MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 80 Night visit

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The iron castle after the night is silent. This suffocating quiet makes people irresistible to imagine where there is no candlelight outside, where there is no light in the darkness, what is there? The bronze bell on the neck of the night rider ’s horse is the only sound from the street this night. This sound tells the people hiding at home that there is still power to protect them on the street, and it also warns those who are curious to not be casual Set foot in the darkness.

In the room in the tavern, the cheese looked silently at the dim street through the window. After the sun went down, the city began to permeate an air that made the mage feel unpleasant. It was not from the breath of living people, it was a rotten breath from the mud in the cemetery, and every particle that fluttered with the wind carried the smell of death. The cheese unconsciously began to radiate a very faint luster, and the mage was trying to examine the city under the night with another perspective. From the results of his observations, the cheese believes that the curfew issued by the city owner is very reasonable.

"I don't remember inviting you to come in." The cheese looking out the window suddenly said. It's just that the language in his mouth is not a lingua franca used in the Cangshi Kingdom, but a language with a more obscure pronunciation. As for the object of his speech, it was a black cat who didn't know when to walk into the mage's house.

"I paid half of the wages for the completion of this hotel, so here is not a house for others." Surprisingly, the black cat also answered in the same language, but maybe It's because of the sound of a cat's posture, its sound makes it difficult to distinguish its gender.

"Okay, so be it. Then let me listen to the reason why the deformer like you came to this room on such a night?" The mage slowly turned around and looked at the one Said the black cat. Only then did he notice that the black cat had a pair of scarlet eyes like jewels.

The black cat sat down, licked his front paw, and said in a hurry.

"Should you rush into someone else's territory, you should first greet the owner of this place? Or do you not even understand this basic etiquette? A wizard with a smell of plague on his body."

"I have to say that as a blood race, your sense of smell is really keen. It's just that I am curious about whether this kind of keen sense of smell comes from your nose that has stopped functioning long ago, or from the domestic dogs you raise. What? "Faced with the other person's rhetorical question, the cheese was not scared, but said with a smile of interest.

"This is not a problem you need to know, wizard. Now you just need to tell me who you are and why you came here at this time." Said the black cat, although the expression on the cat's face was almost impossible, But the mage still read a little anxiety from its pronunciation and speed. Interestingly, in general, as a vampire with nearly endless life, the existence of these nights has already had enough patience, and will have a irritable feeling because of these few conversations, or the black cat has been transformed into a blood family The time is too short, either, it is already overwhelmed by some things. In this case, the cheese believes that he can get more information from the other party's mouth.

"Do n’t be so sure. What I need to know, I do n’t need to know what is not a question you should consider, and, as far as I know, Iron Fort is not the territory of a night noble. Or the entire Cangshi Kingdom There is no family that can occupy a solid hunting area. So, before explaining my identity, your identity is doubtful, is n’t it? "Indeed, before the start of this mission, the cheese had already got a Cangshi Information on the kingdom and nearby countries, and those reports, without exception, did not mention that there are any vampire families in this neighborhood. This means that it will not belong to any vampire's hunting range. It has been with Anna for many years. The cheese has a very detailed understanding of these guys who can become bats or black cats.

Felt that the cheese didn't seem to explain his background details so easily, and the black cat began to have a plan to retreat. The mage was right. Although this hotel had been wandering in the Iron Fort when it was established, it really could not be counted as its hunting ground. Obviously, the passing wizard knew the rules of the blood family very well, and may even know a few serious vampire nobles, so no more contact with him would get his information, but only more exposure. Thinking of this, the black cat's body tightened, and it was ready to leave the room.

However, the cheese did not want the little guy with red eyes to leave so easily, and the sudden visit at night made the mage not very happy. His fingers hidden in his robe are already preparing to cast spells, trapping this guy here.

But when one person and one cat could not stand still, the knock on the door sounded outside the door of the cheese room, and then the voice of the proprietress came from outside the house.

"Cheese, it's me, Elsa. Are you asleep? I seem to buy a lot of snacks during the day, so I think you are hungry?"

Now the mage knows more about the black cat ~ ~ Obviously it did enter through the door of the room, because although it closed the door, it did not put the bolt again. This also caused Elsa to try to open the door when the wooden door did not play any blocking effect and opened with a light push. When the black cat saw this opportunity, he was still willing to stay in the house. He jumped up from the ground and went straight to the gap of the door. He obviously wanted to escape. At this time, it is too late to cast a spell. Besides, since the door is opened, this room is no longer a closed space, which prevents the cheese from quickly trapping the black cat. In a hurry, the mage only had time to yell for the lady boss' attention.

"Catch that cat!"

In fact, compared to the words of the cheese, the black cat that flew over was faster for Elsa to notice. When she was still amazed that the mage's door was unlocked, a shadow rushed out of the house. As a military-trained person, although the proprietress did not see exactly what the dark shadow was, the instinctive reaction caused by the training caused her to unconsciously drop the snack in her hand and reached out and blocked her in front of the dark shadow When the shadow and the hand touched, Elsa clenched her fingers according to her feeling, which caused the boss's hands to firmly grasp the black cat's forelegs when she heard the cheese.

"Good job! Don't let it run!" The cheese said excitedly after seeing Elsa grab the black cat.

Although the black cat struggled with its forelegs grasped, its size makes it really difficult to exert enough strength to get rid of the boss ’s restraint. After several attempts, it raised his head and used the red Her eyes looked at Elsa ’s face, and she said with a magic voice.

"Look at me! Mortal!"