MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 61 intuition

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Just as the cheese and Lyon rushed to their destination, unlike the mage and the knight commander, their anxious mood was different. Lothar's heart was almost exhilarated. For this Earl of Montenegro, there is nothing more challenging than confronting unknown enemies. Observe the enemy in battle, and then think about the way to defeat the enemy, this is Lothar's favorite entertainment. Although the act of war is used by almost all commanders to obtain resources or to protect the territory and the people, the direct large-scale armed conflict is not just his fulfillment of the nobility. The duty of responsibility is his interest.

The assassination in his childhood caused heavy losses to the Montenegrin family. The last Count of Montenegro and his wife both died in despair, while Losa at that time was spared by a short trip invited by a friend. Although lucky to escape the assassination, the murderer and the behind-the-scenes hands were quickly pulled out for questioning, but the death of his parents left the young Losa in a state of confusion that he had never had before. Although King Cang also expressed concern about the only heir of the Montenegro family, he took Luosa to the king to receive education, but perhaps because no one can really give him the direction of his parents. For Losa at that time, the family or the knighthood, even the kingdom had nothing to do with him. He was just an orphan who lost his direction. The teachings of the king and the teacher did not allow him to find himself back. As time passed, Lothar seemed to have been sinking.

Under such circumstances, depravity is almost a matter of course, and spending time on endless fun and enjoyment seems to be the most paralyzing way, but Losa does not. What he showed made those who wanted to attract him confused. As a young man without the constraints of his elders, he was too abstinent. The young earl even rejected the king ’s servant. In the years of the capital, Lothar seemed to be living, so he only appeared in two places, that is, the capital of the king ’s library and the Yanwuchang.

As a carrier of knowledge, books are precious and rare in the secular kingdom, so whether it is the Cangshi Kingdom or other human nations, even in other intelligent races, books must be carefully kept. The large library of Wangdu was established by the Cangshi Kingdom for the preservation of books. Books obtained from inside or outside the Kingdom are basically kept in backups. If you want to enter or leave the library, unless you are an aristocrat in the kingdom or a scholar with a corresponding certificate. As for ordinary people, the large bookstore is not open to them. Of course, this is not because the king does not want his people to know more, but just as before, knowledge is a precious resource in this era.

In this way, Losa, who often goes to the big library, should have accumulated a lot of knowledge during that time. This knowledge may become his power. When he returns to Montenegro to assume power when he is an adult, he will become an excellent. Ruler. But in fact, this is not the case. Although Losa spent a lot of time in the young library reading books, but what he reads is not geographical history, nor is it mysterious astrological medicine. The earl had only read one type of book in the large library-the bard's volume. If this is not enough to make people understand, the so-called bard's file refers to the collection of stories that tells the story of various bards. In other words, it is a novel.

But when the nobles and scholars of the royal capital sighed for the appearance of a ridiculous aristocrat who was addicted to a knight biography or magical weirdness, Lothar did not act ridiculously as they thought. On the contrary, the count ’s manner became more and more respectful. People would not be scared by a count who had brainwashed the biography of the Cavaliers, but Lothar ’s performance was really more and more inexplicable, and weird Montenegro , This is Lothar's nickname when he was in the capital.

Comparing these, Luosa's superb martial arts practiced in the martial arts field makes people think it is logical. When Losa returned to the Montenegrin the previous year to inherit his title and territory, he could deal with the three kingdom knights alone without armor. This force allowed the king to unabashedly hope that he could become a military in the kingdom. Lord. And after returning to the territory, Lothar quickly reorganized the bear hunter into a well-trained army. And from that time, Lothar began to actively apply to the king for combat instructions. His bear hunter force became the most frequently played force in the entire Cangshi Kingdom. As a matter of course, many nobles in the kingdom are optimistic about this young lord. Invitations for dinner and dance are said to be used as fireplace fuel in Montenegro Castle. However, in the face of these olive branches, Rosa was unmoved. Whatever other people invited, the Earl of Montenegro just buried his head in his battle. If it was to show his loyalty to the king, but Rosa also refused. The king gave him the marriage with the three princesses of the kingdom. His acting style is so weird that no one knows exactly what this person is thinking.

Actually, Lothar did not think of anything. Just because he never came out of the shadow of childhood. Back in time, the Earl of Montenegro urged his mount, and soon came to the outskirts of the town of Zhuoliu, where the battlefield of the bear hunters and the kingdom knights was against the ratmen. Ratmen flowed into the streets of Zhuoliu Town from outside the town like crazy crazy ghosts. They did not pay attention to tactics and efficiency at all. They just blindly and suicidally attacked the defense lines of human soldiers. An axe propelled a squirrel leaping from the roof. He drove his warhorse, also wearing a war armor, to stomp on the monster that had lost its resistance.

"Be careful above their heads! They are above the house!" The Earl of Montenegro yelled to the surrounding soldiers to remind them to be alert.

This is the case. Although the human side occupies the absolute advantage in equipment, the trained and well-dressed soldiers can slam the squirrel who swooped up several times when they form a defensive formation. But these native rats have the right to choose the direction of the attack, above the head, under the foot, or in the shadow of the corner. Losa saw a native rat-man pierce the gravel road of Zhuoliu Town, and from behind saw a soldier who hadn't been found in time. These crazy monsters followed their instincts and attacked the soldiers from their weakest point of view.

"Don't place orders, move in units!" Then Lothar gave a second order.

With Losa and Gregory arriving, the soldiers who had lost their morale because of the loss of their front positions began to gradually recover their condition. UU Reading www.uukanshu. After commencing the Count of Montenegro as a leader, one of the fighters rushed into the group of squirrels and killed them back and forth. These soldiers also knew that the enemies fighting them were not the product of nightmares. They could also be killed. But seeing the situation on the battlefield gradually skew toward the human side, Lothar's face did not look good. It's too easy, as if the Ratmen became vulnerable when he arrived on the battlefield. Although Lothar asked himself that the quality of commanding combat should be among the best in the kingdom, but he would not believe that his simple two instructions and a force show would allow these to seize a large number of positions from his troops at a very rapid rate. The monster was defeated. There is something wrong.

"Ah!" There was an unpleasant stench in his mouth. The earl's golden armor was the most striking sign on the battlefield. A ratman suddenly drilled out of the ground, grabbed the earl's horse back, and tried to pull the war horse down. The earl fell off the horse. However, its attempt was in vain. As a mount of Lothar, the battle horse experienced much more battles than ordinary soldiers. It did not require the earl ’s order. A simple kick kicked the ratman. The whole took out from the ground, and then fell heavily on the ground behind.

Losa, who was sitting on the horse, was not surprised by this little episode. He was already accustomed to the rapidly changing situation on the battlefield, and also developed the ability to maintain thinking in this environment. Many people will give up thinking after entering the fighting state, and even completely rely on their instincts or experiences they have developed before. This is the same as suicide in Losa. The Earl of Montenegro was dealing with the Ratman who was rushing towards him, while he was also looking for something he thought was wrong. Finally, after a close conflict, he discovered why these ratmen looked so crazy.

"They are on fire?"