MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 92 encounter

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Although the dim starlight is not enough to illuminate the street, even Elsa and others who have no night vision ability have a headband given by the cheese, so when the dark team comes a few hundred steps away, everyone I can see clearly what is going on here.

"That's ... what?" Elsa was surprised at the horror she saw, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Longji Mountain is up, what the **** is this?" Jack also took a breath.

In fact, although there was no sound, the face of the cheese and Sande also changed when he saw the team. It was a team of night knights, or once a team of night knights. Looking at what they look like now, I am afraid that they have achieved the level that countless cavalry members want to achieve. I saw that the upper body of those knights had been twisted and deformed. If it weren't for the broken armor and cloth on them, no one would believe that the bodies covered with disgusting granulation and swollen clumps were once a human. As for their lower body, as mentioned earlier, they have been fused with their mounts, and since the rider has become this look, their mounts will naturally be unable to escape the bad luck, and some of the original strong muscles of the war horse collapsed. Going down, some places swelled up like tumors again, and some succulent tentacles like those of their masters also shook with their movements.

A kind of instinctive fear appeared in everyone's heart. The lady boss felt that an invisible hand was clutching their heart tightly. This indescribable feeling enveloped everyone present, regardless of Whether it is a vampire or a mage, in the face of this throbbing from the soul, it inevitably loses its ability to think briefly.

So when the cheese slowed down, the cavalry was less than fifty steps away from the crowd. At this distance, with the sight of the cheese, you can see almost every detail of the twisted body that is no longer a cavalry. The tiny insect-shaped mouthparts on their tentacles, the lines on their shrivelled skin ... These more terrifying details are enough to scare anyone, and the incomparable fear is enough to let the people facing these cavalry even run away. come out. So in this short moment, the cheese already knows that confronting these things is undoubtedly a very stupid thing.

"Sand! Take them away!" With the power of deterring the mind, the words from the mage's mouth will awaken the blood race who is still caught in fear. Sande wisely didn't go to see the knights after he got rid of his fear. He picked up the frost guard who was still stiff in place. The inhuman power of the vampire allowed him to easily hold an adult under his arm without affecting him. Action, even because of the relatively small size of Mona and Elsa, Sander only needs one hand to resist the two on his shoulders.

"What do you do?" The blood clan who had turned and ran a few steps noticed that the mage did not seem to keep up with him. And because of the physical fitness of the cheese, it is unrealistic to want to run away from these cavalry.

"Don't care about me, you go first!" I don't know where I took out a wooden cane, and the cheese was staring at those horrible knights, as if his sight shifted slightly and those twisted monsters would reach him in a flash same.

Although he still wanted to say something, Sande also knew that he could not leave the cheese with his own power, leaving the only one with the ability to resist to break it is the last way. The vampire gritted his teeth fiercely, his leg muscles swelled like an inflatable balloon, and soon the tight trousers were ripped apart in a moan. Vampires of the Black Blood family are proficient in transformation. Under the curtain of the night, they can become almost anything they imagine. Sande's legs did not stop changing after the trousers were cracked. His knee joints began to twist backwards, and the thighs and calves showed a certain angle, which looked like the legs of animals like antelopes. With the help of this body structure that is conducive to running, the speed of vampires has skyrocketed, even compared to those of war horses. In just a few short breaths, the cheese and the twisted knights have been left behind.

As for the cheese that stayed in place, although it was said that it would be left behind, the mage would naturally not be so stunned. With this wooden cane poked **** the ground with both hands, the hard gravel road actually sparked because of this collision!

"I learned from others when I was in Zhuoliu Town, and it is now being used to test the effect on you." With the milky halo in my eyes, the twisted night knight and mage were just less than thirty. The distance of the step is twisted and stretched in an instant, and no matter how the cavalry is, they can no longer get closer to the cheese.

But this magic is obviously not something that can be used indefinitely. As the speed of those knights becomes faster and faster, although it seems that they are not close to the cheese, there are more and more sweat beads on the mage's head. At the speed of those knights, as long as the cheese stops casting spells, they may rush to the mage in a single breath.

"Roar!" Just as the hands of the cheese began to tremble, a low roar came from not far behind the mage. A huge black bear with the general color of night came from behind the cheese with **** red eyes. There is no doubt that this is the transformed Sand. Although vampires prefer to be transformed into bats or wolves than other animals, this is just because of personal preferences. At this time, in this situation, the bat lacked impact and the wolf was too fragile, so Sand chose the bear, who turned into one of the most ferocious animals in close combat. UU Reading Books

The moment the giant bear crossed the cheese, the mage stopped casting spells. The strange knight who had been charged for a long time and the black giant bear with a running inertia collided fiercely in the next moment! There was no battle roar in this collision, nor the symphony of gold and iron. The battle in the dark must be silent. The result of the collision should seem to be even. Although the giant bear fell backwards because of the strong impact of the knight, it rolled until Next to the cheese, but the night knights who collided directly with Sande were also blown out by the huge shape of the bear, and swept away the surrounding companions.

Just when the cheese wanted to ask Sand if he was injured, the giant bear turned into a vampire stood up again from the ground. The black bear completely ignored the mage's inquiry, but snarled again and rushed towards the night knights again. At the moment when the mage and Sande passed by, the cheese realized that Sande's current condition was not just a transformation.

The body is just the container of the soul, and the mage can't remember who first proposed this theory. But a little cheese is known. Changing one ’s own physical appearance cannot be changed along with one ’s own soul. Therefore, when you are in human form, what you fear is not lost even if you become a giant bear. heart. Sande was shocked by the twisted shapes of the horror knights like cheese, and even the vampire's performance was not as good as the mage. Now Sande, who turned into a giant bear, dared to step forward and fight with the other party. Know that even if he was overcome earlier than him Faced with these knights, the terrified cheese is no mention of confrontation. In this way, Sande ’s abnormal behavior has only one method of interpretation. In order to be able to use his close combat capabilities, this blood group not only changed his body structure, but also blocked his ability to feel fear, in other words Said, Sande went crazy.