MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 36 ambush

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The dawn of the next day did not arrive on time. To be precise, the gloomy sky did not make people notice the alternation of night and day. When Elsa woke up the cheese, the mage even had the illusion that it was still dawn. The low sky looks so close to the ground, it seems that it may fall down at any time.

"Strange, it's clear that spring is coming, why is there a snow cloud now?" Looking at the sky above with a doubtful expression, not only Mona, but several people from Longji Mountain have such doubts. As residents of the northern border, they know better than others what this astronomical symbolizes. And they are equally clear that such a celestial phenomenon should not appear now.

Although the knights from the Duke of the Hammer feel a little strange to this climate, this does not hinder their most intuitive feelings. The dimness and low temperature kicked off the first day of the group's exploration in Valley City. Heather led the ten knights towards the city ’s central area. Although the female knight did not say it, the expression on her face also showed that the sudden cloudy day had greatly affected the search activity.

As for the cheese, after he had repeatedly guaranteed his safety and had to accept the protection of the other five knights, the mage took three Elsa and two rat-man prisoners of war to find conditions that could be used to open the portal. s room. Before the two teams set off, the cheese handed a thumb-sized carved wooden owl statue to Heather and told the knight to follow the owl's sight to find him. Although still worried about the safety of the mage, the search must be carried out, and Heather also knew that every minute more delay in the valley city now, the danger will be closer.

After the team that watched the Hammer Knights disappeared on the corner of the street, the cheese also started the search with the other eight fellows. The location of Gorge City is still more south than that of Yamashita Town, and the nearby terrain is also different from the vicinity of Longji Mountain. The buildings in this city are not necessarily like those of the Northland except for military purposes. The building is basically made of heavy and thick stones, but the city's builders prefer wood that is easy to move and cheap. Therefore, in order to find stone houses, the Master decided to explore the eastern area of ​​the city, where the nobles and rich people live in the valley city. The possibility of finding buildings that meet the standards in the eastern area should be the greatest.

Valley City is not a large city. As mentioned before, as a city whose original intention is to build a fortress, its usable area will not be very large. So although the whole valley city is divided into five urban areas, the distance between them is not very far. This also led to many aristocratic manor houses and other courtyards scattered around the valley city. Of course, from the results of their previous investigations, these aristocratic or wealthy mansion houses seemed to be remote, but in the tide of the plague No one can survive.

Therefore, in the face of a huge disaster, neither aristocrats nor wealthy merchants can be spared. Only knowledge is the guarantee to protect themselves from unknown harm.

Thinking about it this way, the team of cheese has come to the handover of the North and East Districts. There has been no new discoveries and no troubles for the pedestrians. Although the cheese always has a feeling of being watched, but fortunately There was no real danger. Until they were blocked by a stone wall.

"Damn it, how can there be such a thing in this city." Jack complained as he looked at the wall just a little lower than the city wall in front of him. Because it was not expected to climb the wall in such a place, the cheese team did not carry the hooks for climbing the wall.

"It seems that this is a wall specially established to separate the military zone and the aristocratic zone. I am afraid that it was specifically established to protect the safety of those noble lords." Mona also said.

Qiji frowned and looked at the left and right sides of the wall. He didn't see anything similar to the door in his sight. The person planning the wall should only reserve a few passages between the two urban areas in the northeast. At present, since there is no way to directly turn over the wall, they can only walk against the surrounding wall. The cheese only hopes that it will not go You can't go to the East District until you reach the Central District. If that's the case, I'm afraid you will have to waste a lot of time on the way.

Pedestrians were walking towards the west, so even if they did n’t find the entrance to the east area, they could go to the central area to meet Heather at their worst. And along the way, they found something unusual.

"Look, there are holes here!" "Monkey" was the first to discover the earth hole on the edge of the fence. Unlike other caves hidden in buildings, this hole was directly punched on the edge of the fence. To the Eastern District.

Judging from the shape and scale, this earth cave does not seem to be different from the previous discovery, so it can be concluded that if these caves were actually dug by native ratmen, then I am afraid that this wall was built to protect the nobles. It is difficult to play a role in the rat. The facts also seem to prove this. As the team progressed, they discovered more and more such caves by the fence. It seems that no matter what they are digging, they will not be too small.

"I thought of a problem." The lady boss stopped and said. Elsa continued as others turned their attention to her.

"No matter who digs these caves, its function seems to be through this wall. Does this mean that the road to the wall is impassable?"

As soon as this question was raised, the uneasiness felt stronger in the heart of the cheese. There was a feeling in his heart that Elsa said was probably right. But for the last luck, the mage ordered to speed up the action. They walked along the fence at a speed close to running. Soon, the gate to the Eastern District, or the gate to the Eastern District, appeared in them. In front of you. This gate should have been enough for two carriages to enter side by side, but now, behind the heavy iron gate is a blocking wall piled up with bricks and some debris. There is no doubt that even if the cheese can lift this gate, here It is no longer accessible.

"It seems that these nobles cut off their access to other urban areas themselves after discovering the spread of the plague." The female soldier analyzed.

In this way, you can only bypass the Central District. The cheese only hopes that this **** wall does not completely separate the East District and the other parts of the Valley City. If that is the case, you can only touch in other urban areas for no purpose. Luck to see if there is a suitable house there to cast a spell. But just as the mage was about to change the direction of action, the two rat-man captives made strange sounds! This horrible scream even sounded very irritating to the eardrums through the cloth bag around their mouths, and the two knights responsible for escorting them couldn't help but cover their ears with their hands. UU reading

"Enemy attack!" Almost at the moment when the scream came, the knights around the guard issued an alarm, and as he shouted, dense humanoid shadows appeared on the buildings around the pedestrian.

"It's ratmen! Damn it, aren't they active during the day?"

Hurriedly withdrew his weapon, and the group quickly formed a circular defensive formation.

"It is the sun! They were not active in the daytime because of the sun!" Said the cheese. It seems that the habit of the ratmen was wrong. They are not only active at night, but simply hate the sun. Now the heavy clouds cover the sunlight, and for these ratmen, there is no difference between day and night.

"Squeak ..." With a sound of learning, the ratmen hiding in the building gradually approached the cheese and others. Judging from the number of visual observations, the scale of these ratmen far exceeded the previous ones. The sum I've seen.

"We were ambushed, it must be the letter from the two **** guys." Jack said angrily.

However, when the Frost Guard planned to kill the two ventilated mutant murmurs first, the people found out that they did not know when the two murmurs had got rid of the ropes tied to them with the help of other native murmurs. . They swayed back to the siege of the Ratmen, and the gray-haired Ratman's eyes shone with pride.

Missing most of the knights led by Heather, without a mount, he was besieged by the ratmen against a high wall that could not be overturned. For a while, the pedestrian seemed to be in a very dangerous situation.

"I said, do you think anyone will come to rescue us this time?" "Monkey" said with a wry smile as he looked at the large number of Ratmen Legions in front of him.