appearance, but it was taller and more than ordinary humans. Thinner. This figure is holding a thing in his hand. Because he can only see the blurry silhouette, no one knows what the thing in his hand is, but if it is inferred from the edge of the shadow, it seems to be an umbrella.

The two figures stood opposite each other in the street, a huge like a clock tower, and a thin like a dead branch. However, if someone can really see these two figures without being affected by the rain and blood fog, I believe he will never judge their presence from the volume. Either of these two shadows has a fascinating gravitational force. They only need to stand there to emit some kind of terrible influence.

The blood mist is surging, becoming thicker and thicker under the will of their spreaders, and the flesh and tissues that make up the street are also excited under the stimulation of the blood mist. They start to wriggle obviously, the sound of liquid flowing, the muscles The shrinking sound makes this street very noisy.

Correspondingly, however, all the light rain gradually became larger. Soon, this rain enveloped the streets of flesh and blood with a scatter. As the cold rain hit the hot flesh, white steam began to rise.

The biggest victim of this strange confrontation is undoubtedly the cheese. The mage's brain bursts at any time under the impact of rain and blood mist. The blood mist stimulates his body to heat up, and the water droplets quickly take away the heat. . At this time, the cheese was bloodshot and unable to maintain a standing position. He stumbled a few steps and fell to his companions. The last record in his consciousness was a burst of heat and a burst of fire from the depths of the soul. Thoroughly icy cold.

The mage's loss of consciousness clearly became a signal, and both vague figures noticed it. Immediately, the concentration of blood mist rises rapidly, which can no longer be called a mist, and perhaps the plasma floating in the air is a better adjective. Stimulated by plasma, the heat of the flesh and blood street finally overwhelmed the coldness of the heavy rain. Numerous tentacles composed of muscles and mucous membranes protruded from the surrounding buildings and slowly approached the thin figure.

Facing the tentacle closer and closer to him, the shadow of the human figure in the fog did not retreat. He slowly closed the umbrella in his hand, exposing himself to heavy rain. When he did this, the body of the cheese began to emit a cold glare. There is no adjective in the world to describe the color of the light, but it is certain that this light must be cold and sad. the power of.

The sudden light from the cheese startled the huge figure in the blood mist. It retreated backwards two steps, and the plasma in the air condensed towards the side of the street. Time doesn't make sense in this street. After not knowing how long, a strange scene happened. Taking the cheese that exudes the light as the dividing point, one side of the street is thick and tumbling blood mist, and the other side is as big as a curtain of rain.

It is worth noting that the streets in the heavy rain began to change. Those flesh and blood tissues seemed to be washed down by the rain, first the liquid, then the exposed organs, then the blood vessels, the small muscles, and the large pieces. The flesh and tissue began to be stripped off due to rain. After these disgusting things were washed away by the rain, the buildings that originally stood on both sides of the street appeared again.

"You gave him that (unknown language) ..." A questioning and amazed voice came out of the blood mist, and it sounded like it came from some kind of viscous liquid.

The figure in the rain did not respond to this voice. It was only a step forward in silence, and with this action, the range of the heavy rain also followed a step further.

Realizing that today ’s own goal may be difficult to achieve, the blood mist spreader chose to retreat after a short hesitation ~ ~ It lifted its bloated and huge body and began to slowly move towards the depths of the street The thick blood mist also shrank toward the side of the street. Eventually, Blood Mist and its owner disappeared in the distance of the street.

The streets without blood mist, only the heavy rain that was still falling. The vitality mist is lost, and the flesh and tissue attached to the building and the ground gradually melts as before, and eventually disappears. The street was quickly washed away by the rain, and the chilling sight was no longer visible.

The figure in the rain walked slowly to the syncope's cheese, but even if it was only one step away, maybe it was due to the rain, the figure of the figure was still blurry and unrecognizable. The figure stared at the mage for a while, then looked at the companions behind the mage, nodded insignificantly, and once again raised his umbrella in his hand, and left along the street in the same direction.

The rain is getting smaller. In the rain, a lot of silhouettes began to appear, these silhouettes were in different forms, some pushing the car, some holding the goods in their hands. As the rain disappeared, their faces gradually became clearer, and these people were the residents of Wangdu.

When the last drop of rain fell on the tip of the nose of the cheese and then weirdly penetrated into the mage's skin, noisy voices and warm sunlight reoccupied the street.