MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 43 out of control

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"Coo!" Professionally trained homing pigeons can reach the target to be delivered in bad weather conditions, especially in this era, the communication of important information between kingdoms is basically completed by similar birds. So, when the gray-white homing pigeon flew into the house from the window under heavy snow, and fell on Heather's shoulder, there was not much surprise for the female knight. She was only a little puzzled, because from the paint on the letter carried by the pigeons, the letter did not come from the Lord of the Duke of the Hammer, nor was it even sent out by the Knights of the Kingdom. One place is the King's Chamber of King Cang.

Strangely, it seems logical that although the plague was fierce this time, the area currently affected was only an earl, and it was far from the point where it would endanger the entire kingdom. At least on the surface. Well, at this time, even if the royal family wants to issue any order, it should first notify the Duke of the Hammer, and then the Duke will issue it to Heather, so that it is a way of respecting the rights of the nobility. There are generally only two situations in which the nobles are directly notified of their subordinates as they are now. One is that the lord loyalty to whom the notification object is loyal, and the royal family directly sent a killing order. Of course, this is not possible at all. Grand Duke Hammer has a life-long friendship with today's king and is a firm supporter of the king. Moreover, Heather has commanded the Hammer Knights for many years, and it can also be said to be the confidant of the Duke of the Hammer. If the Duke wants to rebel, she ca n’t help not knowing.

Since this possibility is impossible, then it can only be another case-a comprehensive declaration of war. The royal family will only issue such mobilization orders to combat forces in the kingdom only when there is a threat to the survival of the entire Cangshi Kingdom, such as the invasion of foreign enemies. However, the Cangshi Kingdom is located in a corner of the mainland, and has almost no strategic value. The territory within the territory is not fertile, and there have been few wars for many years since the founding of the country. What the **** is going on?

With such doubts, Heather tore the paint from the letter and unfolded the stationery. The head horsewoman read the information on the letter, her brows gradually frowned. This commander, who can keep calm even if the cheese and others are out of touch, rarely shows his emotional out-of-control. Heather hit a subconscious punch on the table in front of him, and with a loud noise, the wooden table made of thick pine wood thus ended its mission. The horrified homing pigeon flew over Heather's shoulder in horror, bumping into the room everywhere, adding a lot of feathers to the room.

"Damn, what **** encouraged your majesty to give this order!"

The knight standing outside the long house of the horsewoman was frightened by the movement inside the house, quickly opened the door and rushed in, and then saw Heather's eyes staring at the stationery as if it were on fire. People who are not familiar with Heather are often confused by the sweet appearance and calm determination of the female knight, but these knights who have followed Heather for many years know that the title of their own knight is the hammer rose instead of other flowers. There is a reason.

Before becoming a commander, Heather had always been known for his sturdy combat style and grumpy temper. You know, he was beaten by the knight chief for frivolous language at all kinds of celebration feasts. The nobility of the broken leg is almost beyond count. But because he was the commander of the Knights, Heather has deliberately controlled himself in recent years. Now that he sees the female knights so angry, these two knights on guard were afraid to go up and dissuade them for a while Can only watch Heather vent his anger in the house.

For a long time, Heather seemed to calm down, and the two knights dared to step forward and asked what happened to make her so angry. Heather did not answer them, but threw the king's secret letter directly on their faces. The two knights quickly checked the content of this letter, which was different from Heather's anger. The reaction of the two knights was shock.

"Adult, is this true?" A knight asked.

"Unless someone dares to fake the royal seal in the kingdom, and successfully steals the specially-raised pigeons to play me." Heather replied.

"But, lord, if we follow the above, our current situation will not become very ..." The knight did not finish his words, but judging from his complexion, the content of the letter is to the current Hammer Knights It's not very good.

"You two, circulate this letter to everyone, and then I will give you a chance to choose. Whether to choose whether to terminate this mission." Take a deep breath, the head knight ordered.

After the two knights were ordered to leave, Heather walked to the window and looked at the valley city covered by snow. Her brows were closed, even if she was ambushed in the dark by the army of rats, she did not get so upset. First of all, it was an official letter. Obviously it was sent to the nobles of the kingdom at the same time. Heather will receive this letter here only because the royal pigeons are really powerful. As for the king ’s secret letter, there are only two things to conclude. The first thing is to tell the recipient that this time the plague spread in the Earl of Salon will turn people into brainless and distorted monsters, but the source of this information is not the Knights of the Hammer or The Knights of the Kingdom, but the Association of Pharmacists who came later. These pharmacists exaggerated the plague's ability to spread and the subsequent rat-human hazard countless times, and described the plague as a natural disaster with no possibility of cure! If he did n’t take part in this mission, Heather might accept this conclusion, but the headwoman clearly knew that these pharmacists had only reached the border of the epidemic area for a few days. She even suspected that these guys had not studied the infected person at all. The situation made this conclusion lightly. But if this is the case, at least Heather still has the last hope of cheese. The mage from the mysterious outer realm already has a certain understanding of this plague, if it controls the spread of this plague, and even cures it completely. This kind of plague is entirely possible. However, those pharmacists recommended what His Majesty did after reaching an incurable conclusion!

In the second half of the letter, these pharmacists claimed that because the plague is highly infectious, they recommended killing all infected persons as soon as possible, and controlling all possible infected persons ~ ~ If necessary, kill it for the first time! What does it mean! This means that those refugees who escaped from the epidemic area will not only receive care and treatment, but will be brutally killed by their compatriots! As a knight, Heather could hardly accept this kind of order which was almost life-threatening. She vaguely felt that there was a big problem after this order. In her impression, the king in power is not so easy to give this order now. A cruel commanding monarch. Moreover, to what extent this order will cause disturbance and panic within the kingdom, she is totally afraid to imagine that not all nobles are as beloved as the former Earl of Saron. The kingdom is known as worms and rats. The scumbags abound, and the order is almost like giving a knife to them in their hands!

Moreover, as the squad that penetrated into the epidemic area, the Hammer Knights of Heather and the Kingdom Knights who are still missing may be the victims of this decree. Although they will not be killed directly, there are many who have been killed by these The noblemen who offended the knights with brains would be very happy to push them. And in this most important person, the disappearance of the cheese also made Heather not miss the opportunity to stop this order, and the whole incident will develop to the worst.

Of course, the chief horsewoman currently only thinks that this order will lead to the death of a large number of innocent people. If you let the cheese know this at this time, the mage estimates that the order will be signed with the most vicious curse on the spot. The people who know the horror potential of the native ratmen understand that if the humans really pushed these ratmen to a dead end, the terrible harm of the ratmen who preyed and carried the plague unscrupulously, this human and The war between rats and humans is probably not as simple as people think.

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