MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 241 Piano sound

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On the river of the king of the blue lion, countless water ghosts greeted the three people in the middle of the river. This terrible sight completely lost the ability of Mona and Elsa to react for a while. For them, these monsters in the water came too suddenly, and this kind of instant shock can not be adapted in a short time. Fortunately, as the calmest of the three, Heather didn't seem to be afraid of the water ghosts in front of him.

"Why are there these things in the river channel of the king capital?" The knight said with a frown, facing the dark shadow approaching quickly from the water. "And the ghouls on the river bank and the horn sound just now ... Wang Du What happened? "

However, the water ghosts would not allow time for Heather to understand the current situation. A water ghost in the upper body showed a thin human shape, but the lower body with crab-like claws quietly dived directly under the three. Two huge weapons enough to cut off the adults from bottom to top, rushed from the water and attacked three people.

"The two of you go first!" Heather noticed the attack under her feet. She took a step forward and threw the two holding hands from the side towards the river bank in a throwing gesture!

It stands to reason that even if a normal person has undergone knight training and is proficient in combat, his physical strength is ultimately limited. It is absolutely impossible to throw two adults like a knight. But the fact is, judging from the flight trajectories of Elsa and Mona, the Heather throw really throws them from the center of the river to the shore. No one noticed the light blue glow in Heather's eyes in this sparkling stone fire.

"Catch them!" No need of the patriarch's order. The soul keepers on the shore ran spontaneously towards the landing place of the two in the air. Even the name of the hammer rose was heard by the ghouls. The fact that Heather was a companion of the Grey Robes has long spread with the alliance with the cheese. Now that I see the two people around me who are almost laid to protect the female knight, as long as they are not fools, they must know that they must be very important.

After seeing the clan's actions, the ghoul king's eyes returned to the river again. In this brief few seconds, the situation on the river has undergone a dramatic change. I saw that Heather was walking with bare hands in the attack of many water ghosts. Because there was no weapon in his hand, the female knight could not cause effective damage to these monsters. But at the same time, the water ghosts found abnormally no advantage in front of Heather!

How can this be? Know that even if you do n’t have the ability to have no sound in the water, regardless of the shape of the water ghost, they are definitely well-deserved swimmers. Whether they are calm waters or turbulent flowing water, they can come with their own minds. Go freely. But today, on the canal of Cangshi King, there is a person who can walk on the water and calmly avoid the attack of the water ghost!

For the behavior of Heather walking on the water, the ghoul king can still be attributed to some kind of magic props. After all, she has cheese as her friend, and it is not surprising that there are some wizarding things on the female knight. However, Heather's skill and calmness on the water proved that she was never the first time to fight in such a situation. It was only a few weeks after the gray robe that appeared with the rat-man plague to the blue lion, and I had not heard of Heather ’s family having props that could step on the water. Where did the female knight ’s skill come from? ?

A bold conjecture suddenly appeared in the heart of the Edwardian patriarch. Isn't she ... but not as much as the ghoul thought, and the situation on the river changed again. It seems that he was finally irritated by Heather's behavior, and a large number of water ghosts began to plan to contain the female knight. They covered Heather's front with their bodies sticking out of the water, and then some of the water ghosts with attacking officers dived into the water to attack the knights.

Facing the almost mortal situation, Heather seemed to be in a desperate situation. Seeing that the female knight was about to be buried here, a clear sound of the piano rang abruptly. That's the sound of the ukulele, the most popular portable instrument for bards.

"Look at the river!" When the sound of the ukulele sounded, incredible things happened. In this short moment, the water in the canal froze. When I say solidification, I mean that all the water in the river channel becomes an immobile solid in an instant. river.

And since the river is condensed, Heather, who is standing on the water itself, is okay. The water ghosts, who have most or most of their bodies in the water, suddenly lose their ability to move. They tried in vain to break the imprisonment of the river, but they could not move in any way.

The female knight would naturally not waste this opportunity. Heather saw the opportunity and got out of the water ghost's circle. A water ghost with tentacles wants to entangle the long leg of the knight, but the restricted body cannot extend the tentacles to a sufficient length. This also means that Heather's road to the river bank becomes unimpeded.

The stagnation of the river water only lasted less than five seconds, but this time was enough for Heather to run to a fairly close distance from the shore. Although the water ghosts swim at an amazing speed, in this case, it must be too late to stop ~ ~ The ghoul king didn't go to see Heather anymore, he knew she could go ashore safely. Edward's eyes scanned the surrounding streets and houses, and soon he noticed the rain standing on the roof of a nearby house. Judging from the ukulele in Yu's hands, the sound of the piano just now undoubtedly came from his handwriting. Yu apparently also noticed the sight from the ghoul. He gave the ghoul king a distant look, nodded, then turned and jumped off the roof, disappearing into the street.

"This guy, what the hell?" Edward frowned at the rain's departure, but thinking of the scene just now, he knew that if this man could live to the end of this catastrophe, then all the dark residents in the king I'm afraid I have to rethink his ability. The bard's ability under certain circumstances will not be under the witch.

On the other hand, Heather managed to escape the river channel filled with water ghosts with the help of ghouls on the shore. Although she was amazed by the friendly attitude of these soul-keepers, but thinking that the cheese had been in the city for some time, it seemed not so strange that he had summoned some allies who had lived here. The words of the Ghoul King followed her to confirm this conjecture.

"Hello, Ms. Heather. And Ms. Elsa and Ms. Mona, I believe Master Cheese will be very happy after hearing the news of your safety."