MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 211 Ning Shencao

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With Jason's help, the plan to enter the Pharmacists Association was smoother than expected. Under the new captain's commentary, Lothar's visit soon turned into a meeting that had been booked and Baron Gray was eagerly awaiting. After entering the station, the group had not been questioned again.

Passing through the gate, a very spacious hall unfolds head-on. You can see many people coming and going between the rooms connected by the hall. Some of them are the pharmacists here, and some are the guards responsible for internal security.

The guards inside the station were much lighter than their colleagues outside the door, and they all wore a strange mask on their faces. This is because their duties are not all to defend the enemies who try to invade here, but also to rescue the pharmacists when they have an experimental accident. Don't think this is easy work. The number of people who die in various alchemy accidents every year is also a very impressive number.

"Is it going a little too smoothly? And when did Jason become the captain of the royal guard?" Jack whispered to the mage, walking beside the cheese and pretending to help him with his belongings.

"Really? I think this is the normal development. It's better to say that if a Count of the Kingdom and the captain of the guard responsible for the guard can't let us enter smoothly, the defense of this station is too much." The mage answered Road, "As for Jason, when I first asked him to participate in this operation, I hoped he could play this role. It seems that he did far better than I thought."

While the two were whispering, Jason, who was leading the team, began to explain the internal structure of the station to several people. Of course, what he said in the other guards and passing pharmacists sounded that they were only routinely admonishing these big men not to run around.

"Okay everyone, this pharmacist association has a total of four floors. As you can see, this building uses a tubular structure, except for the lobby on the first floor, the buildings on the second to fourth floors will be A patio is set aside to ensure that more sunlight can enter. After all, there are many precious herbs in this building, and their requirements for light are still very high. So, please be careful not to use these floors fall down."

Through the hall of the Pharmacists Association, the strong herbal flavor filled the building, not only the passing pharmacists and their assistants, but also a burst of calmness from the large number of plants placed in the hall. The smell.

"Ning Shencao, the smell they emit can make people feel calm. Many scholars will put a plant on their workbench to concentrate their spirits." The witch said the origin of these plants, which may also explain why The atmosphere in this building is so quiet.

"No wonder they don't seem to care about the things around them at all." They in Jack's mouth, referring to the pharmacists walking in the corridor naturally, these scholars wearing white robes with vine patterns are very attentive. Holding a book or scroll in his hand, he would have to rush towards a certain room eagerly, not caring about things around him.

"In fact, the scent of Ningshencao is an inhaled toxin. It does have a calming effect when inhaled in small amounts. However, if you live in an environment with a scent of Ningshencao for a long time, humans will gradually change "Without the ability to respond to external stimuli, over time there is a clear tendency towards autism," the cheese said.

"So you mean that the pharmacists of the Pharmacists Association have been committing suicide chronically?" Lothar said with some surprise. As the earl of the Cangshi Kingdom, the Master said that he could not be regarded as unpopular knowledge. These pharmacists are all important talents in the kingdom.

"It's not that serious. The side effects of Ningshencao will take at least ten years or more. During this period, as long as you leave this environment for a period of time, the body can excrete the toxins accumulated in the body." The cheese shrugged. "But Ning Shencao has another, lesser-known usage."

After the mage finished speaking, he walked to a Ningshen grass beside the corridor, stretched out his hand and ripped a leaf, crushed it with his fingers and put it under his nose carefully to take a breath.

"As long as these plants are irrigated with flower fertilizers containing special chemicals, they can change the composition of their scent and turn them into natural living hallucinogen generators."

The words of the cheese made the other members of the squad look tight. Although they did not pull out their weapons immediately, they had stretched their muscles intentionally or unintentionally.

"Don't be nervous, as far as I know, the recipe of that kind of medicine is still a patent of my peers, so I just talk about it casually."

"Huh ... Could you not scare us? The atmosphere is not tense now?" Lothar said, putting his hand off the sword's hilt. Because of his entry into the Pharmacists Association, his big axe could not be brought in anyway.

The mage shrugged and wiped off the grass juice in his hand with a handkerchief. Apologize for the behavior that brought shock to your partner.

"Several adults ~ ~ If there is nothing wrong, we have to go to the second floor. You know, Lord Gray's office is on the third floor. Please don't let him wait too long." Jason's voice It came that he signaled that several people should move on.

"Wait a minute, you said Baron Gray's office is on the third floor? Where is the fourth floor?" The cheese asked. Generally in this kind of building, the more important rooms will be placed on the upper floors, and Gray's identity is the disciple of the president of the Pharmacists Association, or the baron of the kingdom. In his identity, the location of the office should be whatever At the top.

"I don't know this. The first floor is the place where ordinary pharmacists are active. The second floor is the herbal incubation room and laboratory. The third floor is the office and independent laboratory of several adults. As for the fourth floor, I have no idea. Got it. "Jason pointed his finger at his head with a helpless smile on his face.

"Well, I think there will be a way to ask him after we meet Baron Gray." Knowing that the other party had no reason to lie, the cheese nodded.

Just as a group of people walked up the stairs leading to the second floor, Jack walking at the end of the team suddenly felt something and looked back at the unmanned corridor. It's just that he didn't seem to find what he was looking for. Considering that the pollen filled in this building made his nose very uncomfortable, the wolf walker took this feeling as an illusion and did not delve into it.